International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
Nasrillayeva Sitorabonu Xusniddin qizi
1st year master's student, Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
The article is devoted to description of innovative methods in foreign language teaching and technologies of teaching today are gaining increasing recognition and new opportunities associated with the establishment of interpersonal interaction. The author pays attention to choices of methods which should vary with different purposes, ages groups, and stages of mental development. A structure of modern process of teaching and its results is presented by the author. Some of the common learning characteristics of education.
Keywords: education, foreign language, methods, innovative techniques, process
Education is very important for our lives. Without education people couldn't have their high developed machine and would believe that the Earth is a planet around other planets. The Republic of Uzbekistan became an independent country in 1991. During the last 30 years of independence, many changes have taken place in the education system of our country, especially on the legal basis. Article 41 of the 1991 Constitution states that everyone has the right to education. Free general education is guaranteed by the state. School work is under state control.
A foreign language teaching method is a practical way of teaching a foreign language. Ensuring the achievement of general, educational and developmental goals the complex of teacher and student activities is understood. The term method is "education a set of methods "and" direction of education ". The first In the theory of education, the process is used in the sense of methods, in the second sense it. We can find it in works on the history of teaching methods. For example, a foreign language
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
translation method of teaching, correct method, cognitive-comparative method, traditional method, intensive method and others. Linguistic education itself is also gradually being modernized through the introduction of a modular-rating system of teaching foreign languages, interdisciplinary integration, democratization and economization of education bring to life innovations the components of teaching foreign languages [Kuzminsky A.I., Omelyanenko V.L,2008,447]
Students should be prepared on the basis of high-quality modern authentic educational material for the conscious use of a foreign language in later life and work. After all, a good knowledge of foreign languages now will continue to remain one of the leading requirements of employers. In this regard, it is the universities that are responsible for providing high-quality students with a complex of language knowledge and skills, this requires, first of all, the educational institution to systematically create conditions for the professional development of their teaching staff, to provide the institution with an adequate material and technical base. High-quality language training of students is impossible without the use of modern educational technologies [S.Y.Nikolaeva. - M,1999:320]
Today it is a tradition to teach interactive games in schools is turning. It is known that the lesson is based on different games demonstrate students 'abilities, focus, knowledge, and improve their skills and keep them strong. The basics of using game technology are activating the reader and constitute accelerating activity. Psychologists say that play is psychological mechanisms of self-expression, finding a stable place in life, self-government is fundamental to the realization of one's potential relies on the needs of. Every student is in the game, here are the things to look for when preparing: the purpose of the game; the task of the game; what topic the game is on in the plan; skills and abilities formed in previous games in subsequent games can also apply. We know that in the current educational process, the student must be a subject. Focusing on more interactive methods will increase the effectiveness of education increases. One of the most important requirements for English lessons is independence to teach thinking.
Below we can see a number of innovative techniques:
- BRAINSTORMING. (in language teaching) a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas. Brainstorming often serves as preparation for 9 another activity [G.Suyunova, H.Nadirova,2019:21]
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
- Creative problem solving is the use of this method the beginning of the story will be read for students to find out how it ends, referred to the judgment of the students;
- Merry riddles are puzzles for students teaching is important in teaching English to those who are unfamiliar with themselves learn existing words and find the answer to a riddle; (Figure 1)
- Quick answers increase the effectiveness of the lesson helps;
- Quiz cards are cards based on the number of students which is distributed and allows all students to attend the lesson at the same time which saves time.
- Method without translation. Different views of this method are known historically. They can be divided into two major groups: natural and proper methods. In the natural method learning a foreign language should be similar to the conditions of mastering the native language. Methodning the main goal is to learn to read and write by learning to speak a foreign language The idea that it is possible to get is formed for practical purposes. Natural the most important of the principles included in the method is to create a language environment. Forward there are different approaches to the practical application of the methodological principles which was. This can be clearly seen in the creative work of the representatives of the method [Valiyeva M,2018:13].
The purpose of these interactive games is between the teacher and the student cooperation, active participation of the student in the educational process, and intelligence are the key to make the lesson fun and memorable.
Figure 1
Interactive game for kids set themselves clear objectives: • To Improve communicative skills of the child.
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
• To Allow him to better know himself and others of his children.
• Learn to accomplish tasks through collective activities.
• Master the basic rules of society.
• To Learn better teaching material.
• Learning a foreign language is a multifaceted doctrine, and the process is complex undergo psychological changes. Including native language and foreign language the comparison process occurs. Different methods of teaching and in this process technologies are used. With the help of modern pedagogical technologies teaching comparing a native language with a foreign language gives effective results. Foreign language teaching requires knowledge of its methodology. Methodology and technology plays an important role in the process of learning a foreign language. There are different methods of methodological science in the organization. Foreign language teaching Methods widely used in the methodology: the method of communicative didactics, the method of organizing intercultural communication and the method of organizing exercises is calculated. The three methods are closely related and complement each other. Since the science of methodology is related to the science of didactics, learning a foreign language is based on communicative and is a method of communicative didactics occurs.
Nowadays a lot of Universities are using modular technology of teaching. Importance of this teaching in all parts of lesson is great. Students can have an opportunity to work independently. Also the main aim is not only teaching but also to give students a chance to develop listening, speaking, reading, writing, analytic thinking skills. Training module consists of three structural parts which are often repeated as a learning cycle: introduction, speaking (dialogue) and the final part. Introduction part (introduction into the module of a subject). Speaking part (usually a dialog to form cognitive skills of students.) The final (reference work, test, dictation, etc.).
More precisely, in the introductory part the teacher introduces students the general structure of modular training, its purpose and responsibilities. After that, the teacher briefly (for 10-15 minutes), explains the study material of the module using drawings, tables, and data samples [Jalolov J.1996: 89]
Summing up , the use of innovative methods in English lessons as a result, students develop logical thinking skills, speech develops the ability to respond quickly and accurately. Such methods and games stimulate the student's interest in
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
knowledge. Careful preparation of students for lessons tries to see. This allows students to be involved in the learning process converts.
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