International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
Albina Renatovna Galiakberova,
Senior teacher of Ferghana polytechnic institute
The given article is aimed at analyzing the use of technology in teaching English in countries where English is not a native language. The use of interactive methods in teaching English is one of the best modern and technological approaches in learning a language and is especially methodologically expedient for the formation of communicative competence of students at the stage of teaching foreign languages and for the formation of sustainable motivation, the development of cognitive interests of students, intellectual skills of critical thinking, abilities of self - and mutual appreciation.
Keywords: English, approach, communicative competence, development, learning, method, technological approaches, education.
Данная статья направлена на анализ использования технологий в обучении английскому языку в странах, где английский не является родным языком. Использование интерактивных методов в обучении английскому языку является одним из лучших современных и технологичных подходов в изучении языка и особенно методологически целесообразно для формирования коммуникативной компетентности студентов на этапе обучения иностранным языкам и для формирования устойчивой мотивации, развитие познавательных интересов учащихся, интеллектуальных навыков критического мышления, способностей к само- и взаимооценке.
Ключевые слова: английский язык, подход, коммуникативная компетенция, развитие, обучение, метод, технологические подходы, обучение.
To begin with, the formation of innovative technologies for teaching foreign languages is caused by the need to overcome the crisis in education, which would
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
contribute to the training of specialists of a new formation. The introduction of new technologies is also extremely important due to the fact that the new 21st century imposes different advanced requirements on university graduates than the technocratic society of the 20th century.
The teaching technology of the last century, based on the logic of science, on the principle "from knowledge to skills" should turn into a technology based on the laws of students' cognitive activity, orientation in teaching, i.e. on the achievement by graduates of the heights of professional, creative and spiritual and moral other activities. All this made to fill the task of teaching the English language in the country with a new content and required the expansion of its functions as an academic subject, taking into account all the best world experience in teaching English and the socio-cultural characteristics of its study. Nowadays, in the world practice of teaching languages of international communication, the tasks of teaching English as a means of intercultural communication, as a tool for mutual enrichment of peoples, countries, continents, as a way of understanding the achievements of national and universal culture, as a way of understanding themselves by citizens of their country and members of the world community. [Brophy, J.,2016:34]
The successful formation of communicative competence is directly related to the formation of the student's educational competence, i.e. ability to manage their learning activities. A prerequisite for the formation of students' professional competence is the development of communicative competence, which is reflected in the state educational standards. Communicative competence provides for the formation of linguistic (linguistic), socio-cultural, pragmatic, general educational and compensatory competencies.
Nowadays, modern teaching technologies contribute to the solution of the task. In the practice of teaching foreign languages at the present stage of education, the following technologies are used: cooperative learning; discussions;
brain attacks (brain storming); role-playing games of a problematic orientation; method of situational analysis (case-study); method of projects;
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
"Student portfolio" (E-Portfolio);
Information Technology.
Currently the above technologies are widely used in teaching English.
Thus, the ability to conduct a discussion, to defend one's point of view, supported by arguments, to concisely express one's thoughts, the ability to listen and hear an opponent are important skills necessary for the formation of communicative and sociocultural competencies. [Craig, R. J. ,2006:51.] In the lessons on oral practice of the English language, very often the final lessons are discussions on the problems of a certain topic. However, teaching a foreign language is relevant, etc. Some students choose one topic for discussion in advance, prepare arguments on their own. As a rule, students are divided into two groups (small cooperation groups - about 5 people per group), which defend opposing points of view on the chosen problem. First, students conduct a preliminary discussion in small groups and only then a general discussion is
Apart from this, to successfully conduct this type of work (discussion), it is necessary to carry out preparatory work: to teach students the ability to conduct a conversation, to choose convincing arguments. At the preliminary stage, a brainstorming method is used. All students' proposals on this problem (without discussion) are written out on the board, and then discussed by the whole group. If the student's argumentation seems convincing enough, then the argument is accepted for further discussion, if not, then it is deleted. An important point is to summarize the discussion. In order to maintain and stimulate the activity of students during the discussion, each of them is assessed according to a rating system. The number of points that a student can receive for this type of assignment is determined in the technological chart of the teaching materials for a practical course of a foreign language. [Freeman, D. L. ,2000:31.]
This work helps them to understand that they can use English to talk about their own world; it improves their ability to think. Interactive approach creates a favorable environment for solving creative assignments, and also contributes to the development of versatile thinking. Students express their point of view and learn to defend your opinion. [ Fried-Booth, D., L. ,2002:36] During interactive skill learning, you may experience the contradictions, while students learn to interact with each other. The entire learning process, based on an interactive approach, characterized by the activity of students throughout the lesson.
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
To sum up, we can say that the main idea of the interactive and advanced approach is aimed at the development of speaking skills, especially in ensuring joint activities and increasing the motivation of students. This interactive learning forms contribute to effective assimilation of educational material. An interactive approach is considered the most effective and fruitful in teaching a foreign language. He helps to reduce the difficulties arising in the learning process. That is why most scientists and educators tend to assume that there is an increasing need for the use of interactive forms in learning.
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2. Craig, R. J., & Amernic, J. H. (2006). Power Point presentation technology and the dynamics of teaching.
3. Freeman, D. L. (2000). Techniques and principles in language teaching. New York: Oxford University Press.
4. Fried-Booth, D., L. (2002). Project work (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
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International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
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