9. Темняткина, О.В. Ситуационные задачи как средство аутентичной оценки профессиональных компетенций педагога / О.В. Темняткина // Среднее профессиональное образование. - 2020. - № 9(301). - С. 36-41. - EDN RGZEGK.
10. Четверикова, Т.Ю. Использование ситуационных задач в качестве методического инструмента подготовки будущих дефектологов к профессиональной деятельности / Т.Ю. Четверикова // Современные проблемы профессионального образования: опыт и пути решения: Материалы Четвертой Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием, Иркутск, 16-18 октября 2019 года. - Иркутск: Иркутский государственный медицинский университет, 2019. - С. 520-524. - EDN BXDBXK.
UDC 378.005
candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Pikalova Elena Anatolievna
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk);
candidate of Philological Sciences,
associate Professor Lomakina Yekaterina Alexandrovna
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk)
Annotation. The goal of the article is the urgent part of a value system inside our society - this aspect concerns the patriotic upbringing of the university students and its organizational forms within class activities and extracurricular social events. Justifying the relevance of the topic authors reflect on patriotism as an essential element of national consciousness, national idea showing the ideological direction to the state policy. The federal educational standard marks/utters clear requirements to the patriotic upbringing and education of the university students undergraduates and future specialists - beginning with the young generation who are aware and dignified about their native language, family values, national culture going to active socially oriented members of the Russian world. Due to the current socio-political situation in our country strongly connected to the crash of globalist policy the conscious attitude towards the value of historical and cultural patrimony comes to be the grounds for understanding the foreign countries' socio-cultural realities. The process under concern is learning by means of the foreign language classes the foreign country backgrounds and customs on the one hand and on the other one the state symbols, geographical and political features about the native land. Special focus is the communicative competence of a foreign language as a discipline is strongly directed at mutual interaction between native and foreign ethnicities. Raising the patriotic sense of the national pride and civil liability is held within the system learning about the self-esteem of the native land; the next stage is the foreign language lens and its communicative component within the assorted configurations of the education process. The authors analyze the forms' variety and efficiency of the foreign language activities: projects conferences, creative fests, presentation contests. A particular one among them is the extracurricular event devoted to Victory Day - 9 May, this event includes diverse ingenious nominations, but first and foremost by means of creative works in foreign language it raises in the youth the knowledge and respect to the memory about the heroes and winners of Great Patriotic War. Thus, the process of raising and upbringing the national awareness and civicism of the university students is quite complex and multistage, but one of these stages is to understand the alien culture and to keep national heritage alive in the youth's memory.
Key words: patriotic education, patriotism, foreign language, classroom and non-audience activities.
Аннотация. Целью статьи является рассмотрение актуальной части ценностной системы общества - патриотического воспитания студентов высшего учебного заведения и формы его реализации на аудиторных занятиях и внеаудиторных воспитательных мероприятиях. Обосновывая важность проблемы, авторы анализируют понятие патриотизм как неотъемлемую часть национального самосознания национальной идеи, отражающих идейную направленность государственной политики. Федеральный стандарт образования четко формулирует требования в отношении патриотического образования и воспитания выпускников высших учебных заведений и будущих специалистов - от молодого поколения, знающего и уважающего родной язык, традиции семьи, национальную культуру до общественно ориентированных активных членов Русского мира. В связи с настоящей социально-политической ситуацией в нашей стране, неразрывно связанной с сломом глобализации, осознание ценности историко-культурного наследия становится базисом для понимания культурных реалий других стран. Авторы исследуют процесс, который осуществляется посредством изучения на занятиях иностранного языка с одной стороны иноязычных культур и традиций, а с другой стороны государственной символики, географических и политических особенностей родной страны. Особое внимание уделено коммуникативной компетенция дисциплины иностранный язык, которая направлена на реализацию взаимодействия национальной и иноязычной культур. Воспитание патриотического чувства национальной гордости и гражданской ответственности проходит в рамках системного изучения достоинств родного края, следующий этап их становления - призма иностранного языка и его коммуникативная компонента в разнообразных конфигурациях учебного процесса. Авторы анализируют вариативность и эффективность разных форм деятельности на иностранном языке: проектных работ, конференций, творческих фестивалей, конкурсов презентаций. Показательным можно назвать внеаудиторное мероприятие, посвященное 9 мая - Дню победы, включающее в себя различные виды творческих номинаций на иностранном языке, но главное, воспитывающее через выполнения творческих работ в молодом поколении знания, понимание и уважение памяти героев великой отечественной войны. Формирование патриотического сознания и гражданственности студентов в рамках высшей школы это многоступенчатый и многослойный процесс, в частности, один из этапов соотнесение ценности родного наследия с культурой иноязычной страны.
Ключевые слова: патриотическое воспитание, патриотизм, иностранный язык, аудиторная и внеаудиторная деятельность.
Introduction. It is important to acknowledge that the matter of patriotic education has always been complex and challenging. The recent societal changes have brought about modifications in the spiritual sphere that have directly impacted the significance of spiritual ideals. This topic is heavily discussed in Russian society, focusing on its essence, features of manifestation, and role. The primary objective of this study is to analyze the patriotic sentiments among technical university students and implement patriotic education during foreign language classes as well as extracurricular activities.
To achieve this goal, scientific literature on the problem of patriotic education was analyzed, generalized, and systematized. The authors also developed a test to determine the value attitude towards the Motherland and analyzed the results obtained during the testing of students. The research aims to establish the relevance of patriotism in students' value orientation system, identify the
percentage of youth who identify themselves as patriots of their country, and organize patriotic events during foreign language lessons.
The study involved 120 respondents, comprising 53 boys and 67 girls. According to the survey results, the majority of students (76%) believe that everyone should determine for themselves what it means to be a patriot, while only 10% think that the state should define patriotism. These results correlate with the findings of all-Russian public opinion polls conducted by the "Levada Center", which suggest that 84% of Russians view patriotism as a deeply personal feeling. However, only 9% of respondents in the study believe that the definition of patriotism should be in the hands of the state.
The concept of patriotism is closely linked to a sense of pride in one's country. The survey revealed that the prevailing majority of respondents (93.5%) have something they are proud of as citizens of Russia. The country's history, size, natural resources, armed forces, and achievements of Russian culture and science are among the "objects" of pride. Among the young people surveyed, 73% consider themselves patriots of their country; while one-fourth do not.
The topic of patriotism has garnered significant interest among the survey respondents, with 34% considering it extremely relevant, and 55% deeming it partly important. Consequently, it can be surmised that patriotism holds significant priority for many students.
However, while the participants expressed their desire to be considered patriotic, it is difficult to ascertain if they truly are. The current state of affairs in Russia has put the spotlight on patriotism, with the concept becoming a hotly debated topic. Being a patriot of Russia has also become more prestigious, leading respondents to identify as such to avoid disapproval from others.
Patriotism can be described as an active commitment to contributing to the betterment of one's country and safeguarding its interests. Interestingly, 44% of survey takers stated that patriotism does not mean blind support for the government. Furthermore, slightly over 43% believed that a patriot must support the government, regardless of their actions. 13% found it challenging to offer a definite answer on this issue. Unfortunately, the survey revealed that 39% of respondents espouse xenophobic views, which create an unwelcoming atmosphere and harbor unfriendly attitudes toward non-Russian nationals living in Russia.
In recent times, there has been an increase in mobility as people seek out better living conditions. According to the survey, almost 74% of students expressed their desire to move or plan to relocate to another city, while only 26% had no plans of doing so. It is worth noting that almost half of the respondents (44%) want to live in Russia and have no intention of migrating to another country, indicating their high level of civic and patriotic values. Meanwhile, 14% of those surveyed have aspirations to live abroad permanently.
A significant proportion of students at Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU) are optimistic about the future and are committed to restoring Russia's standing as a great power, according to a recent survey. The study also found that the majority of respondents (80%) considered serving in the Russian army to be necessary.
The study revealed several important conclusions, including the fact that modern patriotism is a difficult concept to define due to its diverse and ambiguous nature. Individuals' understanding of patriotism varies, making it challenging to categorize oneself as either a patriot or non-patriot. Moreover, the emotional component of patriotism, characterized by positive feelings towards one's country, is more pronounced among younger people.
Another key finding of the study was that patriotism is not a static concept and evolves over time. Historical experiences shape each generation's perception of patriotism, and the definition of patriotism may differ from one generation to another. However, patriotism commonly involves a sense of love and pride for one's country, as well as a willingness to act in its best interest. Genuine patriotism does not involve hostility towards other nationalities.
The notion of patriotism is one that faces challenges due to its ambiguous interpretation and its variable use. This complexity arises from the diverse forms in which patriotism can manifest itself, as well as its dependence on socio-political, economic, and historical conditions.
However, a distorted understanding of patriotism can lead to negative consequences for society. When certain groups monopolize the idea of patriotism to achieve their goals, it can limit critical thought and breed intolerance towards outsiders. This can transform patriotism into a negative form of nationalism, characterized by xenophobia and other extremist behaviors.
To understand the nature of patriotism, it is essential to study its history. By doing so, we can gain insight into how it has evolved over time and predict how patriotic education will occur in the present and future. Patriotic education is a dynamic concept that changes with social formations. There have been more than fifteen definitions of patriotism and patriotic education since 1917, as scholars, philosophers, and educators define patriotism based on their unique perspectives [1].
Patriotism is primarily an emotional feeling that includes natural love for one's people, the native language, and nature. It also involves a sense of duty to one's people and a willingness to fight for their interests, as well as a desire to serve the motherland. These feelings can unite people, especially during difficult situations for the motherland, and encourage them to put the public good above personal interests.
Modern scientists continue to study the concept of patriotism and patriotic education, drawing on fundamental works in the field of ethno psychology to gain a deeper understanding of these important concepts.
Modern literature acknowledges at least three types of patriotism: ethnic, territorial, and state patriotism. Ethnic patriotism is based on a sense of belonging to one's people, language, culture, and history. Territorial patriotism involves love for the place where one was born, such as the area, landscape, and climate. State patriotism is the ultimate goal of a nation, which includes building its own state, state self-determination, state outlook, and citizenship [6].
Patriotic feelings are an emotional aspect of the national state outlook, which unites a sense of belonging, history, and faith in the future of one's state. The highest form of patriotism is the willingness to sacrifice everything for the sake of the Motherland. Unfortunately, our society has lost the Russian patriotic consciousness, which affects the formation of patriotic feelings among students, especially at the university level. The difficult situation in Russia demands that education, particularly higher education, takes additional responsibility for the formation of patriotic feelings and love for the country as a whole [1].
The mission of higher education is to integrate all values and attitudes with advanced domestic traditions into a new value system of society. It is an open, variable, spiritually and culturally enriched system that ensures the emergence of true citizenship and love for the Motherland. Among the many definitions of patriotism, there is only one that defines it as a special emotional experience of citizenship, language, traditions, and willingness to serve the interests of the country. Patriotic education is a process that involves teachers and students, aimed at the formation of patriotic consciousness and values, feelings, beliefs, and motives to serve the Fatherland in various types of patriotic-oriented activities.
The youth, particularly university students, who are future specialists in various fields, can have a significant impact on the political and economic development of the country. Therefore, educators must consider the evolutionary course of patriotic education as an integral part of the learning process, including studying humanities, like English, or other courses close to international communication culture interaction.
Having knowledge and awareness of a foreign dialect in the university classroom or extracurricular activities creates great opportunities to raise students' ideas of native civics, patriotism, legal consciousness, and high moral character. This crucial process
is made possible by focusing on the language and speech course, which emphasizes learning about daily routines, household customs, cultural attitudes, and backgrounds of other countries, especially the language itself [2].
The ethnic and cultural heritage acquired through learning Russian becomes the primary means to understand the particular features of foreign cultures. The level of English proficiency can be directly improved through knowledge of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Students should learn and teach the geography, state symbols, historical events, and social life of Russia in the context of English skills. Ethical, mental, and historical origins and principles are inseparable, and knowledge about the ancient times and valiant work of Russian compatriots promotes a sense of nationalism [3].
By promoting historical consciousness, we simultaneously strengthen students' moral ideals, national senses, and care for their native land. Intercultural communication is most effective when students have extensive knowledge about their places of origin [3]. To direct students' educational focus towards the value of their homeland, it is best to work systematically on the understanding of cultural ethnicity in language classes. Different language academic activities, such as round tables, brain-rings, conferences, essays, and role-playing games, all instill patriotic values that help students develop a sense of dignity and pride in their heritage. Project activities, such as creating colorful presentations or short films in English about their university or city, also contribute to this process [5].
Extracurricular activities for university students provide an excellent opportunity for cultivating a sense of patriotism. These activities offer a valuable means of enhancing language skills beyond the classroom setting. To maintain interest in the subject, it is important to engage students in a variety of pursuits, such as participation in annual events that celebrate language and culture, English recitation contests, and holiday concerts in English. A student's capacity to express their creativity and interests is a key indicator of future success as a professional or specialist in their field of study.
The Foreign Languages for Engineering Chair of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University holds an annual, extracurricular, educational event in a foreign language - a creative competition "Victory Day" as a part of the implementation of the educational component in a higher educational institution and solving the problems of cultural and moral patriotic education of students. The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) is an integral part of the history of our country, the world, the whole nation and every family. The feat of the Russian people will forever be in the memory of the past and present descendants of the heirs of the heroes of the Great Victory. Preservation of the memorable heritage of the Great Victory for future generations in glorifying the heroic accomplishment of the Soviet people. The veneration of the great holiday is aimed at shaping the public morality of students, their ability to empathize, the value of the historical memory of bygone generations.
Preparations for the cultural and patriotic event "Victory Day" are taking place in several directions. Students search for and prepare introductory information about the Great Patriotic War, the day of the great victory, celebrated by the entire Russian people around the world, anticipating the entire competition. In addition to the text, a thematic presentation is being prepared. Participants of the online Internet bridge from other countries tell about the memorials and monuments dedicated to the Great Patriotic War and places of military glory honored in people's memory for decades in the 20th and early 21st centuries. The opening speech of a group of students ends with an invitation to all participants of the event, present off-line and online in other countries, to honor the memory of the fallen in the war with a minute of silence. Along with the video presentation, a chronometer sounds, counting the seconds of a minute of silence in memory of the fallen heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
The competition-festival is held in several categories. Recitation of poems in a foreign language with the display of Russian subtitles, or recitation of poems by two students in pairs in two languages (Russian and English) of Russian and foreign authors dedicated to the war. Participants of the online festival dedicated to the Great Victory Day read, recite, present poems, poems about the war in their native (Tajik/Belarusian) and foreign languages. Performance of songs of military, military-patriotic themes to the accompaniment of a piano, guitar, musical phonogram, or without musical accompaniment, and a cappella off-line and online by participants in other countries, in native and foreign languages.
Collective performance by all participants of the "Katyusha" song festival in Russian, Belarusian, Tajik and English. In the final part of the festival, words are heard about the eternal inextinguishable memory, about the feat of the Soviet Russian people in the hearts of people. The event ends with a collective viewing and listening to V. Maslenko's poem "Rzhev" performed by I. Kirillov.
Another example of an extracurricular cultural and patriotic event is the presentation competition "Outstanding people of the Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University "(in English). The preparation of presentation projects is a search for the selection and presentation of information on a short biography, scientific / creative / industrial path, scientific and practical contribution to the production and research processes. The result of the work done is a summary of achievements / inventions, their practical significance in production, as well as awards received for selfless work in research and production activities.
The process of recognizing and memorizing significant important biographical moments of the history of the university and the city is facilitated by the work on the search and selection of information and the further presentation of the received material. At the same time, such events increase and strengthen the level of passionarity of the young generation in understanding the cultural canon of the Russian national-patriotic idea. To present the selected material, visual and musical accompaniment is used that corresponds to the spirit of the time of the presentation content. Therefore, even when showing a project in a foreign language, audio design using musical works by Russian composers of the era proposed for consideration is allowed and encouraged.
The next extracurricular language event focused on the cultural and patriotic education of higher education students is the local history Olympiad in English "My Country is My Pride". The regional study event addresses the knowledge of students about their native country from various fields - geography, resources, industries, history and culture. Such a competition simultaneously reveals and expands the horizons of students, formed primarily in the school environment and receiving its further development and formation within the walls of higher education.
It should also be noted the attention of students to the present moment in the history of the Russian Federation, namely to a special military operation, which resulted in a change in state borders through the entry of four new regions into the Russian Federation. Students showed research, analytical and creative activity in changing the map of the Russian Federation, located in their educational space.
Conclusion. In modern higher education, one of the primary objectives is to educate individuals who possess critical thinking skills, have a strong sense of national identity, and respect the customs and traditions of their ancestors. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for the future of their nation. Creating a sense of patriotism is essential at all educational levels and is promoted through the study of all academic subjects. However, special attention must be given to the discipline of "Foreign Language", which aims to develop an individual's sense of patriotism by comparing their native country's culture with that of the language being studied.
1. Ёлкин, С.М. О содержании понятий «патриотизм» и «патриотическое воспитание» / С.М. Ёлкин, А.А Косова // Вестник Новгородского государственного университета. - 2017. - № 1 (99). - С. 14-15
2. Ломакина, Е.А. Личностно-деятельностная ориентированность содержания и процесса обучения языку на неязыковых специальностях / Е.А. Ломакина // Актуальные проблемы современной науки, техники и образования: материалы 77-й межд. науч.-тех. конф. - Магнитогорск: МГТУ, 2019. - С. 382-383
3. Lomakina, E.A. Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Implementation and Development of Inclusive Education in High Education / E.A. Lomakina, E.A. Pikalova // Здоровьесбережение в условиях цифровой трансформации общества: педагогические технологии - от проблем к решениям: сб. материалов Всерос. науч.-практич. конф. - Магнитогорск, 2020. -С. 269-273
4. Лукина, О.А. Специфика организации воспитательной работы со студентами в вузе / О.А. Лукина, Е.А. Пикалова // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. - 2018. - № 7. - С. 24-29
5. Pikalova, E.A. Foreign language learning in the context of blended learning system in engineering education / E.A. Pikalova // Современное инженерное образование: вызовы и перспективы: материалы нац. науч.-практич. конф. -Магнитогорск: МГТУ, 2022. - С. 39-42
6. Философский словарь / [И.Т. Фролова и др.]; Под ред. И.Т. Фролова. 5-е изд. Москва: Политиздат. - 1987. - 590 с.
УДК 378.2
доктор филологических наук, доцент Плисов Евгений Владимирович
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет имени Козьмы Минина» (г. Нижний Новгород); кандидат филологических наук, доцент Белова Екатерина Евгеньевна Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет имени Козьмы Минина» (г. Нижний Новгород); доктор философских наук, доцент Ивлева Алина Юрьевна
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Национальный исследовательский Мордовский государственный университет имени Н.П. Огарёва» (г. Саранск)
Аннотация. Чтение является одним из важнейших элементов иноязычной речевой деятельности. Оно способствует развитию речи, качественно и количественно улучшает словарный запас, повышает коммуникативные навыки, развивает критическое мышление и расширяет кругозор. Основными задачами обучения чтению иноязычного текста являются улучшение лексических и грамматических навыков, развитие навыков понимания иноязычных текстов, развитие умения работать с различными типами текстов. Важной целью является развитие умения выбирать наиболее подходящие стратегии чтения в зависимости от цели чтения, развитие навыков самостоятельной работы с иноязычными источниками информации, развитие умения анализировать и синтезировать информацию из иноязычных текстов. Навыки чтения включают способность выявлять и быстро находить нужную информацию, осмысленно переводить и обрабатывать тексты, выделять ключевые слова и идеи, а также оценивать информацию и понимать ее контекст. Умение читать на иностранном языке позволяет не только узнавать новую информацию, но и расширять свой словарный запас, тренировать память и интеллект, а также получать эстетическое удовольствие от чтения литературы на иностранном языке. Эти навыки имеют важное значение как для личного развития, так и для учебной и профессиональной деятельности студентов. Целью настоящей работы является обобщение результатов экспериментальной работы по тренировке изучающего вида чтения современных немецкоязычных публицистических текстов. Для достижения этой цели был проведен эксперимент, в ходе которого две группы студентов принимали участие в обучающих занятиях по тренировке изучающего чтения. Результаты исследования показали, что студенты из групп, которые тренировались с использованием комплекса упражнений, достигли более высоких результатов в понимании иноязычного текста. Можно сделать вывод о том, что разработанный комплекс упражнений является эффективным инструментом для тренировки изучающего вида чтения иноязычного текста и может быть использован при обучении иностранному языку.
Ключевые слова: чтение, основные задачи обучения чтению, изучающее чтение, публицистический текст, комплекс упражнений.
Annotation. Reading is one of the most important elements of foreign language speech activity. It promotes the development of speech, qualitatively and quantitatively improves vocabulary, improves communication skills, develops critical thinking and broadens one's horizons. The main objectives of learning to read a foreign text are to improve lexical and grammatical skills, develop skills in understanding foreign texts, and develop the ability to work with various types of texts. An important goal is the development of the ability to choose the most appropriate reading strategies depending on the purpose of reading, the development of skills for independent work with foreign language sources of information, the development of the ability to analyze and synthesize information from foreign texts. Reading skills include the ability to identify and quickly find relevant information, translate and process texts meaningfully, highlight keywords and ideas, and evaluate information and understand its context. The ability to read in a foreign language allows not only to learn new information, but also to expand your vocabulary, train your memory and intelligence, and also get aesthetic pleasure from reading literature in a foreign language. These skills are important both for personal development and for the educational and professional activities of students. The purpose of this work is to summarize the results of experimental work on training the learning type of reading modern German publicistic texts. To achieve this goal, an experiment was conducted, during which two groups of students took part in training sessions to train learning reading. The results of the study showed that students from the groups who trained using a set of exercises achieved higher results in understanding a foreign text. It can be concluded that the developed set of exercises is an effective tool for training the learning type of reading a foreign text and can be used in teaching a foreign language.
Key words: reading, the main tasks of teaching reading, studying reading, journalistic text, a set of exercises.
Введение. Чтение является одним из важнейших элементов речевой деятельности, поскольку оно способствует развитию речи, качественно и количественно улучшает словарный запас, повышает коммуникативные навыки, развивает критическое мышление и расширяет кругозор [1; 3]. Изучение чтения в системе видов речевой деятельности требует учета следующих аспектов:
1. Типы текстов. Различные типы текстов требуют разной стратегии чтения, поэтому важно различать художественную литературу, научно-популярные и учебные тексты, а также новостные публикации и различные интернет-ресурсы. Каждый тип текста требует своего подхода к чтению, чтобы эффективно усваивать информацию и понимать ее содержание.