Научная статья на тему 'On English national character and sport'

On English national character and sport Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Prokofiev V. N.

In the periodic seal of Great Britain whole pages are taken sport, that testifies about what important part is acted by sport in life of country. History of origin of some types of sport, terminology of which became international, is examined. Adherence nation to the competitions finds a reflection in national character. One or another layers of population prefer to be engaged in one types of sport, other all are ill. Conclusion is drawn that knowledge of realities of country of the studied language is done by intercourse more valuable.

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Текст научной работы на тему «On English national character and sport»

мання спеціальної рівноваги спортсменами, що тренувались за авторською методикою, втричі перевищував час утримання рівноваги спортсменами, що займались за програмою дитячо-юнацьких спортивних шкіл. В КГ приріст становив 2,09с (59,58%), а в ЕГ - 7с (71,15%). Таким чином, початковий рівень розвитку спеціальної рівноваги у дітей експериментальної групи після використання авторської методики до виходу на воду був значно вищий ніж у дітей, що тренувались за програмою ДЮСШ.

3. Схожа ситуація виявлена при тестуванні початкового рівня розвитку відчуття ритму. На воді цей показник у контрольній групі заходися на рівні 2,82±0,17 у.о., а в експериментальній -4,75±0,12 у.о, що вдвічі більше. До того ж, показник приросту у контрольній групі становив 4,48% (p>0,05), а в експериментальній - 41,05% (p<0,001). Такий результат свідчить, що після використання авторської методики початковий рівень розвитку відчуття ритму у човні, у дітей експериментальної групи був значно вищий ніж у дітей, що тренувались за програмою ДЮСШ.

4. Аналіз результатів проходження контрольних відрізків 100 та 200м. показав, що спортсмени експериментальної групи дистанцію 100м долають на 1,62с швидше ніж спортсмени контрольної групи, а дистанцію 200 м - на 2,09с. Такий показник свідчить, що спортсмени експериментальної групи краще і швидше засвоюють техніку веслування, що проявляється у швидкості проходження дистанції.

Подальші дослідження передбачається провести в напрямку вивчення інших проблем оцінки

рівня розвитку координаційних здібностей веслу-

вальників-початківців при тестуванні на воді.


1. Верхошанский Ю.В. Основы специальной физической подготовки спортсменов. — М.: Физкультура и спорт, 1988.

— 331 с.

2. Зациорский В.М. Физические качества спортсмена. Основы теории и методики воспитания. - М.: Физкультура и спорт, 1967. - 199 с.

3. Сергиенко Л.П. Тестування рухових здібностей школярів.

- К.: Олімпійська л-ра, 2001. - С.202-250.

4. Староста В. Новый способ измерения и оценки двигательной координации // Теория и практика физической культуры. - М., 1998. - №6. - С.8-12.

5. Скалій Тетяна. Нові підходи до оцінки розвитку координаційних здібностей школярів 7 - 17 років //Педагогіка, психологія та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного виховання і спорту //зб. наук. праць за редакцією проф. Єрма-кова С.С. - Харків: ХДАДМ (ХХПІ), 2006. - №4. -С. 170172.

Надійшла до редакції 10.03.2007р.


Prokofiev V.N.

Donetsk State Institute of Artificial Intelligence

Annotation. In the periodic seal of Great Britain whole pages are taken sport, that testifies about what important part is acted by sport in life of country. History of origin of some

types of sport, terminology of which became international, is examined. Adherence nation to the competitions finds a reflection in national character. One or another layers of population prefer to be engaged in one types of sport, other

— all are ill. Conclusion is drawn that knowledge of realities of country of the studied language is done by intercourse more valuable.

Key words: sport, character, social values, competition, communication.

Анотація. Прокофьев В.Н. Англійський національний характер і спорт. У періодичному друці Великобританії спорту відводять цілі сторінки, що свідчить про те, яку важливу роль грає спорт в житті країни. Розглядається історія зародження деяких видів спорту, термінологія яких стала міжнародною. Прихильність нації до змагань знаходить віддзеркалення в національному характері. Одними видами спорту вважають за краще займатися ті або інші верстви населення, іншими — хворіють всі. Робиться висновок, що знання реалій країни мови, що вивчається, робить спілкування повноціннішим. Ключові слова: спорт, характер, соціальні цінності, змагання, спілкування.

Аннотация. Прокофьев В.Н. Английский национальный характер и спорт. В периодической печати Великобритании спорту отводят целые страницы, что свидетельствует о том, какую важную роль играет спорт в жизни страны. Рассматривается история зарождения некоторых видов спорта, терминология которых стала международной. Приверженность нации к соревнованиям находит отражение в национальном характере. Одними видами спорта предпочитают заниматься те или иные слои населения, другими — болеют все. Делается вывод, что знание реалий страны изучаемого языка делает общение более полноценным.

Ключевые слова: спорт, характер, социальные ценности, соревнование, общение.


The English are very fond of sport, but are not particularly interested in political problems. They have a strong feeling for justice. The upper classes are very snobbish, and they make a big difference between themselves and the working class. English people are distant, reserved, terribly conservative, and breaking the ice takes quite a time. They have lots of patience, and they never complain.

One thing that distinguishes the English from the other nations of Europe is the influence of the class system, and they choose sports according to their position in society. Schools and colleges follow the tradition of the society in using sports activities as a way of teaching ‘social values’. Among these are teamwork, sportsmanship and persistence. As a result, being intelligent and being good in sports are seen as things that can and should go together. The prime example of this is the way the upper classes choose sports like polo and croquet. The urban middle classes, on the other hand, play golf with their bank manager on Saturday afternoons, while the working classes have turned football into a religion. There are hours of televised sport each week. Every newspaper, national or local, quality or popular, devotes several pages entirely on sport.

There are some games they do not play because of their distrust of foreigners and sense of separateness. One such is “boules” which is the ideal sport in many

ways. It can be played by almost any number of people, of any ability, of any age, in any weather, anywhere, but it is almost unknown in their country. The reason is not hard to find - it is French. Instead they select stranger pastimes. Take cricket, the national sport. It is so complicated and dull that it is shunned by almost the entire world, but they carry on playing it because it makes them feel separate and different.

Cricket, it must be said, exemplifies some of the better sides of the English character — for example it is calm and played in a spirit of fairness and politeness; and apart from occasional moments of excitement, when, for instance, it is time for tea, the five days that it takes to complete a game are entirely unemotional.

Boxing became popular in the first half of the eighteenth century. You could do almost anything to your opponent, including hitting, biting, scratching and kicking him on any part of the body. Only poor people took part in this sport because it was so violent. Aristocrats wanted to play, but they were frightened because they did not want to have their faces permanently damaged, as often happened. So a man called Jack Bronghton introduced rules to reduce the violence. Biting, kicking and scratching were prohibited, and you could only hit the other person’s body above the belt. And finally the players had to use gloves so that they could not do serious damage to their opponent’s face.

One of the aristocrats who began to box after Bronghton’s rules made it a dangerous sport was Gentleman Jack Jackson. In those days poor men boxed to win the prize money, but Gentleman Jack wanted to emphasize that he wasn’t fighting for money but only for fun. So in 1788 he announced that he was a lover of the sport. Gentleman Jack didn’t use the English word lover but the Latin word to demonstrate clearly to everyone that he was an educated person. Since then, people who do sport as a hobby rather than as a profession have used the Latin word for lover to describe themselves.

The public schools of the Victorian era believed that organized competitive games had many psychological benefits. These games appealed to and developed the British sense of ‘fair play’. This concept went far beyond abiding by the written rules of a game. It also meant observing its unwritten rules, which governed behaviour before, during and after the game. You had to be a ‘good loser ’. To be a cheat was shameful, but to lose was just ‘part of the game’. Team games were best because they developed ‘team spirit’.

Modern sport in Britain is very different. ‘Winning isn’t everything’ and ‘it’s only a game’ are still well-known sayings which reflect the amateur approach of the past. But to modern professionals, sport is clearly not just a game. These days, top players in any sport talk about having a ‘professional attitude’ and doing their ‘job’ well, even if officially, their sport is still an amateur one. Nevertheless, the public-school enthusiasm for sport and the importance placed on simply taking part has had a lasting influence on the

nature and role of sport in Britain today.


The purpose of the paper is to consider ties of sport and national character, bringing up the best personal features in rising generation. The problem is investigated through study both English and our national literature on the subject.


Traditionally, the favourite sports of the British upper class are hunting shooting and fishing. The most widespread form of hunting is foxhunting. This is popular pastime among some members of the higher social classes, who often see their participation as a mark of newly won status. The upper classes often organize ‘shooting parties’ during the season.

The only kind of hunting which is associated with the working class is hare-coursing, in which greyhound dogs chase hares. When fishing is done competitively, it is called ‘angling’.

Another way in which animals are used in sport is when they race. Horse-racing is a long-established and popular sport in Britain, both ‘flat racing’ and ‘national hunt1 racing, sometimes known as ‘steeple chase’. The former became known as ‘the sport of kings’ in the seventeenth century, and modern British royalty has close connections with sport involving horses. Some members of the royal family own racehorses and attend certain annual race meetings (Ascot); some are also active participants in the sports of polo and show-jumping.

The chief attraction of horse racing for most people is the opportunity it provides for gambling. Greyhound racing, although declining is still popular for the same reason. In this sport the dogs chase a mechanical hare round a racetrack. It is easier to organize than horse-racing and ‘the dogs’ has the reputation of being the ‘poor man’s racing’.

Large numbers of people become interested in events only when British competitors do well on international arena. The more popular individual sports are those in which socializing is an important aspect (such as tennis, golf, sailing, and snooker).

The British are sporting nation. Like everyone else they love football - in fact, they invented it. Most British towns and cities have a football team. Every year each team plays in the Football Association competition. The two best team play in the Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London. Some fans pay up to £ 250 for a ticket for the Cup Final. It is one of the biggest sporting events of the year.

Most top British footballers start their careers when they are found by ‘scouts’ from one of the big football clubs. The scouts job is to visit boys’ clubs and youth teams and look for boys with real promise. They are then invited to train with professional players in the club, and the lucky ones become ‘apprentices’ when they are about sixteen. If they do well, they might get the chance to play for their club a year or two later.

Life at the top can be very enjoyable. Firstly, there’s the money. As well as his big salary, a player

gets five per cent of the transfer money if he is ‘bought’ by another club. With prices sometimes over £ 1,000,000 the player can do very well indeed when he changes teams. Then there’s the excitement of the cheering crowds at Wembley, where the finals of the great competitions are held. There’s the chance of playing in the England team in international matches abroad. And there’s the fun and fame of television interviews and features in the press, and the admiration of the fans.

But things are not always easy, even for the most successful. Some find it difficult to play well all the time. Some are injured - knees and ankles cause most of the problems. All footballers must retire young, and for some it’s not easy to build a new career.

There are problems, too, for football club manager. Violence among a small but noisy group of fans has given some clubs a bad name, most big clubs can still get the crowds they need to pay their huge cost. But for many smaller clubs in the third and fourth divisions the crowds are growing smaller, and the money problems bigger.

A good way of getting to know people is to watch them having fun.

British people have fun with this flag. They put it on biscuit tins, party hats and plastic bags. But most British people do not like to talk about or show patriotic feelings. They feel too embarrassed. You will see the Union Jack on top of government offices in London, but you will not often find it in shops, in offices or in people’s homes.

Every now and then, British people forget to be embarrassed. This usually happens on a royal occasions, like a wedding or an anniversary. Some people arrange ‘street parties’. They close the street so that cars cannot get through, and put up tables and chairs. People from the houses all around put out flags and bring food for everyone to share. There are games and races for the children and in the evening everyone dances in the middle of the street where they live.

Everybody wants to be fit, feel good, look slim and stay young. Everybody’s doing it, old and young, men and women. They’re running, dancing, jumping up and down, bending and stretching Exercise is in fashion.

It started with running. Millions of people put on their trainer shoes and fashionable tracksuits and run through parks or along the streets for halt an hour a day. Then the runners get the marathon craze. Popular marathons are now held everywhere. Lots of people want to see if they can run 42 kms and do it faster than everyone else. The big city marathons in London are important sporting events. Television cameras and newspapers report them in detail. Some remarkable people take part in the marathons: seventy-five-year-old grandfather and nine-ears-old grandchildren, and even disabled people in wheelchairs.

But marathons are not for everyone, some prefer to get fit at home. For them, there’s a big choice of books, cassettes and video programmes with music and instructions. With music and instructions. One of the most popular of these home exercise programmes is

called aerobics. Bend down and touch your toes. You can do it too.

Taking exercise is only one part of keeping fit. You’ve got to get slim, too. Books and magazines about slimming are bestsellers these days. Some people eat nothing but fruit for two or three days a week.

It is notable that the only athletics event which generates a lot of enthusiasm is the annual London Marathon. Most of the tens of thousands of participants in this race are ‘fun runners’ who are merely trying to complete it, sometimes in outrageous costumes, and so collect money for charity.

The country’s big bookmakers are willing to offer odds on almost anything at all if asked. Who will be the next Labour party leader? Will it rain during the Wimbledon tennis tournament? Will it snow on Christmas Day?

It is said that an Englishman’s home is his castle, and this is amply demonstrated by the most popular pastime of all - gardening. If reflects their general unfriendliness because gardens mark out territory, and flowerbeds and hedges warn strangers to keep out. This obsession also reveals an aggressiveness that has been part of the national character throughout history; they are no longer trying to build an empire, but the same warlike spirit lives on in events such as trying to grow the biggest marrow for the village show. It is a deadly serious competition. The same is true of other games such as indoor bowling, darts or snooker. Even board games, the kind you buy in a toy shop, have their national champions. And there is probably a ‘national association’ for it which organizes contests.

The British are so fond of competition that they even introduce it into gardening. Many people indulge in an informal rivalry with their neighbours as to who can grow the better flowers or vegetables. There are hundreds of dog and cat shows throughout the country at which owners hope that their pet will win a prize.

The central place of sport in Britain is indicated by the very large number of sporting expressions and metaphors which have entered the everyday language. From cricket:

- On a sticky wicket: in a difficult situation;

- On an easy wicket: in a fortunate situation;

- Stumped: at a loss for an answer to a question or solution to a problem;

- Hit something for six: dismiss something emphatically;

- Play with a straight bat: do something in an honest and straightforward way;

- It’s not cricket: it is not the proper or fair way of doing something (cricket is supposed to be the perfect example of the concept of ‘fair play’).

- Have a good innings: have a large or adequate amount of time in a certain post: have a long life;

- Off one’s own bat: without help from anyone else;

From boxing:

- Saved by the bell: saved from a bad or dangerous situation by a student event:

- On the ropes: in a weak position; close to defeat or failure;

- Flored: defeated or confused in an argument or discussion;

- Throw in the towel: admit defeat.

From horse - racing and riding:

- First past the post: the winner;

- Have the bit between the teeth: determined;

- To be given free rein: to be allowed to do exactly what one wants, without restrictions;

- In the saddle: in control (in modern times, the expression, ‘in the driving seat’ is often used instead).

From other sports or sport in general:

- Team player: somebody who is good at co-operating with other people in groups;

- Run with the pack: have no individual principles but just blindly follow the majority;

- Win hands down: win easily;

- Go to the dogs: start to lead an aimless and self -destructive life;

- In the final straight / on the last lap: in the last stage of some process;

- A safe pair of hands: a reliable person.


Sports shape our lives in many very important ways. Sometimes they do not even realize the great effect it has on them - motor skill, self - realization, leisure, emotional stability, moral development, social competence, organic development, cognitive development and aesthetic appreciation. Knowledge of what phenomena are considered to be essential for native speakers of English is increasingly being realized. Sport consolidates the nation, it facilitates spirit of patriotism of all strata of the society.


1. Britain. The Country and its People. Oxford, 1995.

2. Elizabeth Laird. Faces of Britain, Longman, 1996.

3. Paul Harvey, Rhodri Jones. Britain Explored, Longman, 1998,

4. Л. Васильева. Тайна времени, М., Эксмо-Пресс, 2001.

5. В.Осипов. Британия глазами русского. М., МПН, 1977.

6. V.N. Prokofiev. Sport and British Social Values. Матеріали VII всеукраїнської науково-методичної конференції 25-26 січня 2007. - Зб. Проблеми культури професійної мови фахівця: теорія та практика. - Донецьк, ДЮІ, 2007.

Came to edition 04.04.2007.


Перепелица П.Е., Демкович С.Э.

Донецкий национальный технический университет Донецкий национальный университет экономики и торговли им. М.Туган-Барановского

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Аннотация. В статье проводится сравнительный анализ отдельных тактико-технических действий игроков линии нападения, защиты и полузащиты. В результате проведенного анализа был определён уровень взаимодействия между игроками, располагающимися в этих линиях, а также между самими линиями в целом. Ключевые слова: футбол, передача мяча, сравнительный анализ, тактико-технические действия.

Анотація. Перепеліца П.Є., Демкович С.Е. Порівняльний аналіз окремих тактико-технічних дій гравців лінії

нападу, захисту і півзахисту. У статті зроблено порівняльний аналіз окремих тактико-технічних дій гравців ліній нападу, захисту та півзахисту. У результаті проведення цього аналізу був з’ясований рівень взаємодії між гравцями, які розташовані у цих лініях, а також між самими лініями в цілому.

Ключові слова: футбол, передача м ‘яча, порівняльний аналіз, тактико-технічні дії.

Annotation. Perepelitsa P.E., Demkovich S.E. Comparative analysis of separate tactical technical actions players of the line of attack, defence and midfield. In the article is conducted the comparative analysis of separate team tactical and technical activities of players of line of attack, defence and midfield. As a result of the conducted analysis the level of co-operation between the players disposed in these lines was certain, and also between lines on the whole. Keywords: football, transmission of ball, comparative analysis, team tactical and technical activities.


Тактика в любом соревновании, это прежде всего, планомерное использование всех сил и средств ради победы над соперником. Добиться игрового превосходства над соперником можно за счет индивидуальной, групповой и командной тактики, действий на поле отдельных спортсменов или групп, а также взаимосвязи всех звеньев команды для достижения наибольшей эффективности в нападении и в защите [1]. При таком подходе немаловажную роль играет степень взаимодействия между игроками, находящимися как в одной линии (например, линии нападения), так и между линиями в целом. От уровня взаимодействия между футболистами во время игры зависит многое, в том числе и конечный результат матча. Но как определить этот уровень? Ведь без этого невозможно ни определить характер и интенсивность тренировок, ни правильно руководить игроками во время матча. Именно поэтому возникает необходимость в проведении сравнительного анализа отдельных тактико-технических действий игроков линии нападения, защиты и полузащиты, с тем, чтобы определить степень взаимодействия между игроками, располагающимися в этих линиях, а также между самими линиями в целом.

Анализ исследований и публикаций показал, что в области тактико-технической подготовки футболистов проделана большая работа [1-10]. Однако, среди всего разнообразия литературы на футбольную тематику, каких-либо исследований связанных с определением степени взаимодействия между игроками, располагающимися в линиях нападения, защиты и полузащиты, а также между самими линиями в целом - не выявлено.

Работа выполнена по плану НИР Донецкого национального технического университета.

Формулирование целей работы.

Цель исследований - провести сравнительный анализ отдельных тактико-технических действий игроков линии нападения, защиты и полузащиты.

Задачи исследования:

1) определить степень взаимодействия между игроками находящимися в одной линии;

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