Научная статья на тему 'Обучение научному исследованию в методологии'

Обучение научному исследованию в методологии Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Абдураманова Незире Энверовна

Есть много вещей в мире, которые исследуются, должны быть исследованы и будут исследованы. Круг вопросов, которые являются предметом расследования, стал шире. Преимущества проведения надлежащего расследования и потенциальная ответственность за ошибки во время расследования велики. Расследования помогают разрешить конфликт и могут быть решающими во многих случаях. Следовательно, нам нужно научное исследование. В статье обсуждается преимущество перед другими ненаучными методами, основанными на субъективных аргументах и необоснованных убеждениях.

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There are many things in the world that are investigated, have to be investigated and will be investigated. The range of matters that are the subject of investigations has become broader. The benefits of conducting a proper investigation and the potential liability for mistakes during investigations are great. Investigations help resolve conflict and can be decisive in many cases. Hence we need the scientific investigation. The article discusses an advantage over other non-scientific methods that are based on subjective arguments and unfalsified beliefs.

Текст научной работы на тему «Обучение научному исследованию в методологии»

TEACHING SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION IN METHODOLOGY Abduramanova N^. Email: Abduramanova692@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: there are many things in the world that are investigated, have to be investigated and will be investigated. The range of matters that are the subject of investigations has become broader. The benefits of conducting a proper investigation and the potential liability for mistakes during investigations are great. Investigations help resolve conflict and can be decisive in many cases. Hence we need the scientific investigation. The article discusses an advantage over other non-scientific methods that are based on subjective arguments and unfalsified beliefs.

Keywords: research, observation, experiments, hypothesis, theory, qualitative research.


Абдураманова Незире Энверовна - преподаватель, кафедра интеграционного курса английского языка № 1, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: есть много вещей в мире, которые исследуются, должны быть исследованы и будут исследованы. Круг вопросов, которые являются предметом расследования, стал шире. Преимущества проведения надлежащего расследования и потенциальная ответственность за ошибки во время расследования велики. Расследования помогают разрешить конфликт и могут быть решающими во многих случаях. Следовательно, нам нужно научное исследование. В статье обсуждается преимущество перед другими ненаучными методами, основанными на субъективных аргументах и необоснованных убеждениях.

Ключевые слова: исследование, наблюдение, эксперименты, гипотеза, теория, качественное исследование.

UDC 81-139

Introduction. The logical strategy has its premise in observational investigate. Observational investigate produces information determined from perception or experimentation as restricted to hypothesis. Observational investigate employments inductive thinking to draw conclusions around the experimentation and perceptions. Inductive thinking is where particular perceptions or estimations are made in arrange to create broader conclusions, generalizations and hypotheses [2]. For illustration, researchers conduct tests and collect information to assist reply logical questions and fathom issues. Deductive thinking is where one begins considering around generalizations, at that point continues toward the specifics of how to demonstrate or actualize the generalizations.

Methods. There are three sorts of logical examinations: graphic, comparative and exploratory.

Descriptive Investigation includes portraying and/or evaluating parts of a characteristic framework.

Comparative Investigation includes collecting information on distinctive populations/organisms, beneath distinctive conditions to create a comparison .

Experimental Investigation includes a prepare in which a "reasonable test" is planned in which factors are effectively controlled, controlled, and measured in an exertion to assemble prove to back or invalidate a casual relationship [3].

There are two fundamental sorts of investigate related with the logical strategy.

1. Quantitative Research.

Quantitative investigate is based on collecting realities and figures. This sort investigate is common in subjects such as science.

2. Qualitative Research.

Subjective investigate is based on collecting suppositions and demeanors. This sort investigate is common within the social sciences. The logical examinations are chosen by the five steps. Without it, it would be inconceivable for any researcher to duplicate the try. These standard steps guarantee that the test is being fair-minded and the result is based on appropriate inquire about [1].

1. Questioning may be a to begin with step of any logical examination. Whereas understanding a concept you get into part of questions, issues etc. In addressing the issue is displayed within the frame of addressing.

2. Gathering Information is the another step gathering out the data. It is the way to do back ground investigate where science diaries and a few comparable tests are alluded to come to an deduction. It is additionally known as way to perform back ground investigate.

3. Hypothesis is the kind of forecast of result based on considering the data. It may be a kind of taught figure that tells what comes about are anticipated by the try.

4. Test the hypothesis is tried by planning appropriate test instrument. Taking after legitimate rules, the try is performed and results are tried.

5. Conclusion is the information collected within the test chooses whether the try works demonstrates or discredits the result. Subsequently, we get the conclusion which either demonstrates or discredits the hypothesis.

Though differing models for the logical strategy are accessible, there's in common a persistent prepare that incorporates perceptions almost the common world. Individuals are normally curious, so they regularly come up with questions approximately things they see or listen, and they frequently create thoughts or theories approximately why things are the way they are. The most excellent theories lead to forecasts that can be tried in different ways. The foremost conclusive testing of theories comes from thinking based on carefully controlled experimental data. Depending on how well extra tests coordinate the forecasts, the initial theory may require refinement, modification, extension or indeed dismissal. In the event that a specific theory gets to be exceptionally well bolstered, a common hypothesis may be created. Although strategies shift from one field of request to another, they are regularly the same from one to another. The method of the logical strategy includes making guesses (speculations), determining expectations from them as consistent results, and after that carrying out tests or experimental perceptions based on those forecasts [4].

A speculation may be a guess, based on information gotten whereas seeking answers to the address. The hypothesis may be exceptionally particular, or it could be wide. Researchers at that point test theories by conducting tests or considers. A logical speculation must be falsifiable, inferring that it is conceivable to recognize a conceivable result of an try or perception that clashes with forecasts concluded from the speculation; something else, the theory cannot be definitively tried. The reason of an explore is to decide whether perceptions concur with or strife with the forecasts determined from a theory. Tests can take put anyplace from a carport to CERN's Expansive Hadron Collider. There are challenges in a formulaic statement of strategy, in any case. Considering the nature of logical action ought to offer assistance understudies to recognize and solidify thoughts that will be valuable within the choice and advancement of a great examination [3].

Legal addressing can be utilized to assist understudies investigate thoughts in more depth, e.g. what may be a theory? What makes a theory a great one? And so on. The brainstorm and ensuing talk ought to raise issues such as:

• science is approximately understanding issues;

• you've got to test things to urge and record the prove;

• the researcher makes a forecast based on current knowledge and writes this as a theory - a testable explanation;

• the theory is tried by planning and conducting an try; which is able as a rule alter one figure at a time with all the other conditions consistent or controlled (so called 'fair test');

• logical examinations search for cause and impact connections, i.e. variety in one calculate causes variety in another in a unsurprising way [1].

In conclusion the major advantage of the logical strategy is that the information it collects is experimental. The data is picked up through coordinate perceptions and tests. This is often an advantage because it permits eyewitness to create claims almost the truth of the hypothesis.

References / Список литературы

1. Akbari R. & Dadvand B., 2011. Does formal teacher education make a difference? A comparison of pedagogical thought units of B.A. versus M.A. teachers. // The Modern Language Journal, 95(1). Р. 44-60.

2. Ben-Peretz M., 2011. Teacher knowledge: What is it? How do we uncover it? What are its implications for schooling? // Teaching and Teacher Education. 27. Р. 3-9.

3. Borko H., 2004. Professional development and teacher learning: Mapping the terrain. // Educational Researcher. 33(8). Р. 3-15.

4. Freiberg. H.J., Stein. T. & Huang. S., 1995. Effects of classroom management intervention on a student achievement in inner-city elementary schools. // Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice. 1. Р. 36-66.

5. Pianta R.C., 1999. Enhancing relationships between children and teachers. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

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