ОБУЧЕНИЕ ИНОСТРАННОМУ ЯЗЫКУ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ ВИДЕО МАТЕРИАЛОВ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Список использованной литературы:

1. Габриелян О.С. Химия. 9 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений /О.С. Габриелян. М.: Дрофа, 2013. 319 [1] с.

2. Глинкина Г. В. Развитие у обучаемых читательской грамотности средствами Способа диалектического обучения при изучении различных дисциплин: учебно-методическое пособие. - Красноярск: ККИПК, 2018. 196 с.

3. Ковель М.И., Глинкина Г.В. Применение критериальной системы оценивания учебных достижений обучающихся при реализации ФГОС на основе Способа диалектического обучения: учебно-методич. пособие / М. И. Ковель, Г. В. Глинкина. Красноярск: ККИПК, 2017. 208 с.

4. Ковель М.И., Глинкина Г.В. Способ диалектического обучения: использование на уроках критериальной системы оценивания предметных и метапредметных результатов: учебно-методич. пособие / М. И. Ковель, Г. В. Глинкина. Красноярск: ККИПК, 2020. 252 с.

5. Мокс А.А. Функциональная грамотность в современном образовании URL: https://sch1621.mskobr.ru>...функциональная грамотность (дата обращения: 06.01.2021).

6. URL: https://ria.ru/society/20161206/1482946511.html (дата обращения: 12.06.2016).

© Ковель М.И. , 2021

УДК 378

Кокова Д.Х.

Студентка 3 курса, ШКГ

Институт сервиса, туризма и дизайна (филиал) СКФУ в г. Пятигорске, РФ

Подсвирова В. Е. Студентка 3 курса, ШКГ

Институт сервиса, туризма и дизайна (филиал) СКФУ в г. Пятигорске, РФ

Малышкина Е. В. кандидат исторических наук Институт сервиса, туризма и дизайна (филиал) СКФУ в г. Пятигорске, РФ



Освоить, тем более овладеть коммуникативными навыками иностранного языка, не находясь в стране изучаемого языка - весьма трудно. Цель статьи заключается в предоставлении необходимой информации для преподавателей иностранного языка с целью эффективного использования видео на занятиях. В данной работе рассмотрены основные методы изучения иностранного языка при помощи видео и аудио файлов.

Ключевые слова: иностранный язык, интерактивные методы обучения, видеоматериал.

The organization of foreign language instruction in higher education institutions is undergoing significant changes at the present stage. The new trends are aimed at improving skills of professional and business communication through intensification of the educational process and its humanization. Students enter a technical college with different levels of general education and language. For such an audience, raising interest and creating positive motivation to learn a foreign language is a very important task. Since the teaching activity at the university is of a professional nature, the teacher's task is to emphasize the practical importance of mastering a foreign language.

Students are most interested in situations of real speech communication. The use of videos has proven to be

one of the most attractive and effective training tools. Their use makes it possible to create communicative situations close to the conditions of real communication and facilitates familiarity with the accepted norms of spoken interaction and the characteristics of the communicative behavior of speakers.

This article deals with three types of video materials: video polylogues, videos and feature films.

Working with Video Polylogues

Video polylogues «Everyday conversation in English» are interactive because one of the actors is the student himself. The video is based on the fact that the student finds himself in various situations of communication in the country of the language being studied. The main objective of the video polylogue is to enhance the skills of dialogue speech. A student is required not only to answer correctly, but also to speak naturally in a given speech situation. Special attention should be paid to the culture of communication, emotional coloration, peculiarities of tone and speech pace.

You can build creative tasks such as:

- sound the video conversation;

- reproduce the conversation in your own words;

- act out a similar life scene or make up a video film.

Despite their simplicity video polylogues help to compensate the lack of communication with native speakers, help to overcome psychological barriers in communication, foster a tolerant attitude towards the interlocutor, and inculcate proper communication skills.

Use of Video Plots

Videos have become a necessary element of holistic study. Because no matter how much we listen and read about the country of the language we learn, it's better to see ourselves. And if you can't go on a real trip, a video tour is available.

Video plots can be used to develop monological speech skills. At all stages of perception and comprehension of the video plot accumulates lexical and grammatical material. In this case, the verbal part of the story plays a decisive role and the pre-demonstration stage aims to eliminate lexical, grammatical and phonetic difficulties.

After training you can watch the video twice: firstly, to understand the main content, and secondly, to give a detailed description of what you saw. Group and peer work would be appropriate.

The result should be a monologue. Given the different levels of proficiency in English, the principle of moderation must be observed. For example, a student may choose the format of the speech: a summary of the main content, a detailed retelling or a detailed monologue on the topic.

You can use creative forms of monological utterance: copyrighting of video storytelling, creating your own video storytelling by analogy, etc.

A Feature Film

Audition is one of the most complex speech activities. The success of audition is ensured by a good level of ownership of other speech activities. A lot of students are really shocked when they're hit by the flow of real English. The learner has the impression that he knows nothing and understands nothing. However, such complexes can and must be overcome. Language trainings based on immersion into a foreign-language environment help to enhance auditory skills, develop language and communication skills and improve self-esteem.

This training can be conducted with the help of a feature film, drawing on skills previously acquired in working with audio and video materials. The screening and reception of a feature film should take place at the final stage of the theme study. For example, the theme «From the history of Britain» at the first year concludes the workshop on the film «First Knight», the theme «British Monarchy» at the second year - viewing and discussing the film «Elizabeth». The logical conclusion of the «Own Business» episteme in the third course is a workshop on the film «You've got Mail» etc.

The definition of audition goals and objectives for a particular group may vary by the teacher. Not every feature film can be used for educational purposes. It must meet the following requirements:

- Correspondence to the studied subject, informational-cognitive value;

-Authenticity of the feature film (the language of the characters must meet the modern language standard);

- Educational value (the film is suitable for group: age, ethics and morality);

- Optimal duration (the film can be shortened or divided into several parts);

- Captioning (Russian and English subtitles can be used);

- Optimal audition conditions (good technical quality of video recordings and reproducing devices, no external noise).

The logic of the film should be carefully considered and a learning algorithm developed, so that the skills acquired by students are consolidated and developed from one workshop to the next:

- Presentation of the objectives and goals of the Workshop.

- Explanation of the rules for the collective viewing of the video.

- Viewing preparation.

- Film screening.

- Execution of control tasks (testing, answers to questions).

- Creative stage and reflexion (composition, narration of actors, staging of scenes from the film, etc.). Thus, such workshops comprehensively develop students' speech, language and sociocultural competence

and improve compensatory learning skills. The educational aspect is also an important element of this training. In the process of discussing the film, students gain new emotional, aesthetic and moral experience. Список использованной литературы:

1. Верисокин Ю.И. Учебное кино на уроках английского языка. // Иностранные языки в школе. -2018. - № 4. - с.15

2. Ильченко Е. Использование видеозаписи на уроках английского языка. // Иностранные языки в школе. -2015. - № 3. - с.20

3. Мятова М.И. Использование видеофильмов при обучении иностранному языку в средней общеобразовательной школе. // Иностранные языки в школе. - 2017. № 4. - с.31

4. Смирнова И.Б. Развитие устной речи на основе аутентичного художественного фильма. // Иностранные языки в школе. - 2016. - № 6. - с.11

© Кокова Д.Х, Подсвирова В.Е., Малышкина Е.В., 2021

УДК 377.5

Матвеев И.А.

инженер-конструктор АО «Загорский оптико-механический завод» г.Сергиев Посад, Россия Озеров В. В.

кандидат технических наук, профессор, преподаватель ГБПОУ МО «Краснозаводский колледж», г.Сергиев Посад, Россия Чумаков С.А.

Почётный Доктор наук (^с.) Российской Академии Естествознания,

ГБПОУ МО «Ногинский колледж», г .Балашиха,Россия



В статье рассматривается вопросы создания и защиты дипломных проектов в условиях требований современных образовательных стандартов в сфере среднего профессионального образования. Уделяется

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