НОВЫЕ ДАННЫЕ О ФАУНЕ CARPELIMUS LEACH, 1819 (COLEOPTERA: STAPHYLINIDAE: OXYTELINAE) НОВОЙ ГВИНЕИ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Гильденков М. Ю.

Дан обзор 13 видов рода Carpelimus Leach, 1819 для острова Новая Гвинея. Из них 4 описаны автором с Новой Гвинеи в 2020 г., а 7 приводятся впервые. Представлено описание нового подвида Carpelimus (s. str.) indicus wamenensis Gildenkov, ssp. n. От номинативного подвида, с которым имеет идентичное строение эдеагуса, новый подвид отличается более крупными размерами тела и более темной окраской. Надежно отличается более редкой пунктировкой переднеспинки и значительно более крупной (примерно в 1,5-2,5 раза) пунктировкой надкрылий.

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A review of 13 species of the genus Carpelimus Leach, 1819 for the island of New Guinea is given. Of these, 4 species were described by the author from New Guinea in 2020, and 7 are given for the first time. A description of the new subspecies Carpelimus (s.str.) indicus wamenensis Gildenkov, ssp. n. is provided. It differs from the nominative subspecies with which the edeagus is identical in structure by larger sizes and darker colour. It is reliably distinguished by more rare punctation of the pronotum and significantly larger (about 1.5-2.5 times) punctation of the elytra.



Амурский зоологический журнал, 2020, т. XII, № 3

Amurian Zoological Journal, 2020, vol. XII, no. 3


UDC 595.763.33 DOI: 10.33910/2686-9519-2020-12-3-369-377



M. Yu. Gildenkov

Smolensk State University, 4 Przhevalsky Str., 214000, Smolensk, Russia


Mikhail Yu. Gildenkov

E-mail: mgildenkov@mail.ru SPIN: 9079-8238 Scopus Author ID: 8677040800 ReseacherlD: J-9690-2015

Abstract. A review of 13 species of the genus Carpelimus Leach, 1819 for the island of New Guinea is given. Of these, 4 species were described by the author from New Guinea in 2020, and 7 are given for the first time. A description of the new subspecies Carpelimus (s.str.) indicus wamenensis Gildenkov, ssp. n. is provided. It differs from the nominative subspecies with which the edeagus is identical in structure by larger sizes and darker colour. It is reliably distinguished by more rare punctation of the pronotum and significantly larger (about 1.5-2.5 times) punctation of the elytra.

Copyright: © The Author (2020). Published by Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Open access under CC BY-NC License 4.0.

Keywords: Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae, Carpelimus, new subspecies, New Guinea.



М. Ю. Гильденков

Смоленский государственный университет, ул. Пржевальского, д. 4, 214000, г. Смоленск, Россия

Сведения об авторе

Гильденков Михаил Юрьевич E-mail: mgildenkov@mail.ru SPIN-код: 9079-8238 Scopus Author ID: 8677040800 ReseacherlD: J-9690-2015

Аннотация. Дан обзор 13 видов рода Carpelimus Leach, 1819 для острова Новая Гвинея. Из них 4 описаны автором с Новой Гвинеи в 2020 г., а 7 приводятся впервые. Представлено описание нового подвида Carpelimus (s. str.) indicus wamenensis Gildenkov, ssp. n. От номинативного подвида, с которым имеет идентичное строение эдеагуса, новый подвид отличается более крупными размерами тела и более темной окраской. Надежно отличается более редкой пунктировкой переднеспинки и значительно более крупной (примерно в 1,5-2,5 раза) пунктировкой надкрылий.

Права: © Автор (2020). Опубликовано Российским государственным педагогическим университетом им. А. И. Герцена. Открытый доступ на условиях лицензии СС БУ-ЫС 4.0.

Ключевые слова: Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae, Carpelimus, новый подвид, Новая Гвинея.

New Guinea is an island in the West of the Pacific Ocean, the second largest in the world. The climate is equatorial and subequatorial. The western part of the island is the territory of Indonesia, and the eastern part is Papua New Guinea. According to the relevant catalog (Herman 2001) of Staphylinidae, for the fauna of the island of New Guinea, only 2 species from the genus Carpelimus Leach, 1819 are given: C. indicus (Kraatz, 1859) (Scheer-peltz 1971), described from India and Sri Lanka (in this article, in connection with the description of the new subspecies, it is given as C. indicus indicus) and C. papuensis (Fauvel, 1879), described from the Indonesian part of New Guinea (Dorey) (Fauvel 1879). The materials we studied from six museums make significant additions to the understanding of the Carpelimus fauna of the island of New Guinea.

This paper is based on the specimens deposited in the following collections: cMG — the private collection of M. Gildenkov, Smolensk, Russia; HNHM — Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest; IRSNB — Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Brussels; MHNG — Museum d'Histoire Naturelle Geneva, Switzerland; NHMW — Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria; NKME — Naturkundemuseum Erfurt, Germany; SMNS — Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde in Stuttgart, Germany.

The labels are cited verbatim. In the present study, standard methods were used for the taxonomic research of insects; the preparations were made on an MBS-10 binocular microscope. The genital preparations were processed using 10% KOH and then fixed in euparal. In the description and diagnosis, giving the length to width ratio for the head, prono-tum, and elytra, the following standard units were used: 7 standard units = 0.1 mm; thus, 1 standard unit constitutes about 0.0143 mm. Photographs were taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark III camera and a Canon MP-E 65 mm objective using the extended focus technology.

Carpelimus (s. str.) indicus indicus

(Kraatz, 1859)

(Trogophloeus indicus Kraatz, 1859; = Xero-phygus flavipes Motschulsky, 1861; = Tro-

gophloeus ceylonicus Bernhauer, 1902; = Trogophloeus kreyenbergi Bernhauer, 1928) (Scheerpeltz 1971, 202) Material. Indonesia: 1$, 10$, 16 ex. "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Jayapura distr., 10 m NN Demta, coast, lux, IV-V.1999, leg. M. Balke" (NKME; 5 ex. — cMG); 4$, 2$, 6 ex. "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Jayapura district Genyem., 50 m NN, IV-V.1999, leg. M. Balke" (NKME;

— cMG); 1$, 2$, 19 ex. "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Nabire distri., Wondiwoi Mts., Ye-retua, IX.1998, 100 m NN, leg. M. Balke" (NKME); 1$ "INDONESIA W-PAPUA ca. 32 km SE Kaimana, entryto Triton bay, S 3°49'26'', E 133°59'30'', 06.II.2011, leg. A. Weigel, #05" (cMG); 1 ex. "W-PAPUA Raja Ampat Pr. Batanta isl., 8 km S Waywesar, Rony River S 00°48.52', E 130°48.57', 14.I.2004 leg. A. Weigel" (NKME); 2 ex. "INDONESIA, W — Papua 130 km SE Kaimana Omba (=Yamor) river 10-20 km from coast" "S 04°05'49'', E 134°54'09'' 10-20 m, 09-11.II.2011, leg. A. Weigel (008)" "Collection NATURKUNDEMUSEUM ERFURT" (NKME; 1 ex. — cMG); 3 ex. "IRIAN JAYA: Kabup. Nabire Wandammen penins., Yeretus 10m, 17-20.8.1998 | leg. M. Balke (WA 18)" (NHMW); 1 ex. "IRIAN JAYA: Kabup. Nabire Wandammen penins., Yeretus 10m, 17-20.8.1998 | leg. M. Balke (WA 17)" (NHMW); 2 ex. "IRIAN JAYA: Nabire Kali Bobo, 100 m, IX.1990 (IR 91 #10) leg. Balke & Hendrich" (NHMW); 2 ex. "INDONESIA E, W New Guinea, Doberai Peninsula, Ayamaru vill. 27 km SE, Uter (Aitinyo) lakeside, S 1°26'01'', E 132°23'09'', ~175-177 m, 04.IX.2015, muddy bank, between lakeside vegetation, leg. D. Telnov" (NKME); 1 ex. "INDONESIA E, W New Guinea, Doberai Peninsula, Ayamaru vill. ~8.3 km SE, S1°18'54'', E 132°15'28'', ~360 m, 02-03.IX.2015, primary lowland rainforest on limestone, white light, leg. D. Telnov" (NKME); 1 ex. "INDONESIA E, W New Guinea, Doberai Peninsula, Ayamaru vill., near the jetty, S 1°16'19, E 132°11'58'', ~250-260 m, 03-04.IX.2015, lakeside, white light, leg. D. Telnov" (NKME). Papua New Guinea: 2$, 1$ "VI.79 | PNG/ Madang Umg. Madang" "Papua Nlle Guinee W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG; 1$ — cMG); 3$, 1$

"PAPUA N. GUINEA env. Madang Nagada VI.79, W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG; 1$ — cMG); 2$ "PAPUA N. GUINEA Finschhafen Heldsbach XI.79, W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG). Remarks. The species is described from India and Sri Lanka. In the Palaearctic region, it is known to us (Gildenkov 2015; 2016) only from Japan, western Pakistan and China (Shaanxi, Shandong, Sichuan). It is very widespread in the Oriental region, known to us (Gildenkov 2015; 2016) from the following regions: Andaman Islands, Cambodia, China (Chongqing, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hongkong, Hunan, Jiangsu, Yunnan, Zhejiang), India, Indonesia (Borneo, Java, Sumatra), Japan

(Okinawa), Laos, Malaysia (Selangor, Pahang, Sabah), Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam. The species is also known to us from New Caledonia.

Carpelimus (s. str.) indicus wamenensis Gildenkov, ssp. n.


3BAF6-67CB-4DE9-9538-10010CF23CFC Material. Indonesia: Holotypus, S "Irian Jaya: Jayawi-jayajayag , Wamena, Beliem-Fluss 15.10.1993 leg. A. RIEDEL 1700 m" (SMNS). Paratypus: 3S, 4?, 56 ex. "Irian Jaya: Jayawi-jaya, Wamena, Beliem-Fluss 15.10.1993 leg. A. RIEDEL 1700 m" (SMNS; 1S, 1?, 5 ex. — cMG).

Figs. 1-4. Carpelimus indicus spp.: 1 — Carpelimus (s.str.) indicus wamenensis Gildenkov, ssp. n., holotype, male, habitus, dorsal view; 2 — aedeagus, ventral view; 3 — spermatheca, lateral view; 4 — Carpelimus (s.str.) indicus indicus (Kraatz, 1859), male (New Guinea, Irian Jaya Jayapura distr.), habitus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 2 — 0.25 mm.; 3 — 0.1 mm Рис. 1-4. Carpelimus indicus spp.: 1 — Carpelimus (s. str.) indicus wamenensis Gildenkov, ssp. n., голотип, самец, габитус, вид сверху; 2 — эдеагус, вид снизу; 3 — сперматека, вид сбоку; 4 — Carpelimus (s. str.) indicus indicus (Kraatz, 1859), самец (Новая Гвинея, провинция Ириан-Джая), габитус, вид сверху. Масштаб: 2 — 0,25 mm; 3 — 0,1 mm

Description (holotype). Length 3.0 mm (paratypes — from 2.9 to 3.2 mm; the length of the nominative subspecies is 2.6-3.0 mm). Colouration black-brown, antennae and legs brown, apices of tibiae and tarsi — yellow brown. Integument slightly shining, body with short, light-coloured hairs. Head transverse, with a wide base, ratio of its length (from posterior margin of head to anterior margin of clypeus) to maximum width about 23:36 (in the nominative subspecies — 23:35). Neck constriction prominent. Eyes large, convex, occupying almost entire lateral side of head; temples almost indistinct, head widest across eyes (see Fig. 1). Head surface with delicate, fine and sparse punctation. Diameter of punctures is about 4.0 times as small as an eye facet. Distances between punctures are significantly more than their diameter, interspaces smooth, slightly shining. Antennae long, antennal segments 1-11 elongate. Last 3 segments more massive than the others and form a lose club.

Pronotum widest at about 2/3 of its length from base, then narrowed. Lateral margins straight from base, then smoothly rounded (see Fig. 1). Ratio of pronotum length to its maximum width about 34:46 (in the nominative subspecies — 31:43). Surface of pronotum with delicate, fine and rather rare punctation. Diameter of punctures about 4.0 times as small as an eye facet. Distances between punctures significantly more than their diameter, interspaces smooth, slightly shining. Pronotal disc with 2 pairs of prominent, symmetrical depressions and 1 unpaired oval depression along midline near apex. Base of pronotal disc with narrow, crescent-shaped depressions separated by a medial ridge. Central part of disc with oval depressions (see Fig. 1).

Ratio of length of elytra to their combined width about 53:57 (in the nominative subspecies — 48:53). Surface of pronotum with clear, large and dense punctation. Diameter of punctures is about equal to an eye facet. Distances between punctures are a little smaller than

Figs. 5-6. Carpelimus spp., punctation of the surface of the pronotum and elytra: 5 — C. indicus wamenensis Gildenkov, ssp. n., holotype; 6 — C. indicus indicus (Kraatz, 1859), male (New Guinea, Irian-Jaya, Jayapura distr.).

Рис. 5-6. Carpelimus spp., пунктировка поверхности переднеспинки и надкрылий: 5 — C. indicus wamenensis Gildenkov, ssp. n., голотип; 6 — C. indicus indicus (Kraatz, 1859), самец (Новая Гвинея, провинция Ириан-Джая)

their diameter, interspaces smooth, shining. Abdomen delicately shagreened. Aedeagus of characteristic structure (see Fig. 2). Female. Sexual dimorphism is absent, female morphologically similar to male. Spermathe-ca has a characteristic structure (see Fig. 3) for representatives of the subgenus Carpeli-mus (Gildenkov 2015).

Differential diagnosis. It differs from the nominative subspecies with which the edeagus is identical in structure (see Fig. 2) by larger sizes (see above) and darker colour (see Figs. 1, 4 ). It is reliably distinguished by more rare puncta-tion of the pronotum and significantly larger (about 1.5-2.5 times) punctation of the elytra (see Figs. 5, 6).

Distribution: Wamena (Jayawijaya regencies), largest town in Indonesian Papua's highlands, in the Baliem-river Valley. Etymology. Named for its geographical distribution.

Remarks. For the nominative subspecies (see above), on the basis of the extensive material that we studied (Gildenkov 2015; 2016), some variability is known in the width of the pro-notum, puncture of the pronotum and elytra. However, so far the variability has been random. In the new subspecies, all 64 specimens have stable signs of colouration and body size, puncture of the pronotum and elytra. These characters differ significantly from those of the nominative subspecies, and this is the reason for the description of the new subspecies.

Carpelimus (s. str.) papuensis (Fauvel, 1879)

(Trogophloeuspapuensis Fauvel, 1879) (Fauvel 1879: 81)

Material. Indonesia: West Papua, Ma-nokwari: Lectotypus, $ "Dorey" "insularis Kr. (papuensis Fvl.)" "Coll. et det. A. Fauvel Trogophloeus papuensis Fauv. | R.I.Sc.N.B. 17.479" "Syntype [red inscription]" "Lectotypus Trogophloeus papuensis Fauvel, 1879/ des. M. Gildenkov, 2013" "Carpelimus papuensis (Fauvel, 1879) / det. M. Gildenkov, 2013" (IRSNB); 1& 1$ "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Jayapura distr., 10 m NN Demta, coast, lux, IV-V. 1999, leg. M. Balke" (NKME); 2$, 3$ "INDONESIA, W-Papua vic. Kaimana, road,

18 km NE, S 3°31'11'', E 133°40'15'', 50-80 m, 21.II.2011, leg. A. Weigel, LFF (#14)" "Collection NATURKUNDEMUSEUM ERFURT" (NKME; 1? — cMG); 3S, 3? "INDONESIA, W-Papua 130 km SE Kaima-na Omba (=Yamor) river 10-20 km from coast" "S 04°05'49'', E 134°54'09'', 10-20 m, 09-11.II.2011, leg. A. Weigel (008)" "Collection NATURKUNDEMUSEUM ERFURT" (NKME; 1S — cMG); 2? "INDONESIA, West Papua, Batanta Island, valley of Forum River, 19.II.2016, at light," "S 00°52'26.5'', E 130°27'45.4'', leg. T. Kovacs, R. Horvath, P. Juhasz" (HNHM).

Papua New Guinea: 1? "Papua Nlle Guinée Morobe I 80 env. de Gurakor W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG).

Remarks. Described from Indonesia, New Guinea. It is quite widespread in the Oriental region, also known to us (Gildenkov 2015; 2016; 2019c) from the following regions: China (Guangdong, Hongkong, Yunnan), India, Indonesia (Borneo, Java, Bali, Sumatra, Sum-bawa), Laos, Malaysia (Pahang), Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.

Carpelimus (s. str.) peregrinus (Cameron, 1919)

(Trogophloeus peregrinus Cameron, 1919; = Trogophloeus siamensis siwalikensis Cameron, 1930; = Carpelimus tagus Herman, 1970 [= Trogophloeus pallidicornis Cameron, 1945]; = Trogophloeus (Thoracoplatinus) afghanicus Coiffait, 1982; = Trogophloeus (Boopinus) subpolitus Coiffait, 1982). Material. Indonesia: 2?, 44 ex. "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Jayapura distr., 10 m NN Demta, coast, lux, IV-V.1999, leg. M. Balke" (NKME; 8 ex. — cMG); 7S, 9?, 19 ex. "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Jayapura district Genyem., 50 m NN, IV-V. 1999, leg. M. Balke" (NKME); 1 ex. "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Nabire distri., Wondiwoi Mts., Yeretua, IX.1998, 100 m NN, leg. M. Balke" (NKME); 1? "W-PAPUA, Manok-wari Pt., 14 km NE Ransiki Warbiati (Orans-bari)" "light trap, S01°18,41', E134°14,24', cutt. area 02.III.2007 leg. A. Weigel" (NKME); 1? "INDONESIA, W — Papua vic. Kaimana, road, 18 km NE, S 3°31'11'', E 133°40'15'', 50-80 m, 21.II.2011, leg. A. Weigel, LFF (#14)" "Collec-

tion NATURKUNDEMUSEUM ERFURT" (NKME); 2$, 4? "West-Papua, Manokwari N 01°18.41', E 134° 14.24' | Pr., 14 km NE Ransi-ki cut. area, Lichtfalle Warbiati (Oransbari) leg. A. Weigel 2.III.2005" "Collection NATURKUNDEMUSEUM ERFURT" (NKME). Papua New Guinea: 1$, 1?, 1 ex. "29.VI.79 | PNG/ Madang Umg. Madang" "Papua Nlle Guinee W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG; 1ex. — cMG); 1? "18.VI.79 | PNG/ EHProv. Umg. Kainantu Onerunka" "Papua Nlle Guinee W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG); 3$, 3?, 18 ex. "PAPUA N. GUINEA env. Madang Nagada VI.79 W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG; 1$ — cMG); 2$, 8 ex. "PAPUA N. GUINEA Finschhafen Heldsbach XI.79 W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG). Remarks. Described from Sri Lanka. In the Palaearctic region, we know this species (Gil-denkov 2015) only from Afghanistan and western Pakistan. The species is very widespread in the Oriental region, known to us (Gildenkov 2015; 2016) from the following regions: Andaman Islands, Cambodia, China (Fujian, Guangdong, Yunnan), India, Indonesia (Bali, Java, Lombok, Sulawesi, Sumatra), Laos, Malaysia (Johor, Pahang, Perak, Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor), Myanmar, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam. For the island of New Guinea it is given for the first time.

Carpelimus (s. str.) planicollis

(Bernhauer, 1902)

(Trogophloeus planicollis Bernhauer, 1902; = Trogophloeus chatterjeei Cameron, 1930; = Trogophloeus (Boopinus) javanus Cameron, 1936; = Trogophloeus zahiri Abdullah et Qadri, 1970).

Material. Indonesia: 3$, 3?, 8 ex. "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Jayapura distr., 10 m NN Demta, coast, lux, IV-V. 1999, leg. M. Balke" (NKME); 2$, 4? "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Jayapura district Genyem., 50 m NN, IV-V. 1999, leg. M. Balke" (NKME; 1$ — cMG); 1 ex. "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Nabire distr., 150 m NN, Cemara River, VIII.1998, leg. M. Balke" (NKME); 2$, 6? "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Nabire distri., Wondiwoi Mts., Yeretua, IX.1998, 100 m NN, leg. M. Balke" (NKME); 1$ "IRIAN JAYA: Kabup. Nabire Wandam-

men penins., Yeretus 10m, 17-20.8.1998 | leg. M. Balke (WA 17)" (NHMW). Papua New Guinea: 1$ "PAPUA N. GUINEA Finschhafen Heldsbach XI.79 W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG).

Remarks. Described from Sri Lanka. The species is very widespread in the Oriental region, known to us (Gildenkov 2015) from the following regions: India, Indonesia (Java, Molucca, Sulawesi, Sumatra), Malaysia (Sarawak), Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Vietnam. For the island of New Guinea it is given for the first time.

Carpelimus (s. str.) sadiyanus (Cameron, 1945)

(Trogophloeus (Boopinus) sadiyanus Cameron, 1945)

Material, indonesia: 4$, 13?, 15 ex. "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Jayapura distr., 10 m NN Demta, coast, lux, IV-V. 1999, leg. M. Balke" (NKME; 1$, 5 ex. — cMG); 1$, 1? "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Jayapura district Genyem., 50 m NN, IV-V. 1999, leg. M. Balke" (NKME); 1? "INDONESIA W-PAPUA ca. 32 km SE Kaima-na, entryto Triton bay, S 3°49'26'', E 133°59'30'', 06.II.2011, leg. A. Weigel #05" (NKME); 1$, 1 ex. "INDONESIA, W-Papua 130 km SE Kaimana Omba (=Yamor) river 10-20 km from coast" "S 04°05'49'', E 134°54'09'', 10-20 m, 09-11.II.2011, leg. A. Weigel (008)" "Collection NATURKUNDEMUSEUM ERFURT" (NKME). Papua New Guinea: 4 ex. "IV.79 | PNG/ Ma-dang Umg. Madang" "Papua Nlle Guinee W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG; 1 ex. — cMG); 3$, 2?, 29 ex. "PAPUA N. GUINEA env. Madang Nagada VI.79 W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG; 2$ — cMG). Remarks. Described from India. The species is very widespread in the Oriental region, it is known to us (Gildenkov 2015; 2019c) from the following regions: Andaman Islands, Cambodia, India, Indonesia (Java, Molucca, Sumatra), Laos, Malaysia (Pahang, Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor), Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam. For the island of New Guinea it is given for the first time.

Carpelimus (Bucephalinus) chagosanus

(Bernhauer, 1922)

(Trogophloeus (Carpalimus) chagosanus Bernhauer, 1922; =Trogophloeus javanicus Cameron, 1936).

Material. Indonesia: 1$ "INDONESIA E, W New Guinea, Doberai Peninsula, Ayama-ru vill. ~8,3 km SE, S 1°18'54'', E 132°15'28''; ~360 m, 02-03.IX.2015, primary lowland rainforest on limestone, white light, leg. D. Telnov" (NKME).

Remarks. Described from the Chagos archipelago. For Tropical Africa, it is known to us (Gildenkov 2019a) from the Camor Islands. In the Oriental region, it is known (Gildenkov 2015; 2019c), besides the Chagos archipelago, from Indonesia (Java, Sumatra), Malaysia (Pa-hang), Philippines (Palawan). For the Australian biogeographic region and the island of New Guinea it is given for the first time.

Carpelimus (Bucephalinus) filous

Gildenkov, 2020

Material. Indonesia: Holotype, $, West Papua "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Jayapura district Genyem., 50 m NN, IV-V. 1999, leg. M. Bal-ke" (NKME). Paratypes: "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Nabire distr., 150 m NN, Cemara River, VIII. 1998, leg. M. Balke" (NKME); 3$, 4? "INDONESIA". Irian Jaya Jayapura district Genyem., 50 m NN, IV-V. 1999, leg. M. Balke" (NKME; cMG — 2$). Remarks. Described from the island of New Guinea (Gildenkov 2020).

Carpelimus (Bucephalinus) jayapurensis

Gildenkov, 2020

Material. Indonesia: Holotype, $, West Papua "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Jayapura district Genyem., 50 m NN, IV-V. 1999, leg. M. Balke" (NKME). Paratypes: 1$, 7?, 2 ex. "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Jayapura district Genyem., 50 m NN, IV-V. 1999, leg. M. Balke" (NKME); 3$, 3?, 5 ex. "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Nabire distri., 150 m NN, Cemara River, VIII. 1998, leg. M. Balke" (NKME; cMG — 2$, 1?, 1 ex.). Remarks. Described from the island of New Guinea (Gildenkov, 2020).

Carpelimus (Troginus) atomus (Saulcy, 1864)

(Bledius atomus Saulcy 1864; = Trogophloeus discolor Baudi di Selve, 1870; = Trogophloeus (Troginus) formosanus Cameron, 1940; = Trogophloeus variegatus Cameron, 1944; = Trogophloeus ruandanus Cameron, 1956; =

Trogophloeus (Paraboopinus) travei Coiffait, 1982; = Trogophloeus atomarius Coiffait, 1983; = Carpelimus maroccanus Gildenkov, 2004). Material. Indonesia: 1$, 1?, 11 ex. "INDONESIA, West Papua, Batanta Island, valley of Forum River, 19.II.2016, at light," "S 00°52'26.5'', E 130°27'45.4'', leg. T. Kovacs, R. Horvath, P. Juhasz" (HNHM); 1 ex. "INDONESIA E, West Papua, Tamarau mts, Fef vill. 6.5 km NW, S 00°47'04'', E 132°22'27'', 480 m, 11.II.2012, river valley, leg. D. Telnov" (NKME); 18 ex. "West-Papua, Manokwari N 01°18.41', E 134° 14.24' | Pr., 14 km NE Ransiki cut. area, Lichtfalle Warbiati (Oransbari) leg. A. Weigel 2.III.2005" "Collection NATURKUNDEMUSEUM ERFURT" (NKME; 2 ex. — cMG).

Papua New Guinea: 7 ex. "XI. 78 | PNG/ Mo-robe Umg. Kaiapit" "Papua Nlle Guinee W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG; 1ex. — cMG); 2 ex. "PAPUA N. GUINEA env. Madang Nagada VI.79 W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG).

Remarks. The species is very widespread in the Oriental region and Tropical Africa, less common in the Palaearctic (Gildenkov 2015; 2016; 2019b). It is known to us from the following regions: Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canary Islands, Central African Republic, China (Beijing, Hebei, Shaanxi, Shandong, Sichuan, Chongqing, Fujian, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hongkong, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Congo Kinshasa, Cote de'Ivoire, Cyprus, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Germany, India, Indonesia (Borneo, Java); Iraq, Israel, Japan (including Okinawa), Laos, Libya, Madagascar, Madeira Islands, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Morocco, Namibia, Nepal, Nigeria, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of South Africa, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe. For the island of New Guinea it is given for the first time.

Carpelimus (Trogophloeus) ibelensis

Gildenkov, 2020

Material. Indonesia: Holotype, $, West Papua "IRIAN JAYA: 22.10.1993 Ob. Ibele-

Tal. 2520 m ca. E 138° 47', S 04° 06', leg. M. Balke (42)" (NHMW). Remarks. Described from the island of New Guinea (Gildenkov, 2020).

Carpelimus (Trogophloeus) irianensis

Gildenkov, 2020

Material. Indonesia: Holotype, West Papua "IRIAN JAYA: 1.10.1993 Eme Gebiet Okloma, 1500 m" "ca. E 139°55', S 04° 14', leg. M. Balke (28)" (NHMW). Remarks. Described from the island of New Guinea (Gildenkov 2020).

Carpelimus (Trogophloeus)padangensis

(Cameron, 1928)

(Trogophloeuspadangensis Cameron, 1928) Material. indonesia: 6$, 2$, 41 ex. "INDONESIA. Irian Jaya Nabire distr., Wondi-woi Mts., Yeretua, IX.1998, 100 m NN, leg. M. Balke" (NKME; 8 ex. — cMG); 3 ex. "INDONESIA, W — Papua vic. Kaimana, road, 18 km NE, S 3°31'11'' E 133°40'15'', 50-80 m, 21.II.2011, leg. A. Weigel, LFF (#14)" "Collection NATURKUNDEMUSEUM ERFURT" (NKME); 2 ex. "IRIAN JAYA: Kabup. Nabire Wandammen penins., Yeretus 10 m, 1720.8.1998 | leg. M. Balke (WA 18)" (NHMW); 4 ex. "IRIAN JAYA: Kabup. Nabire Wandammen penins., Yeretus 10 m, 17-20.8.1998 | leg. M. Balke (WA 17)" (NHMW); 1 ex. "IRIAN JAYA: Kabup. Nabire 30 km S Nabire, Kali Cemara 150 m, 15.8.1998 | leg. Balke (CEM Lux)" (NHMW); 1$ "West-Papua, Manok-wari N 01°18.41', E 134°14.24' | Pr., 14km NE Ransiki cut. area, Lichtfalle Warbiati (Oransbari) leg. A. Weigel 2.III.2005" "Collection NATURKUNDEMUSEUM ERFURT" (NKME).

Papua New Guinea: 5 ex. "IV.79 | PNG/ Madang Umg. Madang" "Papua Nlle Guinee W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG; 1 ex. — cMG); 1 ex. "PAPUA N. GUINEA Finschhafen Heldsbach XI.79 W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG); 1$, 1$, 18 ex.

"PAPUA N. GUINEA env. Madang Nagada VI.79 W. G. Ullrich" (MHNG; — cMG). Remarks. Described from Indonesia, from Sumatra. In the Palaearctic region, it is known to us only from Oman (Gildenkov 2019b). It is widely distributed in the Oriental region and Tropical Africa. The species is known to us (Gildenkov 2015; 2016; 2019a) from the following regions: Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Central-African Republic, China (Hongkong), Congo-Kinshasa, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, Indonesia (Bali, Molucca, Sumatra), Madagascar Island, Malaysia (Sabah), Nigeria, Philippines, Republic of South Africa, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam. For the island of New Guinea it is given for the first time.

Carpelimus (Trogophloeus)palitans

(Cameron, 1930)

(Trogophloeus palitans Cameron, 1930; = Trogophloeus gratus Cameron, 1930) Material. Indonesia: 1$ "West-Papua, Ma-nokwari N 01°18.41', E 134°14.24' | Pr., 14 km NE Ransiki cut. area, Lichtfalle Warbiati (Oransbari) leg. A. Weigel, 2.III.2005" "Collection NATURKUNDEMUSEUM ERFURT" (NKME).

Remarks. Described from India. The species is quite widespread in the Oriental region, known to us (Gildenkov 2015; 2016) from China (Chongqing, Fujian), India, Indonesia (Java, Sumatra), Laos, Malaysia (Selangor, Borneo), Nepal, Singapore, Sri- Lanka, Thailand. For the island of New Guinea it is given for the first time.


I am grateful to my colleagues and to the curators of the collections, who provided the material for the study: György Makranczy (HNHM); Yvonnick Ge'rard (IRSNB); Giulio Cuccodoro (MHNG); Harald Schillhammer (NHMW); Matthias Hartmann (NKME); Wolfgang Schawaller (SMNS).


Fauvel, A. (1879) Les staphylinides des Moluques et de la Nouvelle Guinée (2.e Mémoire). Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, vol. 15, pp. 63-121. (In French)

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Gildenkov, M. Yu. (2015) Fauna Carpelimus Starogo Sveta (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) [Fauna of Carpelimus of the Old World (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)]. Smolensk: Smolensk State University Publ., 414 p. (In Russian)

Gildenkov, M. Yu. (2016) New records of the species of Carpelimus Leach, 1819 (Coleoptera:

Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae) from China. Far Eastern Entomologist, no. 320, pp. 27-32. (In English) Gildenkov, M. Yu. (2019a) Novye dannye o rasprostranenii Carpelimus Leach, 1819 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) v Afro-tropicheskoj oblasti [New data on the distribution of Carpelimus Leach, 1819 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in the Afro-tropical region]. Vestnik nauchnykh konferentsij — Bulletin of Scientific Conferences, no. 2-2 (42), pp. 23-24. (In Russian) Gildenkov, M. Yu. (2019b) Novye dannye o rasprostranenii Carpelimus Leach, 1819 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) v Palearktike [New data on the distribution of Carpelimus Leach, 1819 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in the Palaearctic region]. Vestnik nauchnykh konferentsij — Bulletin of Scientific Conferences, no. 3-3 (43), pp. 56-58. (In Russian) Gildenkov, M. Yu. (2019c) Novye dannye o rasprostranenii Carpelimus Leach, 1819 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) v Vostochnoj oblasti [New data on the distribution of Carpelimus Leach, 1819 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in the Oriental region]. Vestnik nauchnykh konferentsij — Bulletin of Scientific Conferences, no. 4-2 (44), pp. 31-33. (In Russian) Gildenkov, M. Yu. (2020) Eight new species of the genus Carpelimus Leach, 1819 from Indonesia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae). Russian Entomological Journal, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 53-60. DOI: 10.15298/rusentj.29.1.07 (In English) Herman, L. H. (2001) Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1785 to the end of the second Millennium. Oxytelinae group. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, vol. 265, no. 3, pp. 1307-1780. DOI: 10.1206/0003-0090.265.1.1 (In English) Scheerpeltz, O. (1971) Staphylinidenausbeuten von Universitätsprofessor Dr. H. Löffler gelegentlich seiner seenkundlichen Studienreisen in tropischen Hochgebirgen 1969 und 1970. Koleopterologische Rundschau, vol. 49, pp. 201-207. (In German) Gildenkov, M. Yu. (2020) Eight new species of the genus Carpelimus Leach, 1819 from Indonesia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae). Russian Entomological Journal, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 53-60. (In English)

For citation: Gildenkov, M. Yu. (2020) New data on the New Guinea fauna of Carpelimus Leach, 1819 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae). Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XII, no. 3, pp. 369-377. DOI: 10.33910/2686-95192020-12-3-369-377

Received 16 May 2020; reviewed 11 August 2020; accepted 10 September 2020.

Для цитирования: Гильденков, М. Ю. (2020) Новые данные о фауне Carpelimus Leach, 1819 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae) Новой Гвинеи. Амурский зоологический журнал, т. XII, № 3, с. 369-377. DOI: 10.33910/2686-9519-2020-12-3-369-377

Получена 16 мая 2020; прошла рецензирование 11 августа 2020; принята 10 сентября 2020.

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