НОВАЯ ДЛЯ ФЛОРЫ СЕРБИИ НАХОДКА ERANTHIS BULGARICA (STEF.) STEF. (RANUNCULACEAE) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Эрст Андрей Сергеевич, Ташев Александр Николов, Банчева С.Т.

В статье приведены сведения о новом для флоры Сербии виде - Eranthis bulgarica (Stef.) Stef., ранее считавшимся эндемичным для Болгарии: Сербия, гора Бабин Нос, пик Врашка Чука, 43°50'01.6" с.ш., 22°22'15.4" в.д., 645 м над ур. м. 12.03.2020. A. Ташев, С. Банчева (SOM 177029).

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The article provides information on the new finding of Eranthis bulgarica (Stef.) Stef. for Serbia (Vrashka Chuka Peak), previously considered as endemic species for Bulgaria.


Systematic notes..., 2020, 121: 32-36 https://doi.org/10.17223/20764103.12L3

УДК 581.95:582.675.1(497.11)

New record of Eranthis bulgarica (Stef.) Stef. (Ranunculaceae) for the flora of Serbia

A.S. Erst12*, A.N. Tashev3, S.T. Bancheva4

1Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia

2Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia 3Department of Dendrology, University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria

4Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of

Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

*Author for correspondence: erst_andrew@yahoo.com

Abstract. The article provides information on the new finding of Eranthis bulgarica (Stef.) Stef. for Serbia (Vrashka Chuka Peak), previously considered as endemic species for Bulgaria.

Key words: floristic findings, Serbia, Eranthis.

Funding: The research was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No 18-34-20056_mol_a_ved.

The genus Eranthis L. (Ranunculaceae) includes 8-10 species distributed in Southern Europe and Temperate Asia (Lee et al., 2012; Park et al., 2019). Most species have narrow distributions and only one European species, E. hyemalis (L.) Salisb. has been widely cultivated in gardens and became naturalised in Britain (Boens, 2014) and North America (Parfitt, 1997). The type section Eranthis is characterised by plants with tubers, yellow sepals and emarginate or slightly bilobate upper petal margins without swellings (nectaries) (Tamura, 1995). Section Eranthis in Europe includes E. hyemalis, E. bulgarica (Stef.) Stef., in Southwest and West Asia - E. cilicica Schott et Kotschy, E. longistipitata Regel, and E. iranica Ruksans et Zetterl. (Erst et al., 2020).

During the fieldwork in Bulgaria and Serbia in the summer of 2019 and 2020, a new location of E. bulgarica was revealed. This species was previously known from one location in Bulgaria. Eranthis bulgarica is a protected species under the national Biodiversity Act (Critically Endangered [B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)]. BDA. Balkan endemic). The known locality is included in the Vrashka Chuka Protected Area (Vladimirov, 2015).

V. Budak (1999) indicated that North-East Serbian specimens look like E. hyemalis var. bulgarica Stef. V. Vladimirov (2015) indicates that the species is distributed in Serbia, but the locations of this species in Serbia are not indicated. According to latest data, E. hyemalis has been registered at eight locations in Serbia (Sombor-Backi Monostor, Kozara forest; Backa Palanka, Bagremara forest; Ruma, Donji Tovarnik, Losinci forest; Valjevo; Knjazevac,

Novi Han; Vrska Cuka; Zajecar, Koprivnica; Nis, Koritnik, Banjsko Brdo) (Budak, 1999), only a few findings have been confirmed (PetroviC, Lakusic, 2017). Vrashka Chuka is the most northwestern peak of 692 m (2,270 ft) alt. in the Stara Planina chain on the border between Bulgaria and Serbia, situated in the geographical subregion Predbalkan (Kopralev et al., 2002). There is a border checkpoint between Bulgaria and Serbia in the pass. The closest towns to the peak are Kula toward the northeast and Zajecar toward the northwest. Plants from the Bulgarian and Serbian locations of this mountain form the one population. We did not see the herbarium specimens indicated by I. Petrovic and D. Lakusic (2017), but probably all specimens from the locations in the east of Serbia belong to E. bulgarica. Eranthis bulgarica is characterized by erect, glabrous and simple stems 7-13 cm high; involucral leaves up to 2 cm long, arranged in a whorl close to the solitary terminal flower, deeply palmate divided on linear lobes; yellow flowers, with numerous stamens and 4-6 free carpels; follicles in number 4-6 with curved stylodium (Vladimirov, 2015). This species is distinguished from E. hyemalis by dissected to the base involucral leaves, narrowly lanceolate (not widely-linear) leaf blade segments, which are shorter than sepals during flowering time, golden yellow sepals and orange-yellow petals (rather than pale-yellow) (Stefanoff, 1941, 1943).

Fig. 1. Flower of Eranthis bulgarica (A) and its habitat in Vrashka Chuka Peak (B).

Photos by A. Tashev

The species grows on karst and lithosol, well-developed humus-calcimorphic soil, in the xerothermal belt of oak forests, at about 680-690 m above sea level. It grows on stony habitats in sparse shrubs and trees of Syringa vulgaris L., Carpinus orientalis Mill., Acer monspessulanum L., Quercus cerris L., Fraxinus ornus L., etc.

New record: Serbia, Babin Nos Mountain, Vrashka Chuka Peak, N 43°50'01.6", E 22°22'15.4", 645 m alt., 12.03.2020. A. Tashev, S. Bancheva (SOM 177029).


Boens W. 2014. The genus Eranthis, heralds of the end of winter! International Rock Gardener, 49: 1-24.

Budak V. 1999. Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb. In: Stevanovic V. (ed.), The Red Data Book of Flora of Serbia. Belgrade: Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Instution for Protection of Nature of the Republic of Serbia, 1: 287-289. Erst A.S., Sukhorukov A.P., Mitrenina E.Yu., Skaptsov M.V., Kostikova V.A., Chernisheva O.A., Troshkina V., Kushunina M., Krivenko D.A., Ikeda H., Xiang K., Wang W. 2020. An integrative taxonomic approach reveals a new species of Eranthis (Ranunculaceae) in North Asia. PhytoKeys, 140: 75-100. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.140.49048 Kopralev I., Jordanova M., Mladenov Ch. (eds.). 2002. Geography of Bulgaria. Physico-geographical and socio-economic geography. Sofia: ForCom Press. 760 p. [In Bulgarian].

Lee C.S., Yeau S.H., Lee N.S. 2012. Taxonomic status and genetic variation of Korean endemic plants, Eranthis byunsanensis and Eranthis pungdoensis (Ranunculaceae) based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA sequences. Journal of Plant Biology, 55(2): 165-177. https://doi. org/10.1007/s12374-011-9201-8 Parfitt B.D. 1997. Eranthis Salisb. In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee (Eds). Flora of North America North of Mexico. New York / Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3: 183-184. Park S.Y., Jeon M.J., Ma S.H., Wahlsteen E., Amundsen K., Kim J.H., Suh J.K., Chang J.S., Joung Y.H. 2019. Phylogeny and genetic variation in the genus Eranthis using nrITS and cpIS single nucleotide polymorphisms. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology, 60(2): 239-252. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13580-018-0113-0 Petrovic I., Lakusic D. 2017. Refinding of the critically endangered species Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb. in Western and Eastern Serbia. Botanica Serbica, 41(1): 79-82. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.454889 Stefanoff B. 1941. Bemerkungen und Nachtrage zur Flora Bulgariens. Izvestiya na

Tsarskite Prirodonauchni Instituti v Sofiya, 14: 317. [In Bulgarian]. Stefanoff B. 1943. Dopolnitelni materiali vrhu florata na Blgaria. Izvestiya na

Botaniceskiya Institut [Bulletin de l'Institut Botanique], 11: 155. [In Bulgarian]. Tamura M.1995. Eranthis. In: Hiepko P. (ed.), Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien begründet von A. Engler und K. Prantl, 2 Aufl. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 17a(4): 253-255.

Vladimirov V. 2015. Eranthis bulgaricus. In: Peev D. (ed.), Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Plants and Fungi (Electronical Edition). Sofia: BAS & MoEW. Vol. 1. URL: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol1/Erabulga.html. Accessed 16.04.2020.

Received 30 April 2020 Accepted 15 June 2020

Citation: Erst A.S., Tashev A.N., Bancheva S.T. 2020. New record of Eranthis bulgarica Stef. (Ranunculaceae) for the flora of Serbia. Sistematicheskie zametki po materialam Gerbariya imeni P.N. Krylova Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Systematic notes on the materials of P.N. Krylov Herbarium of Tomsk State University], 121: 32-36. https://doi.org/10.17223/20764103.12L3

Систематические заметки., 2020. № 121. С. 32-36 https://doi.org/10.17223/20764103.121.3

Новая для флоры Сербии находка Eranthis bulgarica (Stef.) Stef. (Ranunculaceae)

A.C. Эрст1,2*, А.Н. Ташев3, С.Т. Банчева4

Центральный сибирский ботанический сад СО РАН, Новосибирск, Россия 2Томский государственный университет, Томск, Россия 3Кафедра дендрологии, Лесотехнический университет, София, Болгария 4Институт исследований биоразнообразия и экосистем Болгарской академии наук,

София, Болгария

*Автор для переписки: erst_andrew@yahoo.com

Аннотация. В статье приведены сведения о новом для флоры Сербии виде - Eranthis

bulgarica (Stef.) Stef., ранее считавшимся эндемичным для Болгарии: Сербия, гора

Бабин Нос, пик Врашка Чука, 43°50'01.6" с.ш., 22°22'15.4" в.д., 645 м над ур. м.

12.03.2020. A. Ташев, С. Банчева (SOM 177029).

Ключевые слова: флористические находки, Сербия, Eranthis.

Финансовая поддержка: проект РФФИ (грант № 18-34-20056_мол_а_вед).


Boens W. The genus Eranthis, heralds of the end of winter! // International Rock Gardener. 2014. Vol. 49. P. 1-24.

Budak V. Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb. // Stevanovic V. (ed.). The Red Data Book of Flora of Serbia. Belgrade: Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Instution for Protection of Nature of the Republic of Serbia, 1999. Vol. 1. P. 287-289.

Erst A.S., Sukhorukov A.P., Mitrenina E.Yu., Skaptsov M.V., Kostikova V.A., Chernisheva O.A., Troshkina V., Kushunina M., Krivenko D.A., Ikeda H., Xiang K., Wang W. An integrative taxonomic approach reveals a new species of Eranthis (Ranunculaceae) in North Asia // PhytoKeys. 2020. Vol. 140. P. 75-100. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.140.49048

Lee C.S., Yeau S.H., Lee N.S. Taxonomic status and genetic variation of Korean endemic plants, Eranthis byunsanensis and Eranthis pungdoensis (Ranunculaceae) based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA sequences // Journal of Plant Biology. 2012. Vol. 55, No. 2. P. 165-177. https://doi. org/10.1007/s12374-011-9201-8.

Kopralev I., Jordanova М., Mladenov Ch. (eds.). Geography of Bulgaria. Physico-geographical and socio-economic geography. Sofia: ForCom Press. 2002. 760 р. [In Bulgarian].

Parfitt B.D. Eranthis Salisb. // Flora of North America Editorial Committee (Eds) Flora of North America North of Mexico. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. Vol. 3. P. 183-184.

Park S. Y., Jeon M.J., Ma S.H., Wahlsteen E., Amundsen K., Kim J.H., Suh J.K., Chang J.S., Joung Y.H. Phylogeny and genetic variation in the genus Eranthis using nrITS and cpIS single nucleotide polymorphisms // Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology. 2019. Vol. 60, No. 2. P. 239-252. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13580-018-0113-0

Petrovic I., Lakusic D. Refinding of the critically endangered species Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb. in Western and Eastern Serbia // Botanica Serbica. 2017. Vol. 41, Iss. 1. P. 79-82. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.454889 Stefanoff B. Bemerkungen und Nachtrage zur Flora Bulgariens // Izvestiya na Tsarskite

Prirodonauchni Instituti v Sofiya. 1941. Vol. 14. P. 317. [In Bulgarian]. Stefanoff B. Dopolnitelni materiali vrhu florata na Blgaria // Izvestiya na Botaniceskiya

Institut [Bulletin de l'Institut Botanique]. 1943. Vol. 11. P. 155. [In Bulgarian]. Tamura M. Eranthis // Hiepko P. (ed.). Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien begründet von A. Engler und K. Prantl, 2 Aufl. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 1995. B. 17a, No 4. P. 253-255.

Vladimirov V. Eranthis bulgaricus // Peev D. (ed.), Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Plants and Fungi (Electronical Edition). Sofia: BAS & MoEW. Vol. 1. URL: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol1/Erabulga.html. Дата обращения 16.04.2020.

Поступила в редакцию 30.04.2020 Принята к публикации 15.06.2020

Цитирование: Erst A.S., Tashev A.N., Bancheva S.T. New record of Eranthis bulgarica Stef. (Ranunculaceae) for the flora of Serbia // Систематические заметки по материалам Гербария им. П.Н. Крылова Томского государственного университета. 2020. № 121. С. 32-36. https://doi.org/! 0.17223/20764103.121.3

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