Научная статья на тему 'Nonce words in the journalistic discourse ns Leskov'

Nonce words in the journalistic discourse ns Leskov Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Окказионализмы / дискурс / Лесков / nonce words / discourse / Leskov

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Golovacheva O.A.

In his early publicistic texts (60s of the 19th century) N. S. Leskov makes an extensive use of occasional units which are characterized by a variety of derivational patterns and types, the peculiarity of semantics and functioning. These derivatives differ by the semantic capacity and depth as they involve in their structure not only the meanings of the constituent components, but also manydimensional associations with their semantic and connotative potential, what significantly multiplies the suggestive possibilities of occasionalisms.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Nonce words in the journalistic discourse ns Leskov»


Literature (UDC 82)

DOI: 10.18454/RULB.4.03

Головачева О. А.

Брянский государственный университет



Н.С. Лесков уже в ранних публицистических текстах (60-е годы Х1Х века) широко использует окказиональные единицы, которые характеризуются многообразием словообразовательных моделей и типов, специфичностью семантики и функционирования. Эти производные отличаются смысловой емкостью и глубиной, поскольку включают в свою структуру не только значения составляющих их компонентов, но и многомерные ассоциации, связанные с их семантикой и коннотативным потенциалом, что значительно повышает суггестивные возможности окказионализмов.

Ключевые слова: Окказионализмы, дискурс, Лесков.

Golovacheva O.A.

Bryansk State University



In his early publicistic texts (60s of the 19th century) N. S. Leskov makes an extensive use of occasional units which are characterized by a variety of derivational patterns and types, the peculiarity of semantics and functioning. These derivatives differ by the semantic capacity and depth as they involve in their structure not only the meanings of the constituent components, but also manydimensional associations with their semantic and connotative potential, what significantly multiplies the suggestive possibilities of occasionalisms.

Keywords: nonce words, discourse, Leskov.

In his early publicistic texts (60s of the 19th century) N. S. Leskov makes an extensive use of occasional units which are characterized by a variety of derivational patterns and types, the peculiarity of semantics and functioning. These derivatives differ by the semantic capacity and depth as they involve in their structure not only the meanings of the constituent components, but also many-dimensional associations with their semantic and connotative potential, what significantly multiplies the suggestive possibilities of occasionalisms.

Language units derived from foreign-language lexemes, which were used by N.S. Leskov as the derivation base, with the help of Russian suffixes are of particular interest for the research. As a rule, they are adjectives (инкогнитный / incognitivny (here and later transliteration is used), уврьерский / uvr’ersky, польдекоковский / pol’dekodovsky).

In the modern Russian language both qualitative and relative adjectives formed according to the linguistic pattern (the nominal/verbal stem + -n- (-ln-, -teln-)) are derived with the help of suffix -n -. But Leskov’s neologism are peculiar as they have a wider range of derivations in comparison with the usual one. So, according to the above-mentioned model, the writer derives the adjectival occasionalism инкогнитный / incognitivny from the bookish noun incognito (Italian) using a suffixal word-building pattern. The semantics of the adjective is the sum of the derivation base and a derivative morph. Eliminating the distinction between native Russian words and foreign ones, the occasionalism contributes to the extension of the writer’s vocabulary and is coherently included into the text of one of the essays:

Дело дошло до того, что уже инкогнитные дамы на rendes vous его стали приглашать [Лесков 1998: 248]

It happened so that incognitivny ladies started inviting him to rendes vous.

In accordance with the language system N. S. Leskov derives relative nominal adjectives with suffix -ск-Ask-. From our point of view, this is due to "the productivity of the very suffix in word formation of adjectives in the modern Russian language" [Sorokin 1965: 21-22]. ’

Occasional nominal adjectives, for example, are derived by the writer following the pattern of productive word-formation types with the generic meaning of singularity, relativity from the French stems. For example, the derivative польдекоковский / pol'dekodovsky was formed with the help of the productive suffix -ск-Ask- from the anthroponym Paul de Kock:

Гризеты, настоящие польдекоковские гризеты,

существуют в Париже [Лесков 1998: 228]

Grizetas, true pol'dekodovsky grizetas, exist in Paris.

Making this word, the writer aimed at the readers knowing the novels of the French writer Paul de Kock and imagining his heroines-grizetas. Thus, the occasionalism польдекоковский /

pol'dekodovsky which is relative in its structure, gets the semantic content of the qualitative adjective in the context.

The meaning of the adjective уврьерский / uvr’ersky derived from the French noun ouvritr — "worker" is also (as in the previous example) complicated by the semantic augments, which are conditioned by the contextual environment (опасность/ danger, притон/ den, нищета/poverty, порок vice):

Но как ни тот, ни другой не переносили долгого пребывания в атмосфере уврьерских таверн, то я,

разуверившись в слухах, ходящих об опасности этих притонов нищеты и порока, ходил туда один [Лесков 1998: 220].

But as neither of them could stand a long stay in the atmosphere of uvr’ersky taverns, I walked thee alone, not relying on the circulating rumors about the dangers of these dens of poverty and vice.

In the early publicistic texts N. S. Leskov used the occasional repetition of lexemes, which implies bringing in additional components of the meaning into the semantics of the language unit. This technique is applied as a striking figurative-expressive means in the late artistic works of the writer. The metaphorical nature of semantics is inherent in the word уврьерский / uvr’ersky employed in this context:

Батиньольская группа и польские работники в предместье Св. Антония вовсе не имеют никаких сношений с русским обществом в Париже... они не только не имеют средств сходиться с людьми праздным... но им в пору подумать о завтрашнем куске хлеба. Они ведут жизнь тяжелую, полную труда, лишений и общефранцузских уврьерских забот [Лесков 1998: 223].

The Batignolles group and the Polish workers in the outskirts of St. Anthony do not have any relations with the Russian community in Paris... they do not have any money to come together with common people. but it is high time to think about tomorrow's daily bread. They lead a hard life full of work, hardships and common French uvr’ersky concerns.

Maybe using the repetition of a lexical unit, the writer draws the reader's attention to the dire position of a worker of any nationality, from any country in France. Pointing out that the hardships and deprivations of these people are the same, General, N.S. Leskov introduces another author’s

occasionalism общефранцузский/ obschefrantsuzsky in the text. Thus, occasionalismsобщефранцузский/obschefrantsuzsky

and уврьерский / uvr’ersky can be considered peripheral members of the synonymic groupтяжелый/difficult, тяжкий/grave, обременительный/ burdensome, несладкий/rough, горький/bitter, горестный/sorrowful which characterize the life of the worker. Besides, when people are in time to think about tomorrow's daily bread/ в пору подумать озавтрашнем куске хлеба, their life gradually leads to poverty and vice, and it makes the writer to sound



alarmed. Occasional lexemes both in journalistic and literary works by N.S. Leskov act as microimages due to metaphorical semantics.

V. V. Vinogradov pointed out that "any violation of rules and regulations in the work must be aesthetically justified" [Vinogradov 1977: 184]. Leskov’s every occasional word proves this point.

In his publicistic texts N. S. Leskov employs a wide range of stems in the variety of their structural and semantic relations as motivating ones, which is especially evident in the word formation of compound adjectives. The writers’ frequent derivation of occasional compounds may be explained mainly by the capacity of composition as a productive word-building technique for adjective formation. This technique contributes to the word-building of concise and emotionally saturated images due to the possibility of expressing a complex trait combining various shades of meaning by one word. The trends to use laconic and expressive speech are found in the word-building of compound adjectives. Compounds can act as an economical means of creating metaphors, personifications, hyperboles, making them an important tool for publicism with its dominant function of influencing the reader. For example, the adjectives безмолвно-покорный/silently submissive, скучно-

глупый/boringly dull, плачевно-смешной/ deplorably funny with the coordinative type of relations are of great interest due to the semantic valence of the component composition.

So, the derivation base for forming the occasional compound adjective плачевно-смешной/deplorably funny includes the

language antonyms плачевный —

«скорбный, тоскливый, жалобный» [МАС: 3,137]/deplorable -"a mournful, melancholy, plaintive", смешной—

«вызывающий смех, веселье» [МАС: 4, 1155]/ funny is "causing laughter, mirth":

Шваб занимал плачевно-смешную роль [Лесков 1998: 326].

Schwab played a deplorably funny role.

Having the unity expressed in the meaning of the common generic seme, components of the compound adjective are differentiated by aspect semes that bear the meaning of different conditions. Meanwhile, they build the opposition at the emotional-connotative level, expressing the manifestation of the unexpected, confusing feelings. In the semantics of the first component «возбужден»/ «excited» is the sign of «ultimacy» referring to the semantics of the second component of the compound. At the associative level the semantic content of the writer's occasional unit is explicated by the structural components of the set expression to laugh to tears. The occasionalism deplorably funny is employed as a necessary complication of the descriptive predicate занимать роль/ to play the role that already implies the connotational

interpretation of its semantics. In the text of the occasional word is used to show a complex psychological and mental state of the character.

Difficulties in expressing non-trivial content that are not fullfulled by units of the language system, are often overcome by the formation of new words created by the writer through the "returning" the primary motivation to the lexeme. It is achieved by introducing the words genetically related to the derivative by means of the derivational productivity into the context. For example, the system knows the compound-suffixal formation тайнобрачие — «способ размножения, свойственный споровым растениям, не имеющим цветков» [ТСУ: 4, 636]/ Cryptogamia и тайнобрачный — «то же, что споровый»(ibid.)/ cryptogamic. N. S. Leskov adds the primary meaning to this lexeme and its interior: тайнобрачие — «тайное совершение священником бракосочетания лиц, не имевших права вступать в брак»/secret wedding - «the secret marriage of persons who had no right to marry committed by the priest».

Etymologizing is used to revitalize the imagery of a compound word, so that each root morpheme is comprehended in the result of this technique:

Все свои дни юноша посвящал разноске из дома в дом «Колокола»... за что и получил кличку «Андрея

Удобоносительного» [Лесков 1998: 367].

The young man devoted all his days to posting the newspaper «Kolokola»... from house to house... so he received the nickname "Andrew Udobonositel’ny/wearing good news".

Derivatives made according to the pattern of formation may be treated as the writer’s occasional words as well . For example, adjectives, which due to a number of reasons normally do not have degrees of comparison, produce such forms in works by N.S. Leskov: Гнуснее этой полемики я знаю только полемику двух русских тротуарных листков// Наглые поступки поляков и лебезенье с ними ... становились все пошлее и пошлее, все ненавистней и ненавистней// Он в этот раз

был озабоченнее, чем когда-либо/ More disgusting in this debate I know only the polemics of two Russian pavement sheets// Brazen actions of the poles and ingratiation with them ... kept getting sluttier and sluttier, more hated and hated// He was more concerned than ever.

The writer’s word by N.S. Leskov is semantically and connotatively sharper than usual one, it expands the range of expressive units in the arsenal of the writer and becomes a means of expressing the writer’s assessment that can be vividly illustrated by occasional words in the early texts of the writer.


1. Vinogradov V. V. About the main types of phraseological units in the Russian language. - M.,1977.

2. Leskov N. S. Complete works in 30 volumes. - M., 1998.

3. Dictionary of the Russian language in 4 vols., M., "Russian language", 1988 (hereinafter - MAS).

4. Sorokin Y. Essays on historical lexicology of the Russian language. M., Nauka, 1965.

5. Explanatory dictionary of Russian language /edited D. N. Ushakova.- TT. 1 - 4. - M., 2001 (hereinafter - TAS)

DOI: 10.18454/RULB.4.02 Айгюн А. кызы А.

Институт Востоковедения им. акад. З.М.Буниятова



В суфийской литературе, особенно, в поэтических произведениях идёт постоянная борьба разума с чувствами, с любовью и, в основном, несомненное преимущество поэты отдают любви. Одним из таких поэтов является и Санаи Газневи. Рассматриваемое нами произведение Санаи Газневи "Хадикат-уль-хакика", посвящено множеству религиозных и общественных тем, начиная с темы единства Аллаха (таухид), темы человека и связанных с ним проблем и, заканчивая темой справедливости правящих султанов. Одной из выдвинутых Санаи на передний план проблем в данном произведении является противопоставление разума (акл) и любви (ашк). Однако мы видим в произведении "Хадикат-уль-хакика" ещё одно понятие, которым является знание (ильм). В статье, на основе приведённых из произведения отрывков, рассмотрены взгляды Санаи на проблему соотношения разума, любви и знания.

Ключевые слова: Санаи Г азневи, разум, любовь, знание, ирфан, поэт.

Aygun A.A.

Institute for Oriental Studies named after Academician Z.M. Bunyadov COMPARISON OF MIND AND LOVE IN THE WORK “HADIGATUL-HAGIGA” BY SANAYI


In Sufi literature, especially in the works of poetry there is a constant struggle between love and mind and poets give the main advantage to the love. One of such poets is Sanayi Ghaznavi. The work “Hadigatul-Hagiga" by Sanayi which we have today was devoted to issues beginning from Tawhid of Allah up to human and issues related to humanity, justice of sultans, various religious and 52


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