NON-TRADITIONAL METHODS OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Foreign languages / poetry / painting / music / methods of teaching foreign languages / motivation / personality

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Bekeeva A.

This article is about the use of works of art in teaching foreign languages. Thanks to the use of non-traditional teaching methods in foreign language classes (songs, poems, art photos), a favorable psychological climate is created for students, which increases their motivation.

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Bekeeva A.

research associate of the G. Tsdasa Institute of Language, Literature and Art of Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences


This article is about the use of works of art in teaching foreign languages. Thanks to the use of non-traditional teaching methods in foreign language classes (songs, poems, art photos), a favorable psychological climate is created for students, which increases their motivation.

Keywords: Foreign languages, poetry, painting, music, methods of teaching foreign languages, motivation, personality.

One of the most important conditions for the effective use of the process of teaching foreign languages is the motivational readiness of students. The idea of using means of emotional influence on students (fiction, poetry, songs, music, painting, art photography) in teaching foreign languages is not new. In order to make the training emotionally rich, many training courses use original or specially created materials of various samples of works of art for educational purposes. Their essence is to use works of art as a means of teaching, expressing their own thoughts, based on their own life experience.

Bright images of literature, architectural monuments, priceless sculptural creations are used in teaching a foreign language. Students, among whom there are many creatively thinking individuals, can perceive what the artist wanted to say with his work [1, p. 24].

One of the more effective ways to influence the feelings and emotions of students is music, which is the strongest mental motivator that penetrates into the hidden depths of consciousness. The famous teacher Jan Amos Komensky wrote that «someone who does not know music is like someone who does not know how to read and write».

Firstly, students are introduced to the culture of the country of the language being studied from the very beginning, since children of this age, according to psychologists, are especially sensitive and receptive to foreign culture.

Secondly, when working with this kind of linguistic and cultural material, a good prerequisite is created for the comprehensive development of the student's personality, because specially selected songs stimulate imaginative thinking and form a good taste.

Every teacher strives not only to give knowledge in the classroom, but also to develop the soul of the child. And therefore, the teacher cannot help but think about the aesthetic development of the aesthetic taste of his students, introducing them to different directions in art, instilling a sense of respect even for the kind, style, direction that they do not like too much.

Students can try themselves as artists themselves. Programs such as Paint, Corel, Draw, ZBush, Smart Draw, ArtRage, Twisted Brush. To this you can add exhibitions of paintings by local masters, art galleries, just street artists.

The topic of discussion is the picture itself. For the work of teachers, they often turn to the works of V. Serov («Portrait of Anna Pavlova», «Self Portrait»), Gainsborough («Portrait of Duchess de Beaufort»), J. Constable («The Hay Wain»), F. Vasilyev («Before the Rain»). During the discussion, the students use the vocabulary of the lesson and communicate in an informal atmosphere [3, p. 24].

The specificity of poetry helps the student to master the emotional and value experience of communication. The use of poetry is of developmental importance; in addition, it helps to provide only a language atmosphere in the classroom, but also psychological comfort. Of course, the choice and use of poems in teaching a foreign language can vary in a wide range, depending on the age, composition of students, as well as the duration and goals of training. If, for example, the purpose of training is the minimum necessary for being in a foreign-language environment ("survival level"), then the use of poems in training is extremely unlikely: the usually noted advantages of a poetic text in this situation will turn out to be redundant [2, p. 42].

Perchatkina noted that learning and performing short and simple songs with frequent repetitions helps to consolidate the correct articulation and pronunciation of sounds, features of rhythm, tempo of speech, rules of phase stress, etc. The songs contain the most frequently used grammatical phenomena; the lyrics allow you to consolidate lexicographic skills, contain a large amount of country-specific information. Songs contain thematic vocabulary; with the help of songs, students begin to better perceive speech by ear, and they develop listening skills [4].

So, it is necessary to emphasize that the use of works of art in the educational process does not exclude traditional teaching methods, but is competently combined at all stages of training: familiarization, training, application, control. The use of works of art is justified by the fact that they have a rich potential for depicting various aspects of the country of the language being studied. Here there is a unique opportunity to familiarize students with the traditions, customs and other features of the country whose language is being discovered step by step by students.


1. Karimbekov S. A. The use of works of art in teaching English // Foreign Languages at School, 2009, № 5. Pp. 24-28.

2. Litvin F. A. Traditional children's poems in teaching English // Foreign Languages in Higher Education, 2012, № 2. Pp. 41-48.

3. Naumenko S. I. Development of musical hearing, singing voice and musical and creative abilities of secondary school students. М.: Prosveshchenie, 1982. 272 p.

4. Perchatkina V. G. The role of the musical component in the process of teaching a foreign language // Kazan Pedagogical Journal, 2016, № 4. Pp. 130-134.



Zaskaleta S.

Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, Professor of English Language and Literature Department, Mykolaiv V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National University, Ukraine ORCID iD 0000-0001-5384-5806


The article analyzes the interdisciplinary approach in the process of studying history. The concept of "integration" is specified, the meaning of the concept of "interdisciplinary relations" is substantiated. The strategic directions of updating the learning process based on the application of the principles of interdisciplinary connections in the process of studying history are identified. The pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the use of interdisciplinary links are the use of educational and methodological complex, taking into account the specifics of the study of history; conducting various types of control over the results of independent cognitive activity of students.

Keywords: interdisciplinary connections, integration classes, cognitive activity of students, interdisciplinary integration.

Dynamic educational processes in the world, ensuring the quality of education necessitate a comprehensive study of conceptual foundations and the search for innovative approaches in the teaching of social sciences and humanities.

The idea of using interdisciplinary connections has recently become increasingly popular. Teachers use innovative teaching methods and adapt existing approaches to new conditions. The countries of Western Europe have made some progress in this direction. In this context, the study of the experience of implementing interdisciplinary links becomes relevant.

Despite the large amount of research in this area, the application of interdisciplinary links is insufficiently studied. This determines the urgency of the problem

The purpose of the article is to generalize, clarify and specify the essence of the concept of "integration", substantiate the meaning of the concept of "integration classes" and identify their distinctive features; in determining the strategic direction of updating the learning process, which is the application of the principles of interdisciplinary links in the study of historical disciplines.

Integration processes in education are considered and analyzed in the works of many scientists. H.A. Bi-letska, K.I Volynets, I.M. Kozlovskaya, D.I. Kolomi-ets, V.V. Moshtuk, M.O. Owl and others. determine and substantiate the philosophical foundations of

knowledge integration in education; pedagogical conditions, didactic and methodical bases of integration, etc. Theoretical and methodological aspects of didactic integration are considered by S.U. Goncharenko, R.S. Gurevych, S.F. Klepko, Ya.M. Sobko and others. The search for ways to solve the problem of integration of knowledge and integrated classes is carried out by T.V. Thorzhevskaya, M.R. Artsyshevska, V.K. Сидоренко, S.P. Tkachenko and others.

As noted by Academician V.I. Yelchenko, the in-tegrative approach "leads to the integration of the content of education, the appropriate integration of its elements into a whole. The result of an integrative approach can be the integrity of knowledge of different levels - the integrity of knowledge about reality; about nature; from one or another educational field; subject, course, section, topic. The integrative approach is implemented during the study of integrated courses or individual subjects in the field of education, when the integrity of knowledge is formed by integrating them on the basis of common concepts, application of methods and forms of learning, control and correction of students' academic achievements. unity of knowledge "[2, p.356].

According to A. Babenko, integration is the interpenetration of elements that are separated, but have a genetic relationship: the internal connections of science, art, knowledge and ideas about the world and man, and so on. Pedagogical integration is a kind of scientific integration, which, however, is carried out

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