Научная статья на тему 'Ngakeul : the process of cooking rice in Sundanese tradition'

Ngakeul : the process of cooking rice in Sundanese tradition Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Susi M., Anggraeni Purnama D., Nany I., Prima A.

Sundanese people has a tradition of cooking rice called ngakeul . This tradition, abundant with Sundanese philosophies, is nearly lost and forgotten in the daily habits of modern Sundanese people. Nowadays, people choose a more practical and faster way to cook their rice, namely using a rice cooker. However, ngakeul produces cooked rice that tastes better and lasts longer. There are a great number of procedures in ngakeul with their respective philosophies. This study applied a descriptive qualitative method. The data were obtained from direct visit, observation, and interview. The findings reveal that the exceptional philosophies contained in the tools and procedures in ngakeul symbolize the circle of human life.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Ngakeul : the process of cooking rice in Sundanese tradition»



Susi M.,

Lecturer of Russian Department Padjadjaran University Bandung, Indonesia Anggraeni Purnama D., Lecturer of Russian Department Padjadjaran University Bandung, Indonesia

Nany I.,

Lecturer of French Department Padjadjaran University Bandung, Indonesia

Prima A.

Lecturer of French Department Padjadjaran University Bandung, Indonesia


Sundanese people has a tradition of cooking rice called ngakeul. This tradition, abundant with Sundanese philosophies, is nearly lost and forgotten in the daily habits of modern Sundanese people. Nowadays, people choose a more practical and faster way to cook their rice, namely using a rice cooker. However, ngakeul produces cooked rice that tastes better and lasts longer. There are a great number of procedures in ngakeul with their respective philosophies. This study applied a descriptive qualitative method. The data were obtained from direct visit, observation, and interview. The findings reveal that the exceptional philosophies contained in the tools and procedures in ngakeul symbolize the circle of human life.

Keywords: tradition of cooking rice, ngakeul, Sundanese philosophies symbolize the circle of human life.


Indonesia is an archipelago that is rich in culture, language, customs and various other pluralities. Therefore, Indonesia is a country with a great potential to be a source of knowledge for human life.

Etymologically, the word culture is etymologi-cally derived from the Sanskrit word "buddhayah", the plural form of "buddhi". This word is frequently pronounced as "budi" in bahasa, meaning things related to human mind and reason (Hasan, 2011, p. 14)., the word 'culture' comes from Sanskrit, buddhayah, the plural form of the word buddhi which means reason or mind. According to cultural experts, the word culture is a combination of two words, namely "budi" and "daya".

Kroeber and Kluckhohn (1950) in Sulasman and Gumilar (2013) view culture as an entity consisting of various patterns, consistent behavior, thoughts, feelings and reactions obtained and derived by symbols composing independent achievements by human groups.

According to Kluckhohn (1953) in a book entitled "Universal Categories of Culture", every culture contains seven elements, namely:

1. Life equipment and supplies (clothing, housing, production equipment, transportation)

2. Livelihoods and economic systems (agriculture, animal husbandry, production systems, distribution)

3. Social system (kinship system, political organization, legal system, marriage)

4. Language (oral and written)

5. Art (fine art, sound art, motion art etc.)

6. Knowledge system

7. Religion (belief system)

Stretching from Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia has an abundant and diverse cultural wealth. Each region

has its own traditions and they even vary in each ethnic group. Tradition is closely related to local wisdom. Meanwhile, local wisdom can be understood as wise local ideas of good value, embedded and followed by members of the community.

One of an interesting tradition in West Java is ngakeul, a series of activities of cooking rice to produce cooked rice that lasts longer and tastes delicious either consumed cold or immediately while still warm.

The Method of the Study

This study applied a qualitative method, a common method applied in social science studies to collect and analyze data in the form of words (oral or written) and actions instead of numbers, in which the researchers are not required to calculate or quantify the data obtained (Afrizal, 2014, p. 13). In addition, a qualitative method can be defined as a research method based on the philosophy of post positivism to examine the natural conditions of objects (as opposed to experiments), in which the researcher is the key instrument. The data were collected using triangulation (mixed method) and analyzed using inductive (qualitative) method, in which the results emphasize meaning instead of generalization (Sugiyono, 2014, pp. 13-14).

The accurate data for the purpose of the study were collected through direct visit, observation, and interview. The direct visit was carried out to the office of Tani Mulya Village to identify the potential of the village. Observation was carried out to observe the whole process of ngakeul. Due to the absence of literature regarding ngakeul, interviews were carried out successively to understand the procedures of ngakeul in detail. The informants are Suhaeli Bahtiar, the head of Tani Mulya Village, Ngamprah Subdstrict, West Bandung

District, and Acep Subardja, the former secretary of Ngamprah Subdistrict. Analysis

Referring to the theory of culture stated by experts, the tradition of ngakeul is one of the elements of Sun-

danese culture included in the category of life equipment and supply. The following is the relevant explanation of ngakeul.

a. The tools used in ngakeul

Ngakeul requires a variety of tools as follows:

Source: Personal Collection

Source: Personal Collection

Cukil, a small wooden spoon to ngakeul and scoop cooked rice.

Source: Personal Collection

Source: Personal Collection

Seeng. a steamer to steam half-cooked rice, on top of which aseupan containing half-cooked rice shall be placed.

Source: Personal Collection

Dulang, a bowl to place the cooked rice to be fanned while stirred, allowing the steam of the newly cooked rice to escape and the rice to gradually cool down and taste delicious.

Source: Personal Collection

Songsong, a tool made of bamboo to blow on the fire in liawu to keep the fire burning.

Source: Personal Collection

Source: Personal Collection

b. The Procedures of Ngakeul

The procedures of ngakeul (cooking rice) begin with winnowing rice in a nyiru to remove the chaff and checking the winnowed rice for grains by hand. The rice is later transferred into Boboko to be washed with water that is scooped with panyiuk and slowly poured into the rice by stirring the hand counterclockwise and then clockwise several times. The Sundanese people usually chant prayers while washing the rice thoroughly. The next procedures are lighting a fire in hawu using matches and paper, adding firewood (suluh) to the fire, and blowing the fire to keep it burning using songsong. The clean rice is later placed into a pan filled with enough water and cooked on hawu only until half-cooked. The half-cooked rice is later transferred into dulang, stirred using cukil, and transferred into aseupan placed into seeng filled to be fully cooked. Afterwards, the cooked rice is transferred back into dulang, stirred using cukil and fanned using hihid to expel the hot steam. The warm cooked rice is ready to serve.

c. The Philosophies of Ngakeul

Ngakeul is started with winnowing rice in a nyiru to remove dirt and chaff from the rice prior to washing. It symbolizes separating right from wrong and cleansing the heart. It is necessary to clean the heart before carrying out an activity since a clean heart encourages

an individual to carry out the said activity willingly and happily.

Rice generally contains few grains from threshing, known in Sundanese language as serah. Grains in the rice symbolizes community leaders or public figure and common people in life. They are separated from the rice means that not everyone shall be community leaders or public figure. The grains shall be stored and planted as seeds in the next planting season.

Sundanese people generally chant prayers (dhikr) while washing rice as an expression of gratitude towards the God Almighty. The rice is considered a blessing from the God, the result of their hard efforts in planting, nurturing, and harvesting.

Aseupan is a pyramid-shaped basket, symbolizing that everything in human life eventually shall be narrowed into one point, namely the God Almighty.

Seeng produces noise when the water inside is boiling, symbolizing numerous problems in human life. The problems are 'boiled', allowing them to subside gradually, leading to solutions. In addition, the boiling water produces hot steam to cook rice. Rice is essential for human survival.

Fire used for cooking symbolizes desire. Humans tend to keep anger and uneasiness in their lives due to

numerous problems mostly caused by their inability to control their desires.

Firewood used to produce fire to cook rice for human consumption shall turn to ashes over time, implying that anything used for a purpose shall be used up eventually. Therefore, it is necessary for us to avoid excessive use of everything. The ashes from the firewood can be utilized to clean blackening cooking utensils by mixing them with soap

The cooked rice is later transferred into dulang to let the hot steam escape. It is necessary to prepare the cooked rice for immediate consumption. The proper procedures in ngakeul produce rice that tastes better, lasts longer, remains dry yet not hard, as well as provides nourishment and satiety.


Ngakeul is a process in cooking rice according to Sundanese tradition. This tradition involves a great number of procedures compared to cooking rice using a rice cooker. However, the cooked rice tastes better

and lasts longer. In addition, ngakeul has exceptional philosophical significance in the lives of Sundanese people.


1. Afrizal. (2014). Metode Penelitian Kualitatif (Qualitative Research Method). Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.

2. Hasan, Sandi Suwardi. (2011). Pengantar Cultural Studies: Sejarah, Pendekatan Konseptual, & Isu Menuju Studi Budaya Kapitalisme Lanjut. Yogya-karta:Ar-Ruzz Media.

3. Kluckhohn, C. (1953). Universal Categories of Culture. Antropology Today, A.L. Chichago : University Press.

4. Sugiyono. (2014). Metode Penelitian Kom-binasi (MixedMethods). Bandung: Alfabeta.

5. Sulasman dan Gumilar, Setia. (2013). Teori-Te-ori Kebudayaan: Dari Teori hingga Aplikasi. Bandung: Pustaka Setia.


Krasnobaev R.

Undergraduate, RANEPA, Moscow


Краснобаев Р.В.

магистрант, РАНХиГС, г. Москва


The article deals with the concept of art management. The role of creative management in the development of cultural and leisure sector and creative industries.


В статье рассматривается понятие арт-менеджмента. Роль креативного менеджмента в развитии культурно-досугового сектора и творческих индустрий.

Keywords: art-management, management in the sphere of culture and art, cultural product, art-market, the subject of art-management

Ключевые слова: арт-менеджмент, менеджмент в сфере культуры и искусства, культурный продукт, арт-рынок, предмет арт-менеджмента

«Менеджмент» - это интеграционный процесс, с помощью которого профессионально подготовленные специалисты формируют организации и управляют ими путем постановки целей и разработки способов их достижения. Процесс менеджмента состоит из функции организации, планирования, координации, мотивации, осуществляя которые, менеджеры обеспечивают условия для производства и эффективного труда занятых в организации работников и получение результатов, соответствующих поставленным целям.

Арт-менеджмент как абсолютно новая дисциплина и направление появилась в конце 90-х годов прошлого столетия при рождении международной ассоциации менеджеров организаций культуры и искусства (Association international of Managers in Arts and Culture - AIMAC).

Арт-индустрия (от лат. art - искусство, творчество, industria - деятельность) - область арт-рынка,

отвечающая за производство и реализацию продукции в сфере искусства и культуры. К основным направлениям арт-индустрии относят: театрально-зрелищные организации, творческие объединения, агентства, концертные объединения, филармонии.

«Препарируя» термин «арт-менеджмент», который будет в дальнейшем использоваться не однократно, невозможно не отметить, что основной акцент в этом словосочетании сделан на его первой части (от англ., art) - это искусство, творчество (в это понятие входит живопись, дизайн, театр, танец и другие виды искусства).

Такой термин, как арт-менеджмент (управление в сфере культуры и искусства) имеет множество определении. К примеру, некоторые из них:

1. В современном мире «маркетинг в сфере культуры - это технология достижения тех сегментов рынка, которые наиболее вероятно заинтересованы в данном продукте, адаптируя к продукту

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