Научная статья на тему 'New species of mykobiota inhabiting the nature reserve “Cape Martyan”: macromycetes'

New species of mykobiota inhabiting the nature reserve “Cape Martyan”: macromycetes Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
mykobiota / macromycetes / the State nature reserve “Cape Martyan” / monitoring

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Sarkina I. S.

The article includes data of 23 new species of macromycetes in the State nature reserve “Cape Martyan”. They were obtained during the field collection in 2011-2014 years and treatment of the herbarium. 14 species of the given number are rare and protected, 10 species are presented for the first time in the Crimea Peninsula. There is an annotated list of new species. Generally by now 321 taxons of macromycetes of specific and intraspecific class are known for this natural area of preferential protection (120 ha).

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Текст научной работы на тему «New species of mykobiota inhabiting the nature reserve “Cape Martyan”: macromycetes»

UDK 582.284(477.75)




Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Centre, the city of Yalta


Fungi being a part of biogeocenosis are components of phytocenoses by way of mycosynusias. It is an organic and inherent element of any phytocenosis, one of the components in heterotrophic biota block. Monitoring of mycobiota is a part of general monitoring on reserve area. It is an essential step in collecting data about mycobiota, as most species of macromycetes are characterized by regular bearing fruits, a number of species possesses such a property as uncontrolled fruictification. Long-term monitoring gains a particular importance concerning rare species, making Red lists and creation of regional Red books.

On territory of the State nature reserve "Cape Martyan" (SNRCM) within long-term monitoring, lists of fungi species for every year are made, that permits to enrich and correct data of the whole researching period. SNRCM is situated in the central part of the Crimean Submediterranean, its total area makes 240 ha: 120 ha of land and 120 ha of water area. Since 1981 traditionally Records of reserve nature have been added by lists of macromycetes inventory. Since 1996 section "Calendar of nature" has been replenished by annual lists of macromycetes. Besides these Records, information about species composition, ecological groups, dynamics and fructification peculiarities, rare and protected species are kept in a number of publications and summaries [4, 7, 8, 10, 13 and etc.]. The list that generalized study results of macromycetes in NR "Cape Martyan" for 1980-2010 was published in 2010. [9]. It includes 298 taxons of species and intraspecies range: Ascomycetes - 9, Basidiomycetes - 289. According to data of 2011-2014 and results of herbarium treatment of early collections, 23 more new species for the reserve, are presented in our article.

Objects and methods of the research

Research object were Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes, collected within the territory of SNRCM during stationary and itinerary inspections. Methodology of material collection and treatment corresponded to common approaches in investigation of macroscopic fungi (macromycetes) functioned as elements of phytocenoses [1, 2]. Abundance and species sociability were rated by Haas scale, ecological status was determined due to works of Kovalenko A.E. [5]. Investigation of morphological characteristics of fruit bodies and microstructures was realized applying light microscope MBI-11.

Classification of macromycetes is presented according to the nineth edition of «Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi» [14]. Latin names of species and genera correspond to nomenclatural database «Index Fungorum» [17].

Results and Discussion

New species revealed in SNRCM are quite heterogeneous by their taxonomic composition, living forms, ecological status, seasonality, cozological importance. They are representatives of two classes, 7 orders, 15 families and 18 genera. There are 8 mycorhiza creators and 15 saprotrophes of different appropriation, 10 species with bazidiomas development during warm and (April - October) and cold (November - March) periods, 3

species are polyseasonal. For Crimea peninsula there are 10 new species, 14 rare and protected species. 19 species are referred to overground mycosynusias (12 species are in mycosynusias of juniper and oak cenoses, 7 species are a part of pine and oak cenoses), out -of-layer mycosynusias include 4 species. Besides presented macromycetes, one type of myxomycetes was found there, new in phytocenoses of the reserve.

Below there is an annotated systematized list of new species. While working out this list following symbols and abbreviations were used: Ecological groups. Mr - symbiotrophs, saprotrophs: Hu - humic, St -on mat, Le - on wood, xylotroph, M- on moss. Phytocenoses. OHb - oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.) with oriental hornbeam layer (Carpinus orientalis Mill.), OHb(Jp) - oak with juniper (Juniperus excelsa M.B.) and oriental hornbeam layer, JpO - juniper and oak, JpOHb - juniper and oak with oriental hornbeam layer, OJp - oak and juniper, OJpHb - oak and juniper with oriental hornbeam layer, OHb(Jp,P) - oak with oriental hornbeam layer, partly juniper and pine Pinus pallasiana D. Don), JpO(P) - juniper and oak, partly pine, JpPO - juniper, pine and oak, ArbOJp(P) - arbutus (Arbutus anrachne L.) oak and juniper, partly pine. Abundance/Sociability. 4 - in many places, 3 - unevenly, scattered, 2 - scattered a lot, + - single place (one specimen or one group, assemblage) / 3 -by big groups, 2 - by small groups, 1 - single specimens. Degree of species novelty. (*) -new in the reserve (the first find in the reserve),* - new in the Crimea (the first find in the Crimea).


Pezizaceae PEZIZA Fr.

(*)Peziza badia Pers. - Hu, moistened ecotope, on stone with Adiantum capillus-veneris, +/3, 05.06.2012, 13.07.2012.

(*)Peziza violacea Pers. - Hu, the same place, +/3, 14.02.2013, 14.03.2013.


TUBER P. Micheli

(*)Tuber aestivum Vittad. - Mr, block № 3, JpPO, 1 specimen, 05.05.2014. During a long-term period reliable information about T. aestivum spreading in the Crimea were added up to data of Khrystyuk P.M. (1961), which were included into "Ocherk o sjedobnyh i nesjedobnyh grybah Kryma" [12]. Last decade T. aestivum was registered on South Coast (05.06.2006) and in Karadagsky reserve (16.11.2007) - the first of the Crimean reserves where this fungus was found [11]. It was included into the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (RDBRF), as a species, reducing its number, and Ukraine (RBU), as a rare species with underground fruit bodies, European Red Data List of threatened fungi (ERDLTF) as well [6, 13, 16].

B A SIDIO M Y C O T A B A S I D I O M Y C E T E S A g a r i c o m y c e t i d a e AGARICALES

Coprinaceae COPRINUS (Fr.) Gray

(*)Coprinusxanthothrix Romagn. - Hu, OJp, block № 14, 1 specimen., 03.04.2013. PSATHYRELLA (Fr.) Quel.

*Psathyrella spadiceogrisea (Fr.) Maire. Hu, moistened ecotope, at the stone with Adiantum capillus-veneris, +/3, 3 specimens., 02.06.2011.

(*)Psathyrella piluliformis (Bull.) P.D. Orton [syn. Psathyrella hydrophila (Bull.) Maire].

Hu, the same place, +/2 (3+3 specimens.), 17.06.2011. Cortinariaceae


(*)Crepidotus cesatii (Rabenh.) Sacc. [syn. Crepidotus sphaerosporus (Pat.) J.E. Lange].

Le, block № 10, OHb(Jp), on the oak wood, 4/2-3, 13.01.2012. Entolomataceae

ENTOLOMA (Fr. ex Rabenh.) P. Kumm.

*Entoloma nidorosum (Fr.) Quel. [syn. E. rhodopolium (Fr.: Fr.) Kummer f. nidorosum

(Fr.) Noordel.]. Mr/St, southern part block № 10, OHb(Jp,P), +/2 specimens., 04.11.2010. This species was included into the RBU as a rare species, found sporadically [13]. The most favorable European regions are southern and southeast. Hygrophoraceae HYGROPHORUS Fr.

*Hygrophorus arbustivus Fr.Mr, block № 12, JpO(P), 2-3/1-2, 06-22.02.2013.



*Pluteus hiatulus Romagn. Le, block № 10, JpPO, 1 specimens., 07.10.2013.



*Arrhenia rickenii (Hora) Watling [syn. Leptoglossum rickenii (Hora) Singer]. St, blocks №№ 10, 13, OJpHb and JpOHb, 2(+)/2, 24.02.1010, 10.12.2012. MYCENA (Fr.) GRAY

(*)Mycenapurpureofusca (Peck) Sacc. St/Le, block № 10, JpPO, 3/2-3, 22.01.2013. (*)Mycena zephirus (Fr.) P. Kumm. St, block № 10, JpPO, 3/2-3, 07.10.2013. RICKENELLA Raithelh.

*Rickenella fibula (Bull.) Raithelh. M, block № 14, JpO, +/2, place of growth is at a path, in moss 22.01.2013.


Boletaceae BOLETUS L.

*Boletus depilatus Redeuilh. Mr, block № 6, OHb, 1 specimen., 05.07.2006. A rare species, included into ERDLTF [16] is a candidate for RBU [3]. Its localities are Eastern and Central Europe, the Mediterranean, Balkan Peninsula.

*Boletus lupinus Fr. Mr, blocks №№ 6, 10; JpPO, 5 specimens., 21-25.10.2013. warm-requiring xerophilous species, mostly found in southern, especially in the Mediterranean and European regions, but isn't adapted in the northern regions, can be found in Israel. It was included into ERDLTF [16].

*Boletus queletii Schulzer. Mr, block №№ 2; 4, JpOHb, 3/1-2, 03-09.07.2014. Thermophilous species. It is mostly spread in plain and deciduous forests (Oak-Hornbeam, Oak, Beech (Fagus). It was included into ERDLTF [16], a candidate for RBU [3]. Suillaceae SUILLUS Gray

*Suillus collinitus (Fr.) Kuntze. Mr, blocks №№10, 11, JpPO u ArbOJp(P), 1-2/1-2, 24.12.2010, 28.11.2012. Thermophilous species, mostly spread in Southern Europe, creating mycorhiza in connection with some species of pine (Pinus halepensis Miller, P. nigra J.F.Arnold, P. pinea L., P. sylvestris L.), well-known in Iran, favorable environment is a lime soil. It was included into ERDLTF [16].


Geastraceae MYRIOSTOMA Desv.

(*)Myriostoma coliforme (Dicks.) Corda. Hu, block № 5, OHb(Jp), three groups consisted of 3-5 specimens, 22.10.2013. In the Crimea M. Coliforme was actual for old parks only. It was included into addition to the Bern Convention, ERDLTF, RBU (as a rare species), Appendix to RDBRF [6, 13, 15, 16].


Ganodermataceae GANODERMA P. Karst.

(*)Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst. Le, block № 4, OHb(Jp), place of growth is on a tree of pubescent oak, 2 specimens 20.08.2014. It was included into RDBRF, as a rare species, and ERDLTF [6, 16].


Russulaceae RUSSULA Pers.

(*)Russula torulosa Bres. Mr, blocks №№ 6, 10, 11, 12, JpPO and phytocenoses with pine

plants, 2-3/1-2, 21.10-12.11.2013.


STEREUM Hill ex Pers.

(*)Stereum hirsutum (Willd.) Pers. Le, OHb and OHb(Jp), +/2-3, summer-autumn. Before it wasn't included into the species list, as by mistake it was denoted as syn. Trametes hirsuta (Wulfen: Fr.) Pilát instead of Coriolus hirsutus (Wulfen) Pat. [9].


Bankeraceae PHELLODON P. Karst.

(*)Phellodon melaleucus (Sw.: Fr.) P. Karst. Hu /Le, block № 11, JpPO, place of growth is a gully, +/2-3, 05.12.2010.


Ceratiomyxaceae CERATIOMYXA J. Schröt.

(*)Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (O.F. Müll.) T. Macbr. OHb(Jp), block №10, place of growth is on semidecomposed oak wood, 19.06.2006.


Therefore by present number of macromycetes taxons of species and intraspecies rank in the State nature reserve "Cape Martyan" reaches 321: Ascomycetes - 12, Basidiomycetes - 309.

Since last generalized published list (2010) it has been found 23 more species, new for this reserve, 10 of them are presented in the Crimea for the first time, 1 species of myxomycetes was new for the nature reserve.

Among new species there are 14 rare including 3 protected species in Russian Federarion (Ganoderma lucidum, Myriostoma coliforme, Tuber aestivum) and 3 - in Ukraine (Entoloma nidorosum, M. coliforme, T. aestivum), 7 species are included into ERDLTF (Boletus depilatus, B. lupinus, B. queletii, G. lucidum, M. coliforme, Suillus collinitus, T. aestivum), and 1 species is in the Addition to Bern Convention (M. coliforme). These facts

emphasize long-term monitoring importance, carried out on the territory of the SNR "Cape Martyan".


1. Bondartsev A.S., Zynger R.A Rukovodstvo po sboru vysshyh bazidialnih gribov dlya nauchnogo ih izucheniya//Tr. Botan. in-ta AN SSSR.-1950.-Ser. 2, vyp. 6.-S.499 - 543.

2. Vasiljeva L.N. Izucheniye makroskopicheskih gribov (makromytsetov) kak komponentov rastitelnih soobshchestv // Polevaya geobotanika. - M.-L.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. - T. 1. - S. 378 - 398.

3. Gelyuta V.P. Oglyad predstavnykiv rodu Boletus L., yak pretendentiv na vklyuchennya do "Chervonoyi knygy Ukrayini" // Roslinnij svyt u Chervonij knyzi Ukrayini: vprovadzhennya globalnoyi strategii zberezhennya roslyn: Material II mizhnarodnoyi naukovoyi konferentsii (9-12 zhovtnya 2012r., m. Umanj, Cherkasskaya oblastj). - Kiev: PALYVODA A.V., 2012. - S. 201 - 204.

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5. Kovalenko A.E. Ekologichesky obzor grybov iz poryadkov Polyporales s. str., Boletales, Agaricales s. str., Russulales v gornyh lesah tsentralnoj chasti Severo-Zapadnogo Kavkaza // Mykol. i phytopatol. - 1980. - T. 14, vyp.4. - S. 301.

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12. Khristyuk P.M. Ocherk o sjedobnyh i yadovytih grybah Kryma: Ser. "Pryroda Kryma". - Simferopol: Krym, 1966. - 70 s.

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14. Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi. Edition 9 / P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon, J.C. David and J.A. Stalpers. -Oxon, Wallingford: CAB International, 2001. - 655 p.

15. Datasheets of threatened mushrooms of Europe, candidates for listing in Appendix 1 of the Convention (document establ. by J.-P. Koune) // Convention on the conservation of Europ. wildlife and natur. habitats, Strasbourg, 2001. - 43 p.

16. European Red List of endangered macrofungi [on-line site]. — 2010. - Access mode: http://www.wsl.ch/eccf/candlist-subtotals.xls

17. The CABI Bibliography of Systematic Mycology, 2008. - Access mode.: http://www.indexfungorum.org/Names/Names.asp

Sarkina I.S. New species of mykobiota inhabiting the nature reserve "Cape Martyan": macromycetes

// Works of the State Nikit. Botan. Gard. - 2014. - V. 139 - P. 68 - 73.

The article includes data of 23 new species of macromycetes in the State nature reserve "Cape Martyan". They were obtained during the field collection in 2011-2014 years and treatment of the herbarium. 14 species of the given number are rare and protected, 10 species are presented for the first time in the Crimea Peninsula. There is an annotated list of new species. Generally by now 321 taxons of macromycetes of specific and intraspecific class are known for this natural area of preferential protection (120 ha).

Key words: mykobiota, macromycetes, the State nature reserve "Cape Martyan ", monitoring.

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