NATURE AND SOCIETY: PROBLEMS, DISCUSSIONS, SOLUTIONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Badalova M.O.

This article discusses the relationship between nature and society, as well as philosophically analyzes the relationship of man to nature.

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УДК 374

Badalova М. О. theacher

department of social and humanitarian sciences Andijan state medical Institute



Annotation: This article discusses the relationship between nature and society, as well as philosophically analyzes the relationship of man to nature.

Key words: nature. society, planet, analysis, man.

In conditions when planet Earth becomes the single home of mankind, many contradictions, conflicts, problems can outgrow the local framework and acquire a global global character. These problems are: preventing the threat of a new world war, narrowing the gap in the level of economic development between the developed countries of the West and the developing countries of the "third world", stabilizing the demographic situation on the planet, protecting public health and preventing the spread of AIDS and drug addiction. And in conjunction with all this, ecology.

Today it is important to recognize the inextricable link between nature and society, which is of a mutual nature. Here it is appropriate to recall the words of A. I. Herzen that "nature cannot contradict man if man does not reread it to the laws". On the one hand, the natural environment, geographical and climatic features have a significant impact on social development. These factors can accelerate or slow down the pace of development of countries and peoples, affect the social development of labor.

On the other hand, society affects the natural human environment. The history of mankind testifies both to the beneficial effects of human activities on the natural habitat, as well as to its harmful consequences.

There is no need to prove that social life is in constant change. Hegel, a German philosopher of the early 19th century, argued that social development is a movement forward from imperfect to more perfect. The criteria of progress are in the development of reason, social morality, which underlies the improvement of all aspects of society. Let us recall the well-known words of the Turgenev hero Bazarov: "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person is a worker in it." What this installation leads to and has already led to today is well known on concrete facts. Let me dwell only on a few of them. The increase in the scale of human economic activity, the rapid development of the scientific and technological revolution intensified the negative impact on nature, and led to a violation of the ecological balance on the planet. Consumption in the sphere of material production of natural resources has increased. In the years after the

Second World War, as much mineral raw material was used as in the entire previous history of mankind.

Since the reserves of coal, oil, gas, iron and other minerals are not renewable, they will be exhausted, according to scientists, in a few decades. But even if the resources that are constantly being renewed are actually rapidly decreasing, deforestation on a global scale significantly exceeds the growth of wood, the area of forests giving the earth oxygen decreases every year .The main foundation of life-soil everywhere on Earth is degrading. While the Earth accumulates one centimeter of chernozem in 300 years, now one centimeter of soil dies in three years. No less dangerous is the pollution of the planet.

The oceans are constantly polluted due to the expansion of oil production in offshore fields. Huge oil spills are detrimental to ocean life. Millions tons of phosphorus, lead, and radioactive waste are dumped into the ocean. For every square kilometer of ocean water now accounts for 17 tons of various waste land. The most vulnerable part of nature was fresh water. Wastewater, pesticides, fertilizers, mercury, arsenic, lead and much more in large quantities fall into rivers and lakes. The Danube, Volga, Rhine, Mississippi, Great American Lakes are heavily polluted. According to experts, in some parts of the world 80% of all diseases are caused by bad water.

Air pollution has exceeded all permissible limits. The concentration of harmful substances in the air exceeds the medical standards in many cities by tens of times. Acid rain containing sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide, resulting from the operation of thermal power plants and factories, causes death to lakes and forests. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant showed the environmental threat posed by accidents at nuclear power plants, they are operated in 26 countries. Clean air disappears around cities, rivers turn into gutters, piles of garbage everywhere, landfills, crippled nature - such is the striking picture of the crazy industrialization of the world. The main thing, however, is not in the completeness of the list of these problems, but in understanding the causes of their occurrence, nature and, most importantly, in identifying effective ways and means of solving them. The true prospect of overcoming the environmental crisis is to change the production activity of a person, his lifestyle, his consciousness. Scientific and technological progress creates not only "overloads" for nature; in the most advanced technologies, it provides means to prevent negative impacts, creates opportunities for environmentally friendly production. There was not only an urgent need, but also the opportunity to change the essence of technological civilization, to give it an environmental character.

One of the directions of such development is the creation of safe industries. Using the achievements of science, technological progress can be organized in such a way that production wastes do not pollute the environment, but re-enter the production cycle as secondary raw materials. An example is given by nature itself: the carbon dioxide emitted by animals is absorbed by plants that produce oxygen, which is necessary for animals to breathe. Wasteless is a production in which all the raw materials ultimately turn into one or another product. If we take into

account that 98% of the feedstock is converted into waste by modern industry, then the need for the task of creating waste-free production becomes clear. Calculations show that 80% of waste from the heat, energy, mining, and coke and chemical industries are suitable for use. Moreover, the products obtained from them are often superior in quality to products made from primary raw materials.

For example, the ash of thermal power plants, used as an additive in the production of aerated concrete, approximately doubles the strength of building panels and blocks. Of great importance is the development of environmental restoration industries (forestry, water, fisheries), the development and implementation of material-saving and energy-saving technologies. Environmentally friendly are some alternative (with respect to thermal, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants) energy sources. A quick search is needed for the practical use of the energy of the sun, wind, tides, geothermal sources. The environmental situation makes it necessary to assess the consequences of any activity related to interference with the natural environment. An environmental impact assessment of all technical projects is needed. Even F. Joliot-Curie warned: "We must not allow people to send to their own destruction those forces of nature that they were able to discover and conquer."

Time is running out. Our task is to stimulate all initiative and enterprise by all available methods, aimed at creating and implementing the latest technologies that contribute to the solution of any environmental problems. To promote the creation of a large number of control bodies, consisting of highly qualified specialists, on the basis of clearly developed legislation in accordance with international agreements on environmental issues. To constantly convey information to all states and peoples on ecology through radio, television and the press, thereby raising the ecological consciousness of people and contributing to their spiritual and moral revival according to the requirements of the era.

Sources used:

1. Мунавваров З., XacaHOB А. Ислом: xанафийлик ва ваxxобийлик. -Т.: Мовароуннаxр, 1998.


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