УДК 14.01.08
Toshpulatov A. student
3rd course, department of Geography Namangan State University Uzbekistan, Namangan
Annotation: In this article, the impact of natural conditions and factors on the health of the population and the features of the geographical spread of diseases are highlighted on the example of the Namangan region, one of the mountainous regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Key words: population health, natural conditions, nosogeography, organoleptic status of water, migration of elements, geoecological factors.
Introduction. Human health is one of the most urgent issues for every stage of society's development. After all, the development of any country is determined by the level of health and literacy of the population living in the area. These two indicators reflect the role of countries in the international community and their socio-economic potential. In this regard, it is important and necessary to study the factors that impact public health and lifestyle.
Methods and materials. This article focuses on the nosogeographic features of the Namangan region, using statistical and geographical comparisons to explain the impact of natural conditions on human health, and mainly on the principles of territoriality and complexity.
The main part. Since Uzbekistan gained its independence, the health of the population has begun to grow. After all, improving the health of the population and establishing a healthy lifestyle is a vital issue. At the same time, the analysis of the regional features of human diseases and the factors influencing them is particular importance in the study and evaluation of the nosogeographic status of each region.
It is known that the Ferghana region is one of the most complex regions of Uzbekistan by its geographical location, nature, demographic, socio-economic and environmental status [3, p. 5]. The fact that the valley is located in a mountain range, has a profound effect on its natural conditions and nosogeographic conditions. As a result of the decline of the relief from the center to the center, there is a systematic transfer of individual diseases. In particular, in the mountainous areas of the region, bull disease is common due to the low iodine content. With the decline of the center - Karakalpak and Yazyavan deserts, the number of infectious and urinary tract infections will increase due to the deterioration of the available water and the rise of groundwater levels.
Depending on the terrain, air pressure and winds also affect the medical geographical location. Wind direction is formed depending on atmospheric circulation and pressure changes, temperature and orographic structure [2, p. 66]. In
the Ferghana Valley in the spring and autumn, the Kokand wind from west. With a speed of 15 - 25 m/s, in winter the pressure increases and the wind of Bekabad goes up to 30 - 40 m/s. As a result, some diseases may spread. During the wind, the content of Na, Hg, Zn, Co elements in the air increases, and Fe and Cr levels increase dramatically, because when the Bekabad wind comes from the Bekabad Metallurgical Plant, it emits harmful substances into the atmosphere. In particular, the TB incidence in Mingbulak and Pop regions of Namangan region is much higher than in other regions, with 43,2 - 43,1 per 100,000 people [5].
The most important factor affecting the health of the population is the water factor, and its constituents have a major impact on human health. From a hygienic point of view, clean water is a source of life and a key to good health. Where there is scarcity of water, the health of the population is at risk. This means that water must meet both physiological and hygienic requirements and quality needs of the body. Drinking water quality is characterized by the presence of organoleptic properties, its chemical composition, the presence of microbes that transmit disease and the presence or absence of radioactive radiation [4, p. 260]. Provision of quality drinking water to the population is a priority. In this context, Namangan region in the north of the Ferghana Valley is implementing several promising projects aimed at providing clean drinking water to the population. The region's population is supplied with drinking water through a network of more than 4,884 km and a total of 500 water intakes and 39 water transmission facilities. In the district centers, potable water is supplied by small power structures, and in remote villages by separate vertical wells.
The State Water Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 950 - 2000 provides norms for water quality. Accordingly, the standard of safe drinking water consists of four parts:
a) drinking water should not pose an epidemic threat;
b) must be chemically safe;
c) organoleptic properties of drinking water must be attractive;
d) drinking water should be protected from contamination.
Water with good organoleptic properties is highly valued. This is natural. Such water is clear, colorless, odorless, clean and thirsty. Organoleptic properties of drinking water include odor, color, taste, water turbidity. Normally, the smell and taste of water at +20°C should not exceed 2,0 points. Water turbidity should not exceed 1 mg/l. By this indicator, the regional consumption of water is about 1,0 mg/l in Kyzylravot (Table 1). The presence of mineral substances in the water - calcium and magnesium salts - gives it a hardness. The hardness is measured in mg-ek/l or degrees. Hardness is an important parameter of drinking water quality required for normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Calcium is involved in cell membrane pore management, nerve impulses, as well as in cellular immune and carbohydrate metabolism. Magnesium is involved in energy metabolism, nucleic acids synthesis, nerve impulses, and immunological reactions. The hardness of the drinking water must not exceed 7 mg/l. The total hardness of drinking water supplied to the population of the region is 17,0 mg-ek/l in
Namangan district, 11,15 mg-ek/l in Turakurgan, 7,35 mg-ek/l in Uchkurgan higher than the normative indicator.
Table 1
Hygienic and epidemiological state of potable water in Namangan region
№ Places of experience Turbidity (mg/l) Total hardness mg/l (mk-ek/l) Nitrous acid (mg/l) Flourune chemical substance (mg/l) Nitric acid (mg/l) Dry residue (mg/l) Coli indexs The number of micro bacteria
1 Jiydakapa - 5,1 - 0,14 - 334 3 17
2 Pap 0,22 6,45 0,004 0,28 0,3 589 3 47
3 Chust 0,37 5,25 0,006 0,32 0,45 519 3 46
4 Kasansay 0,3 6,0 0,008 0,28 0,8 653 3 58
5 Yangikurgan 0,2 6,65 0,008 0,22 0,45 576 3 52
6 Uychi 0,3 4,05 0,004 0,2 0,45 490 3 59
7 Chartak 0,44 4,15 0,06 0,22 0,6 425 3 35
8 Naryn 0,22 4,5 0,008 0,28 0,3 589 3 64
9 Uchkurgan 0,14 7,35 0,006 0,26 0,45 519 3 63
10 Turakurgan 0,22 11,15 0,006 0,34 0,6 919 3 59
11 Mingbulak - 5,0 0,004 0,34 0,3 738 3 47
12 Namangan 0,22 17,0 0,006 0,38 0,8 1134 3 40
13 Namangan city 0,3 4,0 0,035 0,19 - 550 3 5
14 Kyzylravot 1,0 3,4 - 0,1 - - 3 34
The table is based on the data of SUE (State Unitary Enterprise) Suvokava of
Namangan region.
The dry water balance is the total amount of all the insoluble substances in the water. Drinking water must not exceed 1000 mg/l of dry residue (water mineralization). Dry residue in Namangan region's drinking water is slightly higher than the norm of 1134 mg/l. Consequently, the inclination of Namangan hills for irrigation can be seen as a reason for an increase in the total ground water hardness.
Nitrogen should not exceed 45,0 mg/l in drinking water. According to this indicator, the region's consumption water is normal. However, in Chust, Yangikurgan, Uychi, Uchkurgan districts, it is estimated to be 45,0 mg/l. Fluorine is a necessary chemical for various diseases such as caries, gastrointestinal tract and digestive system. There has been an increase in caries among schoolchildren in areas where fluorine is below 0,5 mg/l. Fluorosis is most common in cases where fluorine is over 1,5 mg/l. You can see that fluoride is less than 0,5 mg/l in consumer water in Namangan region. This can lead to an increase in dental caries for the region's population. In such cases, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluoride to 1,5 mg/l by adding fluorine to the tap water. An excess of nitrite between 0,002 and 0,005 mg/l is an important indicator of contamination. It can be seen that the percentage of nitrites in the region's drinking water is slightly higher. In recent years, nitrite levels in well water have been exceeded due to the use of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture.
The Namangan underground water deposit is characterized by the complexity of the hydrochemical state. Ground water hardness in this area is 8,3 -25,55 mg/l, mineralization is 1,1 - 2,1 g/l. The main reason for high mineralization of groundwater is the development of the Adyr region (a small round hill) and irrigated agriculture.
The incidence of water sources is also increasing in the region. The environmental situation in the region is aggravated by the sewage, and sewage water coming from the Syrdarya River, where salt and other chemicals are dissolved in the region. As a result, there is a high incidence of digestive diseases among the population. This is particularly common in the vicinity of waste water dumps, that is, in the western part of the region (Table 2).
Types of populations of the population are distributed according to the natural conditions, orgonoleptic features of the water in the regions. In particular, in the Namangan region the incidence of cancer per 100 000 people is highest in the Chust, Uychi, Uchkurgan and Pap regions. It is worth noting that settlements in these areas are located in agricultural areas, where the chemicals used in them affect the health of the population.
Tuberculosis, as discussed above, is more prevalent in Mingbulak, Pap, and Namangan, depending on the prevalence of TB bacillus.
The average indicator of the region for blood and blood formation diseases is 15.3 percent. The highest figure is 19.0% in the Mingbulak district, 18.8% in the Uychi district, while the lowest figure is 8.4% in the Uchkurgan district.
Table 2
The incidence of certain diseases among the population of Namangan region __ (2017) ___
№ Cities and districts Tumor diseases (an indicator of every 100 thousand inhabitants) Tuberculosis( an indicator of every 100 thousand inhabitants) Diseases of the circulatory system (%) Diseases of the digestive organs (%) Diseases of the respiratory organs (%) Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs (%)
1 Namangan city 64,8 42,1 3,1 5,7 7,6 17,5
2 Mingbulak 60,0 43,8 4,9 8,4 19,2 19,0
3 Kasansay 61,9 32,8 4,4 3,6 18,8 14,5
4 Namangan 48,8 42,0 2,6 6,1 10,9 12,8
5 Noryn 55,3 39,9 3,6 6,6 10,4 15,7
6 Pap 66,1 43,1 3,7 4,0 9,0 17,1
7 Turakurgan 60,1 42,1 1,8 7,4 27,7 11,7
8 Uchkurgan 67,6 25,6 4,7 8,6 6,2 8,4
9 Uychi 67,7 39,6 2,3 5,0 14,0 18,8
10 Chust 72,9 36,4 2,3 6,3 8,8 11,8
11 Chartak 54,0 28,8 3,4 11,1 22,3 10,5
12 Yangikurgan 57,3 27,3 2,6 6,9 11,4 11,6
Total 63,5 27,6 3,1 9,9 12,2 15,3
The table is based on data from the Namangan Regional Health Department
One of the most common disease groups in the population is the diseases of the digestive tract. Although the diseases of the digestive tract are largely dependent on the lifestyle of the individual, the environment also contributes to the etiology of these diseases. In particular, acute enteritis is caused by arsenic, mercury, iodine, salicylates, adonis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon is called colitis. Acute colitis is exacerbated by intestinal infections, tuberculosis, lead poisoning, lead poisoning, arsenic, mercury poisoning, poisoning from poor quality foods and mushrooms and melons. Namangan region is close to the republican level. In the Namangan region, the average percentage is 9.9%, the highest in Chartak District is 11.1%, in Uchkurgan district 8.6%, and the lowest in Kasansay district is 3.6%. All of this is related to the natural conditions of human diseases and requires the implementation of appropriate measures.
Summary. From the above analysis, we can see that natural and geoecological factors have a great impact on public health in Namangan region. These include the deepening of the problem of atmospheric air pollution, the contamination of surface and ground water, and the deterioration of soil conditions. It is necessary to qualitatively optimize the geoecological situation to improve the health and nosogeographic situation in the region.
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