Научная статья на тему 'NATALIA SEDYKH. PREVENTIVE ANTI-TERRORIST ACTIVITIES IN THE YOUTH ENVIRONMENT: ITS STATE AND WAYS OF IMPROVING // The article was specially written for the bulletin Russia and the Moslem World.'

NATALIA SEDYKH. PREVENTIVE ANTI-TERRORIST ACTIVITIES IN THE YOUTH ENVIRONMENT: ITS STATE AND WAYS OF IMPROVING // The article was specially written for the bulletin Russia and the Moslem World. Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
“digital generation“ / Internet / modern technologies / religious and political extremism / “jihad“
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Текст научной работы на тему «NATALIA SEDYKH. PREVENTIVE ANTI-TERRORIST ACTIVITIES IN THE YOUTH ENVIRONMENT: ITS STATE AND WAYS OF IMPROVING // The article was specially written for the bulletin Russia and the Moslem World.»

17 Islam v Rossii: ugrozy radikalizatsii [Islam in Russia: Threats of radicalization] // Rossiiskaya gazeta. 2012, April 4.

18 Ibid.

19 S. Muslimov. Op. cit., 21 p.

20 I. Shamov. Religiya ili svetskoye prosveshcheniye [Religion or Secular Education] // Dagestanskaya Pravda. 2001. June 8.

21 Z. Abdulagatov. Op. cit., 50 p.

22 E. Ilyin. Op. cit.

23 A. Sidorov. Zelyonoye znamya s dvuglavym orlom [Green Banner with Double-headed Eagle] // Interfax. 2009. August 31.

24 E. Ilyin. Op. cit.


Keywords: "digital generation", Internet, modern technologies, religious and political extremism, "jihad"

Natalia Sedykh,

PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

It is known that the replenishment of the ranks of terrorists occurs at the expense of representatives of the so-called "digital generation" mainly, including in modern Russia. The Internet is the leading way of interaction and the main factor of influence on the process of forming their opinions, opinions, beliefs. As a result, terrorist threats are intensified and new risks are created. These risks tend to increase, as they are a product of advanced modern technologies, including mass media. Thus, the development of the movement of the world "jihad", which entailed an intensification of terrorist threats, is a consequence of global informatization of social space. Total "jihad" appears effective continuation of Islamism -ideological trend in Islamic thought of modern times. Islamism is based on the idea of the need to assert the dominance of a

comprehensive Islamic set of rules of conduct - the Sharia, both in society and in the state in certain geographic and political boundaries or on a planetary scale. As a consequence, the global jihad declared by the leaders of terrorist organizations is the embodiment of religious and political extremism, which is regarded as the extreme ideological and political trend in Islam, which proclaims the establishment of Islamic forms of state power as its main goal through the use of various types of armed and political violence.1 The leading method to achieve stated social and political goals is "mediajihad", which is considered equal to the war with arms in its importance, and can account for up to 90% of the total efforts of extremists. It is explained by the fact that information production and information exchange become the basic types of social activity due to the active development of digital technologies. Thus, communication is the main way of forming social space, the main mechanism of management and the creator of the "new social reality". Therefore, the large-scale ideological and propaganda activity of the leaders of relevant organizations is conducted in the information space, mainly.2 Youth is its main object.

Today, terrorists actively exploit the most popular means of mass communication among young people - the Internet. Today, terrorists actively exploit the most popular means of mass communication among young people - the Internet. Experts point to this psychological feature of young users, such as anxiety about non-connectivity, which reaches a level of panic for some. In this regard, information congestion is of particular concern, and as a consequence - a decrease in the ability to form and operate knowledge (i.e. to systematize information, to master it consistently, to build logical links, to structure the material). Along with this, the so-called phenomenon of distributed consciousness is observed. Its peculiarity is that consciousness and all mental procedures are distributed between a person and different devices, to which part of cognitive functions are transferred. As a consequence, there is a change in the processes of perception, memory, thinking and cognitive activity of the individual. So, a modern young man does

not consider it necessary to remember information about a historical event, public figure, scientist, believing that if he needs this information, he will turn to Wikipedia or other similar information resource. At the same time, such permanent attributes of the virtual world, as fragmented and mosaic, destroy cultural memory and historical self-awareness, eradicating the connections between events. At the same time, the personal and social identity, formed in various online communities, undergoes significant changes. Ideologists of terrorism use social media actively as the most popular means of the Internet communication among young people. According to modern scientists, social media are interactive digital methods of information delivery, a means of communication, where the main communicative source is the Internet. New social media includes: social networks, blogs, Internet forums, podcasts, video sharing sites, websites, Wiki, printed, online and mobile products. At the same time, new social media are also interactive platforms for communication and content exchange between users, such as forums, photo hosting and other creative sites. New social media includes: social networks, blogs, Internet forums, podcasts, video sharing sites, websites, Wiki, printed, online and mobile products. At the same time, new social media are also interactive platforms for communication and content exchange between users, such as forums, photo hosting and other creative sites.

Terrorist organizations3 use the Internet as a platform to promote their ideas and recruit new supporters. The information presented by such associations can be divided into two groups conditionally, having different objectives:

- program documents of terrorist groups containing information that induces violent change of the constitutional order and violation of the integrity of Russia, propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of their attitude to religion, social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation, etc;

- data on methods of manufacturing improvised explosive devices, methods of carrying out crimes of a terrorist nature.

It should be noted that the Internet is used as one of the sources of financing terrorist activities, and, at the same time, as the most effective "coordinator of activities". "Propaganda of radical ideas and the recruitment of supporters take place in popular social networks: Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter and Youtube, mainly; 84% of young people joined the ranks of the terrorist organization via the Internet, 47% paid attention to the materials (video and text) that were posted online, 41% swore allegiance to ISIS online, 19% used online instructions in preparing the terrorist act (making improvised explosive devices and bombs)", - these are the results of a study by Gulzat Bilyalov, a researcher at the NGO Congress of Religious Studies.4

At present, most of the materials refer to the activities of the radical Islamist group "The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (IGIL), which simplified the name of the country in its current name, and called itself the "Islamic State" (IS). Formed in 2006 in Iraq by the merger of eleven radical Islamist groups and led by the local Al-Qaeda unit, it has become one of the richest terrorist organizations in the world with an annual budget of several billion US dollars. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi began to call himself the caliph. He immediately called on the Sunnis around the world to swear allegiance to him. As a result, about sixty jihadist organizations from thirty countries of the world did this. "The Islamic State" announced its intention to continue "jihad" around the world.5

Experts of the American company Soufan Group, which provides security consulting services, said in December 2015 that 4.7 thousand people - natives of Russia and the CIS - fought on the side of ISIS in Syria. The radical project of the Caucasus Emirate (2007-2016), uniting terrorist bandit groups on the territory of the Russian Federation, which Islamists tried to implement in the North Caucasus region of Russia, did not become truly international.6 The militant groups existed and operated within local ethnic groups, which led to Gradual decrease in activity and potential readiness to make new resonant actions. The main reason was the blocking of financing channels for "foreign sponsors", and, consequently, the

gradual and irreversible criminalization of bandit groups. The effective actions of the Russian security forces, when the jamaats in Kabardino-Balkaria and Ingushetia were completely defeated within 6-8 months, led to a serious change of personnel. The time of participation of Islamist militants in jihad declined from several years to several months. The number of those ready to "leave for the forest" decreased without the spiritual leaders and military mentors, especially after the neutralization of the founder of the "Imarat" Doku Umarov in November 2013. For 2013-2014, ISIS extended the call for the Hijra (resettlement to the Middle East for the implementation of armed jihad) among active Islamists in the North Caucasus, which found many supporters. Office of the religious precepts of Egypt has prepared a report that the purpose of the terrorist group was to ensure the flow of new recruits to their ranks in the first place, while ISIS was aimed still at the Middle East to expand the territorial boundaries of its influence. 7

Recruitment has various forms, including through social networks for job search. For example, it is reported that "ISIS opens vacancies for young scientists"8, or "ISIS opened a vacancy for an oilman with a salary of $ 225,000 per year"9, "ISIS militants are in need of qualified medical personnel and programmers".10 Along with men, women are actively involved in ISIS. According to the REGNUM News Agency, four natives of Karachaevo-Cherkessia: 23-year-old Dana Mukova, 27-year-old Alina Chotchayeva, and two sisters of the Batchaevs - 25-year-old Madina and 26-year-old Marina - left for Syria between 2014 and 2015 and provided medical assistance to militants in the field hospital.11 The information was also confirmed that the famous Chechen singer Hazan (Aza) Bataeva has been in Syria since the end of 2015.12 According to some reports, she married a militant there. It should be noted that women in the ranks of ISIS are the reproductive potential of this terrorist state, since their main purpose is to give birth to the "new shahids".

The militants act like true social marketing professionals: they spread selfies with weapons and kittens in Instagram, broadcast fights on Twitter. They have their own mobile application and an

online store where it is possible to buy a T-shirt with a terrorist logo for support. Activists of ISIS have declared themselves in the popular Russian social network "VKontakte".

The audience of "Vkontakte" represents young people in the mass: according to Brand Analytics, almost 2/3 of the authors of this network are under 25 years old. The more mature audience accounts for a small share: 45+ is only 1.4% of the active social network audience, 35-44 years is not more than 6%. The core of "Vkontakte" is made up of users aged 18-24 - 35.3% of the authors. According to the OnLife study of 2015, typical behavior of the "Vkontakte" audience is active consumption of content (public posts, music, video, etc.). If you take such an indicator as the amount of time spent in a particular social network, then the greatest activity of users is observed in "VKontakte" according to the data of the TNS WEB Index for April 2015. On average, people spend inside this social network up to 41 minutes a day.13

Representatives of the "Islamic state" began their activity in "VKontakte" after blocking their accounts on Twitter and Facebook. Pages of propaganda units of al-Itisam and al-Hayat militants appeared in the Russian social network. ISIS created the news community of Islamic State News for Russians, and also founded the official projects of the "vilayat" (state provinces) founded by them, where they reported on the construction of a "caliphate" in the provinces in Iraq and Syria occupied by the militants daily and in an open manner. Information about work with youth (recruitment) and executions of "traitors of Allah" was also published there. "ShamToday", the largest Russian-speaking community of supporters of the "Islamic state" in 2015, had 12,000 subscribers and was established long before the start of hostilities. The group in the social network was led by members of the Ministry of Communications of the Islamic State, one of nine agencies subordinate to the head of the Caliphate, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.14

Thus, social media have tremendous management potential and are used by extremists as a channel for spreading radical ideas through the technology of virtual viral marketing, based on the

phenomenon of psychological contamination and aimed at developing loyalty to specific individuals, radical political projects, social doctrines and proposed methods of their implementation.15 Nowadays, virtual viral marketing has replaced "word of mouth", ideas are transmitted through digital communications, which allows for political manipulation through the organization of various psychological influences. In particular, information-semantic, which disorient people in the social space, information-emotional, which appeal to sensory perception and allow the construction of images of "victims" and "enemies", and simultaneously information-moral, which destroy the notion of "what is good, and what is bad"; Information-historical, which transform the political picture of the world.

The result of Internet manipulation of recruiters of terrorist organizations is the fact that there are more than a thousand criminal cases in the Russian Federation for "participating" and "actively sympathizers". Most of those who fall under the influence of radical ideas are students. It was established during the investigation of criminal cases that half of the cases of the young people's withdrawal into mercenaries are connected with the recruitment via the Internet.

The sternest punishment in the case of recruitment was received by students of the Stavropol Medical Academy in December 2015, who organized a "amaat" consisting of 6 people, 2 of whom were born in Dagestan. They recruited through Internet messengers, direct calls for terrorism, placing posts, texts, videos on social networking sites accessible to all users, personal communication with fellow students, inviting them both in Internet correspondence and personal conversations to meetings, which purpose was to preach the ideas of radical Islamism. Four people, as a result of their activity, went to fight in Syria. The perpetrators were sentenced by the North Caucasian District Military Court to terms of 5 to 7 years in a general regime colony. The perpetrators were sentenced by the North Caucasian District Military Court to terms of 5 to 7 years in a general regime colony. Primarily, there are penalties

in the form of fines (from 1 to 35,000 rubles), conditional sentences of 1 to 3 years, forced labor, as well as from 1 to 3 years of colony-settlement, for public calls for extremist activities and the justification of terrorism in social networks.16 For example, in the United States, more severe measures were applied to persons supporting ISIS. So, in August 2015, information was published in the media that 17-year-old Ali Shukri Amin from Virginia was sentenced to 11 years of actual imprisonment for the active placement in the propaganda network of ISIS.17 However, at the present time there is an active radicalization of the consciousness of persons in places of deprivation of liberty (jail, prisons, colonies-settlements). Those convicted of recruiting, publicly appealing to extremism and terrorism, may be targeted as an object of strengthening and developing radical views on the part of the more "experienced comrades" and the subject of influence with the aim of radicalizing the views of "recruits".

As for Russia, Dagestan continues to remain the region of greatest tension in terms of the number of actions of a criminal-terrorist orientation at the present stage. According to regional and federal media, there were 22 cases of recruitment and public justification of terrorism in Dagestan in 2015, and there were already 18 cases in the first six months of 2016. The recruiters were young men, both male and female, aged 14-35 years. Crimes were recorded in other regions of the Russian Federation.

The scheme of attracting young people, used by ISIS recruiters, is quite simple. It consists of three stages: motivation, communication, joining the ranks of a terrorist organization. Terrorists analyze hundreds of accounts in social networks, choosing from them those belonging to young people with big problems in socialization. Often, young men themselves, announcing in their status the presence of personal problems, stumble upon a recruiter who enters his account in the circle of a young man's communication and waits for him to be approached. His main task at this stage is to form a steady interest in the study of Islam, Islamic culture, Islamic traditions. The object of recruiting

studies special educational and methodological literature, plunging into a virtual world where the values of Muslim culture are replaced by simpler and more understandable ideological constructs and concepts of radical Islamists. The object of recruiting of terrorists can not establish that the subject of his study is not traditional Islam, but Islamism, which he perceives as the true teaching of all Muslims. Becoming the so-called "true knowledge" carrier, this young man distances himself from his peers. Internal separation from society acquires a principled character and begins to be expressed in alienated behavior and in appearance. When the ideology of Islam supersedes all other spheres of interests and hobbies in the consciousness of this young man, the lack of communication is most sharply manifested, which must be filled with the establishment of stable ties with the real supporters of radical Islam.

Communication is carried out in the remote form always -through social networks. Separation from objective reality becomes most complete and it is almost impossible to get out of this state independently, as any fluctuations are monitored and attempts to interrupt communication are suppressed.

At the last stage, the object of recruiting is brought to the territory of the terrorist group. The pretext can be a meeting with an ideologist who became an idol and a legend by the time of the meeting; Or the possibility of performing a "special mission". The need to be recognized and to acquire social status is one of the dominant traits and motivations for young people, so getting it as soon as possible becomes the determining motive for all further actions.

At the last stage the meeting place is chosen, the route of travel and the transport map are developed, the necessary documents are prepared, the recruited person is provided with the minimum necessary financial means. At the same time, he is warned that the trip should be organized secretly from relatives and friends, as they can prevent him from "moving up the career ladder". As a result, the young man disappears: he is not at the university, at work, he does not return home, does not answer calls

and letters in the networks. Often a young man already manages to leave the borders of the Russian Federation by that time. After his arrival at the destination, the terrorists make an open recruitment offer, and its non-acceptance becomes an almost unrealistic task. As a result, another representative of the terrorist group is ready to fulfill its new duties. In recent years, large-scale preventive antiterrorist activities have been carried out in Russia. In particular, only in 2015 access to more than 800 sites of a terrorist orientation was terminated, and extremist information was removed from 4,500 pages on the Internet. Only for the first quarter of 2016, Russian Interior Ministry units blocked about 800 accounts and more than 150 terrorist sites, extremist information was removed from 2.5 thousand pages on the Internet.18 It should be noted that the high degree of decentralization of the network negates the effect of closing individual accounts, since the vacant seats are quickly occupied with new ones. Most of the servers of extremist sites are outside the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, located on the territory of the United States, Finland, Germany, etc., some are even located in "networks-anonymizers", providing for absolute anonymity.

Obviously, today the leaders of terrorist organizations rely on information terrorism, which manifests itself in direct influence on the psyche and the consciousness of young people to form opinions and judgments that are necessary for terrorists, and which in some way influence the behavior of young people. Internet technologies allow reach a wider audience and interact with people from different regions, spreading radical ideas that lead to new social risks, penetrating all social strata, groups, some of which are the subjects of risk, while others - its objects.

In this regard, new ways and methods of implementing ideological, propagandistic and explanatory activities in Russia should be developed. Further development of methods of information antiterrorism is necessary. Counteraction to the ideology of terrorism, according to experts, should become an integral part of the overall information policy of the state. It should be noted that the information policy of the state is the ability of

policy subjects to influence the consciousness, the psyche of people, their behavior and activities with the help of information in the interests of the state and civil society. Information security is one of the objects of the information policy. Its structural components are information and psychological security, implying the effective use of all available information resources to ensure the society protection, its individual groups and individuals from the negative impact of destructive forms of information. According to the official position of representatives of the National Antiterrorist Committee (NAK), it is necessary to influence public consciousness and create a self-reproducing system of ideas and effective channels for their dissemination in order to prevent the development of various forms of destructive social behavior, including terrorism.19

At the present stage, the task of preventing recruitment to extremist groups becomes a priority for the entire world community. The set of measures is necessary for its implementation, aimed at the formation of a national identity. For example, in Austria, the "Together: Austria" program has been in operation since 2011, which combines an information campaign on the Internet and elements of the school curriculum.20 An important mechanism of the Austrian program for the integration of migrants is the involvement of successful representatives of diasporas for lectures in schools. In 2014, the program was supplemented by a new initiative, "I am Proud", which has become one of the most successful information campaigns of the Austrian government in the social network Facebook. Users were invited to shoot and upload a short video about what they were proud of in their country. Particular attention was paid to the migrant audience. During only the first two weeks about 50,000 users downloaded material on Facebook, and 2,500 people used the Twitter service. Associations of national and religious minorities actively joined the campaign. An example of such a campaign in Russia is the project "I remember, I am proud!", the symbol of which is the St. George ribbon.

At the same time, it is necessary to work out a program to combat extremism in the education system. The experience of

France is very impressive, where the special program of the Ministry of Education and Science "Greater mobilization of education in support of the values of the Republic" works, published on February 9, 2015.21 Similar measures have been taken in Austria and Germany.

It should be emphasized that the creation of special software for monitoring Internet activity in the context of global informatization in order to prevent recruitment to extremist communities is of fundamental importance. In the UK, schools should use special software that will monitor students' online activity for characteristic terms used by terrorist recruiters, according to the new anti-terrorism legislation, which came into force on July 1, 2015.22

The experience of some Muslim states is of practical interest, for example, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where the authorities' strategy to counter terrorism includes three components: "people, money, minds". "People" - is the identification, arrest and conviction of terrorists, the destruction of their structures. "Money" is a measure to strengthen control over financial flows that go through different channels to terrorists and extremists, including the transportation of money by couriers. The struggle for "minds" is the most complex component of the counter-terrorism strategy and requires a long time, according to the Saudi authorities.

"Struggle for minds" includes a number of measures to counter extremist ideology, in addition to official statements by the Saudi government and religious leaders, among them: an active anti-extremist campaign in the media using various kinds of advertisements, billboards and the Internet; Distribution of books and pamphlets, videodiscs and cassettes in schools, madrassas, mosques; Re-education of those theologians who preach an extremist ideology. This is done by preachers in 20 thousand of 70 thousand mosques, therefore the Saudi authorities constantly hold "enlightening" seminars and lectures in them.

The program for the rehabilitation of persons convicted of terrorism or extremism is carried out in prisons, including prisoners handed over by Americans from Guantanamo Bay prison. Only in 2004-2009 this program was attended by 4,300 people. Relapses

were observed in about 20 percent of participants after its completion, and therefore it can be considered quite effective.

The measures taken by the Saudi authorities reduce the level of the terrorist threat. Nevertheless, terrorism remains an actual phenomenon in Saudi Arabia. In this regard, it is recognized that it is necessary to take additional measures, both legislative and executive and ideological, to counter terrorism on the part of the authorities.23

The experience of the struggle of foreign, including Arab, states proves the need for an integrated approach to solving the problem of spreading the influence of the ideology of Islamic fundamentalism in the Russian Federation, which has social, political, economic, cultural, historical and religious-ethnic roots. An effective opposition of the state to this threat can be achieved with the combined efforts of all state institutions, offensive information counteraction and the presence of government support from influential religious and public figures, civil society.

Necessity has also arisen in carrying out a complex interdisciplinary research aimed at creating information and communication methods based on the positive potential of Islam and based on verbal and semantic constructs that allow deny the propagandists of radicalism in the information space and prevent the involvement of youth in the activities of terrorist organizations. It is obvious that social media should become effective channels for spreading not destructive, but creative ideas in modern conditions. Thus, the need to increase the effectiveness of activities in the implementation of the information policy of the youth segment, the development of effective strategies, methods of using social media in ensuring information security and preventing terrorist mercenarism in the youth environment was actualized.


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18 Working materials of the author.

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23 Dobaev I.P. Radikalizatcia islama v sovremennoi Rossii. [The Radicalization of Islam in Contemporary Russia] - Moscow — Rostov-on-Don: «Socialno-gumanitarnye znania», 2014. - P. 261-262.

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