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Myxodavisia haldarae sp. N. and Ceratomyxa sardinellae sp. N. (Myxosporea, Bivalvulida) from the gallbladder of Indian Sardine Sardinella longiceps collected in the Bay of Bengal Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Sarkar Nirmal Kumar

Two bivalvulid myxosporea Myxodavisia haldarae sp. n. and Ceratomyxa sardinellae sp. n. have been described from the gallbladder of Sardinella longiceps collected in the Bay of Bengal coast of West Bengal, India. The salient features of M. haldarae are: a large spore, backwardly directed shell valves end into sharp spine, sporebody 13.2 ± 1.42 (12-15) μm. 8.4 ± 0.74 (7.5-9) μm; polar capsule spherical 4.0 ± 0.71 (3-4.5) μm, and the characters of C. sardinellae disporic sporogony, a small spore, broadly round ends of shell valves, suture distinct, 8.05 ± 1.095 (6.75-9) μm. 14.25 ± 1.061 (13.5-15.75) μm; polar capsule spherical 2.45 ± 0.35 (1.95-2.7) μm. These two species differ from the related species, which is demonstrated in the respective table.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Myxodavisia haldarae sp. N. and Ceratomyxa sardinellae sp. N. (Myxosporea, Bivalvulida) from the gallbladder of Indian Sardine Sardinella longiceps collected in the Bay of Bengal»

Protistology 6 (4), 290-296 (2010/11)


Myxodavisia haldarae sp. n. and Ceratomyxa sardinellae sp. n. (Myxosporea, Bivalvulida) from the gallbladder of Indian Sardine Sardinella longiceps collected in the Bay of Bengal

Nirmal Kumar Sarkar

Department of Zoology, Rishi Bankim Chandra College, Naihati, West Bengal, India


Two bivalvulid myxosporea Myxodavisia haldarae sp. n. and Ceratomyxa sardinellae sp. n. have been described from the gallbladder of Sardinella longiceps collected in the Bay of Bengal coast of West Bengal, India. The salient features of M. haldarae are: a large spore, backwardly directed shell valves end into sharp spine, spore-body 13.2 ± 1.42 (12-15) ^m x 8.4 ± 0.74 (7.5-9) ^m; polar capsule spherical 4.0 ±

0.71 (3-4.5) ^m, and the characters of C. sardinellae — disporic sporogony, a small spore, broadly round ends of shell valves, suture distinct, 8.05 ± 1.095 (6.75-9) x 14.25 ± 1.061 (13.5-15.75) ^m; polar capsule spherical 2.45 ± 0.35 (1.95-2.7) ^m. These two species differ from the related species, which is demonstrated in the respective table.

Key words: Myxosporea, Bivalvulid, Ceratomyxa sardinellae sp. n., Myxodavisia haldarae sp. n, Sardine fish, The Bay of Bengal, West Bengal


Myxozoans are usually the parasites offish (both freshwater and marine) but also found in amphibians and reptiles (Lom and Dykova, 2006). Recently a species Myxidiun anatidum from waterfowl (Bartholomew et al. 2008) and a species Soricimyx-um fegati from shrews (Prunescu et al. 2007) have been reported from bird and mammal respectively. The Phylum Myxozoa Grasse 1970 includes two classes — Myxosporea Butschli 1881 having all the species reported from the vertebrate-invertebrate hosts and Malacosporea Canning et al. 2000 having the species reported from the Bryozoans.

© 2011 by Russia, Protistology

The myxoporeans are either histozoic or coelo-zoic. About 2200 described species under 60 genera are known today (Fiala 2006).The present two species of the genera Ceratomyxa Thelohan 1892 and Myxodavisia Zhao et al. 2008 are coelozoic — inhabiting the gallbladder of a marine fish Sardinella longiceps the most studied myxosporea genera in this decade of the 21st century, because more than 25 new Ceratomyxa spp. have been described from marine fish of Australia (Gunter et al. 2008, 2009, 2010; Heiniger et al. 2008), South Africa (Reed et al.2007) and India ( Sarkar 2009, 2010). Moreover, Adlard et al. 2010 proposed the demise of the genus Leptotheca and transferred 47 Leptotheca

species to Ceratomyxa. The genus Myxodavisia is a replacement name of Davisia as the later name was preoccupied by Davisia Del Guercio,1909 (Insecta: Hemiptera) and transferred 28 Davisia spp. to a new genus Myxodavisia with the description of a new species M. sebastisca (Zhao et al. 2008). Recently one more species has been added to the list (Sarkar 2010). The present paper describes a species of Myxodavisia Zhao et al. 2008 and a species of Ceratomyxa Thelohan, 1892.

Material and methods

The fishes were collected from Digha in Midna-pur ofthe Bay of Bengal coast ofWest Bengal, India, preserved with ice and brought to the laboratory where autopsies were done from time to time under 10 x 45 magnification of a research microscope for the myxosporean parasite. The contact smears of the infected tissue were made. The fresh wet smears of spores with a drop of Lugol’s iodine were studied under 10 x 100 (oil immersion), measured (N = total number of spore measured; mean ± SD; the range is provided in parenthesis), and photographed. The dry smears were stained with Giemsa (1:15) after prefixation in absolute methanol. The descriptions of species were made after Lom and Arthur (1989). The figures were drawn with the help of Camera Lucida (Prism type) in combination with Corel Draw 12 version. The microphotographs were taken by standard equipment from fresh and stained spores. The following abbreviations were used: Apn = Appendage, L = Length, Sp = Spore, Spb. = Spore-body, Std = Sutural diameter, Pcd = Polar capsule diameter, Pcdin = Polar capsule dimension, SD = standard deviation and W = Width.


Myxodavisia haldarae sp. n. (Figs. 1-3, 8, 9)

No early developmental or sporogonic stages seen, mature spores laterally elongate triangular to ovoid spore-body and two long, sharp spine-like lateral appendages, backwardly directed - one from each side of the respective shell valve of the spores; suture distinct, vertical and slightly sinuous; shell valves smooth, laterally extended in the form of sharp spine-like appendages, rarely unequal, separating membrane of respective appendage from the spore body distinct (Figs 1-3); two equal, spherical to ovoid polar capsules slightly converging , number

of turn of polar filament in each capsule not discernable; extra-capsular spore cavity with a dikaryotic or two monokaryotic sporoplasms; Measurements (N = 20 fresh spores): Spb - 13.2 ± 1.418 (12.0-15.0) ^mx8.4 ± 0.74 (7.5-9.0) ^m; LApn - 32.5 ± 2.83 (28.5-34.5) ^m; Pcd -.4.0 ± 0.71 (3.0-4.5) ^m.

Taxonomic summary

Host: Sardinella longiceps Valenciennes.

Site of Infection: Gallbladder.

Incidence: 1/35 (2.8%).

Locality: The Bay of Bengal (Indian Ocean) coast of West Bengal, India.

Period of Infection: Early winter of 2009.

Material: Syntypes material on the slide No. Mxd — 17, deposited to the Parasitology Section of the Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata.

Remarks: The present species, among all known Myxodavisia spp., overlaps with Myxodavisia spinusa (Davis, 1917) Zhao et al. 2008 in morphology of spore but the length of the shell valve appendage of the former is about half the length of M. spinusa (Table 1). The species in study is also relatively similar in shape of the spore to M. cyanoglossi (Laird, 1953) Zhao et al. 2008 and M. anoplopoma (Moser and Noble,1975) Zhao et al. 2008, but their spore-bodies are larger than the present species. The spore-bodies of M. hexagrammi (Zhao et al.2002) Zhao et al. 2008, M. branchiophora (Davis,1917) Zhao et al. 2008, M. ophidioni (Zaika, 1966) Zhao et al. 2008, M. cornuta (Yurakhno and Naidenova, 2000) Zhao et al. 2008, and M. cella (Jameson, 1931) Zhao et al. 2008 are smaller than the current species (Table 1). The spore-bodies of M. narvi (Aseeva, 2002), M. reginae (Love et Moser, 1976) Zhao et al. 2008, M. longifilus (Aseeva, 2003) Zhao et al. 2008, and M. sebastisca Zhao et al. 2008 although appear similar in dimensions, their appendages are very dissimilar in size and shape (Table 1). The current species has, therefore, been considered a new species for which the name Myxodavisia haldarae sp. n. is proposed.

Etymology:The species name is given to honor Prof. Dr. D. P. Haldar, an illustrious Protozoologist of India.

Ceratomyxa sardinellae sp. n. (Figs. 4-7, 10-13)

Plasmodium not observed but most likely polysporic and disporic: spores of typically cerato-myxid type - almost hemispherical or subspherical, small with strongly arched anterior and straight posterior surfaces; shell valves smooth with broadly round lateral ends and much thicker arched end and thinner straight end in oblique view; suture

Figs 1-7. Line drawing (Camera Lucida aided) oftwo myxosporea (Bivalvulida). 1-3 - Line drawing of Myxodavisia haldarae sp. n.: 1 - a fresh spore in sutural view, Lugol’s iodine, 2 - a fresh spore with widely placed spines of shell valves, Lugol’s iodine, 3 - a fresh spore with converging spines, Lugol’s iodine; 4-7 - line drawing of Ceratomyxa sardinellae sp. n.: 4 - a fresh spore in sutural view, Lugol’s iodine, 5 - a fresh spore in top view, Lugol’s iodine, 6 - a Giemsa-stained spore with extruded polar filaments, 7 - a typical triradiate spore, Lugol’s iodine.

vertical, slightly bent; two polar capsules spherical and equal, placed on the arched surface lying slightly away from each other but seen at the centre in top view; polar filament in the capsule not discernable but when extruded reaching about 16.0-24.0 ^m in length; a binucleate, undifferentiated sporoplasm observed in the extra-capsular spore cavity of the spore. Triradiate spores with three spherical polar capsules corresponding to three shell valves also seen; Measurements (N = 25 fresh spores, in ^m): Spore - 8.05+1.096 (6.75-9.0)x 14.25+1.061 (13.515.75); Polar capsule - 2.45+0.354 (1.95-2.7) in diameter.

Taxonomic summary

Host: Sardinella longiceps Valenciennes.

Site of infection: Gallbladder.

Incidence: 1/35 (2.8).

Locality: The Bay of Bengal coast of West Bengal, India.

Material: Syntypes on the slide No. MxCr. 12, deposited to the Parasitology Section of the Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata.

Remarks: About 170 species of the genus Ceratomyxa Thelohan,1892 are the most common coelozoic myxosporea of marine fish (Eiras 2006, Reed et al. 2007, Heiniger et al. 2008, Sarkar 2009,

Figs 8-13. Micrographs of two myxosporea (Bi-valvulida). 8, 9 - Myxodavisia haldarae sp. n.,

8 - a Giemsa-stained spore with the separated spore-body (arrow head), 9 - a Giemsa-stained spore showing the distinct spherical polar capsule; 10-13 - Ceratomyxa sardinellae sp. n., 10 - a group of fresh spores, Lugol’s iodine, 11 - a pair of fresh spores indicating disporic sporogony, Lugol’s iodine, 12 - a Giemsa-stained spore in sutural view,

13 - a Giemsa-stained spore with the extruded polar filament from the polar capsule. Abbreviations: pc — polar capsule, pf - polar filament, s - spore, st-suture, sv — shell valve. Scale bars = 10 ^m.

Gunter and Adlard 2008, 2009). Besides, recently 43 species of Leptotheca Thelohan 1895 have been assigned to Ceratomyxa Thelohan 1892 (Gunter et al. 2010). The present Ceratomyxa sp. having small, subspherical spores resembles superficially Ceratomyxa scissura (Davis 1917) Gunter et al. 2010, C. fisheri Jamason 1929, C. australis Gaevskya and Kovaleva, 1979, C. cottoidii Reed et al. 2007, C. honckenii Reed et al.2007, C. acanthopagri (Zhao and Song, 2003) Gunter et al. 2010, and C. adeli (Bakay and Grudnev, 1998) Gunter et al. 2010. However, C. scissura differs by unequal shell valves and larger dimension of a spore, and C. fisheri - by larger width. C. australis also differs by smaller sutural diameter and ovoid polar capsule.

Further, relatively similar other species of the genus Ceratomyxa (Table 2) differ by crescent or ovoid spores, larger or smaller dimension of spores, and different shape of the polar capsule, except for C. acanthopagri and C. adeli. In two latter species the polar capsules are spherical and resembles the ones of the present species. But the dimensions of spores of C. acanthopagri and C. adeli are dissimilar to the spore of the present Ceratomyxa sp. The species under study is also relatively similar in the shape of the spore to C. ernsti Gunter et al. 2010 and C. jonesi Gunter et al. 2010, but its dimensions do not comply with the later two species (Table 2). It is therefore imperative that the current species is a new species, for which the name Ceratomyxa sardinellae sp. n. is proposed.

Etymology: The species name is given after the name of the host.


Author expresses sincere gratitude to P. K. Manna, the head of PG-Department of Zoology for Laboratory and Library facilities. He is also thankful to Shyamal Das and Swapan Majhi, the fishermen, for collecting fish.


Aseeva N.L. 2002. New species of myxosporea (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) from sculpins of the Northwestern Japan Sea. Acta Parasitol. 47, 179-189.

Aseeva N.L. 2003. New species ofmyxosporean (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) parasites of Ceratomyxa from fishes of Peter Great Bay (Japan Sea). J. Parasitol. 89, 1172-1180.

Bakay Y.I.and Grudnev M.A. 1998. New species of Myxosporidia (Cnidospora: Myxosporea) in red fishes of the North Atlantic. Parazitol. 32, 372-375(in Russian)

Bartholomew J.L., Atkinson S.D., Hallett S.L., Lowenstine L.J., Garner M.M., Gardiner C.H., Rideout B.A., Keel M.K. and Brown J.D. 2008. Myxozoan parasitism in waterfowl. Intl. J. Parasitol.

38, 1199-1207.

Canning E.U., Curry A., Fiest S.W., Longshaw M. and Okamura B. 2000. A new class and order of myxozoans to accommodate parasites of bryozoans with ultratructural observations on Tetracapsula bryosalmonae (PKX organism). J. Euk. Microbiol. 47, 45б-4б8.

Table 1. Myxodavisia spp. from marine fish (measurement in |jm).

Myxosporea (host) Tissue Spore-body Appendage length Polar capsule Locality

Myxodavisia haldarae sp. n. (Sardinella longiceps) GB 13.2 (12.0-15.0) x 8.0 (7.5-9.0) 32.5 (28.5-34.5) Spherical 4.0 (3.0-4.5) Bay of Bengal, India

M. cynoglossi (Laird, 1953) Zhao et al., 2008 (Cynoglossus sp.) GB 14.24 (12.6-16.8) x 12.6 (11.4-15.8) 20.8-36.4 Ovoid 3.2 x 3.4 Bay of Bengal, India

M. anoplopoma (Moser and Noble, 1975) Zhao et al., 2008 (Anoplopoma fimbria) UB KT 12.75 (12-14) x 15.20 (13.0-17.0) 34.7 (30-38) Spherical 4.95 (4-6) 5-7 coils Central and South California coast, USA

M. spinosa (Davis, 1917) Zhao et al., 2008 (Paralichthys ambigutta) UB 13.0 x 7.0 70.0 Spherical 4.0 North Carolina coast, USA

M. hexagrammi (Zhao et al., 2002) Zhao et al., 2008 (Hexagramos otakii) UB 9.9 (9.5-10.5) x 10.8 (10.0-12.0) 52.4 (44-59) Spherical 3.8 (3.5-4) Yellow Sea and Bohai Bay, China

M. ophidioni (Zaika, 1966) Zhao et al., 2008 (Ophidion rochei) UB 9.1-11.7 x 13.0 21-29 Spherical 3.9-5.2 Black Sea, Sevastopol

M. branchiophora (Davis, 1917) Zhao et al., 2008 (Paralicnthys albigutta) UB 9.0-11.0 x 9.0 18-22 Spherical 3.5 North Carolina Coast, USA

M. cornuta (Yurakhno and Naidenova, 2000) Zhao et al., 2008 (Neogobius fluviatilis) UB 8.8-10.6 x 9.4-11.9 11.3-12.0 Pyriform 3.0-3.3 x 2.0-2.5 Azov Sea

M. longifilus (Aseeva, 2003) Zhao et al., 2008 (Hippoglossoides dubius) UB 10.5-13.5 x 11.7-13.0 20.0-23.0 Pyriform 3.0-4.5 x 2.5-3.0 Japan Sea

M. narvi (Aseeva, 2002) Zhao et al., 2008 (Myxocephalus brabdtii) UB 10.0-11.5 x 11.5-14.4 20.0-27.0 Spherical 4.0-4.5 Japan Sea

M. cella (Jameson, 1931) Zhao et al., 2008 (Porichthys notatus) UB 8.0-10.0 x 9.0-13.0 25.0-35.0 Spherical California Coast, USA

M. reginae (Love and Moser, 1976) Zhao et al. 2008 (Sebastes serranoides) UB 12.8 (11.0-15.0) x 14.8(12-20) x11.5 40.5 (28-85) Pyriform-Spherical 3.5 (2.5-4.5) California Coast, USA

M. sebastisca Zhao et al., 2008 (Sebastiscus marmoratus) UB 13.1(12.7-13.6) x 12.3(10.9-13.6) 25.3-46.0 Spherical 5.3-6.0 East China Sea

Abbreviations: GB - Gallbladder, KT - Kidney tubule, UB - Urinary bladder.

Chakravarty M. 1943. Studies on Myxosporidia from the common food fishes of Bengal. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 18, 21-35.

Davis H. S.1917. The myxosporidia of the Beaufort region; a systematic and biological study. Bull. U S. Br. Frs. 35, 199-252.

Eiras J. C. 2006. Synopsis of the species of Ceratomyxa Thelohan,1892 (Myxozoa: Myxo-sporea: Cerotomyxidae). Syst. Parasitol. 65, 49-71.

Fiala I. 2006. The phylogeny of Myxosporea (Myxozoa) based on small subunit ribosomal RNA gene analysis. Intl. J. Parasitol. 36, 1521-1534.

Gaevskaya A.A. and Kovaleva A. 1979. Two new species of myxosporidia Davisia donecae sp. n. and Ceratomyxa australis sp. n. from the horse mackerel of the Southeastern Atlantic. Biol. Mor. Vladivos. 3, 80-83 (in Russian).

Gunter N.L.and Adlard R.D. 2008. Bivalvulidan (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) parasites of Damselfishes with description of twelve novel species from

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Parasitol. 135, 1165-1178.

Gunter N.L.and Adlard R.D. 2009. Seven new species of Ceratomyxa from the gallbladder of serranids from Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Syst. Parasitol. 73, 1-11.

Gunter N.L.and Adlard R.D. 2010. The demise of Leptotheca Thelohan,1895 (Myxozoa: Myxosporea: Ceratomyxidae) and assignment of its species to Ceratomyxa Thelohan 1892 (My-xosporea: Ceratomixydae), Ellipsomyxa Koie, 2003 (Myxosporea: Ceratomyxidae), Myxobolus Butschli, 1882 and Sphaerospora Thelohan,1892 (Myxosporea: Sphaerosporidae). Syst. Parasitol. 75, 81-104. Gunter N.L, Whipps C.M. and Adlard R.D.

2009. Ceratomyxa (Myxozoa: Bivalvulida): Robust taxon or genus of convenience? Intl. J. Parasitol.

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Gunter N.L.Burger M.A.A.and Adlard R.D.

2010. Morphometric and molecular characterization of four new Ceratomyxa species (Myxosporea:

Table 2. Ceratomyxa spp. from marine fish (measurements in |jm)

Myxosporea (host) Plasmodium Spore Polar capsule Tissue Locality

Ceratomyxa sardinellae sp. n. (Sardinella longiceps) Polysporic, Disporic Elongate subspherical, anterior margin arched, posterior straight, Sv. ends round 6.87 (6.0-8.2) x 15.5 (13.5-16.5) Spherical 2.45 (1.9-2.75) GB Bay of Bengal, India

C. scissura (Davis,1917) Gunter and Adlard, 2010 (Dasyatis hastate) Disporic Stubby with broadly round ends, anterior convex and posterior straight, Sv. unequal 11.0 x 22.0 Round 4.0 GB Off North Carolina, USA

C. fisheri Jameson,1929 (Hydrolagus colliei) Disporic Ovoid,anterior convex posterior straight, Sv. equal with round end 5.1-7.1 x 9.3-13.3 Large, round GB USA

C. scatophagi Chakravarty,1943 (Scatophagus argus) Disporic Anterior margin convex, posterior concave 4.2-7.2 x 16.0-26.0 Ovoid 3.1-2.5 GB India

C. gibba Meglitsch, 196Q (Congiopodus leucopaecilis) Disporic Crescent-shaped, Sv. asymmetric 6.9 (5.6-8) x 17 (14.218.9) Pyriform, unequal 2.8 x 2.3 and 2.3 x 2.0 GB New Zealand, Pacific

C. australis Gaevskaya and Kovaleva, 1979 (Trachurus capensis) Disporic Anterior convex and posterior margin slightly concave to straight, Sv. rarely unequal 4.0-5.3 x 13.3-15.0 Ovoid 2-2.6 x 1.3 GB Namibia, Atlantic

C. ernsti Gunter et al. 2QQ9 (Sillago ciliata) Disporic Slightly crescent-shaped, posterior margin slightly concave, Sv. unequal, 5.67(4.67-6.84) x 11.94(9.47-14.79) Spherical 1.66 x 1.58 GB GBR, Queensland

C. jonesi Gunter et.al., 2009 (Pseulabrus guentheri ) Disporic Slightly crescent-shaped, posterior margin slightly concave, Sv. unequal 5.1(4.1-6.08) x 12.99 (11.17-16.45) Spherical 1.92 x 1.81 GB Moreton Bay, Queensland

C. bryanti Gunter and Adlard, 2008 (Abudefduf whitleyi) Disporic Crescent-shaped 5.31(4.48-6.87) x 15.12(10.1 - 19.42) Ovoid 1.69 (1.49-1.97) x 1.66 (1.32-1.92) GB GBR, Heron, Island, Queensland

C. cottoidii Reed et al., 2QQ7 (Clinus cottoides) Disporic Broadly elliptical to crescsnt with round ends, anterior convex and almost straight posterior margin 7.0 (6.5-8.0) x 18.2(17.0-22.0) Ovoid 2.7 (2.3-3.0) x 2.4 (2.0-3.0) GB De Hoop, South Africa

C. honckenii Reed et al., 2QQ7 (Amblyrhynchotes honckenii) Disporic Slightly crescent 7.8 (7.5-8.0) x 19.0 (18.021.0) Ovoid 3.1 (3.0-3.2) x 3.0 (3.0-3.1) GB De Hoop, South Africa

C. acanthopagri (Zhao and Song, 2QQ3) Gunter et al., 2Q1Q (Acanthopagrus schlegelii) Disporic Elongate ovoid to sub-spherical, Sv. with rounded ends, sutural ridge raised 9.4 (8.7-10.0) x 17.9 (16.0-20.0). Spherical 1.9 (1.7-2.3) GB Off China

C. adeli (Bakay and Grudnev, 1998) Gunter and Adlard, 2010 (Sebastes marinus) Disporic Ovoid, anterior arched posterior margin concave with round ends 12.0-13.0 x 18.62-20.0 Spherical 4.0 GB North Atlantic

Abbreviations: GB - Gallbladder, Sv. - Shell valve, GBR -Great Barrier Reef.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Address for correspondence: Nirmal Kumar Sarkar, 28 Mogaltuli,Chinsurah 712101, West Bengal, India; e-mail: nirmalsur2002@yahoo.com

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