Научная статья на тему 'Mulberry juice is a unique health drink created by nature'

Mulberry juice is a unique health drink created by nature Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
mulberry / mulberry juice / beneficial features / contraindications / compound / calories

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Tatyana Eliseeva, Natalia Tkacheva

Mulberry juice is a unique drink with many beneficial properties. With it, you can cheer up and get rid of stress, improve memory and cleanse the body of parasites, quickly recover from flu and colds, and even protect yourself from oncology.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Mulberry juice is a unique health drink created by nature»

Mulberry juice is a unique health drink created by nature

Tkacheva Natalia, phytotherapist, nutritionist

Eliseeva Tatyana, editor-in-chief of the EdaPlus.info project.

E-mail: tkacheva.n@edaplus.info, eliseeva.t@edaplus.info

Abstract. Mulberry juice is a unique drink with many beneficial properties. With it, you can cheer up and get rid of stress, improve memory and cleanse the body of parasites, quickly recover from flu and colds, and even protect yourself from oncology.

Key words: mulberry, mulberry juice , useful properties, contraindications, composition, calorie content

Mulberry or mulberry, a plant whose leaves serve as food for the famous silkworm, is also known in Central Asia under the name of the king tree for its unique healing properties. From the sweet and juicy fruits of mulberry, jam and syrups are prepared, cakes, pies and pita bread are baked, and delicious juice is squeezed out, which is widely used in folk medicine.

Today on sale you can find both dry and natural mulberry juice of industrial production. But the most beneficial for health is considered to be a self-prepared drink.

Composition and calories

Mulberries, despite their sweetness (contain 9.8% carbohydrates), are considered quite low-calorie. In 100 grams of the product, there are only 43 kcal. They contain a minimum of fats and proteins (0.39% and 1.44%) [1] and a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that fully saturate the body for proper functioning.

Here are just some of the beneficial substances that are part of natural mulberry juice

• Potassium (194 mg). A low level of this microelement provokes calcification of blood vessels, which leads to heart rhythm disturbance and muscle weakness, the formation of kidney stones. Supplementation in the form of potassium, taken in food or drugs, normalizes the level of fluid in the cells and stabilizes blood pressure [2] , improves the supply of oxygen to the brain and reduces the manifestation of allergic reactions.

• Calcium (39 mg). Protects against the development of osteoporosis - is the main building material for bones [3] , muscles [4] , teeth, regulates heart rate and blood pressure, helps to reduce body mass index, get rid of excess weight and visceral fat, has a positive effect on women's health - reduces symptoms of PMS and improves overall well-being.

• Phosphorus (38 mg). A vital trace element in the body: participates in the formation of healthy bone tissue - prevents the development of such dangerous diseases as rickets [5] , osteomalacia, osteochondrosis, improves brain activity and protects against Alzheimer's disease. [6]

• Magnesium (18 mg). Relaxes muscles - eliminates cramps [7] and joint pain, stabilizes blood pressure. Deficiency of this element can provoke the development of autism and dyslexia,

nervous disorders [8] , more acute PMS. [9]

• Vitamin C (36.4 mg). Ascorbic acid has a powerful rejuvenating effect on the body - it stimulates the production of its own collagen by tissues and slows down their aging processes, improves cognitive functions [10] , accelerates regeneration processes, improves immunity, is used in the treatment of oncological diseases - it has powerful antitumor activity. [eleven]

Also, mature mulberry fruits contain a unique antioxidant, natural phytoalexin, resveratrol. The substance plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases associated with inflammation. These include diabetes, oncology, cardiovascular disease, obesity and others. [12]

Note! Grinding and pressing berries, carried out in the process of squeezing the juice, contribute to the release of more polyphenols useful for the body [13] than the body can get from the same amount of just eaten mulberries. This study indicates that the use of mulberry berries in the form of freshly squeezed fresh juice is more beneficial.

Top 12 Health Benefits of Mulberry Juice

1. Used in the treatment of diabetes

Numerous studies show that a number of natural products, including mulberry juice, have a positive effect on blood sugar levels and can be used in the treatment of diabetes . [14] Prevent diabetes by adding an additional dessert in the form of bright mulberry fresh to the menu!

2. Helps fight obesity

In the course of the ongoing scientific experiment, a group of individuals ate a high-fat diet for 12 weeks and washed it down with mulberry juice. The results showed that fresh mulberry inhibited weight gain, lowered serum cholesterol levels, and attenuated the process of lipid accumulation. [15]

3. Has anti-stress activity

Mulberry juice perfectly relieves nervous tension, calms, helps to get rid of stress and depressive conditions [16] , shows good efficacy in the treatment of neurological disorders and mental illness. [17] Try to replace pharmacy antidepressants and sedatives with delicious and absolutely harmless natural medicine, mulberry juice!

4. Heals the liver

It has been proven that mulberry fruits, rich in alkaloids, flavonoids and anthocyanins, are not only tasty, but also very healthy. In particular, the fresh juice obtained from them has a powerful hepatoprotective effect. [18]

5. Restores the body

Mulberry fruits are considered one of the richest anthocyanins , natural plant pigments, berries. The juice obtained from them has powerful antioxidant and regenerating properties - it adds strength, helps to quickly recover from mental and physical fatigue. [19]

6. Has antiviral potential

Studies have shown that mulberry juice and seeds have powerful antiviral properties. In particular, the drink shows high efficiency against influenza viruses [20] and in the prevention of foodborne viral infections (in particular, norovirus [21] ), has anti-HIV activity - enhances the effect of drugs in the treatment of HIV [22] . Antiviral drugs exist and nature itself created them in the form of delicious and juicy mulberries!

7. Improves cognitive properties

The results of many medical experiments confirm the high efficiency of mulberry juice in the treatment of diseases of the neurological spectrum. In particular, it has been proven that the systematic use of the drink facilitates the course of Parkinson's disease, improves the memory and mental abilities of patients. [23] Extend Your Brain Youth with Antioxidant-Rich Mulberry Juice!

8. Used in oncology therapy

It has been proven that mulberry fruits rich in polyphenolic compounds (in particular, coumarins and resveratrol) have powerful antitumor activity - berry juice is recommended for the prevention and treatment of various oncological diseases. [24] Experiments confirm that a drink saturated with beneficial microelements not only prevents the development of stomach cancer, melanoma and leukemia, but also prevents alcohol-induced liver tumorigenesis. [25]

9. Is a powerful antiparasitic agent

Natural products are often no less effective in the treatment of parasitic diseases than chemical pharmaceutical preparations. This statement also applies to mulberry juice. In particular, studies show that the drink has a powerful anti-coccidial activity. [26]

10. Slows down the development of osteoporosis

It is known that a decrease in estrogen levels that occurs in women during menopause or during oophorectomy (surgical removal of the ovaries) provokes a decrease in calcium production in the body, which leads to the development of such a dangerous disease as osteoporosis. The systematic use of mulberry juice, which has a high antioxidant capacity, allows you to regulate the balance of cells that create and destroy bone tissue, which slows down the development of osteoporosis. [27]

11. Reduces blood pressure

Studies show that the use of mulberry fruits, especially white varieties, contributes to a rapid decrease in blood pressure. [28] Therefore, an impressive supply of mulberry juice is recommended for patients suffering from hypertension as an effective and safe alternative to pharmacy drugs.

12. Helps with gastrointestinal problems

Black mulberry normalizes bowel function and helps to quickly solve any problems that have arisen. Studies show that juice from unripe fruits quickly relieves heartburn attacks, from ripe ones it neutralizes intoxication in case of poisoning and stops diarrhea, from overripe ones it has a laxative and diuretic effect. [29]

Contraindications and features of the use of juice from mulberries

Useful and healing from many diseases, the berry can also harm the body. In particular, it is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to the product. The reaction may manifest as hives, anaphylaxis, food or respiratory allergies. [30] Note that these individuals may also be allergic to figs at the same time. [31] Therefore, if you have not previously consumed berries or juice in large quantities, start your acquaintance with the product with small doses to make sure that you are not allergic.

Despite all its benefits, you should not get too carried away with mulberry juice for diabetics (due to the rather high content of sugar in berries) and hypotensive patients. The latter is due to the fact that the drink contributes to a rapid decrease in blood pressure. Also, when tasting mulberry fruits, it should be remembered that too large amounts of consumed berries or juice from them can adversely affect the work of the stomach - provoke its disorder. The recommended amount is no more than 1 glass of juice per day. And her experts advise to evenly divide into 4 doses.

Drinking healthy mulberry fresh, like any other fruit, berry or vegetable juice, is recommended in between meals to ensure maximum benefits for the body. Dentists advise drinking the drink through a straw to minimize the contact of the sweet liquid with tooth enamel (the sugars contained in the juice can provoke its destruction, which will lead to the development of caries).

How to make mulberry juice

For the preparation of juice, only fresh plucked berries should be selected, as they quickly deteriorate and do not tolerate transportation. In the refrigerator in the fruit and vegetable compartment, freshly picked fruits can be stored for no more than a few days. Moreover, you should not wash the berries before sending them to the refrigerator, as this can lead to their premature spoilage.

Before processing, the berries must be thoroughly washed from dirt and dust and sorted out, removing spoiled fruits, and then passing them through a juicer. Freshly prepared mulberry juice is considered the most saturated with useful substances (over time, it loses some of its properties). [32] Therefore, to get the maximum benefit, experts recommend consuming mulberry juice within a few hours of squeezing. But, given that mulberries are a seasonal berry, for preparing a healthy drink for the winter season, it can be preserved by preliminary pasteurization (short-term heating of the product to temperatures below 100 degrees Celsius) and subsequent rolling in jars or freezing.


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Received 06.23.2023

Mulberry juice - a unique drink of health created by nature

Tkacheva Natalia, phytotherapist, nutritionist

Eliseeva Tatyana, editor-in-chief of the EdaPlus.info project.

E-mail: tkacheva.n@edaplus.info, eliseeva.t@edaplus.info

Abstract. Mulberry juice is a unique drink with many health benefits. It can help lift your mood and relieve stress, improve your memory and cleanse your body of parasites, quickly cure flu and colds, and even protect yourself from cancer.

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