Научная статья на тему 'Cherry juice: composition, benefits and contraindications of a delicious drink'

Cherry juice: composition, benefits and contraindications of a delicious drink Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
cherries / cherry juice / beneficial features / contraindications / compound / calories

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Tatyana Eliseeva, Anna Shelestun

Cherry juice is a tasty and healthy drink that should definitely be included in the seasonal menu. This bright vitamin fresh will help the body to fully replenish all the missing nutrients and microelements in a short time, and will also protect against many diseases, from problems with the gastrointestinal tract to oncological diseases.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Cherry juice: composition, benefits and contraindications of a delicious drink»

Cherry juice: composition, benefits and contraindications of a delicious drink

Shelestun Anna, nutritionist

Eliseeva Tatyana, editor-in-chief of the project EdaPlus.info E-mail: shelestun.a@edaplus.info, eliseeva.t@edaplus.info

Abstract. Cherry juice is a tasty and healthy drink that should definitely be included in the seasonal menu. This bright vitamin fresh will help the body to fully replenish all the missing nutrients and microelements in a short time, and will also protect against many diseases, from problems with the gastrointestinal tract to oncological diseases.

Key words: sweet cherry, cherry juice , useful properties, contraindications, composition, calorie content

Sweet cherries are also called "vitamin bombs" for the unique composition of nutrients contained in their juicy and fragrant pulp. This close relative of the cherry is considered one of the tastiest and healthiest summer berries.

Cherry berries are consumed fresh as a dessert, frozen, cooked from them delicious compotes and jams, and even used in cosmetology to create useful skin-restoring masks and lotions. But, as studies show, drinking fresh cherry juice brings the greatest benefit to the body. You can find such a drink today on the shelves of supermarkets, but the most useful is still considered to be self-prepared natural fresh juice that does not contain preservatives.

Composition and calories

Cherry has a low calorie content (63 kcal per 100 grams of pulp), contains 82.2% water, a minimum of proteins and fats (1.04% and 0.19%) and a small amount of carbohydrates (16.2%). [1] It has a fairly low glycemic index - only 25 units. Such indicators indicate that cherries and the juice obtained from

them can be used by diabetics, as well as people who carefully monitor their weight and adhere to a healthy lifestyle without risk to health and figure.

Cherry pulp contains a wide range of various useful substances. In particular, it is rich in such vitamins and minerals:

• Potassium (230 mg). One of the most important trace elements in the human body, the lack of which may be indicated by slow tissue regeneration (wounds heal longer), increased fatigue and muscle weakness. Potassium supplement regulates the water-salt balance and reduces swelling, reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies [2] , improves oxygen supply to the brain, and strengthens muscles.

• Phosphorus (23 mg). It helps to fully assimilate other trace elements, including calcium and vitamin B3, improves the functioning of the nervous system and promotes the strengthening and growth of bone tissue. Sudden mood swings, depression, cramps and muscle pain, softening of the bones (osteomalacia) [3] , overweight [4] , frequent colds - all these symptoms may indicate a lack of phosphorus in the body.

• Malic acid (762 mg). One of the main organic acids contained in cherries. [5] It is an antioxidant - it has powerful anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties, takes part in metabolism, improves blood circulation and helps lower blood pressure.

• Vitamin C (10.4 mg). Ascorbic acid strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces harmful cholesterol, is used in the treatment of scurvy, periodontitis [6] , oncological diseases [7] , stimulates the body to produce its own collagen.

Cherries also contain plant water-soluble pigments, anthocyanins - they have anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, anti-cancer properties, help in the fight against obesity [8] , therapy of the digestive and immune systems. [9]

Top 7 Health Benefits of Cherry Juice

1. Has anti-carcinogenic potential

Studies show that cherry juice, rich in phenolic compounds, suppresses oxidative stress and inflammatory processes - it shows a positive trend in the treatment of oncology. [10] Make it a rule to drink a glass of cherry juice every day before meals to protect the body from a dangerous disease.

2. Improves sleep quality

The pulp of sweet cherries, especially in young unripe fruits, contains large reserves of melatonin (during the ripening of berries, its amount decreases). [11] The hormone of sleep and youth is responsible for the acceleration of metabolism, the stable functioning of the endocrine system, has anti-cancer efficacy, and also contributes to the stabilization of circadian rhythms and normalizes sleep. [12]

3. Reduces complications caused by obesity

Obesity provokes the development of an inflammatory process, which, in turn, contributes to the development of such chronic diseases as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, oncology, etc. Studies show that foods rich in anthocyanins, including cherry juice, significantly reduce inflammation markers, reduce risk of developing dangerous complications. [13]

4. Can be used in diabetes therapy

During the experiments, it was proved that the sweet cherry has a great biological potential - it has an antioxidant ability and protects human erythrocytes from oxidative effects, and shows powerful antidiabetic properties. [14] Prevention of type 2 diabetes is easy by introducing freshly prepared cherry juice into your daily diet!

5. Relieves pain and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract

Phenolic-rich cherry juice protects body cells from oxidative stress and reduces inflammation. Including such a drink has a beneficial effect on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - relieves pain and inflammation in the intestines, promotes the healthy functioning of the food system. [15]

6. Effective in the treatment of arthritis and gout

The anthocyanins and flavonoids contained in the pulp of the sweet cherry have an analgesic and antiinflammatory effect - they help reduce the amount of urates in the blood serum, and also reduce pain during attacks of arthritis and gout. [16]

7. Improves vision

Cherry juice is also useful for the prevention of ophthalmic diseases. Anthocyanins , contained in a natural drink, have a relaxing effect on the ciliary, ciliary, eye muscles - a therapeutic effect that shows a good result in the treatment of myopia and glaucoma. [17]

Contraindications and features of the use of cherry juice

Fresh squeezed from the pulp of cherries is very good for health. But it can also harm the body if used carelessly. In particular, such a drink is contraindicated for people who are allergic to this product. [18] Also, dentists recommend using sweet fruit and berry juice with caution, especially for babies and teenagers. This is explained by the fact that the sugars contained in the drink, with prolonged contact with tooth enamel, can provoke its destruction, which leads to the risk of caries. [19] Therefore, experts recommend drinking juices exclusively through a straw to reduce the possibility of contact of a sweet liquid with tooth enamel, or they advise thoroughly rinsing the mouth to remove juice residues immediately after drinking. The drink is not recommended for people suffering from adhesive bowel disease (if there are problems with patency).

Drinking cherry juice, like any other fresh juice, is recommended between meals (half an hour before or one hour after a meal). With such a schedule, all useful substances will be most fully absorbed, and the drink will bring maximum benefit to the body.

At one time, nutritionists recommend consuming no more than 200 ml of cherry juice, and for the whole day - no more than 600-650 ml. A larger amount of fresh juice can cause increased gas formation and indigestion.

How to prepare and store cherry juice

When choosing berries for juicing, special attention should be paid to their integrity, the absence of any damage, and the color of the stalk. It must be green. A brown color may indicate that the berry is overripe and cannot be stored for a long time. Please note that cherries are classified as perishable products. Therefore, it is recommended to store it for no more than 7-14 days (if stored in the refrigerator - in a paper bag in the lower compartment for fruits and vegetables) [20] Depending on the variety, yellow, pink, dark red cherries are distinguished. The latter is considered the sweetest and is more durable (it can be stored longer without the risk of spoilage).

For juice, you can choose both early and late-ripening varieties of berries. But it should be borne in mind that, depending on the ripening time, they have various useful properties. In particular, it has been proven that early-ripening cherries are characterized by a high content of phenolic acids, which have high antioxidant properties. While the berries of late-ripening varieties contain in their composition an increased amount of caffeic, p-coumaric, pyrocatechonic acids, they additionally have a pronounced antifungal effect. [21]

If you plan to use purchased cherries for juice and are not sure that the seller did not use chemicals in the process of growing them, it is recommended to pre-soak the berries in salt water for 20 minutes before consuming and processing them. Thus, they will be cleansed of microorganisms and pesticides. After soaking, they should be additionally thoroughly rinsed in clean water.

Clean, washed berries should be de-stemmed and pitted, run through a juicer for delicious cherry juice, or blended with milk or yogurt for a fiber-rich smoothie. Drinking the drink is recommended immediately after preparation. Prolonged contact of the product with oxygen leads to its oxidation and destruction of many useful substances. For long-term storage, cherry juice can be canned or frozen.


1. Cherries, sweet, dark red, raw https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/2346399/nutrients

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4. Obeid, OA "Low phosphorus status might contribute to the onset of obesity." Obesity reviews 14.8 (2013): 659-664. DOI: 10.1111/obr.12039

5. Ivanova, N.N., et al. "Sour cherry juice nutritional profile." Voprosy Pitaniia 87.4 (2018): 7886. DOI: 10.24411/0042-8833-2018-10045

6. Tada, Akio, and Hiroko Miura. "The relationship between vitamin C and periodontal diseases: a systematic review." International journal of environmental research and public health 16.14 (2019): 2472. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16142472

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8. Lee, Yoon-Mi, et al. "Dietary anthocyanins against obesity and inflammation." Nutrients 9.10 (2017): 1089. doi: 10.3390/nu9101089

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10. Fonseca, Lara RS, et al. "Sweet cherries as anti-cancer agents: From bioactive compounds to function." Molecules 26.10 (2021): 2941. DOI: 10.3390/molecules26102941

11. Xia, Hui, et al. "Melatonin accumulations in sweet cherry and its influence on fruit quality and antioxidant properties." Molecules 25.3 (2020): 753. DOI: 10.3390/molecules25030753

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14. Gon9alves, Ana C., et al. "Sweet cherries from Fundao possess antidiabetic potential and protect human erythrocytes against oxidative damage." Food Research International 95 (2017): 91-100. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2017.02.023

15. Matias, Ana A., et al. "Protective effect of a (poly) phenol-rich extract derived from sweet cherry culls against oxidative cell damage." Molecules 21.4 (2016): 406. DOI: 10.3390/molecules21040406

16. Danve, Abhijeet, Shiv Tej Sehra, and Tuhina Neogi. "Role of diet in hyperuricemia and gout." Best practice & research Clinical rheumatology 35.4 (2021): 101723. DOI: 10.1016/j.berh.2021.101723

17. Nomi, Yuri, Keiko Iwasaki-Kurashige, and Hitoshi Matsumoto. "Therapeutic effects of anthocyanins for vision and eye health." Molecules 24.18 (2019): 3311. DOI: 10.3390/molecules24183311

18. Reuter, A., et al. "A assessment critical of allergen component-based in vitro diagnosis in cherry allergy across Europe." Clinical & Experimental Allergy 36.6 (2006): 815-823. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222. 2006.2492.x

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20. Habib, Muzammil, et al. "Sweet cherries from farm to table: A review." Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 57.8 (2017): 1638-1649. DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2015.1005831

21. Wang, Meng, et al. "Characterization of phenolic compounds from early and late ripening sweet cherries and their antioxidant and antifungal activities." Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 65.26 (2017): 5413-5420. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b01409

Received 17.06.2023

Cherry juice: Composition, benefits and contraindications of the tasty drink

Shelestun Anna, nutritionist

Eliseeva Tatyana, editor-in-chief of the project EdaPlus.info E-mail: shelestun.a@edaplus.info, eliseeva.t@edaplus.info

Abstract. Cherry juice is a tasty and healthy drink that should definitely be included in your seasonal menu. This bright vitamin fragrance will help the body in a short time to fully replenish all the missing nutrients and minerals, as well as protect against many diseases, ranging from gastrointestinal problems and ending with cancer.

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