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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tseeva Lidiya, Panesh Bella, Simbuletova Rimma

Students’ project activities is discussed as a didactic tool in developing of personality (independence, creativity, commitment) and motivational readiness (internal and external) in the process of learning foreign languages.

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7. Norway's fifth national report to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment (2014) available at: https://www.regjeringen.no/en/dokumenter/Norways-fifth-national-report-to-the-Convention-on-Biological-Diversity/id765239 (date of the address 03 February 2016).

8. Pavlenko V.I. (2013) "Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in system of ensuring national interests of the country". The Scientific and information and analytical journal «The Arctic: ecology and economy», issue 4 (12), 2013.

9. Svalbard Environmental Protection Act, 2001, available at: https://www.regjeringen.no/en/dokumenter/svalbard-environmental-protection-act/id173945 (date of the address 04 February 2016).

10. Tortsev A.M., Belousov A.N., Voronkov V.B., Studenov I.I. (2015) "About development of Strategy of preservation of water biological resources and environments of their dwelling". Journal «The Fisheries». No. 3.

11. Tortsev A.M., Studenov I.I., Novoselov A.P., Pavlenko V.I. (2014) "Complex problems and directions of improvement of compensation actions for restoration of fish resources of the Northern fishery basin". The Scientific and information and analytical journal «The Arctic: ecology and economy», issue 3 (15), 2014.

12. Tortsev A.M., Studenov I.I. (2015) "Development of new model of realization of actions for compensation of the damage caused to water bioresources and the environment of their dwelling". Internet journal «Naukovedenie». V. 7. No. 1 (26).



Students' project activities is discussed as a didactic tool in developing of personality (independence, creativity, commitment) and motivational readiness (internal and external) in the process of learning foreign languages.


motive, motivation, external motivation, internal motivation, project activity,

foreign language learning process


Lidiya Tseeva Bella Panesh

PhD in Pedagogy, Professor PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Pedagogy and Pedagogical Department of Natural and Mathematical

Technology Depatment Disciplines and Technique

Adyghe State University of Their Teaching in System of Preschool

Maikop, Russia and Primary Education

Adyghe State University

Maikop, Russia

belapanesh 1@yandex. ru

Rimma Simbuletova

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Foreign Languages Department

Adyghe State University

Maikop, Russia


The success of educational activity of students as known depends on many factors, of psychological and pedagogical order, including educational motivation factor, which has a special significance.

Motivation - is a set of driving forces that motivate a person to implement certain actions (Vikhansky,2002). Motivation determines the boundaries and forms of activity, giving it a direction that focuses on achieving a specific purpose.

There are three types of motivation: 1) the need to achieve when a person is looking for responsibility puts risky purposes, needs feedback on the idea of its own product; 2) the need of belonging to someone else (anything), when people need to have a friendly relationship; 3) the need for power, when people like to work on other people, be powerful and spectacular (Sutherland, Canwell,2004).

The methods of stimulation and motivation of the teaching include: methods of formation of interest in activities (to the teaching - educational games, educational discussions, emotional stimulation techniques) and methods of formation duty and a sense of responsibility in the activities (promotion techniques, censure, making claims) (Tretyakov, Sennovski,1997).

Motivational aspect is crucial also for the activation of all psychological processes -thinking, perception, understanding and assimilation of foreign language material.

Motivating students to learn a foreign language in the course of project activities projects them to work in an innovative mode, it initiates innovative solutions that contribute to the formation and development of professional competence, self-development, reflection and professional development of teachers in the context of the research problem. Project activities as a specific form of creativity is a universal means of development of students. Turning it in the project activities allows students to fully discover and express their creative potential, research and search capabilities, independence, activity, commitment, perseverance, the ability to strategically plan its activities and achieve the expected results, and most importantly - to be able to put into practice the knowledge gained (Tseeva , Simbuletova,2012).

The dynamic development of higher education in Russia, due to the social needs of society and integration into the European and world educational space, led to changes in the main landmarks in the field of teaching foreign languages, knowledge of which is an integral part of the training of experts in high school and condition for the implementation of the Bologna process.

The ability to project their own activities is demanded in terms of international integration processes in education, opening up vast prospects for the academic mobility of Russian students in obtaining or continuing education in foreign universities and research. At present, foreign language provides a high level of professional competence of students of not language high school, as much of the scientific, technical and professional information is presented in English. In addition, fluency in a foreign language is a prerequisite for students to participate in international training programs, as classes are held only in a foreign language, and the implementation and protection of the projects involves communication with teachers and students from other countries. Working with computer programs and reading professional literature also require the corresponding foreign language training of students of not language high school.

However, the increased requirements to the quality of vocational training of students of not language high school is currently not complied with in full. As practice shows, one of the disadvantages of the implementation of academic programs, student exchanges with foreign partner universities is the low level of foreign language, inability to organize individual and group project work, difficulties in representing project work in a foreign language.

One of the aims of the project method in the study of a foreign language is not only to overcome the language barrier, but also the formation of general and special

educational abilities: memory techniques, work with books, reference books, bilingual dictionaries, as well as develop these character qualities as independence, diligence, perseverance , activity. The increase in the proportion of independent work in every possible way stimulates mental activity of students: they learn to exercise the choice of means, to allocate substantial, influence on the communication partner, using not only speech etiquette, and appropriate facial expressions, gestures, and exercise self-control, self-esteem, self-correction. In addition, interpersonal communication contributes to the manifestation of mental processes, especially the emotional sphere, different aptitudes and abilities of students, turning teaching into a really interesting and informative process.

The most favorable development and self-development of the future specialist is carried out under the conditions of preparation for the organization of project activity of students, leading to products bearing the subjective-creative nature and reflecting personal achievements of each student is able to extrapolate this information in the future theoretical and practical activities, make their own decisions, generate ideas and find ways to resolve them.

Readiness for the implementation of self-educational activity is characterized by a number of interrelated and interdependent components:

- psychological component (motivation, attitude to this activity, intellectual capacity and ability, strong-willed potential, self-regulation);

- communicative component (communicative competence);

- methodological component (the mastery of methods and techniques of self-employment / main speech activity, the ability to navigate in these activities, knowledge of the characteristics of its implementation).

Depending on the formation of readiness of each component there are three degrees

of it:

1) readiness for copying activities (prevalence of external motivation, low self-control, a form of action of assimilation - imitation, copying meaningful action of the teacher, the exercises under his leadership);

2) readiness to the reproductive activity (prevalence of external motivation, the average level of self-control, self-reproduction of the students receive, assimilated together with the teacher, using assimilated reception in similar conditions of activity);

3) readiness for proper independent activity (prevalence of intrinsic motivation, high level of self-control, self-fulfillment of relative speech exercises, so as speech exercises, apply learning in new conditions, no similar activity conditions) (Vikhansky,2002).

The formation of aesthetic motivation is carried out both through the relevant topics of projects, through the tasks associated with the culture, literature and art of the country the language is spoken, and through print and video materials, audio tapes, and in a special degree through newspapers, posters, performances, transmission, prepared by the students themselves during project work and its presentation.

In project methods the formation of language and regional geography knowledge, skills and abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing is parallel.

The project not only provides the ability to use a foreign language at the level of real communication in the discussion of progress on the project, the results obtained, but also allows using the method of projects to train to improve certain aspects of language teaching speech etiquette.

Project-based learning requires independent acquisition of knowledge and experience from direct contact with real life, develop their independence and self-reliance, initiative and reflection.

Motivational sphere of the student's personality more fully disclosed in the situation of activity, where it acts as a subject position, depending on the activity, purpose setting,

forecasting achievement of readiness for the unexpected ocasions, ways to include in the activities of the emotional-volitional experiences.

Motivational management of project activity of students requires teachers complete the following steps:

1) before proposing to students involved in the project activity, the teacher should examine their students, their needs and interests with the help of questionnaires, tests, interviews, observations;

2) the results of the project have to be really desired by the students;

3) the teacher should describe in great detail the approaches to the evaluation of project activities, meet the criteria of the evaluation process of the project and the results of the project activities;

4) the teacher should constantly demonstrate a personal interest in the outcome of the project and participation in it of each of his student;

5) the teacher should teach designers Strategies project activities in order to with each new project, students worked more and more on their own.

Thus, the process of motivating students to project activities should be based on the idea of voluntariness and independence (autonomy) students. The teacher should play the role of an assistant that supports student initiative and creating the conditions for successful implementation of the project.

The problem of the organization of independent work in the study of a foreign language is particularly significant. At the moment the task of development of the majority of students of communicative language competence, which requires changes in the approach to the organization of independent work. The effect of self-study can be obtained only when it is organized and implemented in the educational process as an integral system that permeates all the stages of training. Foreign language as a means of communication and knowledge of the world has a special place in modern education because of their social, occupational, cognitive and developmental functions. In the process of learning a foreign language, you can use various tools to shape the creative independence of students - the basis of professional competence. Active students' independent work is only possible if there is a serious and sustained motivation. It is known that the motivation - a combination of factors that stimulate and encourage the person to commit any act within the framework of certain activities. In this activity, usually polimotivated, i.e. is induced simultaneously by several motives.

Motivation has three regulatory functions in relation to the action:

• encourage, i.e. giving the motor impulse or motive for a person to act;

• semantic, i.e. imparting activity of deep personal meaning;

• organize, that is resting on the purpose-setting, when the conscious motives are transformed into the target motives.

It is this motivational hierarchy is the basis of cognitive independence, the formation of which should be the core of the educational process. Cognitive activity and, consequently, the ability to self-education in some students is psychogenetic character, while others need to build these qualities through an organization of educational process when independent work is a key element (Simbuletova, 2015).

The problem of formation of independence when learning a foreign language with elements of project-based learning is considered multidimensional, for example A.A.Mirolubov (A.A.Mirolubov, 1982) notes that any school subject is making its specific contribution to the development of creative and independent personality. Learning foreign languages promotes intellectual and creative development of students in the process of co-study languages and cultures.

The student working in group has the opportunity to realize that he had better get. This contributes to learning motivation, creating a comfortable environment for everyone, facilitates the formation of communicative abilities and stimulates the creativity of each

student. Responsibility for the execution of the task group helps educate independence of students, giving them the opportunity to plan their work: to determine the purposes and objectives of teaching, request additional information from the teacher, or to get it from a variety sources, to seek help not only and not so much to the teacher, but and a group of partners, planning situation, interactions with other members of the group to analyze the work done and next steps. Working together, the students on the one hand learn to work without direct supervision by the teacher, on the other hand, work together to achieve the target, thus creating the prerequisites and conditions for the education of human culture - a free person.

Working together in groups develop common cultural student's skills in collecting, systematization and synthesis of the information collected; participating in discussions, debates, they also taught the ethics of discussion to communicate in a foreign language.

The changing social position of a student in collective forms of work leads to the desire to understand it, to justify the resulting role, and this brings up the student's commitment, responsibility, ability to defend the opinion. So, in practice, one of the conditions of a student-centered education and training is implemented: a reflection of the student's own personality. This contributes to the appearance of the individual pursuit of self-education, to the realization of the own potential.

The teacher's special attention in system of project-based learning is to promote as much as possible a more detailed analysis of the problem, which the students have to solve. It is necessary for the students to know that in project situations may appear alternative variations depending on the composition, conditions, features, raw data, etc., which are subject to detailed examination.

Modeling of the process of formation of motivational readiness of students is based on the requirements of higher education and society, reflecting the social order to the level of preparation of the modern professional with higher education. Using the method of projects in the educational process of higher institutions creates the necessary set of new tools to encourage student team to achieve high results of educational activities, help to ensure the choice of appropriate technology activities. Studying the theme "People. Relations" the following projects were done by the students: «The Family Album»; «The Family Traditions in English and Adyghey Families»; «Who is the Head of the Family? (different traditions)»; «The Only Child. Is it a Problem?»; «The Problems of Large Families»; «The Demography Politics»; «What Makes a Happy Marriage?»; «I'll Bring up My Future Children This Way:...»; «Ideal Family»; «My Future Family».

Presentational skills were effectively formed During the work on the projects themes:

- briefly, concisely and adequately describe the formulation and solution of the project objectives;

- to demonstrate the understanding of project issues its own statement of purposes and objectives of the project, the chosen way of solutions;

- to analyze the progress of the search for solutions argumentation method selection decisions;

- to demonstrate the found solution;

- to carry out self-examination success and effectiveness of the solution to the problem, the problem of the adequacy of the statement of the level of the means by which a solution was sought.

The practice experience showed that the method of projects is one of pedagogical techniques, which is characterized as personality-oriented; motivational-activity; training group interaction and group activities; built on the principles of problem-based learning; developing skills of self-expression, self-presentation and reflection; forming life skills in mental, practical and volitional; raising a commitment, tolerance, rational combination

of individualism and collectivism, responsibility, initiative and creative approach to business.


1. Mirolubov A.A. (1982) "Contact methodical teaching foreign languages with related sciences". Methods of teaching foreign languages in high school. Moscow. Pp. 21 -43.

2. Pichkova L.S. (2008) "Organization of independent work of students as the factor of formation of professionally significant competences". Ways of increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy in the context of globalization, the conference materials. MSIIR (University) of the MFA of the Russian Federation. Moscow. MGIMO-University.

3. Simbuletova R.K. (2015) The implementation of personality-forming function of the method projects in the development of students' independence (for example, learning foreign languages). Monograph. Maikop. Publishing house Magarin OG.184 p.

4. Sutherland J., Canwell D. (2004) Key Concepts in Management. Palgrave Macmillan.

5. Tretyakov P.I., Sennovski I.B. (1997) Modular training technology at school: practice-oriented monograph. Moscow. New School. 352 p.

6. Tseeva L.H., Panesh B.H. (2004) "Formation of readiness of the future teacher for project activities in preschool educational practice". Bulletin of the Adyghe State University. A series of "Pedagogy and Psychology". Maikop: ASU publishing house. №3. Pp.100-106.

7. Tseeva L.H., Simbuletova R.K. (2012) "The Model of method projects in the development of students' autonomy in the process of training". Materials of II International scientific-practical conference. Coll. scientific papers, Krasnodar, .V3 volumes. V1, Pp. 235-242.

8. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. (2002) Management: Textbook. 3rd ed. Moscow. Gardariki. 528 p.



The relevance of this work lies in the fact that every action in the organization associated with the manifestation of power. The article is directed to the problem of defective connection of such concepts as leadership and effective personnel management. A leading approach to the study of management is to evaluate the effectiveness of the qualities of a leader. The article may be useful for people engaged in the field of personnel management in organizations.


leadership, power of the leader, the management staff, human resource management


Irina Vezigina Kuban State Agrarian University Krasnodar, Russia Ekaterina Padieva Kuban State Agrarian University Krasnodar, Russia

Inna Ivanova PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Kuban State Agrarian University Krasnodar, Russia inna_ivanova_2010@mail.ru

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