Ulzhabayeva A.G.1, Yeralinova T.Y.1, Bakenova A.M.1 ©
1Master of pedagogics, teacher of foreign languages department, Karaganda State University
named after the academician E.A. Buketov
The article deals with creative independence as an important factor of the professional component of the specialist. The concept of creative independence is defined and relevance of its development in educational space is presented. It describes the conditions under which it the development of creative independence is possible. And also the method of projects as a development tool of creative independence of students is considered. The characteristics of the model and the role of the teacher in development of creative independence is given. The foreign language is offered as one of the suitable platforms, on which successful development of creative independence is possible.
Keywords: creative independence, learning a foreign language, the learning process, the role of the teacher, the students of non-language specialties.
Ключевые слова: креативное творчество, изучение иностранного языка, процесс обучения, роль преподавателя, студенты неязыковых специальностей.
Modernization of the higher education system in Kazakhstan is caused by dynamic increase in the requirements for professional skills of future specialists in all areas. Now specialists have to reproduce not only the knowledge gained in the course of training, but also demonstrate creative approach in the solution of professional tasks by means of own activity, individual vision, ability to make non-standard decisions in the arising professional situations, in order to optimize the production process, development of ability for independent information search, with its further analysis and processing. Moreover, if the specialist possesses a certain intellectual level and ability to improve creatively, he is able to perceive, develop and implement advanced technologies more rationally. Accordingly, one of the most important qualities of the modern specialist is the ability of a professional and creative self-development [1, 30].
Professional and creative self-development unites in itself two processes: the professional self-development representing independent improvement of own knowledge and abilities urged to increase efficiency of professional activity, and development of creative independence. We will dwell on the last issue.
© Ulzhabayeva A.G., Yeralinova T.Y., Bakenova A.M., 2016 г.
The essence of the term "creative independence" consists in the unity of intellectual and strong-willed factors of cognitive activity which is expressed in ability to combine and transform the existing ways of activity at the solution of problem situations.
In other words, creative independence can be presented as one of the bases of specialist's competence allowing independently, based on own knowledge, abilities and experience to set tasks and to control the will for achievement of a goal. So, it is possible to assume that creative independence is necessary quality of the successful specialist, which he needs for quick decision-making, production optimization, application of progressive technologies. So, creative independence is a combination of creativity and independence. We will consider this combination in more detail. When it comes to the manifestation of independence, it often means the execution of an activity on their own intention, without external motivation, and without assistance. Development of independence is extremely important process, because in the course of its development it is possible to move from the stage at which the activity of the student is under the guidance of a teacher to the stage where the student begins to manage their own activities. The manifestation of independence in educational activities is a prerequisite for its existence and future professional situations. It is important to note also the fact that often in the course of independent activity of the student we can observe demonstration and development of creativity. And creativity, being the certain activity directed on development of a new product mostly shown in the conditions of independence. Therefore, it is possible to consider that results of creativity are the qualitative characteristic of independent activity of the personality [2, 699].
Consequently, "creativity" and "independence" are the concepts that should be considered together, as they determine and complement each other, forming the concept "creative independence". In the cornerstone of creative independence lies the independence and the creativity shown by the person in his real professional activity, or in its imitation in educational process. Respectively, it makes sense to speak about expediency of development of creative independence of future specialists in the learning process as during training students can take part in the kinds of activities which are most approached to real professional situations [3, 19].
However, the development of creative independence of students in higher education space is impossible without the creation of the learning process the necessary conditions by which the student will constantly strive to realize his creative abilities:
- imitation of professional situations, with the result that the student begins to build a conscious professional creativity;
- introduction of "mainstreaming" in the educational process that promotes the development of creative activity;
- student orientation on the result of its activity, thereby increasing the motivation for self-development;
- choice of forms of learning that provide independence and creativity of students;
- the provision of necessary pedagogical support.
The conditions given above are conducive to the transition from the traditional type of reproductive activity, which consists in reproduction of already existing receptions, to creative type which is aimed at creation of a new product. Thus it should be noted that reproductive
and creative types of activity are closely interconnected as elements of reproductive type of activity that are the basis on which creative activity is based.
In general it is possible to allocate three stages of formation of creative independence of the student.
1. Preparatory activity (the teacher acts as the head; the student has no accurate system of knowledge and ability to use it in concrete situations).
2. Partial activity (the teacher is the instructor, assistant in setting goals and planning the implementation of tasks; student shows aspiration and has some opportunities of the implementation of tasks independently).
3. Creative independent activity (a role of the teacher — the coordinator, providing assistance in finding ways of self-control, the activities of the student has a high level of independence).
Certainly, the importance of a role of the teacher in development of creative independence of students is very important. Thus, it is extremely necessary that the teacher correctly choose a role of the corresponding stage proceeding from the purposes of each of them. It is also necessary to note that the mission of the teacher in development of creative independence of the student cardinally differs from his function at traditional approach to training when the teacher serves as the broadcaster of subject knowledge. Now the teacher is faced by a problem of search of alternative methods of working with students, as the development of creative independence can not take place under conditions of absolute imposition of the student the progress of implementation of tasks and results of its activity. However, due to the lack of a discipline for the development of creative independence, we need to find ways to increase individuality, initiative, independence and creativity of students within the existing courses. In view of the fact that a foreign language is one of the means of communication and knowledge of the world, and plays an important role in the system of modern education, we can assume that discipline "Foreign Language" is a suitable platform for the development of creative independence. In addition, integrating these types of work, where the main activity is to work with the information and a very important process -language training is started. At the lessons of foreign language students take part in the following kinds of activity: educational project, thematic web quest, role-playing game, etc. The listed types of works acquaint students with research activity, or to the activity directed on search, processing and submission of information that develop their creativity, self-reliance, independence, originality of thinking.
It is worthy note that in total such moments as: work with authentic material, provided freedom for creativity, the teacher is not as object of intimidation, but as the consultant can promote creative realization, independence development as well as increased motivation to learn the language. Within the discipline of a foreign language the conditions necessary for development of creative independence, namely, modeling of a problem situation, including professional, which is extremely important for students of non-language specialties. For example: a role play, which is a kind of simulation of various aspects of professional activity. The result of this game can be marked independently taken in the process of creative activities of solving problem situations assigned to the participants. Thus, the students focused on the outcome of its activities will be put in a situation where it is necessary not only to use their
knowledge, but also to be creative. All of these conditions should lead to a successful resolution of the situation.
The development of creative independence of students in higher education is possible while providing the following conditions: the creation of a quasi-professional situations, which addressed to social or professional problems close to real conditions; Student Guidance to the real result of his activities; choice of forms of active learning, based on the principle of activating the creative potential of students (quizzes, Club for the Lightheaded and Quickwitted, festivals, competitions, etc.); the provision of educational support.
Obviously, the importance of the role of the teacher in the development of creative independence of students is quite high. At the same time, it is crucial that the teacher properly select the appropriate role on the basis of the learning objectives. Related activities of the teacher can be subject to the following models:
1. The teacher-facilitator (pedagogical support in the formulation of goals and objectives, the establishment of a free and relaxed atmosphere that encourages students to solve problems).
2. Teacher Consultant (training function through counseling in real or distance mode, the main purpose of the teacher is to teach students to learn).
3. Teacher Moderator (instructor in the process of mastering the techniques of group work, the goal - the disclosure of the internal potential of students, identification of hidden opportunities and unrealized skills).
4. The teacher-tutor (educational support for students, work with personal experience of students, development of jobs that rely on modern communication methods).
5. The teacher-coach (assistance through specific training courses, preparation for public speaking) [4, 583].
The optimal form for the development of creative independence is a method of project activities, which, in our opinion, is able to maximize the possibilities of formation of creative independence and allows us to consider different forms of interaction between teacher and students.
This method is not a radically new pedagogy, as was developed in the 20s of XX-th century in the United States in the context of philosophical and pedagogical concept of John Dewey and remains relevant today. The specificity of the method is the ability to build projects of the learning process on an active basis, to encourage students in their personal interest to acquire knowledge that can and should be useful to them in life. Method of projects related to the problematic methods and involves more than just finding ways to solve it, but the practical implementation of the results in one or another product activity [5, 45]. The aim of project method is to develop self-activity of the students. As a result of self- creative activity, students create a final product in the form of new knowledge and skills. Method of projects is the way to achieve didactic objectives through detailed design problem. The contents of any method disclosed to its principles. Consider a set of principles with regard to the method of projects the method of teaching foreign languages. There are the most important of these: 1) the relationship of the project idea to real life; 2) interest in the implementation of the project on the part of all participants; 3) the leading role of the advisory - the coordinating function of the teacher; 4) self-organization and responsibility of the project
participants; 5) focus on the creation of a specific product; 6) temporary and structural project completion.
Using this method is of great interest to the students, which allows you to teach the students the ability to acquire knowledge through its activities. Method of projects based learning is focused on independent work of students, the teacher's role it is to giving advice.
According to A. S. Sergeyev training project is a set of five "P": The problem, planning, information point, product presentation [6, 66]. Therefore, educational project can be defined as the activities of students, aimed at finding ways to solve problems through the planning process with a further search and analysis of information received, resulting in an own product and its presentation. There are different types of projects: a practice-oriented; investigative; informative; creative; role. Each of these types of project involves verbal and nonverbal communication, which, respectively, provides a definite prerequisite to the form of the organization of classroom and extracurricular activities, where most of the activities will be allocated for independent work (search, processing, analysis and exchange of information) aimed at the solution of tasks. Independence becomes the dominant form of educational activity and provides students more academic freedom. It is logical to assume that these conditions contribute to the development of independence. It should be noted that all the activities of students is carried out in a partial or complete independence, that is, the teacher acts as a counselor, assistant coordinator. And also important to note that this kind of activity helps students to develop foreign language speech and more fully master a foreign language as a means of professional communication. Therefore, it is possible to assume that involvement of students in situations in which it is necessary to show independence in decision-making, planning of own activity, non-standard approach to the solution of tasks at the lessons of a foreign language promotes development of creative independence. And also within the subject "Foreign Language" it is possible to use creative tasks motivating students to work independently and use studied language material to express their thoughts in both dialogical and monological form. At the same time, creative nature of this process has to be provided with attraction of modern information technologies, use of the interactive forms of education allowing to imitate real situations.
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