Научная статья на тему 'Modern technologies and methods of teaching foreign language in higher educational institutes'

Modern technologies and methods of teaching foreign language in higher educational institutes Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Qodirova Gulbahor Turdiyevna

Материал статьи посвящен современным методам преподавания иностранных языков. В статье представлен материал о преимуществах и перспективах использования описанных технологий в процессе обучения в высших учебных заведениях. Эти технологии можно рассматривать как альтернативные способы оценки результатов учащихся в процессе их академической деятельности и личностном развитии.

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The material of the article is devoted to the modern methods of teaching foreign languages. The article carries material about the advantages and perspectives of using of described technologies in the process of learning in Higher Educational Institutes. These technologies may be considered as the alternative means of evaluation of students’ results in their academic activities and personal development.

Текст научной работы на тему «Modern technologies and methods of teaching foreign language in higher educational institutes»

УДК 81


Qodirova Gulbahor Turdiyevna, Andijan agricultural institute, Uzbekistan, Andijan E-mail: bankgni@mail.ru

Abstract. The material of the article is devoted to the modern methods of teaching foreign languages. The article carries material about the advantages and perspectives of using of described technologies in the process of learning in Higher Educational Institutes. These technologies may be considered as the alternative means of evaluation of students' results in their academic activities and personal development.

Key words: technology, method, portfolio, case-study, process of learning, students, higher educational institution.

Аннотация. Материал статьи посвящен современным методам преподавания иностранных языков. В статье представлен материал о преимуществах и перспективах использования описанных технологий в процессе обучения в высших учебных заведениях. Эти технологии можно рассматривать как альтернативные способы оценки результатов учащихся в процессе их академической деятельности и личностном развитии.

Ключевые слова: технология, метод, портфель, тематическое исследование, процесс обучения, студенты, высшее учебное заведение.

One of the most promising technologies for teaching a foreign language and monitoring the quality of education in recent years is the language portfolio. In modern domestic pedagogy, some scientists, for example, V.B. Uspensky, A.P. Chernyavskaya consider Portfolio as a method of training designed to systematize accumulated experience, knowledge, and more clearly determine the direction of their development [2]. A number of Russian scientists consider the "Portfolio of the student" to be completely new technologies, only making their way to life.

This is the opinion of E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkina, M.V. Moiseeva, A.E. Petrova and others who consider the "Portfolio of the pupil" primarily a means of learning self-esteem [3]. We believe that the "Student Portfolio" can act as a

component of the technology of organizing independent learning activity and professional-personal self-development of students in foreign language classes, representing a method of teaching and the form of organizing independent student learning activities, undoubtedly being a means of forming the necessary skills of reflection of one's own activity; introspection, reflection, an instrument of self-evaluation of his own cognitive, creative work.

In our opinion, as a means of introducing and expanding personal-oriented and individualized education in higher education, it seems possible to develop the formation of the Portfolio - the educational "Portfolio" of the student (or the package of educational educational products of the student: Learning Educational Activities Packet = LEAP). "Student Portfolio" is a set of documents, independent works of the student, which reflects his efforts, progress and achievements in one or several areas. When studying a foreign language at a university, it is advisable to start the formation of the "Portfolio" of educational products from the beginning of the first semester and continue until the exam. An approximate list of methodological products of students, included in the "Portfolio" and developed by the author:

2. Results of diagnostic tests and their analysis.

3. Results of control works and their analysis.

4. Abstracts (individual reading).

6. Description of the preparation and participation in a scientific student conference.

7. Participation in the essay competition.

8. Materials of individual project activity.

12. Self-reflection of educational activity for semesters.

13. Self-evaluation of work. It was noted that students are very interested in the practice of drawing up their training "Portfolios", they work with enthusiasm. They create an integral picture of objective progress in a certain area.

In the process of organizing pedagogical support for students in the study of the subject "Foreign Language", project activities can also be carried out in the form of a "case" method. Case studies (case studies) have traditionally been used in training, where the trainee is offered specific situations from practice.

It should be noted that in the methodology three types of presentation of the case are distinguished: printed, multimedia case, video case. When working on a case, three stages are distinguished: fact-finding, research, presentation.

At present, the task of the teacher is not only to equip students with modern knowledge, but also to teach students to acquire this knowledge independently, to be able to absorb them, relying on what has already been learned. To achieve these goals is the technology Web Quest (WebQuest), which is used in both school and university learning practices.

"Web Quest is a didactic structure, within the framework of which an exciting search activity of the student is planned using the Internet and other means of

information". G.A. Vorobyev qualifies web quests as a separate category of training projects - web projects . Web quest (web quest) - this is a specific form of submitting material through setting tasks, and the solution of the tasks or answers to questions the trainees receive from different Internet sites.

After the introduction of the topic, students are offered assignments that are made by the teacher depending on the topic and taking into account the student's level. To organize work on assignments, the teacher should make links to printed sources, as well as links to sources on the Internet. All this provides a targeted search for the necessary information. The Web Quest also includes presentation of the results of the search work in the form of slides, the Internet page, in any other electronic, printed or oral form. At the end of the Web Quest, students are given the opportunity to critically analyze their work and evaluate it, as well as evaluate the work of others. The teacher can, in turn, evaluate the students' search work. In the process of working on the Web Quest, the center of knowledge achievement is a student. The teacher ceases to be the main source of knowledge for students. He becomes a person, helping to effectively master the acquired knowledge. G.A. Vorobyev in his work considers the use of the web-quest technology as a means of developing the foreign language sociocultural competence of students, defines the web-quest, describes its structure and advantages of using the web-quest technology, the function of web-quests technology in the learning process, offers various forms of work with web quests. The author created web quests for the development of students' socio-cultural competence and methods of using them; has developed a set of recommendations for creating web quests and their application in teaching foreign languages and cultures.

GA Vorobyev also notes that web quests should be built on a special "formula" and consist of the following mandatory parts in relation to academic activities in the university:

• An introduction in which the student is presented with a problem, situation, background information (Introduction).

• An executable and interesting task.

• A set of sources of information selected by the teacher necessary to complete the assignment (Resources).

• A description of the process that will lead the students to the task. (Process)

• The conclusion that sums up the quest, reminds students of what they learned and, perhaps, gives an orientation to further work on this topic (Conclusion).

In conclusion, I would like to note that all listed factors, along with information richness and Internet saturation with socio-culturally significant information, as well as the result of the quest, which have real value and application in the further educational and professional activities of students, are one of the main reasons for the high efficiency of work on the technology of web quests.

We consider highly effective the use of the educational "Portfolio" in the process of studying at the university, because it is a means of increasing the level of

independence of students in educational activities and their professional-personal self-development. At the time of its compilation: a step-by-step documented fixation of the student's achievements takes place; the student is given the opportunity to show not only language skills, but also communication skills, self-reflection, etc.; during the study the student is fixed both on the process and on the product of labor; requires high creative and cognitive activity of the student: he learns to present the result of his work; the student fulfills a new role for him in relation to himself and the partners in the teaching - the role of the evaluating teacher; the motivation for learning increases; the student feels himself a real participant in the educational process, whose interests are not indifferent to the teacher and the group members.

The pedagogical potential of the case-method is also very large. it promotes the development of the ability to analyze situations, evaluate alternatives, choose the best option and draw up a plan for its implementation.


1. Suzanne F. Peregoy, Owen F. Boyle. Reading, Writing, and Learning in ESL: A Resourse Book for K-12 Teachers. Second Edition. Longman. 1997. P. 334-335, 224-227.

2. Uspensky V.B., Chernyavskaya A.P. Introduction to psychological and pedagogical activity: Proc. allowance for stud. supreme. training. institutions. -Moscow: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2003 - 176 c.

3. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Proc. Allowance for stud. ped. universities and higher education. qualif. ped. staff / Polat E.S., Bukharkina M.Yu., Moiseeva M.V., Petrov A.E. - M.: Academy, 2002. 272 c.

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