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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Ivanov V. D., Marandykina O. V.

The authors consider motor activity as one of the main factors in maintaining the health of students. The analysis of the student's daily living activity with su cient and de cient motor activity is carried out. Many programs have been studied that contribute to improving the motion state of students. Revelance. Today, due to the “digitalization” and the increase in online goods and services, the problem of health impairment related to a sedentary lifestyle. Especially it's actual for students who devote most of their time to study and put their physical health on the back or even on a back burner. In addition, the information ow increases, which students have to process that is educational literature, some classes - everything goes to online mode. It leads to an even greater deterioration and acute condition of the student's health. Goals and objectives. The working purpose is to provide an overview of scienti c publications on this topic, to identify the sources of deterioration of youth health, to get acquainted with the in uence of motor mode on the student's life and to conduct an analysis of various programs in this eld. Materials and research methods. Scienti c sources published in the scienti c electronic library elibrary (website https://elibrary.ru) were used as research materials. Research methods: study of scienti c literary sources, review of scienti c publications. Results and discussion. The positive e ect of students' motor activity on health has been proved scienti cally. The state and society are interested in educating and creating a healthy nation. Scientists and specialists develop many methods and programs on this issue every year, but despite all made e orts, the trend of deteriorating health still conserves. Conclision. In literature and science, there is a su cient number of programs and techniques aimed at increasing students' motor activity. Society needs not only to develop this problem on a threoretical level, but also to introduce the proposed solutions in the eld of higher education of students actively.

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УДК 796. ББК 75

DOI 10.47475/2500-0365-2023-18117


Ivanov V.D.1, Marandykina O.V.2

1 Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia 2 Moscow State Linguistic University. Moscow, Russia

The authors consider motor activity as one of the main factors in maintaining the health of students. The analysis of the student's daily living activity with sufficient and deficient motor activity is carried out. Many programs have been studied that contribute to improving the motion state of students.

Revelance. Today, due to the "digitalization" and the increase in online goods and services, the problem of health impairment related to a sedentary lifestyle. Especially it's actual for students who devote most of their time to study and put their physical health on the back or even on a back burner. In addition, the information flow increases, which students have to process that is educational literature, some classes — everything goes to online mode. It leads to an even greater deterioration and acute condition of the student's health.

Goals and objectives. The working purpose is to provide an overview of scientific publications on this topic, to identify the sources of deterioration of youth health, to get acquainted with the influence of motor mode on the student's life and to conduct an analysis of various programs in this field.

Materials and research methods. Scientific sources published in the scientific electronic library elibrary (website https://elibrary.ru) were used as research materials. Research methods: study of scientific literary sources, review of scientific publications.

Results and discussion. The positive effect of students' motor activity on health has been proved scientifically. The state and society are interested in educating and creating a healthy nation. Scientists and specialists develop many methods and programs on this issue every year, but despite all made efforts, the trend of deteriorating health still conserves. Conclision. In literature and science, there is a sufficient number of programs and techniques aimed at increasing students' motor activity. Society needs not only to develop this problem on a threoretical level, but also to introduce the proposed solutions in the field of higher education of students actively.

Keywords: motor state, health preservation, students, youth, healthy lifestyle.

Revelance. A student is an important component of a developing society. He is given a lot of requirements and responsibilities, having fulfilled which he will be able to become a fully-functioning adult. The life of a modern student can be represented in a following way: studying at the university, the way back home (dorms) and homework. In most cases, there is no time for additional sports and motor activities. Due to the incorrect lifestyle at the university, where the student spends an average of 51-53% of the daily time fund, which significantly exceeds the working time of the adult population employed in

various types of production, health problems arise [10]. Referring to the results of numerous studies, it was revealed that one of the main reasons for the deterioration of students' health is insufficient motor activity [18]. Therefore, in this article we will consider the issue of the motor regime of the younger generation.

The student's motor state is an integrative characteristic of his/her motor activity during the period of higher education [15]. It is a process involving not only muscles, but also many parts of the nervous system from the peripheral nerves to the higher cent-

ers of the brain cortex. Signals arise in the working muscles that have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, maintaining the functioning of nerve centers. The systematic flow of such signals has a positive effect on the brain development and function and the state of the autonomic nervous system [19].

According to WHO, 90% of students have insufficient physical activity, among whom 60% have severe hypokinesia (insufficient amount of physical exercise affecting human health) [9]. The real volume of students' motor activity does not ensure the full development and strengthening of health [20]. M.D. Ripa and I.V. Kulkova also claim that over the last decade of the twentieth century, the indicators of students' physical development have deteriorated in the main parameters — weight, height, chest circumference [14]. There is also a significant impact of recent quarantine actions in ragard to COVID-19 and the introduction of distance and hybrid learning formats, leading to a decrease in physical activity [2]. These factors highlight the problem related to a decrease in students' motor activity.

It's an urgent problem for students who are stressed (e.g. during exams, taking tests). They were less likely to be physically active and sometimes completely avoided intense physical activity that further led to a decrease in motor activity and deterioration of psycho-emotional health [15].

Also in the studies among the Perm University students with various physical activities, the following conclusions were obtained: students engaged in sports, e.g. with a sufficient level of motor activity, were less likely to complain of drowsiness, fatigue, bad mood, headaches and dizziness [17]. Students of the RIAT, who were additionally engaged in physical culture of a health-improving orientation, have high indicators of VC and indicators of heart rate and blood pressure within the limits of normative indicators. The decrease in heart rate and blood pressure in the group of students involved in sports indicates the economization of the circulatory system. At the same time, high rates of external respiration were determined in student athletes. All these data indicate the improvement of the respiratory function in students who have an additional amount of motor activity in the form of recreational physical culture and sports [11]. This once again underlines the positive impact of physical activity on the student's health.

The Russian National Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports has repeatedly put forward a number of recommendations stating that during one week, motor activity among young people should take about 10-12 hours. But the current physical edu-

cation program at universities is not able to fulfill the need for motor activity of young people, therefore, it will spoil it [4].

The students themselves practically do not take any measures to strengthen their health, although they put health in second place after education in the rating of values, fully realizing that a high level of health gives them competitive advantages on the market [1].

Compliance with the motor regime leads to an improvement in the functional state of the central nervous system, which has a positive effect on the mental capacity of students, which is an important quality for them while studing. People who systematically and actively engage in physical exercises have increased mental and emotional stability when performing gruelling mental or physical activity. Any muscular activity, physical exercises, sports increase the activity of metabolic processes, which has a positive effect on the general human state [19].

A low level of motor activity combined with a lack of a healthy lifestyle can lead to such health complaints among students as apathy, headaches, heart pain, dizziness, tinnitus, numbness of the limbs, shortness of breath and heaviness in the legs [10]. Lack of motor activity leads to rapid tiredness, since most of the time passes in a statistical position, and muscle groups are not involved. There is a fat layer between the muscle fibers due to their thinning. It is also necessary to take into account that insufficient motor activity is one of the factors of the early development of osteoporosis and obesity, which occur due to a violation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism [3].

All the information above states that the lack of motor activity leads to the degradation of physical culture (FC) of the individual (a combination of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the physical and intellectual development of human abilities, improvement of his motor activity and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development) [7].

The academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Yu. P. Lisitsyn noted that special attention has been paid to a healthy lifestyle of a student during the last 6-7 years. It is related due to the fact that modern employers require workers with good health who are capable of increasing their ability to work, rather than lowering it due to illness, fatigue, reduced activity and poor health [5]. Therefore, society and the state face the task of improving and modernizing the educational process, which will help to increase the motor regime of students, thereby

strengthening and preserving their health.

In order to increase the level of motor activity of students, the state has already taken measures, such as the introduction of the Russian National Physical Culture and Sports Complex «Ready for Work and Defense». But due to the low level of motivation, lack of time and qualities such as perseverance, it was not possible to achieve the goals completely [13]. It highlights the problem associated with insufficient refinement and implementation of the realised project in practice.

A lot of hope is also having rided on the university that teaches students. It should act as an organizer of purposeful work to preserve and strengthen the health of students, as well as to stimulate the motor activity of students. Therefore, there is an acute problem of the "correctness" of the compilation and filling of curricula that push sports on the back [12]. Higher educational institutions should take measures to ensure that the educational process proceeds faster, provided that the forces and capabilities of students are used wisely [8].

There are many ways how it is possible to increase motor activity. Strengthening and maintaining health is most easily achieved by walking. Classes are held in a natural condition, which contributes to a more effective recovery and development of students' body systems [16]. It is important to exercise daily, take a walk or jog, and also do not forget about the physical training break (organized exercise during the school day, which provides a warning of the onset of fatigue and contributes to maintaining high performance without overwork (5—10 minutes of physical activity improves performance more than passive rest) in the process of mental activity. All these reccomen-dations help to increase muscle tone, improve blood circulation, and therefore has a positive effect on the student [6].

Another way how to increase motor activity is the development and implementation of student supportive programs aimed at health conservation, independence, awareness, and systematicity. Optimization of motor activity entails factors that contribute to reducing the risk of general morbidity [4]. Students themselves often note that staying physically active can improve the quality of life, as well as the assessment of well-being and physical state [15].

It is also recommended to pay attention to physical exercises daily for at least 30 minutes a day. This minimum will help to maintain the motor state at the desired level [3].

It is especially important to lead a healthy lifestyle, which will contribute to maintaining high motor ac-

tivity. To do this, the student must comply with:

1. A daily routine that includes work, food, rest and sleep.

2. Work and rest regime.

3. Giving up bad habits, such as alcohol and smoking.

If all the above points would be observed, the right formation of FC will occur, as well as an increase in motor activity, which also affects the process of development and preservation of students' health [7].

The introduction into the educational and entertaining activities of students of a larger volume of activities with characteristic physical exertion and increased emotional mood may become a vital necessity for them in the future, which will contribute to increased motor activity, and, consequently, the formation in their minds of the desire for physical development and a healthy lifestyle [4].

Active rest during the holidays is also important, contributing to the maintenance of motor activity. Students after active recreation (in sports and recreation camps, recreation centers, etc.) starting the academic year, have a higher working capacity [19].

Summarizing all the opinions of specialists, as a component that increases motor activity, it is recommended to integrate fitness technologies into physical education and conduct classes in the disciplines of "Physical Culture and Sports" and "Elective disciplines in physical culture and sports" based on various sports [18].

At the current moment, the trend of deterioration of students' health continues to exist, primarily caused by low motor activity. Despite the fact that this problem has not been neglected, but on the contrary, many studies have been conducted and a sufficient number of programs have been created, the necessary results leading to improving the health of students have not yet been achieved.

Conclusions. The preservation of physical activity plays an important role in maintaining the student's health. It raises the chances for a bright future of a student as an employee or specialist in any field. However, many created programs and activities still do not contribute to the implementation of the normative indicator of motor activity.


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Поступила в редакцию 10 марта 2022 г.

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Для цитирования: Ivanov, V. D. Motion state as an important factor in health promotion and preservation of students / V. D. Ivanov, O. V. Marandykina // Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. — 2023. — Т. 8, № 1. — С. 113—119.

Information about the authors

Valentin Dmitrievich Ivanov — Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports. Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia. ORCID ID: 00000002-2952-3222 Author ID: 229821 E-mail: vdy-55@mail.ru

Marandykina Oksana Viktorovna — Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Physical Education. Moscow State Linguistic University. Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID: 0000-00029155-5014 Author ID: 943524 E-mail: o.marandykina@linguanet.ru


2023, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 113—119.

Двигательный режим как важный фактор укрепления и сохранения здоровья студентов

Иванов В. Д.1, Марандыкина О.В.2

1 Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2952-3222 AuthorlD: 229821 E-mail: vdy-55@mail.ru

2 Московский государственный лингвистический университет. Москва, Россия. ORCID ID: 00000002-9155-5014 AuthorlD: 943524 E-mail: o.marandykina@linguanet.ru

Авторы рассматривают двигательную активность как один из главных факторов сохранения здоровья студентов. Проведен анализ жизнедеятельности студента, имеющего достаточную и дефицитную двигательную активность. Изучено множество программ, способствующих повышению двигательного режима обучающихся.

Ivanov V.D., Мага^уШпа О.У.

Актуальность. На сегодняшний день, в связи с «цифровизацией» и увеличением онлайн товаров и услуг, возрастает проблема ухудшения здоровья, связанного с малоподвижным образом жизни. Особенно, это касается студентов, которые большую часть своего времени уделяют учебе и отодвигают свое физическое здоровье на второй, а то и на третий план. В добавок, увеличивается информационный поток, который приходиться перерабатывать студентам, учебная литература, некоторые занятия, всё уходит в онлайн формат. Это порождает еще большее ухудшение и обострение здоровья обучающихся.

Цель, задачи. Цель работы — провести обзор научных публикаций по данной теме. Выявить источники ухудшения здоровья молодежи. Ознакомиться с влиянием двигательной активности на жизнь студента. Повести анализ различных программам в данной сфере.

Материалы и методы исследования. Материалами исследования являлись научные источники, размещённые в научной электронной библиотеке еНЬгагу (сайт https://elibrary.ru). Методы исследования: изучение научных литературных источников, обзор научных публикаций.

Результаты и их обсуждение. Научно доказано положительное влияние двигательной активности студентов на здоровье. Государство и общество заинтересовано в воспитании и создании здоровой нации. Ученые и специалисты каждый год разрабатывают множество методик и программ на эту тему, но несмотря на все усилия, тенденция ухудшения здоровья сохраняется.

Заключение. Существует достаточное количество программ и методик, направленных на повышение двигательной активности студентов. Обществу нужно не только теоретически разрабатывать эту проблематику, но и активно вводить предложенные решения в сферу высшего образования студентов.

Ключевые слова: двигательный режим, сохранение здоровья, студенты, молодежь, здоровый образ жизни.

Список литературы

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2. Влияние малоподвижного образа жизни на здоровье студентов / М. К. Сейдехан, Б. И. Джол-тукова, Н. Б. Оразбаева [и др.] // Вопросы устойчивого развития общества. — 2022. — № 7. — С. 1266—1271.

3. Влияния режима самоизоляции на образ жизни и двигательную активность студентов / А. А. Шестера, Н. С. Сорокин, Е. В. Каерова [и др.] // Ученые записки университета им. П.Ф. Лесгафта. — 2022. — № 3(205). — С. 532—538.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Сведения об авторах

Иванов Валентин Дмитриевич — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры физического воспитания и спорта. Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-29523222 AuthorID: 229821 E-mail: vdy-55@mail.ru

Марандыкина Оксана Викторовна — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой физического воспитания. Московский государственный лингвистический университет. Москва, Россия. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9155-5014 AuthorID: 943524 E-mail: o.marandykina@linguanet.ru

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