Научная статья на тему 'Morphological characteristic of renal corpuscles in rats after administering cryopreserved placenta'

Morphological characteristic of renal corpuscles in rats after administering cryopreserved placenta Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Kapustyanska A.A.

The previously obtained positive experimental and clinical data on the use of cryopreserved placenta administration in the treatment of many diseases and the lack of sufficient scientific research in the field of inflammatory processes correction in the kidneys by this method prompted us to carry out this work. The purpose of this work is to study the morphological features of renal corpuscles in rats under the conditions of cryopreserved placenta administration. The study was carried out on 14 rats of the Wistar line. The first group consisted of 5 intact animals, the second group consisted of 9 animals, who were injected subcutaneously with a cryopreserved placenta. The microscopic studies of the white rats’ kidney cortical substance under the conditions of cryopreserved placenta showed that the most significant changes take place within the 1st-7th days of the experiment. On the 10 14th day of the experiment, the structural organization of the renal corpuscles adapted to the kidneys of intact animals is restored.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Morphological characteristic of renal corpuscles in rats after administering cryopreserved placenta»

ISSN2079-8334. Ceim Meduuuuu ma 6w№ii. 2018. № 3 (65)

DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2018-3-65-157-159 UDC 616.61:599.323.4


E-mail: [email protected]

The previously obtained positive experimental and clinical data on the use of cryopreserved placenta administration in the treatment of many diseases and the lack of sufficient scientific research in the field of inflammatory processes correction in the kidneys by this method prompted us to carry out this work. The purpose of this work is to study the morphological features of renal corpuscles in rats under the conditions of cryopreserved placenta administration. The study was carried out on 14 rats of the Wistar line. The first group consisted of 5 intact animals, the second group consisted of 9 animals, who were injected subcutaneously with a cryopreserved placenta. The microscopic studies of the white rats' kidney cortical substance under the conditions of cryopreserved placenta showed that the most significant changes take place within the 1st-7th days of the experiment. On the 10 - 14th day of the experiment, the structural organization of the renal corpuscles adapted to the kidneys of intact animals is restored.

Key words: kidney, renal corpuscle, rats, cryopreserved placenta.

The work is a fragment of the comprehensive research project "Experimental-morphological study of the cryopreserved placenta transplants and other exogenous factors effect on the morphofunctional status of internal organs ", state registration No. 0113U006185.

One of the topical problems of modern morphology is the study of the kidneys structure [1, 3, 6]. In the scientific literature, data on the structural organization and morphological features of the intact animals kidney structure are numerous, but this issue remains the subject of attention for many researchers until recently [4, 5]. Also, scientific and clinical interest is caused by the method of administering cryopreserved placenta as a corrective medication for inflammatory processes [2, 4]. Tissue therapy is one of the promising trends for a comprehensive treatment of kidney inflammation, although it needs further improvement for implementation in clinical practice. Another possible mechanism of the cryopreserved placenta influence is its nonspecific action. With the help of biologically active substances, their own endogenous mechanisms of restorative processes regulation in the affected kidney areas are activated [7]. The previously obtained positive experimental and clinical data on the use of cryopreserved placenta administration, the treatment of many diseases and the lack of sufficient scientific research in the field of kidneys inflammatory processes correction by means of the above method inspired us to carry out the present study.

The purpose of this work is to study the morphological characteristics of renal corpuscles in rats under the conditions of cryopreserved placenta administration.

Materials and methods. The study was carried out on the Wistar line rats (14 animals). The biological material sampling for carrying out the studies was performed in accordance with the "Rules for the Use of Laboratory Experimental Animals" (2006, Annex 4) and the Helsinki Declaration on Humane Approach to Animals. Pellets were cut from the middle part of the cortical substance bits microscopic examination immediately after removal of the kidney. The first group consisted of 5 intact animals, the second group - 9 animals, which were injected a single dose of the cryopreserved placenta subcutaneously.

Material for light microscopy of kidney components was prepared in accordance with generally accepted rules.

Results of the study and their discussion. The performed microscopic studies of the white rats' renal cortex under the conditions of cryopreserved placenta administration have shown that the most significant changes occur in the period of the 1st-7th days of the experiment. Some of them are hypertrophied, renal vascular glomeruli are clearly identified in them, hemocapillaries have moderately enlarged lumens and are filled with red blood cells. Podocytes, epitheliocytes of the parietal and visceral layers of the capsule are well identified. The capsules' lumens in part of renal corpuscles are focally enlarged, thus differing from the intact group (fig. 1, 2).

In the late terms of the experiment (on the 10th, 14th days) it was microscopically established that the structural organization of the renal corpuscles is similar to that of the intact animals' kidneys (figs 3, 4). Renal corpuscles are of round form, consisting of glomerular capsule and vascular glomerulus. The capsule consists of the visceral and parietal walls, with the urinary space between them.

© A.A. Kapustyanska, 2018


ISSN2079-8334. Ceim Meöu^nu ma ôîonozîï. 2018. № 3 (65)

Vascular glomerulus is a branch of fenestrated capillaries between the afferent and efferent arterioles. The glomeruli in the renal corpuscles have a pronounced pattern of capillary loops. The hemocapillar wall is formed by the endothelial cells lying on the basal membrane.

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Fig. 1. Renal cortex of the animal on the 3d day after the cryopreserved placenta administering. Renal corpuscle (1), nephron day after the cryopreserved placenta administering. Vascular glomerulus tubule (2), arterioles (3). Staining with hematoxylin and eosin. Magn. x (1), lumen of the capsule (2), parietal (3) and visceral (4) capsule layers. 200.

Fig. 2. Renal corpuscle of the animal kidney's renal cortex on the 7th after the cryopreserved placenta administering lumen of the capsule (2), parietal (3) and visa Staining with hematoxylin and eosin. Magn. x 400.


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Fig. 3. The animal renal cortex on the 10th day after the

Fig. 4. Animal corpuscle of the renal cortex on the 14th day after the

cryopreserved placenta administering. Renal corpuscle (1), nephron tubule cryopreserved placenta administering. Vascular glomerulus (1), capsule (2), arterioles (3). Staining with hematoxylin and eosin. Magn. x 400. lumen (2), parietal (3) and visceral (4) capsule layers. Staining with

hematoxylin and eosin. Magn. x 200.

Thus, in animals with a single injection of cryopreserved placenta, changes in structural components are manifested from the 1st to the 7th day of the experiment, such as hypertrophy of the renal corpuscle, lumen enlargement in the capillaries, which are filled with erythrocytes. On the 10th-14th days of the experiment, restoration of the renal corpuscles' structural organization to the intact animals' kidneys is taking place.

Prospects for further research lie in studying the features of the electron microscopic status of the rat renal corpuscle in the late terms of the experiment.

1. Boris R.M. Datsky T. V. Structural changes of the kidneys in the dynamics of experimental cranioscheletal trauma and its correction by fetal nerve cells. Bulletin of scientific research. 2013; 3: 91-94.

2. Shepitko KV, Shepitko VI. Comparative description of rat small intestine response in aseptic inflammation of peritoneum along with administration of cryopreserved placenta / K. Shepitko, V. // European International Journal of Science and Technology. 2015; 4: 106-113.

3. Shepitko VI, Kharchenko SV. Analysis of morphological features of the final kidney of fetuses of rats developed under the influence of Nimesulide. World of Medicine and Biology. 2013; 4 (41): 96-98.

4. Sikora VV. Morphological characteristics of components of kidney nephron in norm and under the influence of ionizing radiation in a dose of 0.1 Gy. Sumy: Sumy State University. Series: Medicine. 2004; 70(11): 19-23.

5. Tchaikovsky YuB. Histological terminology. ENV "Medicine"; 2010. 304 p.

6. Timchuk TM. The structure and functions of the filtration barrier of kidneys of rats of different ages. Bulletin of Problems of Biology and Medicine. 2015; 1 (117): 236-241.

7. Volkova OV, Shakhlamov VA, Mironov AA. Atlas of Scanning Electron Microscopy of Cells, Tissues and Organs, Ed. M.:

Medicine, 1987. 356 p.

ISSN2079-8334. Ceim медицини та бюлогп. 2018. № 3 (65)


Отримаш ранiше позитивнi експериментальш та клiнiчнi дат, про використання введення крюконсервовано! плаценти, в лжуванш багатьох захворювань та вiдсутнiсть достатшх наукових дослiджень в галузi корекцй запальних процесiв нирок даним методом i спонукало нас до проведення дано! роботи. Мета дано! роботи полягае у вивченш морфологiчних особливостей ниркових тшець у щурiв за умов введення крюконсервовано! плаценти. Дослщження проведено на 14 щурах лшй Вютар. Першу групу склали 5 штактних тварин, другу групу

- 9 тварин, яким одноразово тдшюрно вводили крюконсервовану плаценту. Проведенi мкроскотчш дослiдження кiрковоi' речовини нирок бших щурiв за умов введення крюконсервовано! плаценти показали, що найбiльш суттевi змiни проявляються в термiни 1

- 7 дiб експерименту. На 10 - 14 добу експерименту вщбуваеться вщновлення структурно! органiзацi!' ниркових тшець до нирок штактних тварин.

Ключовi слова: нирка, ниркове тшьце, щури, крiоконсервована плацента.

Стаття надшшла 25.05.2018 р.



Полученные ранее положительные экспериментальные и клинические данные, об использовании введения криоконсервированной плаценты, в лечении многих заболеваний и отсутствие достаточных научных исследований в области коррекции воспалительных процессов почек данным методом и побудило нас к проведению данной работы. Цель данной работы заключается в изучении морфологических особенностей почечных телец у крыс в условиях введения криоконсервированной плаценты. Исследование проведено на 14 крысах линии Вистар. Первую группу составили 5 интактных животных, вторую группу - 9 животных, которым однократно подкожно вводили криоконсервированную плаценту. Проведенные

микроскопические исследования коркового вещества почек белых крыс в условиях введения криоконсервированной плаценты показали, что наиболее существенные изменения проявляются в сроки 1 - 7 суток эксперимента. На 10 - 14 сутки эксперимента происходит восстановление структурной организации почечных телец к почкам интактных животных.

Ключевые слова: почка, почечное тельце, крысы, криоконсервированная плацента.

Рецензент Чайковський Ю.Б.

DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2018-3-65-159-162 УДК 615.324.615.036.8:547.857.4



E-mail: [email protected]

Проведет дослщження можливо! ульцерогенно! та мюцевоподразнюючо! дп бенфураму. Бенфурам у дозi 50 i 100 мг/кг не викликав пошкодження слизово! оболонки шлунка i дванадцятипало! кишки. Слабка ульцерогенна дiя бенфураму проявилася лише в дозi 200 мг/кг, вш викликав пошкодження слизово! оболонки шлунка в одше! тварини, що складае 10%, В1 дорiвнюe 0,02, що в 10 разiв менше, нiж при введенi ацетилсалщилово! кислоти. На вiдмiну вiд ацетилсалщилово! кислоти бенфурам не потенцiюе ульцерогенну дш етанолу. Введення бенфураму тваринам протягом 14 дiб не викликае ушкодження слизово! шлунка i дванадцятипало! кишки, У кролiв бенфурам не викликав набряку повк, помутнiння ропвки, сльозотечi, екземи, токсикодермi! та кон'юнктивтв. Не спостерiгали також змiн з боку слизово! кон'юнктиви очей i дiаметру зiницi через добу тсля закапування.

Ключовi слова: ульцерогенна, мюцевоподразнююча д1я, бенфурам.

Робота е фрагментом НДР «Фармакологiчне дотдження бiологiчно активных речовин i лтарсъких 3aco6ie синтетичного та природного походження, ix застосування в медичнш практищ», номер державноi реестраци 0114U003709.

Важливою проблемою сучасно! експериментально! фармакологи е створення нових, бшьш ефективних та безпечних фармаколопчних речовин [2]. Наявшсть р1зних вид1в фармаколопчно! активносп у нових сполук може бути свщченням пол1тропносп дп похщних дослщжуваиого х1м1чного ряду [4,5,7,8]. Для ор1ентовного встановлення д1апазону ефективних доз, визначення профшю безпечносп нових сполук були проведет дослщження токсично! дп синтезованих сполук з визначенням залежност гостро! токсичност вщ х1м1чно! структури та ф1зико-х1м1чних властивостей [3,6]. За показниками виживання тварин, !хшх поведшкових, рухових реакцш, стану волосяного покриву та слизових оболонок i шюри, вегетативних реакцш, здатносп реагувати на зовшшш подразники та нервово-м'язову збудливость визначали загально токсичний вплив синтезованих сполук, а також величину середньо! смертельно! дози - ЛД5о.

Оцшка иешюдливост фармаколопчно! речовини, визначення характеру i вираженост !! ушкоджувально! дп на оргашзм експериментальних тварин е метою проведення докшшчних токсиколопчних дослщжень. Попередшми дослщженнями нами встановлена низька токсичшсть

© В.1. Корнiенко, К.А. Дученко, 2018 159

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