MODERNIZATION AND GLOBALIZATION AS HISTORICAL STAGES OF HUMAN INTEGRATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Farxodjonova N.F.

In this article highlights historical stages of modernization and globalization, forms of expression in various fields and it’s effect to the human integration.

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UDK 00.08.

Farxodjonova N.F.

Independent researcher National university of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan, Tashkent city



Annotation: In this article highlights historical stages of modernization and globalization, forms of expression in various fields and it's effect to the human integration.

Key words: historical stages, modernization, globalization, integration of humanity, culture, politics, economics, sociality.

Globalization of the world is an objective process conditioned by the growing internationalization of all aspects of life of countries and peoples. It manifests itself not only and not so much in the aggravation of global problems of our time as in the fact that such a level of integration of the world community has been reached, in which the successful development of each country, each people increasingly depends on the state and the changing of the world as a whole. And, on the contrary, success in solving the problems of all mankind depends on the activity and coherence of the actions of individual countries and peoples of the world. At the present time, all aspects of globalization have not yet fully manifested themselves, all the consequences of this complex process have not become obvious. Here you can talk only about certain trends.

1. The formation of a single information space based on the latest computer technologies is an important factor in the transformation of societies, changing the structure of everyday life. Thus, the unification of users on the Internet led to the formation of a qualitatively new social space where communication is possible, and the interaction of partners located thousands of kilometers apart in different social environments and systems.

In the space created by computer communication, new associations and communities arise based on the similarity of certain goals and interests. At the same time, the distance between different social strata and groups is reduced. Residents of rural areas, which still have no chance to change their social environment, today can find partners in interactions from the most diverse social circles. In this regard, some sociologists talk about the phenomenon of "global village", referring to the typically rural openness and ease of communication of participants in such communications. However, other sociologists believe that virtual contacts in the computer community are more reminiscent of relations of the urban type and, therefore, one should speak about the phenomenon of the emergence of "telepolis".

The massive use of information technology brings a lot of new to the everyday life of people. The issues of acquiring goods, finding work, obtaining

information are now increasingly associated with access to a computer-based communication network. Expansion of such a network generates new forms of communication between people, eliminates social barriers, changes the social structure of modern society. Some sociologists today raise the question: is it possible, thanks to new communication networks, the development of cable television for computer technologies, a change in the very nature of society, its transformation from a "mass society" into a "society of individuals".

Significant changes occur at the planetary level. The world community is increasingly becoming a global communication system. This creates fundamentally new prerequisites for the universalization and globalization of relations between countries, peoples, people. Thanks to the mass media, the development of global communication networks, no nation state remains isolated from others, but turns out to be included in the world system.

2. The most important trend of globalization is the strengthening of economic integration, the development of new forms of transnational business that controls the world financial and information flows.

Modern transnational corporations (TNCs) - they are still called global corporations - unlike previous TNCs of the manufacturing type, operate mainly in the information and financial markets. There is a planetary unification of these markets, a single world financial and information space is being formed. Accordingly, the role of TNCs and closely related supra-national economic structures and organizations (such as the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Finance Corporation, etc.) is growing correspondingly.

Currently, 80% of the newest technologies are being created by TNCs, whose incomes in some cases exceed the gross national income of individual, rather large countries. Suffice it to say that TNK occupies 51 positions on the list of the world's 100 largest economies. And the scope of a large part of them is connected with the development of hypertechnologies (or meta-technologies), which include network computers, the latest computer programs, organizational technologies, technologies for shaping public opinion and mass consciousness, etc. It is the developers and owners of such technologies that control the financial markets today and determine the shape of the world economy.

3. The processes of economic globalization are accompanied by political globalization, the essence of which is the formation of a transnational elite. A new quality of inter-elite cooperation is manifested today in the fact that a flexible system of modern elite alliances is replacing relatively stable alliances within national borders and military-political alliances. The holding of numerous summits and meetings at the governmental level, organizations and forums of regional associations and associations, all stimulates the formation of interdependent elite groups that are poorly accountable to national electorates. Some researchers, calling this phenomenon "the Davos culture", come to the conclusion that, under the conditions of globalization, gradual shift of the

decision-making center from the national to the supranational level. Today, all the most important strategic decisions are made by a small group of leading powers such as the G-7. The role in the political sphere and various integration structures -NATO, the OSCE, etc., has also increased. All this testifies to the centralization of the world system and the consolidation of political elites that are building a new model of the world. Global processes also cover the sphere of culture. Thanks to the development of the mass media and communication, a single world socio-cultural space is being formed. The dominant trend is the rapprochement of cultures, the universalization of the image and lifestyle, the spread of Western cultural patterns and patterns of behavior. A number of researchers note the emergence of a "new media culture" based on electronic media. Predictions are also being made regarding the formation of "planetary consciousness", a new humanistic culture in which a person should be seen as an end in itself of social development. This is associated with a sharp increase in the role in the modern society of intelligent technologies that presuppose the information enrichment of the individual, the acquisition of new knowledge in the process of constant education and the improvement of professional qualities. Many sociologists, philosophers, politicians note the contradictory nature of the processes of globalization. On the one hand, new opportunities open for economic and scientific and technological progress, the development of high technologies and new means of communication, enhancing the intellectual potential of the individual, deepening international cooperation, expanding world ties and relations; on the other, the gap between rich and poor countries widens, the threat to the sovereignty of individual states increases, national currencies and economies are eroded, economic problems are aggravated, conditions are created for manipulating mass consciousness with the help of the latest information technologies. In this connection, some experts and analysts raise the question of the need for democratization of international relations, the creation of a world system of checks and balances, the development of a network of nongovernmental organizations, environmental and pacifics stskih movements as the basis of a "global civil society", "cosmopolitan democracy". Such international associations of citizens could exert pressure on the institutions of transnational business, require corporations to observe the principles of social responsibility, save the environment, and solve other common human problems. Modernization. One of the tools of the movement of society along the path of social progress on the basis of a combination of reforms and revolution in modern Western sociology is the modernization. The term "modernization" does not refer to the whole period of social progress, at the same time to one of its stages - the modern one. In translation from English, "modernization" means modernizing. Since the modern period of "New time" in human history dates from the time of the birth and flowering of capitalism, the essence of modernization is associated with the spread throughout the globe of social relations and the values of capitalism. Modernization is a revolutionary transition from preindustrial to industrial or

capitalist society, carried out through comprehensive reforms, it implies a radical change in social institutions and people's way of life, covering all spheres of society. The modernization theory is designed to explain how late countries in their development can reach the modern stage and solve internal problems without violating the order of stages. Sociologists distinguish between two types of modernization: organic and inorganic. Organic modernization is the moment of the country's own development and is prepared by the whole course of the previous development. It occurs as a natural process of the progressive development of social life in the transition from feudalism to capitalism. Such modernization does not begin with the economy, but with culture, and with a change in public consciousness. The process of natural modernization has now been carried out by the developed capitalist countries: Britain, France, the United States, and others. Inorganic modernization occurs as a response to the external challenge of the more developed countries. It is a way of "catching up" development, undertaken by the ruling circles of a particular country, in order to overcome historical backwardness and avoid foreign dependence. Inorganic modernization is accomplished by borrowing foreign experience, acquiring advanced technology ("advanced") countries. An example of the modernization policy is the activity of the ruling elites of Russia, Germany, Japan, etc. at various stages of historical development. As a vivid manifestation of the modernization policy, Peter's reforms of the eighteenth century, the abolition of serfdom and subsequent processes in the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, the Stalinist industrialization of the 1930s, the Gorbachev perestroika of 1985-1991, the economic reforms 90 -h years of the XX century. Organic modernization is a natural way, "from below." Therefore, as a rule, it always gives a positive result. Inorganic modernization begins "from above." For this policy to lead to positive results, it must be supported by the general population. In Japan, after the Second World War, this policy was favorably received by the population. As a result, over 20 years, based on foreign investment and borrowing advanced technology, Japan managed to catch up and overtake the advanced capitalist countries. The main condition of the "Japanese miracle" is that its ruling elite and people managed to organically link the traditional culture of the people with the values of modern civilization, on the basis of this linkage in a short time the inorganic modernization was replaced by an organic one. In Uzbekistan, such a linkage for a lot of years cannot be realized. Therefore, modernization policies have never had strong social support.


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