Научная статья на тему 'Concept and tendencies to the development of the world political process'

Concept and tendencies to the development of the world political process Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Herasina Liudmyla Mykolaivna

In the article is substantiated that the world political process of the present day is a consolidated activity of all participants of the international relations in the context of globalization changes. In the «world-politics» paradigm, this process is represented as a function of a heterogeneous mega system, which has a political, economic and value heterogeneity of elements on the ground of unstable dialectical interaction. The processes of world politics are characterized not only by the combination of humanity’s efforts to overcome global problems, but also by the turbulence of development and contradictory trends (consolidation and disintegration) through the competition of global «centers of influence» and other subjects-players of global politics.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Concept and tendencies to the development of the world political process»


УДК 32.001(15)-04

DOI: 10.21564/2075-7190.37.133320

Herasina Liudmyla Mykolaivna, Doctor of Sociology Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Political Science of the Yaroslav the Wise National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine e-mail: kafsoc@ukr.net ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3299-5255


In the article is substantiated that the world political process of the present day is a consolidated activity of all participants of the international relations in the context of globalization changes. In the «world-politics» paradigm, this process is represented as a function of a heterogeneous mega system, which has a political, economic and value heterogeneity of elements on the ground of unstable dialectical interaction. The processes of world politics are characterized not only by the combination of humanity's efforts to overcome global problems, but also by the turbulence of development and contradictory trends (consolidation and disintegration) through the competition of global «centers of influence» and other subjects-players of global politics.

Keywords: world political process, world politics, international system, global politics, national interest, geostrategy, European integration.

Problem setting. The processes of world interaction have ancient roots in human civilization, going back to the era of Antiquity, when Alexander the Great conquered the world, and the Roman Empire affirmed its hegemony in the Mediterranean. The globalized modern world demonstrates that it is politics, as a universal phenomenon, plays a decisive role in the sphere of international relations, where


© Herasina L. M., 2018

the fundamental basis consists of the international political relations of interdependence and interaction of the subjects of the world system. The scientific understanding of the «world political process» is, in most cases, of a modern dimension, and requires, as an integrated global process, of a doctrinal analysis of the essence and tendencies that reflect the diverse activities of sovereign states and other legitimate bodies, movements and organizations of the world (or continental) scale.

Analysis of the main sources and theories. The conceptual foundations of the world political process include the «world-system» analysis» by I. Wallerstein [1-6] and the theory of J. Galtung [7; 8]; it was they who introduced a new concept of «world politics» and «world-economy» to the scientific circulation. Within this theory, the world political process and its evolution are represented by the function of a heterogeneous mega system, characterized by the political and economic heterogeneity of the constituent elements and their dialectic, multipolar interdependence. In today's analytics, understanding of the essence and trends of globalization is primarily due to the creation of new transnational systems and formats (in economics, finance, science, information, etc.), which ensures the domination of capital and information freedom over national interests, especially in pool of the so-called «non-western» countries [9-13].

In the scientific discourse it is traditionally was used the notion of «international system» to analyze diplomatic relations between states in a certain historical period in separate regions of the world: for example, the European (Westphalian) system of the XVII-XVIII centuries; the system of political balance of the European states of the XIX century. («The European concern of the nations»); the global bipolar interstate system of 1945-1991 [14, p. 158-159]. The specificity and the disadvantage of this «panoramic approach», unlike the procedural, was that it was not aimed to find the regularities of the functioning of international systems and interstate processes, usually limited to a description of the historical interaction between their main actors - great states [15, p. 82].

Hence, the purpose of this article is to substantiate the scientific hypothesis that the modern world political process is a consolidated political activity of all participants in international relations in the face of real globalization changes; and is dialectically characterized by contradictory trends as the global competition of global «centers of influence» and subjects-players of global politics, and the combination of humanity's efforts in the main spheres of being.

Presentation of the main materials. Conceptually, the category «world political process» and international relations are closely interconnected; they meaningfully designate one and the same sociopolitical reality, but characterize it in different paradigms. Thus, the world political process essentially reveals the functional aspects of international relations, primarily, the activities of global policy subjects in the international arena. In the course of the world political process in our time

takes part about two hundred sovereign states, to its events billions of people is involved. Today, is near completion the transition from bipolar to multipolar world, with relative preservation of the dominant position of the United States of America. The controllability of world politics has increased somewhat, although there is a complex, two-way process of globalization of political and economic ties [16, p. 535]. The problems of strengthening global security against the challenges of international terrorism, and attempts to eliminate the phenomenon of war on humanity have become dominant.

The specificity of the content of global politics is that it does not recognize formal barriers, easily overcomes state borders, limits sovereignty and is able to influence the organized communities of people anywhere in the world. The political peculiarity of globalization is the apparent weakening or reduction of the sovereignty of national states; therefore, no country in the world today has full independence [17-20]. These processes are directly related to the strengthening of the centers of world power; in particular, modern states more and more powers delegate to influential international organizations such as the United Nations, NATO, the WTO, the EU, and the IMF. Another factor is that due to the limitation of government interference in the economy and the deregulation of business, the political and economic impact of transnational corporations and large banks (TNCs and TNBs) is increasing. And as a result of the growth of the migration of people and the free movement of capital abroad, the volume of state power in relation to its citizens decreases.

At the same time, the world political sphere characterizes the democratization of the basic branches of life of peoples and states, the growth of the international role of representative powers, movements and influential public figures in world politics. Therefore, the praxeology of the world political process is revealed by the common activity of the actors of world politics and the subjects of international law (states and their governments, intergovernmental unions and non-governmental world organizations), which is aimed at developing mechanisms for harmonizing and balancing national interests, solving problems of survival and progress of mankind, avoidance of wars and counteraction to international terrorism, global and regional conflicts, the establishment of a just world order [21].

Global problems of the world political process in our time are mostly solved by two «clubs» of world politics and world economy - Group of Seven (G7) and Group of Twenty (G20), and also the Davos Forum, BRIC whose sphere of influence mainly includes political and economic issues. As it is generally known, these global political and macroeconomic structures are not formalized in accordance with international law, but their significance in global processes is constantly increasing. At their forums, representatives of states - world and regional leaders -discuss and coordinate positions in the field of implementation of political and

economic processes in the world. This flexible format, not too burdened with legal obligations, allows leading world actors to work out new mechanisms for the «balance of interests» of states and consolidate their efforts in confronting the global challenges of our time.

In the aspect of real politics, world processes are aimed at solving global problems of civilization: issues of war and peace; the overall security of mankind under the conditions of the arms race and climate challenges; environmental protection and the equitable distribution of survival resources; protection of human rights and freedoms; preservation of the world historical and cultural heritage; the fight against international terrorism and crime; overcoming backwardness, poverty and hunger on the «world's outskirts»; prevention of dangerous diseases, epidemics and pandemics, etc.

An important feature of the world political process lies in the fact that it does not have a single, legitimate «center of coercion» with the corresponding political and legal competence, that is, the source of world power with unquestionable authority among all subjects of international relations. Accordingly, as a separate branch of political-legal relations, world politics is regulated by a conglomeration of different norms - international legal, political-historical, ceremonial, business, moral-ethical, even conventional (traditional), etc.

The main peculiarity of the world political process of the present day is seen in the simultaneous action of two contradictory tendencies - consolidation (unification) and disintegration (delimitation) of global actors [22, p. 43-44].

The consolidation tendency manifests itself in the objective process of forming the mass of world productive forces, internationalization of economic activity in the scale of regions and the whole world, the rapid development of the scientific and technological revolution, and the integration of production and non-productive factors in relation to global influences, in the gradual evolution of humanity towards democratization of politics, in modernization spheres of informatization and management of macroeconomic and technological innovations, etc. The second tendency - disintegration - is characterized by centrifugal processes, which are conditioned by the simultaneous existence on the planet of peoples and countries that are at different stages of civilization or formative development. They strive to delimitation because of enormous differences in culture and religion, in terms of welfare, employment, education, with medical care providing, life expectancy, because of political and legal development problems, and national-ethnic divisions. These factors are naturally and historically disintegrating; they inevitably generate alienation among people, distrust between states and, as a result, disputes, conflicts, and wars.

The last years of the XXI century designated by the fact that the vectors of the world political process are constantly migrating and changing. Thus, on the one

hand, in political and world economic relations, the features of disintegration, even the economic and political isolation of some international subjects (in relation to aggressors, autarky) noticeably increasing gap in the economic development of the states-world leaders and countries-outsiders in the economic development of world leaders and countries-outsiders. But on the other one, the course of the world politics is under the influence of ever more powerful integration tendencies of globalization of the economy, information, the humanitarian sphere, even world churches, spreading of democracy practices, the protection of human rights and freedoms, in particular, more and more dynamically is developing the world market of resources, energy, products, services and labor, and revolutionary breakthroughs in scientific and technological progress [23].

The content of the world political process the most deeply reveals the concept of national interest, which defines the external foreign policy of sovereign countries In politics, group or of common significance interests are always present, and in global, international politics - first of all, national interests. The questions arise: what do induce the state to take certain steps in the international arena? For the sake of what do they enter into relations with other countries? If public needs are to ensure public safety and decent conditions for the country development; then national interest is awareness and reflection in the activity of political elites (leaders) of the indigenous needs of a sovereign state, of its national security and self-preservation of a political nation.

In this aspect, the problem of «balance of forces and interests» in global politics is exacerbated as a factor of stability or instability. Its actuality is growing because there are no permanent hierarchies of subjects in the world's processes (that is, central power), but there is a large number of sovereignties that are equal and, therefore, do not recognize another supreme authority). It is this gives rise to the international instability and turbulence. Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger noted, that in an international system characterized by the presence of five to six great powers and a whole number of smaller countries, the order should mainly appear (as in past centuries) on the basis of reconciliation and balancing rival national interests [24].

The choosing of a strategic line of the state development ultimately depends on the political will of the elite and the people. This choice is a long-term «geopolitical project» of the country, the direction of action and the art of active self-realization (or intervention) of the people on base of their own civilizational identity. National geostrategy involves the neutralization of the destructive consequences for society and state of external and internal challenges from the multidimensional world space. Among the classical geostrategies that are known in world politics are -Continentalism, Atlanticism, Pan-Slavism, Eurasianism, Panamericanism, Islamism, East Asian, Panarabizm and others.

Modern Ukraine, strengthening foundations of its national interests and priorities of national security, has chosen geostrategy of European integration, and strives to join the geopolitical project of «United Europe». In the present day international situation this choice is due to the degree of post-industrial development of the country and the maturity of civil society [25]. It is also connected with the counteraction of military aggression in Ukraine, the prevention of catastrophes on the so-called energy saturated borders, with the development of communication and socio-economic breakthrough technologies.

The main ideas of European integration geostrategy are as follows: pluralistic democracy, legal and social state, liberalization of the economy, free civil society, European cultural values, free mass media, political-legal consensus in foreign policy, etc. Its strategic objectives are an open policy of democratic reforms, the fight against corruption and the oligarchy, information freedom, economic, political, legal, technical and humanitarian cooperation with the European Union - necessary for the modern Ukrainian society and bring the country closer to the progressive world [26; 27].

So, the world political process of the present characterizes:

- a complex set of civilizational, transnational and peripheral, regional, national and local, ethnopolitical processes;

- value and active diversity of political development; growth of experience, directions and forms of international cooperation;

- placing on the first plan of the world politics the global challenges (challenges) of the existence of human civilization;

- growth in the system of universal values of the role of human rights, freedoms and human life interests;

- the diversity of political forces, social forms, means and methods of implementing world politics; the presence of a conventionally coordinated center whose functions belong to United Nations;

- productive interaction of the «Great Seven» states and the European Union; the activity of the important international institutions - the IMF, the WTO, NATO, UNESCO, etc.;

- the contradictory tendencies of the movement to a multipolar (or unipolar) world; the conflicts of relations between the world's «centers of influence» (the USA, Western Europe, Russia, China, Japan, the «new industrialized countries» of the East);

- contradictions between countries and peoples on the basis of the «conflict of civilizations» (Western, Eastern, Islamic, Christian, Slavic, etc.);

- contradictory of the ways of realizing world processes: continuity and innovations, certainty or unpredictability, orderliness or spontaneity; the interweaving of revolutionary and evolutionary tendencies.

Conclusions. Thus, the essential content of the global political process, developing at the global and regional levels, defines the practices of state-political institutions, international organizations, large social communities and influential politicians with international authority. The leading criterion for progress in world politics was the movement of peoples and states by the way of democratization (the «fourth wave» of modernization). As the evolution of a civilized society leads to the formation of a democratic civil society with real economic, political, social rights and freedoms, to the development of a legal, social state with political pluralism, the division of competences of state power, powerful local self-government, with a developed national culture, a high level of well-being and social protection of the population.


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Герасима Людмила Николаевна, доктор социологических наук, профессор,

профессор кафедры социологии и политологии Национального юридического университета имени Ярослава Мудрого, г. Харьков, Украина


В статье обосновывается, что мировой политический процесс современности является консолидированной деятельностью всех участников международных отношений в условиях глобализационных сдвигов. В парадигме «мир-политики» этот процесс представлен как функция гетерогенной мегасистемы, которой свойственны политическая, экономическая и ценностная неоднородность элементов на почве неустойчивого диалектического взаимодействия. Процессы мировой политики характеризуются не только единением усилий человечества в преодолении глобальных проблем, но и турбулентностью развития, и противоречивыми трендами (консолидации и дезинтеграции) из-за конкуренции мировых «центров влияния» и других субъектов-игроков глобальной политики.

Ключевые слова: мировой политический процесс, мир-политика, международная система, глобальная политика, национальный интерес, геостратегия, евроинте-грация.

Гераста Людмила Миколагвна, доктор сощолопчних наук, професор, професор кафедри сощологп та пол^ологл Нацюнального юридичного ушверситету iменi Ярослава Мудрого, м. Харюв, Укра'ша


У статт1 обгрунтовуеться наукова гтотеза, що сучасний св1товий пол1тичний процес е консол1дованою пол1тичною д1яльмстю вах учасниюв м1жнародних в!д-носин вумовахреальних глобал1зац1йних зрушень. У досл1дницьюй парадигм7 «св1т-пол1тики» цей процес представлений як функщя гетерогенног мегасистеми, якгй властивг полгтична, економ1чна 7 цгнтсна неоднор!дтсть елемент1в на хрунт1 не-сттког д1алектичног взаемодИ.

Процеси св1товог пол1тики в умовах глобал1зацИ характеризуются новими трендами - глобальною конкуренщею св1тових «центр1в впливу» та ¡нших суб'ек-т1в-гравц1в глобальног пол1тики; 7 водночас поеднанням зусиль людствау подолан-м глобальних проблем буття. Праксеолог1ю св1тового пол1тичного процесу роз-кривае сукупна д1яльмсть актор1в св1товог пол1тики 7 суб'ект1в м1жнародного права - держав та гх уряд1в, м1журядових союз1в 7 неурядових св1тових оргамзащй.

Розумгння сутг й трендгв глобалгзацИ пов'язане з\ створенням нових транснац1о-нальних систем 7 формат1в (в економ1ц1, ф1нансах, пол1тиц1, науц1, ¡нформацИ та т.), що забезпечуе дом1нування катталу й тформацтног свободи над нащональ-ними ¡нтересами, особливо в пул1 так званих «незах1дних» крагн. Пол1тична осо-блив1сть глобал1зацИ- це очевидне послаблення чи скорочення суверентету нац1о-нальних держав. Але бгльш домгнантними стали проблеми змгцнення глобальног безпеки перед викликами м1жнародного тероризму, та спроби усунення феномену в1йни з життя людства. Глобальм проблеми св1тового розвитку переважно вир1-шуються так званими «клубами» св1т-пол1тики 7 св1т-економ1ки - G7 7 G20, СС, а також Давоським Форумом, ШОС, БР1КС та т. Цей формат не дуже обтяже-ний юридично 7 дозволяе свтовим акторам виробляти мехамзми «балансу ттере-ав» та консол1дацИ' держав щодо протистояння глобальним викликам сучасност1.

Св1товому пол1тичному процесу д1алектично властива певна турбулентмсть розвитку 7 д1я суперечливих тенденщй: консол1дацИ' й дез1нтеграцИ\ Перша - про-являе себе у формуванн масиву св1тових продуктивних сил, ¡нтернац1онал1зацп економ1чног д1яльност1, у стр1мкомурозвитку НТР, в осучасненн сфер тформати-зацИ та управлтня в1дносно глобальних вплив1в, у поступов1й демократизацИ по-л1тики. Тенденщя дез1нтеграцИ позначае в1дцентров1 процеси, обумовлен одночас-ним 7снуванням на планет1 народ1в 7 крагн, що перебувають нар1зних стад1ях цив1-л1зац1йного розвитку. Але з поч. ХХ1 ст. вектори св1тового пол1тичного процесу пост1йно м1грують 7 зм1нюються.

Обрання стратег1чног лтп розвитку держави цыком залежить в1д пол1тичног вол1 ел1ти та народу; цей виб1р - довгостроковий «геопол1тичний проект» крагни. Нащональна геостратег1я передбачае нейтрал1зац1ю руймвних для держави на-сл1дюв в1д зовшшшх 7 внутр1шмх виклиюв з боку багатом1рного св1тового простору. Сучасна Украгна, зм1цнюючи свог нац1ональн1 ¡нтереси 7 нащональну безпеку, обрала геостратегт евро1нтеграцИ, що передбачае - плюрал1стичну демократ1ю, правову державу, л1берал1зацт економ1ки, сильне громадянське сустльство, евро-пейсью ц1нност1, выьн мас-мед1а, консенсус у зовмшмй пол1тиц тощо. 1г страте-г1чн1 цл - в1дкрита пол1тика демократичних реформ, боротьба з корупщею та ол1гарх1ею, ¡нформацтна свобода, розвиток економ1чног, пол1тико-правовог, техм-ко-комушкацтног та гумамтарног ствпрац з Свросоюзом.

Таким чином, пров1дним критер1ем прогресу в св1тов1й пол1тиц стае рух на-род1в 7 держав шляхом демократизацИ («четверта хвиля» модертзаци); а майбут-мй зм1ст св1тового пол1тичного процесу, що розгортаеться на глобальному р1вм, залежить в1д практик державно-пол1тичних ¡нститут1в, м1жнародних оргашзащй, великих соцгальних спгльнот 7 впливових полгтикгв, якг мають м1жнародний авторитет.

Ключовi слова: св1товий пол1тичний процес, св1т-пол1тика, м1жнародна система, глобальна пол1тика, нац1ональний ¡нтерес, геостратег1я, евро1нтеграц1я.

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