Научная статья на тему 'World civilization in the world global crisis'

World civilization in the world global crisis Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
world civilization / global crisis / leading core of the world system / geopolitics / dominant civilization / western civilization / USA / civilizational challenges and threats

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Vitaliy Yu. Belsky, Nikolay N. Gusev

The article reveals a complex of contradictions associated with the process of globalization, permanent systemic crisis of the modern world economy, crisis phenomena in the sphere of global and regional politics, geopolitics in general. The role of Western civilization in the global processes of civilization is shown. The features of the system crisis of the world civilization influencing the further development of events and realization of different probabilistic tendencies in its resolution are dedicated.

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Текст научной работы на тему «World civilization in the world global crisis»


DOI 10.24411/2414-3995-2019-10125

© V.Yu. Belsky, N.N. Gusev, 2019


Vitaliy Yu. Belsky,

Head of the Department of political and sociology science, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,

Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikot' (117437, Moscow, ul. Akademika Volgina, d. 12)

E-mail: v.belskiy@bk.ru;

Nikolay N. Gusev,

Associate Professor in the Department of sociology and political science, Candidate of Philosophical sciences, Associate Professor Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikot' (117437, Moscow, ul. Akademika Volgina, d. 12)

E-mail: nikolay.n.gusev@mail.ru

Abstract. The article reveals a complex of contradictions associated with the process of globalization, permanent systemic crisis of the modern world economy, crisis phenomena in the sphere of global and regional politics, geopolitics in general. The role of Western civilization in the global processes of civilization is shown. The features of the system crisis of the world civilization influencing the further development of events and realization of different probabilistic tendencies in its resolution are dedicated.

Keywords: world civilization, global crisis, leading core of the world system, geopolitics, dominant civilization, western civilization, USA, civilizational challenges and threats.

Citation-индекс в электронной библиотеке НИИОН

Для цитирования: Belsky V.Yu., Gusev N.N. World civilization in the world global crisis. Вестник экономической безопасности. 2019;(2):374-6.

The established new picture of the social world at the turn of the century in its global dimension, the overcoming of the split on the basis of formational features into two world systems led to the reconstruction of the system unity of the world community on the basis of capitalism.

But the reality as always turned out to be more severe-the world system visibly showed its systemic contradictions. They suddenly revealed its own imperfection and lack of clear prospects for existence and development. In practice, this is compounded by the inability or unwillingness of the world elite to move to new forms of social self-organization .

At the same time, the specifics of the historical moment is a kind of combination of objective processes of globalization and the systemic crisis of modern capitalism with the crisis of the so-called world civilization. The problem is actualized by the fact that the world civilization itself combines several competitive civilizations. Their forced relative unity is ensured by co-existence on one planet and the existence of a dominant western civilization that unites the most economically developed countries, which have a high

degree of coordination in politics and have adopted a single system of spiritual values. By the circumstances of their dominant position, they, along with transnational companies, are a kind of control center of the world system of mankind and are able to use the process of globalization in order to ensure their own dominance in the system.

The deployment of the modern crisis of world civilization was largely influenced by the fact that the leading core of the world system in the form of countries rallied around the United States, like the entire modern world system, is a project of the United States itself. Accordingly, the internal problems of the United States are increasingly affecting global development and are very organically complemented by a compensatory transfer to regions of strategic importance, and through them — to the whole world.

In the current circumstances, the weakening of the most important bonds of western civilization follows: the economy is becoming increasingly dependent on the subjective attitudes of the United States, often not taking into account the interests of western european partners, the UK ends its exit from the EU, the need for such

actions in a number of other countries declares, the US foreign policy activity increasingly requires satellites within the framework of the real limited sovereignty of strict support and participation; in the field of spiritual life follows an aggressive revision of the core values for western civilization and their substitution by anti-civilization innovations.

It should be noted that for many decades scientists have raised the question of the fate of Western civilization, its internal resources for self-preservation and development. The observed reduction of such resources in accordance with the system laws leads to the need to use external resources at the expense of other subjects of the world community. The modern activity of the West in the international arena is fully correlated with the idea of the stimulating role of external challenges in the formation and development of local (regional) and trans-regional civilizations.

The dominant civilization in the conditions of its sluggish crisis and lack of real objective external threats creates external challenges for itself. Thus, it receives a new consolidating motive, that uses civilizational phenomena, entities and archetypes.

In order to respond the expected challenges, a system of global military and political domination has actually been created, which, in order to effectively perform its functions, must deal with a constant threat from the outside. It does not matter whether the threats are real or fictitious. According to the current situation immediate threats are: Russia as a geopolitical opponent of the United States; rich in natural resources or occupying an important geopolitical position countries — China, Iraq, Libya, Serbia, etc.; political regimes in Latin America and the Islamic world.

A new geopolitical coup that began after the disappearance of the Soviet Union as one of the main "players" in the international arena has become a form of civilizational challenge, civilizational and geopolitical challenge. A huge region of the world has become a zone of instability. It became obvious that in modern conditions there is a clash of trans-regional civilizations in the space from Morocco and Yemen to Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan—that is, along the conditional border of the Western world with Islamic, Orthodox and Confucian trans-regional sub-civilizations. And the clash more and more takes turn of a prolonged and ongoing military

and other conflicts, merging into a single global, and although still the hybrid — the several subcivilization coalitions war.

The technology of American-style globalization is embedded in the modern western civilization, seeking to turn into a mega-civilization, increasingly expansionist and replacing the natural civilizational diversity of the world, increasingly opposed to the rest of humanity.

Against the background of the problems of western civilization, competitive civilizations and States are weakening. It turned out that the objective reasons of the modern world civilizational crisis manifested itself most clearly under the influence of the subjective factor that initiated many processes that revealed previously «dormant» latent contradictions. It is impossible not to agree with domestic experts in the field of globalism, who have identified the presence of «mutual inductions of crises that pass one into another, as if «opening» and «feeding» each other. This trend is becoming one of the main indicators of the globalization process and generates a new dynamic of meanings in relation to the crisis».

A connection of the systemic crisis with the civilizational conflict took place. At present, the conflicts between western and arab-muslim, as well as western and russian-russian civilizations are most pronounced.

The twenty-first century has also been marked by a number of global provocations that have exacerbated the crisis of the world system. These include the unprovoked aggression of the West against Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, violation of the sovereignty of Syria.

«Fostered» by the secret services of western countries, terrorist organizations, are active not only in the countries of the «registry», but around the world, including countries contributing to him. In the last decade and a half, terrorism has become a global threat to humanity. It should be noted that the west has successfully linked terrorism with the islamic factor in terms of political intrigue and provocation, thus providing a new line of confrontation between civilizations.

The «color revolutions» provoked by the West, declared to become means of «democratization», destabilized and destroyed that stable political regimes

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Вестник экономической безопасности


before? not only in a number of arab countries, but also in some states of eastern and southern europe.

Thus, the expectations of positive changes due to the need to overcome the crisis of the world system are not justified. We can talk about some features of the systemic crisis of world civilization, which will affect the options for further development of events and the action of the emerging trends in its resolution.

First of all, should be noted the entry of world civilization in the long period of aggravation of the complex contradictions associated with the process of globalization, the permanent systemic crisis of the economy of modern capitalism, crisis phenomena in the sphere of world and regional politics, geopolitics in general.

The first decade of the XXI century showed clearly that Western civilization with its dominant role in the world imposes monocivilization and «unipolarity» on mankind. This poses a challenge for her, as the most influential actor, to ensure sufficient diversity within the global system. Ignoring this system-wide principle and implementing the concept of the «Golden billion» will only exacerbate the whole range of conflicts in modern society and will eventually lead to the creation of a totalitarian world system that fully implements all the negative characteristics of totalitarianism on a global scale. The reality poses the question extremely hard: either polycivilization and multiplicity of development or totalitarianism on a global scale.

Clearly it can be claimed, that despite of complex combinations of differently directed tendencies the present stage of world civilization development has not proved itself. Anyway it will be associated with the US position of the world leadership with the implementation of civilization units and concepts of the west.

The United States and its allies apply the principles of crisis development in world politics, which is based

not only on objectively determined, but also subjectively provoked conflicts and their resolution on a model that ensures its own priorities.

This leads to the radicalization of the policy objectives of many subjects of world and regional contradictions, the expansion of the use of destructive and illegal forms, methods and means of achieving the goals, increasing the scale of their negative manifestations and consequences. In particular, the west once again faces the temptation to reproduce the familiar and well — developed in the recent past model-to load the power of military industry, to «play» with energy resources prices, to recreate the atmosphere of military threat fear, to demonize Russia again, presenting it as a common enemy of the western world, and to lead to its isolation and confrontation with the whole world.

Recent years have confirmed the absence of prerequisites for the US to abandon the unilateral escalation of illegal sanctions, without UN sanctions, military actions in key areas of global and trans-regional domination, namely, the transatlantic, trans-Pacific and middle East directions, as well as the creation of formally arbitrary sub — and inter-civilizational «coalitions», which should «legitimize» Washington's hegemonic actions in various regions of the world.

The role of the PRC, strategically objectively claiming to be a world leader and constantly tactically moving away from politically active progress in this direction, remains an unpredictable factor.

Thus, it seems that the above-mentioned characteristics of the current crisis of world civilization do not permit to figure out the stabilization of the international political situation as the leading trend. The new political forces concentration will create preconditions for escalation of the whole complex of inter-civilizational, geopolitical and systemic contradictions of the modern world and will lead to a new, perhaps more acute crisis, than the current one.

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