MODERN TECHNOLOGIES OF LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Almatova M.L.

The article deals with modern technologies for teaching foreign languages.

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УДК 374

Almatova M.L.

Andijan Machine-building institute Uzbekistan, Andijan


Abstract: The article deals with modern technologies for teaching foreign languages.

Key words: method, methodology, innovative method, foreign language

The term teaching technologies (or pedagogical technologies) is used to denote a set of methods of a teacher's work (methods of his scientific organization of labor), with the help of which the achievement of the learning goals set in the lesson is ensured with the greatest efficiency in the shortest possible period of time to achieve them.

The term received wide circulation in the literature of the 60s. XX century in connection with the development of programmed learning and was originally used to refer to learning with the use of technical means.

In the 70s. the term has received wider use: both to denote learning using TCO and as rationally-organized learning in general. Thus, the concept of "teaching technology" began to include all the main problems of didactics associated with improving the educational process and increasing the efficiency and quality of its organization.

Nowadays, there has been a differentiation of two components of the content of the term: Technology of Teaching and Technology in Teaching. With the help of the first term, they designate the methods of scientific organization of teacher's labor, with the help of which the set learning goals are best achieved, and with the help of the second, the use of technical teaching aids in the educational process.

The most important characteristics of learning technologies are the following: a) efficiency (a high level of achievement of the set educational goal by each student), b) efficiency (per unit of time, a large amount of educational material is absorbed with the least expenditure of effort on mastering the material), c) ergonomics (learning takes place in an environment cooperation, a positive emotional microclimate, in the absence of overload and overwork), d) high motivation in the study of the subject, which contributes to an increase in interest in classes and allows you to improve the best personal qualities of the student, to reveal his reserve capabilities.

Most researchers consider teaching technologies as one of the ways to implement in the classroom a personal-activity approach to learning, thanks to which students act as active creative subjects of educational activity.

In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, it is customary to refer to modern teaching technologies as: collaborative learning, project method (project technologies), student-centered learning, distance learning, the use of a language

portfolio, tandem method, case study technology, computer and audiovisual technologies.

This teaching technology is based on the idea of student interaction in a group of classes, the idea of mutual learning, in which students take on not only individual but also collective responsibility for solving educational problems, help each other and bear collective responsibility for the success of each student. Unlike frontal and individual learning, in which the student acts as an individual subject of educational activity, is responsible only "for himself', for his successes and failures, and the relationship with the teacher is of a subject-subject nature, when learning in cooperation, conditions for interaction are created and cooperation in the "student-teacher-group" system, and the collective subject of educational activity is actualized.

The concept of teaching has received practical implementation in a number of options for the technology of such teaching, proposed by American teachers E. Arnoson (1978), R. Slavin (1986), D. Johnson (1987), and is focused on creating conditions for active joint activity of students in different educational situations. offered by the language teacher. If you unite students in small groups (3-4 people) and give them one common task, stipulate the role of each student in completing the task, then a situation arises in which each student is responsible not only for the result of his work, but, which is especially important for this learning technology, for the result of the whole group. By joint efforts, the task is being solved, and strong students help the weaker ones in the success of its implementation. This is the general idea of cooperative learning, and for the task, the study group is formed in such a way that there are both strong and weak students in it. The grade for the completed task is one per group.

Various collaborative learning options have been developed. Here it is important to emphasize that when organizing educational activities using the technology of cooperation, the student's individual independent work becomes the initial part of the collective activity.

Teaching techniques in cooperation are implemented in the course of the performance of game tasks by the students in the communication situations offered to them. For mastering a language, an important condition is communication in the target language. According to our observations, learning in cooperation is learning in the process of communication of students with each other, and purposeful work in cooperation can increase interest in classes and significantly increase the time of speech practice of each student in the lesson.

A review of modern intensive methods and technologies of teaching foreign languages allows us to conclude that currently there are two main ways to intensify the learning process: one - through the maximum use of technical means (primarily audio and video recordings and programs for computers), the other - by activating the reserves of the personality of each student (method of activation, suggestionstopedia, hypnopedia, etc.). It can be argued that the development of intensive methods providing for the organic inclusion of technical means into the

training system will be the most promising direction for improving the methodology for the coming years in the direction of intensifying the educational process.

Among the problems of intensive learning that need to be addressed are the following. The first group of problems is associated with the development of the content of intensive education based on modern research in the field of linguistics, pedagogy, psychology. Putting forward as the starting point of intensive training an orientation towards learning communication through communication, we note the insufficient development of such issues as the delimitation of the spheres of communication themselves, basic vocabulary and speech patterns for each area, as well as the methods of their introduction and consolidation.

The second group of problems concerns the wider introduction of modern technical teaching aids and audiovisual aids in the intensive training system. The third group of problems is related to the scope of intensive methods. Most intensive courses are designed for the initial stage of study and mainly in the field of everyday communication. There is a need for teaching aids for a different contingent of trainees, built on specially selected and organized training material for specific purposes.

The widespread introduction into the practice of teaching a language, along with intensive methods of various teaching technologies, needs a clearer distinction between the concepts of "teaching methods" and "teaching technologies" and a description of the technologies themselves.

There is no doubt that the most promising for the coming years will be teaching technologies that involve the use of computers and various forms of distance learning in the educational process.


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