INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL METHODS IN TEACHING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khusainova D.I.

In this article highlights of innovative educational methods in teaching a foreign language.

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UDK 81-13

Khusainova D.I.


Fergana technical school of law



Annotation: In this article highlights of innovative educational methods in teaching a foreign language.

Key words: lesson, foreign language, innovative educational method.

In recent years, the question of the use of new information technologies in the study of foreign languages has been increasingly raised. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The main purpose of teaching foreign languages is the formation and development of the communicative culture of students, teaching practical mastery of a foreign language. Modern pedagogical technologies, such as collaborative learning, project methodology, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources, help to implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning taking into account the abilities of students, their level of learning, inclinations.

Modern textbooks on pedagogical psychology refer to the humanistic direction in teaching three didactic systems: the so-called open schools (open education or open classroom), individual learning style (the learning-styles approach) and cooperative learning. In the UK, Australia, and the USA, there is an experience of teaching students according to individual plans, in accordance with an individual learning style. Taking into account the specifics of the subject "foreign language", these technologies can provide the necessary conditions for the activation of cognitive and speech activity of each student of the group, giving each of them the opportunity to realize, comprehend new language material, get sufficient oral practice to form the necessary skills and abilities.

The main idea of this technology is to create conditions for active joint educational activities of students in different educational situations. Students are different: some quickly "grasp" all the explanations of the teacher, easily master the lexical material, communicative skills; others require not only much more time to comprehend the material, but also additional examples, explanations. Such guys, as a rule, hesitate to ask questions in front of the whole class, and sometimes they simply do not realize that they do not understand exactly, they cannot formulate the question correctly. If in such cases to unite children in small groups (3-4 people) and give them one common task, specifying the role of each student of the group in the performance of this task, then there is a

situation in which everyone is responsible not only for the result of their work (which often leaves the student indifferent), but, most importantly, for the result of the whole group.

Practice shows that learning together is not only easier and more interesting, but also much more effective. At the same time, it is important that this effectiveness concerns not only academic success, but also their intellectual and moral development. Learning together, and not just doing something together - that's what makes up the essence of this approach. The idea of learning in cooperation has been developed by the efforts of many teachers in many countries of the world, because the idea itself is extremely humane in its essence, and therefore pedagogical, although it has noticeable differences in the variants of different countries. There are many different options for learning in collaboration. Let's list them.

1) Groups of students are formed by the teacher before the lesson, of course, taking into account the psychological compatibility of children. At the same time, each group should have a strong, medium and weak student, girls and boys. If the group works smoothly, the composition cannot be changed. If the work does not stick for some reason, the composition of the group can be changed from lesson to lesson.

2) The group is given one task, but when it is performed, the roles are distributed among the group members.

3) The work of not one student is evaluated, but of the whole group; it is important that students' efforts are evaluated not so much knowledge. At the same time, in some cases, it is possible to let the guys evaluate the results themselves.

4) The teacher chooses the student of the group who must report for the task. In some cases, it may be a weak student. If a weak student is able to explain in detail the results of the group's joint work, answer the questions of other groups, it means that the goal has been achieved and the group has coped with the task. So, here are some options for learning in collaboration.

1. Student team learning (STL, team learning). In this variant of the implementation of learning in cooperation, special attention is paid to "group goals" (team goals) and the success of the whole group (team success), which can be achieved only as a result of the independent work of each member of the group (team) in constant interaction with other students of the same group when working on a topic / problem / question to be studied. Variants of this approach can be considered: a) individual-group (student - teams - achievement divisions - STAD) and b) team-game (teams - games - tournament - TGT) work.

2) Another variant of the organization of training in collaboration was developed by Professor E. Aronson in 1978 and called it Jigsaw. In pedagogical practice, this approach is abbreviated as "saw". Students are organized into groups of 4-6 people to work on educational material, which is divided into fragments (logical or semantic blocks). Such work in the classroom is organized

at the stage of creative application of language material. Each member of the group finds material on their own sub-topic. Then students studying the same question, but working in different groups, meet and exchange information as experts on this issue. This is called an "expert meeting". Then the guys return to their groups and teach all the new things they have learned to their comrades in their group. Those, in turn, talk about their part of the task.

3) Another option for learning in collaboration - learning together - was developed at the University of Minnesota in 1987. The class is divided into groups of 3-4 people. Each group gets one task, which is part of some big topic that the whole class is working on. Each group is given a task to prepare its part. As a result of the joint work of individual groups and all groups as a whole, the full assimilation of the material is achieved. It should be borne in mind that all the necessary vocabulary on the topic has been learned in the course of previous work in other lessons. The basic ideas inherent in all the cooperative learning options described here enable the teacher to be focused on each student. This is a personality-oriented approach in terms of a class-based system, one of the possible ways to implement it. When using collaborative learning, the most difficult thing is to get students to communicate in small groups. But practice shows that with enough persistent attention from the teacher, this requirement is fulfilled at first with difficulty, and then gradually with obvious pleasure. It should be noted that it is not enough to form groups and give them the appropriate task. The point is that the student himself wants to acquire knowledge. The problem of motivation of independent educational activity is no less important than the way of organization, conditions and methodology of work on the task. The methods and, accordingly, the technologies of a personality-oriented approach in teaching foreign languages include the project method. The project method, also known as the problem method, originated in 1920 in the USA. The project method is a set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow solving a particular problem as a result of independent actions of students with mandatory presentation of these results. Project technology includes a set of research, search, problem methods, creative in their very essence.

The main task of the intensive method of teaching a foreign language is to master, in conditions of a strict time limit, a foreign language as a means of communication and a means of cognition, to develop skills and abilities to understand oral speech in a foreign language at a normal (natural) or close to normal pace with virtually unlimited household, socio-political and general scientific topics. The selection of vocabulary material for the intensive training course takes place according to the frequency-thematic principle. This means that with the thematic organization of each specific text of the lesson, thematically reliable words undergo an additional filter-check in terms of their frequency, high semantic cost, compatibility, availability and possibility of introducing their synonyms, antonyms or homonyms. As for the grammatical

phenomena of the language, they are all reflected in the course. When introducing them, the same principle is observed: linguistic authenticity (pledge, species-time forms, article), semantic opposition and the ability to illustrate it on the lesson material. Of particular importance in an intensive course of study is the issue of the distribution of educational material over time. All these factors are equally important, interrelated and subordinate to the tasks of training. Summarizing the above, we can formulate the goals of the intensive method: to teach students listening and speaking skills using a large (huge compared to traditional methods) lexical material in a short (shortest compared to traditional methods) period of time. Thus, a graduate of an educational institution should have the necessary knowledge, skills, skills, carry out various types of activities, be able to use new information technologies, be ready to cooperate, striving to avoid and overcome conflicts.


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