METHODS OF GERMAN LANGUAGE TEACHING AT PRIMARY SCHOOL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Danilchenko D.S., Alikova S.V.

In the modern world there is a wide variety of methods of teaching foreign languages. The relevance of this study is that every year more and more schools introduce the study of a foreign language into the primary school curriculum. German is in great demand on the world stage, and that is why it is being studied in schools as an additional language, and often as the main one. The authors consider both traditional and modern methods of teaching German.

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S.V. Alikova2, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor 1Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies 2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Russia, Krasnodar)

DOI:10.24412/2500-1000-2022- 7-1-121-123

Abstract. In the modern world there is a wide variety of methods of teaching foreign languages. The relevance of this study is that every year more and more schools introduce the study of a foreign language into the primary school curriculum. German is in great demand on the world stage, and that is why it is being studied in schools as an additional language, and often as the main one. The authors consider both traditional and modern methods of teaching German.

Keywords: methods of teaching, grammar-translation method, audio-lingual method, training in cooperation, case method, project work.

German has been studied in Russia for more than a century, or rather more than 500 years. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, qualified German artisans, construction workers, architects, doctors, officers, etc. were invited to Russia, cultural monuments have survived to our times. In 1652, the famous German Settlement was created in Moscow by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. German partners played a big role in the reform of Russia under Peter the Great. The largest migration of Germans to Russia took place under Catherine II. Due to such large-scale migration of the German population to Russia, many words have taken root in our language. Now half of Europe speaks German, and in the ambitions of modern youth there is a place to study abroad [1].

Therefore, German has been, is and will continue to be a popular language for learning among the population of Russia. At the time of 2015-2016, 52,733 schoolchildren from Moscow, 48,461 schoolchildren from the Altai Territory, 39,165 schoolchildren from the Rostov Region studied German. Krasnodar Region was on the 16th place of this statistic with 21,500 schoolchildren. In this paper we will look at modern methods of learning German at school. Let's start with traditional methods of learning German.

Grammar-translation method. This method is based on mastering a certain number of words and knowledge of grammar. In the

process of learning the student learns different grammatical rules and replenishes his vocabulary. The training takes place on text-based learning materials, which are called artificial materials. This method has its positive and negative sides. Among the positive qualities: effective mastering of the grammatical basis with intensive vocabulary expansion. Disadvantage of the method: lack of language practice.

Audio-lingual method. This technique appeared in wartime in order to quickly learn German, the second name of the method is "army". It is based on the repetition of standard phrases, lexical and grammatical bases for mechanical memorization. In schools, the audio-lingual teaching method is practically not used due to its low efficiency [2].

Communicative methodology. This teaching method leans on learning a language in real situations, which allow you to quickly and naturally master communication skills and easily apply a foreign language in everyday life. This method does not provide for attempts to memorize grammar. Classes are organized in small groups. During the learning process, there is a regular practice of language communication between students and the teacher.

Currently, the education system in Russia is undergoing a natural path of modernization. It involves the introduction of modern technologies, such as:

- training in cooperation;

- project method;

- case method;

- gaming technology;

- language portfolio;

- information and communication technologies.

The main difference between innovative methods and traditional methods is that the student becomes the subject of the educational process equal to the teacher. A characteristic feature of innovative learning technologies is the so-called interactivity. This is the principle of interaction between the participants of the educational process with the involvement of technical means. The choice of methods for teaching German at school is carried out depending on the goals and objectives of a particular lesson, the level of training of students, as well as the creative nature of the teacher. Let's look at some of them.

Learning in collaboration. Teaching a foreign language involves the implementation of a personality-oriented approach, the organization of schoolchildren into groups to work together on solving the task, each of the participants of which is interconnected with their classmates. This pedagogical task is solved with the help of learning in cooperation. The meaning of such training is to create favorable conditions on the part of the teacher and encourage joint educational activities of students. When trying to organize training in cooperation in a German lesson, the teacher forms several subgroups based on the psychological compatibility of students, as well as taking into account the level of knowledge, in order to avoid groups consisting of only strong or weak students. A task is given for the group, which provides for the distribution of roles among all participants. The work is evaluated comprehensively based on the results of the work of the entire group. Cooperation allows you to instill a sense of responsibility not only for yourself, but also for other participants. It is assumed that there is self-motivation of students, also working in small groups allows you to perform a task without the direct control of the teacher, to show creative abilities. It should be noted that the most effective training is in cooperation within the framework of teaching grammar and vocabu-

lary, project activities, when checking homework, as well as when reading texts.

Case method. This method is aimed at developing skills for solving various tasks in which certain social roles are performed. The case method is an interactive method of teaching a foreign language based on real situations. Its essence lies in the use of problem situations, the solution of which will motivate schoolchildren to develop the skills of problem formulation, goal setting and conducting independent search activities. This method is effective in teaching dialogic speech, vocabulary by the organization of discussion lessons and roundtables, in preparation for the implementation of the oral part in the Unified State Exam. The originality and effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that students independently discover knowledge under the guidance of a teacher, i.e. "learn how to learn" [3].

A project is a form of learning in which a certain task is worked on within a given time. The solution path or the individual sub-steps must be planned and carried out independently. For many projects, the work is distributed among different project groups. Project work is the independent processing of a task or a problem by a group from the planning to the implementation to the presentation of the result. It is a method of democratic and action-oriented learning, in which learners come together to work on a task or a problem in order to be active in acting-learning in the greatest possible personal responsibility.

Each project has the phases listed below, which should always proceed in this order: finding a topic, goal formulation and planning, work on the project, project presentation and project documentation, reflection.

Information and communication technologies. Currently, they provide limitless opportunities for use in the German language lesson at school: computers, interactive whiteboards, equipment for displaying audio and video information along with electronic textbooks and dictionaries, multimedia presentations. In addition, ICTs stimulate the motivation of students, activate their cognitive activity and allow them to effectively control knowledge. The use of ICT in German language lessons is an element of media education, i.e. the pro-

cess of personal development by means of them is effective in its own way to achieve media for the formation of communication different goals, including extracurricular ac-culture. With this method, you can get to tivities [4]. Teachers are free to vary their know the culture, geography, dialects of the choices achieving the best results. Absolutely country of the language. each of them can be used in German lessons

Thus, we came to the conclusion that there at primary school age, but it is important to is a very wide variety of techniques. Each of combine them competently with each other.


1. Arefjev A.L. Learning German by young people in Russia. - [Электронный ресурс]. -Режим доступа: http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/2010/0441/analit04.php.

2. Rakhman S., Sheripova N. Methods of teaching foreign languages // Global Science and Innovations: Central Asia. - 2021. - Т. 1. № 9 (12). - P. 170-173.

3. Golich, V. (2000) The ABCs of case teaching // International Studies Perspectives. - 2000. - Vol. 1, Issue 1. - P. 11-29.

4. Аликова, С.В. О роли внеаудиторных мероприятий при изучении иностранного языка в вузах // Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук. - 2022. - №11 (64). - С. 101-104.


Д.С. Данильченко1, студент

С.В. Аликова2, канд. филол. наук, доцент

1Академия маркетинга и социально-информационных технологий - ИМСИТ 2Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации (Россия, г. Краснодар)

Аннотация. В современном мире существует большое разнообразие методов обучения иностранным языкам. Актуальность данного исследования заключается в том, что с каждым годом все больше школ вводят изучение иностранного языка в программу начальной школы. Немецкий язык пользуется большим спросом на мировой арене, и именно поэтому его изучают в школах как дополнительный язык, а часто и как основной. Авторы рассматривают как традиционные, так и современные методы обучения немецкому языку.

Ключевые слова: методы обучения, грамматико-переводной метод, аудиолингвальный метод, метод кейсов, проектная работа.

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