MODERN TECHNOLOGIES FOR TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
teaching technology / learning technology / collaborative learning / project-based learning / student-centered learning / distance learning. / teaching technology / learning technology / collaborative learning / project-based learning / student-centered learning / distance learning.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Jabborova D.I.

This article explores different types of learning and teaching technologies such as collaborative learning, project-based learning, studentcentered learning, distance learning. In this article, author gives some details about these effective technologies which instructors can use in their teaching process.

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This article explores different types of learning and teaching technologies such as collaborative learning, project-based learning, studentcentered learning, distance learning. In this article, author gives some details about these effective technologies which instructors can use in their teaching process.


Jabborova D.I. teacher

Karshi engineering-economics Institute



Abstract. This article explores different types of learning and teaching technologies such as collaborative learning, project-based learning, student-centered learning, distance learning. In this article, author gives some details about these effective technologies which instructors can use in their teaching process.

Key words: teaching technology, learning technology, collaborative learning, project-based learning, student-centered learning, distance learning.

The term "learning technologies" or "pedagogical technologies" is used to denote a set of methods of work of a teacher, methods of his scientific organization of work, with the help of which the achievement of learning goals is ensured with the greatest efficiency in a minimum period of time. Most researchers consider learning technologies as one of the ways to implement a personal-activity approach to learning, thanks to which students act as active creative subjects of learning activities [1].

In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, modern teaching technologies usually include: collaborative learning, the project method (project technologies), technology of centered learning, distance learning, the use of a language portfolio, the tandem method, intensive teaching methods, the use of technical means, primarily computer technologies. Let's look at some of the listed learning technologies.

Collaborative learning is based on the idea of student interaction, on the idea of mutual learning, in which students take not only individual but also collective responsibility for solving educational problems, bear collective responsibility for the success of each student, and help each other. When learning in collaboration, conditions are created for interaction and cooperation in the "student - teacher - group" system. If you combine students into small groups (34 people) and give them one common task, stipulating the role of each student in completing the task, then a situation arises in which each student is responsible not only for the result of his work, but also for the result of the entire group. The task is solved through joint efforts, strong students help weak ones. The study group is formed so that it contains both strong and weak students. One rating is given per group. This is the general idea of collaborative learning. Purposeful work in collaboration allows you to increase interest in classes and significantly increase the time of speech practice for each student.

Project-based learning technology is a further development of the concept of learning in collaboration: students take on various social roles and prepare to fulfill them in the process of solving problematic problems in situations of real interaction. The popularity of project technology is explained by the fact that the project task directly connects the process of mastering a foreign language with the acquisition of subject knowledge and the actual use of this knowledge. The specific goal of the project is aimed primarily at achieving not a linguistic, but a practical result in a foreign language (album, collages, diagrams, tables, drawings, photographs, etc.). This allows language to be taught as a social phenomenon, that is, it allows students to be shown how a foreign language can be used. Thus, the creation of a project as a personal educational product makes the process of mastering subject knowledge personally significant and personally motivated for the student. From the above it is clear that the project method involves a group of students solving a problem and creating a material product as a result of joint work on a project. To do this, students need not only knowledge of the language, but also possession of a certain amount of subject knowledge or their search. Of course, project technology is most designed to work with more prepared students in senior secondary schools, where specialized training is provided.

Student-centered learning has become widespread in foreign secondary and higher schools as one of the options for modern teaching technologies. The essence of such training is the maximum transfer of initiative in the classroom to the student himself. From a didactic point of view, this teaching technology involves the most complete disclosure of the student's personal potential, the creation of partnerships between the teacher and students. Communication in a foreign language becomes more effective due to the establishment of partnerships between the teacher and students and the creation of conditions for revealing the personal characteristics of students. One of the Russian developers of centered learning technology is R.P. Milrud. Since the goal of learning within the framework of this technology is the autonomy of students in learning, the student himself must know how best to study. To this end, he chooses language acquisition strategies and tries to use them in the learning process. The goal of self-learning foreign languages is independent study of languages, which manifests itself in the desire for educational autonomy and building one's own individual model of self-learning. Those students who can independently set goals for themselves, develop their own tactics and strategy for achieving these goals, and exercise intermediate and final self-control reach the level of truly autonomous self-learning. Not teaching a language, but teaching how to master a language - this means developing independence in the process of language acquisition.

The relevance of the problem of autonomous self-learning of foreign languages is that people have strived to master foreign languages since ancient times. For a modern person, speaking one, two or more foreign languages is becoming the norm, since there are only a small number of monocultural and

monolingual countries left on our planet. The world we live in is getting smaller. It begins to resemble a common planetary home. And communication in this house is possible only on the basis of interlingual and intercultural mutual understanding and interaction. Therefore, there is a need in society for mass mastery of foreign languages, for increasing the speed and efficiency of their learning, and for the need to train multilingual specialists. The consequence of this was an increase in interest in self-learning foreign languages. Self-learning theory is an ancient science. Even Thomas Aquinas wondered whether a student could be his own teacher at the same time. Autonomous self-learning is defined today as an individually organized learning process outside of an educational institution [2]. His goal is to learn languages independently.

"Tandem method" - this teaching method implements the concept of a student-centered approach in language education. It is one of the ways of autonomous (independent) learning of a foreign language by two partners with different native languages, who work in pairs. The goal of the tandem is to master the native language of your partner in a situation of real or virtual communication, get to know his personality, the culture of his country, as well as obtain information on areas of interest. This method appeared in Germany in the late 60s of the 20th century during German-French youth meetings. Later, two main forms of work within its framework emerged - paired and collective, which can be integrated into one another. The most important principles that reveal the essence of the tandem method are the principles of reciprocity and the principle of autonomy. The principle of reciprocity assumes that each of the tandem participants will receive the same benefit from communication, and the principle of autonomy is based on the fact that each of the partners is independently responsible in their part of the training for the choice of the goal, content, means of training and for its final results [3].

In 1992-1994, work began on creating an international tandem network on the Internet. Its goal is to organize virtual communication aimed at mastering the native language of the tandem partner in the process of mutual learning using the Internet. This method is considered by Russian researchers as one of the promising options for using modern teaching technologies in language classes [4].

As a result of regular exchange of emails, writing skills are improved and knowledge is expanded language systems, the ability to search and correct one's own and others' mistakes is formed, horizons and regional knowledge are expanded, knowledge of working with a computer and using the Internet is improved. This teaching technology deserves mass introduction into the system of school and university teaching of foreign languages.

Distance learning - this form of organizing the educational process involves learning at a distance using computer telecommunication networks. Students independently complete the tasks assigned to them, which are checked by the teacher in person, or the teacher monitors the students' work via e-mail. The main feature of distance learning is the indirect nature of telecommunication

communication between teacher and student. Distance learning courses in disciplines are designed for careful and detailed planning of the student's activities, delivery of the necessary training materials, and highly effective feedback. In Russia, some options for organizing distance learning in foreign languages have currently been developed and the effectiveness of such training has been proven [5].

Distance learning allows you to widely use the world's cultural and educational values accumulated on global Internet networks, study under the guidance of experienced teachers, improve your skills and deepen your professional knowledge. In connection with the planned mass computerization of educational institutions in the country, distance learning can be considered as one of the most promising forms of education in the system of modern technologies. Language portfolio as a language teaching tool. A language portfolio is an innovative educational tool as part of an integral educational and methodological set. This is a methodological tool, a tool for assessing and self-assessing the level of proficiency in modern languages. A language portfolio can be defined as a package of working materials that reflects the results of a student's educational activities in mastering a foreign language. This set of materials makes it possible to evaluate the student's educational achievements, as well as the experience of his educational activities. It ensures the development of the student's productive activity and his personal development as a subject of the educational process. The use of a language portfolio reflects the general trend of shifting the emphasis in language education from the concept of language teaching to the concept of mastering language and culture, that is, to the independent learning activity of the student. The language portfolio is considered as a kind of "mirror" of this process, which reflects the student's achievements through his self-esteem. A language portfolio allows the student and teacher to trace the dynamics of language acquisition over a certain time and thereby reflect the progressive path of the student's language development.

In language classes, various types of portfolios have become widespread, for example, the European Language Portfolio, 1997. The most widespread in the context of secondary and higher education are two types of portfolios: Demonstration portfolio and Teaching portfolio. The first contains samples of the student's best independent work, with the help of which he can show his achievements in using the target language when applying for a job or when entering an educational institution, as well as experience in intercultural communication. The second type of portfolio contains materials and recommendations for students' independent work on various aspects of the language being studied. The main pedagogical function of a teaching-type portfolio is to develop the student's ability and readiness to independently study the language and foreign language culture.


1. Bim I. L. Theory and practice of teaching foreign languages. - 1990.

2. Tambovkina T. Y. Self-study of foreign languages at a language university: concept of a training course // Foreign languages at school. - 2007. - No. 4. - pp. 77-85.

3. Milrud R.P. Some ways of teaching independent foreign language statements // Foreign languages at school. - 1985. - No. 2. - P. 29.

4. Shukin A. N. Teaching foreign languages: Theory and practice. - 2010.

5. Khutorsky A.V. Internet at school: Workshop on distance learning. - M., 2000

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