MODERN METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
methodology / science / language / information / memory / learning / access / learn / goal / distance / form of learning / pedagogical technology / educational material

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Aknazarova T.

The purpose of this article is to show the unlimited possibilities of distance learning today.

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UDK 37.02

Aknazarova T.

English language teacher Secondary school № 17, District: Chimboy Republic of Uzbekistan Karakalpakstan



Annotation: The purpose of this article is to show the unlimited possibilities of distance learning today.

Keywords: methodology, science, language, information, memory, learning, access, learn, goal, distance, form of learning, pedagogical technology, educational material.

In the beginning of the XXI century our world has undergone tremendous changes associated with the globalization of social relations and the formation of a new type of social organization — information society one of the important directions of which is development of education Informatization — the process of providing education methodology and methods of optimal use of modern information technology, focused on process control education and implementation of psychological and pedagogical training purposes. This process is rapidly growing and will continue to grow even more rapidly, because it is based on the objective laws of the development of human civilization.

Today, the method of teaching a foreign language is a very lively science with its own features and problems. One of the most pressing problems today is the question of the selection of material, the features of using techniques and methods of work. This was the reason for choosing this topic.

The purpose of this study was to identify the main methodological principles and main methods of teaching English today: communicative, project-based, intensive, activity-based methods and methods of distance learning.

Distance learning is the youngest among the other methods of teaching foreign languages. Today in our country this form of education was known as legal. In the practice of teaching foreign languages, it was not widely used in other areas. There were correspondence courses in foreign languages, and there were educational TV and radio programs for those who wanted to learn a foreign language.

Therefore, for a long time there has been a search for ways to learn more effectively at a distance. Along with printed media, the possibilities of television, video recording and, in recent years, CD - ROM were widely used for this purpose. The fact is that without systematic feedback from qualified teaching, such courses are usually doomed to failure, despite various attempts to give them elements of entertainment and communication. In recent years, in various

countries have drawn attention to the fact that it is possible to use computer telecommunications technologies for distance learning, including foreign languages.

Unlike other forms of distance learning, training based on computer telecommunications provides opportunities for:

- rapid transmission of any information at a distance.

- storage of this information in memory for the desired time, editing, etc.

- interactivity with the help of multimedia information specially created for them and prompt feedback from teachers and other participants of the training course.

- access to various sources of information, including remote and distributed databases, numerous conferences around the world via the Internet.

- organization of joint telecommunications projects, as well as international, electronic conferences, computer audio and video conferences lain part.

How effective any type of distance learning will be depends on four factors:

- effective interaction between the teacher and the pupil, despite the fact that they are separated by distance;

- the use of pedagogical technologies;

- the effectiveness of the developed methodological materials and methods of their delivery;

- the effectiveness of feedback. In other words, the effectiveness of distance learning depends on the organization and methodological quality of the materials used, as well as the skills of teachers involved in this process.

In addition, there are a number of characteristics that should be inherent in any type of distance learning, so that it can be considered as effective:

Distance learning presupposes a more thorough and detailed planning of the pupil's activities, and organization: a clear statement of tasks and goals of training; delivery of necessary training materials; the key concept of distance learning programs is interactivity.

Distance learning courses should provide the maximum possible interactivity between the trainee and the teacher, feedback between the trainee and the training material, as well as provide the opportunity for group training.it is very important to provide highly effective feedback so that the trainee can be confident in the correctness of their actions. Feedback should be prompt, operational, and expressed in the form of external evaluation: the structure of the distance learning course should be modular, so that the trainee could be aware of their progress from module to module, could choose any module at their own discretion or at the discretion of the supervising teacher, depending on the level of training.

At the same time, it should be noted that larger modules significantly reduce the motivation for learning. Special attention when teaching a foreign language has a sound that can be implemented either using network technologies or using CD-ROM, DVD and can also be used using USB.

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Currently, modern information technologies provide unlimited opportunities for solving problems of distance learning, as it is possible to store, work out and deliver information to any distance of any volume and content. In such conditions, methodological and meaningful organization of distance learning comes to the fore when organizing a distance learning system. This takes into account not only the selection of content for assimilation, but also the structural organization of the educational material.

Finally, we will highlight the specific features of the method of distance learning. a specific feature of learning a foreign language remotely is the independent practice of each pupil in the form of speech activity that he is mastering at this time. Interactivity is also a specific feature, on the basis of which the activities of each pupil and the teacher's guide are based.

The educational process is built in such a way that the teacher has the opportunity throughout the course to perform, correct, monitor and evaluate the performance of pupils. Another specific feature is that despite the share of independent activity of the pupil, he must have a variety of contacts in the learning process with partners in the course, the teacher, foreign partners. The purpose of this article is to show the unlimited possibilities of distance learning today.

Distance learning increases access to study opportunities and those who will not be able to attend the usual who will not be able to attend the usual lesson but at the same time, get all the necessary materials and learn can be phased and independently.


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