MODERN METHODS OF DISTANCE LEARNING OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова
English language / remote / methods

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Abdujabbarova M.A., Qayumova D.Z.

The article is devoted to the actual problems of choosing an effective method of learning English remotely.

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© Институт управления и социально-экономического развития, 2020


UDK 81-13

Abdujabbarova M.A.

teacher Qayumova D.Z. teacher

Tashkent Institute of textile and light industry

Uzbekistan, Tashkent



Abstract: The article is devoted to the actual problems of choosing an effective method of learning English remotely.

Keywords English language, remote, methods.

Research in the field of distance learning for people of different ages and training is conducted in almost all countries of the world. Previously, training was limited to studying numerous printed sources or listening to audio recordings with English dialogues and texts. In the modern period of development of methods of teaching foreign languages, distance learning takes the first place.

The main problem why distance learning methods have started to develop is the rapid dissemination of information and a great distance between those who want to learn and those who want to teach. The difficulty of self-education, even on the best materials, without regular contact with the teacher is obvious. Independent study of the English language almost does not bring results: the student can easily spoil their pronunciation, in an attempt to remember the words themselves, without the help of a teacher. Without systematic and effective feedback from the teacher, no courses or training materials will help you learn the language at the proper level.

That is why, in recent years, the world's leading educational institutions have started or are planning to open research in the field of distance learning of foreign languages, including such a popular language as English.

The overall effectiveness of learning English remotely depends on several components:

- use of the latest and classic teaching technologies;

- effectiveness and feedback opportunities;

- the effectiveness of classes and interaction between the student and the teacher;

- effectiveness of applied methods and professionalism of the teacher;

- personal motivation of the student.

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Thus, the quality of knowledge obtained and the overall success of distance learning always depend on the methodological quality of the materials used and the method of organizing classes [1].

Technical solutions for distance learning.

Currently available information technologies have at their disposal almost unlimited possibilities for processing, placing, storing and, which is very important for remote methods, delivering any data, any volume and at any distance. In such circumstances, the main issue is the choice of the teacher and his organizational skills. This refers to: the very selection of material for learning, teaching methods and the overall structure of the educational process. It is necessary to understand which conceptual pedagogical methods are the basis for building a distance learning course in English. Most often, all methods combine the following characteristics:

1. Training, in which the main load falls on the trainee. Independent work is focused on developing the necessary language skills and mastering different types of written and oral speech. Such distance learning involves good didactic material, presented in a convenient and understandable form. This is a fairly flexible way of distance learning - knowledge can be acquired when and where it is convenient for the student. They can read or listen to content on the road or at home, during their lunch break, or in a cafe.

2. the Trainee must have some mandatory skills: they must be able to use a personal computer, popular programs for communication and training (Skype, Tell Me More system, and others). The student must have different types of independent work: be able to work with electronic dictionaries and reference books, be able to search, study and introductory reading. Of course, with a well-designed English course, all the necessary materials are provided immediately, and questions and difficulties in learning are resolved during consultations and feedback seminars.

3. Distance learning should not be passive. Very often, even in small groups of 2-4 people, students behave passively. The teaching method involves the active involvement of students in cognitive activities, providing for the acquisition of knowledge and the solution of numerous Linguistic communicative tasks.

4. A very important question of control of assimilation of knowledge and ability to apply them in different situations. Such checks should be systematic and based on clear and regular feedback. There should be separate consultations where complex issues will be considered and the teacher will be able to adequately assess what exactly is given to the student more difficult. You should also use deferred control in the form of testing [2].

Effective distance learning model.

Any method of distance learning should always flexibly combine systematic and operational interaction of a professional teacher and independent cognitive work of the student. It can be engaged, both on the recommended literature, and on independently found information in the network. It is considered

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a great way to test your language skills, watch feature films and scientific broadcasts in English, possibly with subtitles disabled at first.

If classes are not held individually, but in small groups, it is necessary to ensure the interaction of group members in the framework of joint language projects, possibly with the participation of foreign native speakers. They usually organize discussions, presentations, and video seminars on specific topics.

Monitoring of academic performance should be carried out systematically and should be taken into account when drawing up new training plans by the teacher. Control can be carried out in the form of open and closed testing, realtime listening, writing reports and abstracts on various topics. For storing results and reporting, we recommend using the progressive programs of the "Tell Me More" training system or available services from Google. For online classes, you will need a special web office, which is provided by various Internet services.

As a didactic material, electronic reference books, seminars and textbooks are used, which are divided into different modules. Each module should be aimed at learning one area of the language, but also all modules should have a joint application in practice.

Coordinating the work of teachers and students.

The student can send their homework by email, or leave it on a special branch of a closed forum. Also, large organizations have their own websitesportals, where there are a number of offices that can be accessed by successfully completing a particular language lesson. Thus, those students who have not mastered the program sufficiently, simply cannot get to the new level of training. In private lessons via Skype or a similar video chat program, the student receives an assessment of their knowledge at each lesson, and the teacher personally monitors their progress and adjusts the topics of future classes. The main specificity of teaching English is a special practical basis, that is, each student should receive a sufficient amount of practice for each type of language classes.

Remote English classes always include working with audio recordings. The method of working with audiobooks includes the following steps:

- the student should concentrate on understanding the meaning of the audio book in General, without trying to understand the entire text verbatim;

- the main attention should be paid to the correct pronunciation of English words;

- "don't try to listen to the whole book. It is better to divide the audiobook sessions into five-minute segments and listen to each of them 2-4 times, until they are fully understood and translated;

- regular classes will allow you to expand your vocabulary. However, you should check your memorized words using an electronic or paper dictionary to avoid incorrect spelling.

Modern methods of distance learning in English and other foreign languages should always include the "three pillars" of learning - getting information, independent work and monitoring the assimilation of material. The

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №6(39) 2020 science-j.com

teacher should focus on the following principles: open interaction with the student and adjustment of training modules, depending on the student's success and goals. For distance learning, all the achievements of computer technology and software are used: audiobooks, online web seminars, personal communication and other online video chats. Language portals and the latest technologies offer the widest opportunities for students: you can study in small groups or individually, without leaving your home, receiving all the necessary materials to your email address or to your personal account.


1. Andreev A. A. Introduction to distance learning. - Moscow: VU, 1997.

2. Polat E. S. Organization of distance learning of a foreign language on the basis of computer telecommunications [Electronic resource] / E. S. Polat, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, prof., head. laboratory TO. / / open education Magazine. -1998. - access Mode: www.e-joe.ru/sod/98/1_98/st007.html (accessed: 03.03.2014).

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