DISTANCE LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN A NON-LANGUAGE UNIVERSITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Omarova G. N., Koken L., Knol M. V.

The authors condemn the definition of distance education, its importance in modern education, its prospects. The authors touch upon the topic of creating an electronic textbook for students of non-language universities. The article reveals the topic of introducing computer programs that serve as a verification tools. The structure of a remote course is discussed, its components are analyzed. The specifics of selection and structuring maintenance of a remote course of a foreign language are shown.

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Kasay MeMneKemmiK k,bndap nedasosuKanuK,ynueepcumeminiy Xadapmucu № 2 (78), 2019

MPHTH 14.35.09


G.N. Omarova 1, L. Koken 2, M.V. Knol3 1 3 Master of Humanities, 1,2,3 senior teacher of foreign languages chair, 1,2,3 Karaganda State University after the academician E.A. Buketov, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

email: [email protected]

The authors condemn the definition of distance education, its importance in modern education, its prospects. The authors touch upon the topic of creating an electronic textbook for students of non-language universities. The article reveals the topic of introducing computer programs that serve as a verification tools. The structure of a remote course is discussed, its components are analyzed. The specifics of selection and structuring maintenance of a remote course of a foreign language are shown.

Key words: distance learning, foreign languages, computer learning, educational process, e-learning, distance educational technology, Information and Communication Technology, informational and educational environment

The requirements for the quality of language training of specialists that have increased in recent years have led to corresponding changes in the forms of organization of the educational process, methods, means of teaching and control at the university. As a result, within the framework of this article, it is advisable to identify the relevance of distance education, in general, and an electronic textbook for students of a technical college, to determine the most optimal methods, means of training and control of a foreign language. First, it is necessary to define distance learning. Distance learning is a form of organization of the educational process, when learning, for example, a foreign language, takes place at a distance, through computer telecommunication networks [1]. For many years, this form of education was considered as correspondence.

What are the specifics of distance learning a foreign language at a university? Its main feature is the mediated nature of telecommunications communication teacher-student and the associated limited opportunities for their interpersonal interaction, on the other hand, it is this form of education that allows for the maximum activation of students 'independent work, which is especially important in the context of university education, as the future specialist should be able to independently organize their cognitive activity.

Distance learning involves a different form of presentation and interaction between the teacher and the student. Of course, it is precisely in the context of university education that the most likely is a conscious attitude to the learning process, a craving for self-education and self-realization, a enough knowledge of a computer (possession of user computer skills) by students. From our point of view, distance learning is not only a new form of education but also a new form of education. Unlike various forms of distance learning, distance learning provides opportunities:

• operational transmission for any distance of information of any volume, of any kind (visual and sound, static and dynamic, textual and graphical);

• storing it in the computer's memory for the necessary time, it's editing, processing, printing, etc.;

• interactivity with the help of specially created for these purposes' multimedia information and operational communication with the teacher;

• access to various sources of information;

• work with this information [2].

The distance learning tool is an electronic or programmed textbook. The material of such a textbook is compiled considering the principles of programmed control of the process of learning. On the one hand, an electronic textbook allows to satisfy the leading didactic principles: visibility, scientific nature, consciousness, activity, systematic and consistent, accessibility, assimilation strength and some others, and on the other hand, it corresponds to the modern requirements of a personality-oriented approach to the teaching of foreign languages. Since each student can work with the textbook individually and perform those tasks that are of greatest interest to him. How exactly can an electronic textbook be applied?

1. self-study simulator;

2. the means of the current type of control;

3. examiner for graduation or entrance exams.

%a3a$ MeMMKemmÍK k,bndap nedasosum^bi^ynueepcumeminiy Xa6apmucu № 2 (78), 2019

The electronic textbook serves mainly as a simulator for an independent study of students in professionally-oriented teaching of the English language. In what modes is working with an electronic textbook?

1. reading educational materials;

2. learning the elements of the language;

3. control and assessment of knowledge [3].

The electronic textbook is aimed at mastering the elements of the language, for example, the pronunciation skills of specialty terms, necessary grammar skills, etc.

A prerequisite for the use of an electronic textbook is the presence of a computer, whose role in the educational process is difficult to overestimate since it allows you to optimize learning a foreign language while performing routine work (checking test assignments, explaining difficulties, etc.). Thus, we can state that thanks to the computer, the teacher and students have time for active communication, personal communication in the framework of vocational-oriented teaching of the English language. Electronic textbook provides instant feedback, which certainly affects the motivation of students. Only an electronic textbook allows you to work online, reflecting the level of student learning. Increased motivation is also associated with an objective assessment of students' knowledge based on discrete tests.

Test, by definition of I.A. Tsaturova, is a means of control, the procedure for the implementation of which creates special, psychologically comfortable conditions for those tested to identify, for example, professional competence [4].

From a psychological point of view, an electronic textbook carries with it a huge motivational potential using various methods and means, and students can feel the constant presence of a friendly instructor in the form of a computer. It should also be noted that only the computer guarantees us the confidentiality of the results, since no one except the student who performs the test knows his mistakes made by him, and, consequently, his self-esteem does not decrease. The tested person performs the test in a more comfortable environment, realizing that his work is of a training nature. One indisputable advantage of an electronic textbook is to provide emotional comfort since there are no negative emotions from the comments of the teacher or classmates, there is no fear of making a mistake in the proposed test, etc. [5].

Analysing the role of control in teaching foreign languages, we mean the repetition and consolidation of previously learned material, which means that the learning process is impossible without control. The following control functions are distinguished in domestic and foreign publications:

1. Controlling or verifying.

2. Estimated.

3. Educational.

4. Managing (often corrective).

5. Diagnosing.

6. Warning.

7. Stimulating or motivating.

8. Generalizing.

9. Developing, educating and disciplining [6].

The control in the electronic textbook is presented to a greater extent by the diagnostic function since the assessment is not of fundamental importance for the teacher.

From the point of view of independent work, the textbook allows students to work independently on the pronunciation of the terms of their specialty, combining all three images of the proposed word: graphic, semantic and sound in the process of listening to the speech of the author of the electronic textbook. It should also be noted that in the electronic textbook it is possible to present a large amount of language material in a convenient and interesting form since in the process of developing it the creator has no limits for creativity.

However, the creation of an electronic textbook is a time-consuming process, since it requires careful selection of interesting tasks, optimal computer programs, lack of uniformity, etc. Due to this circumstance, interest in creating electronic manuals declined in the 1970s. abroad and in our country. At present, there is a new interest in the development of electronic textbooks, which is explained by the popularization of distance education, the unlimited possibilities of the Internet, a decrease in the interest of young people in reading books, an increase in the information space, changes in requirements for modern specialists and the pace of life in general.

Distance learning is a flexible system of education, allowing to acquire knowledge where and when it is convenient for students. In general, the electronic textbook for teaching foreign languages allows you to:

1. to individualize the process of learning and control;

Ka3ay MeMneKemmiK v;bi3dap nedasosum^bi^ynueepcumeminiy Xadapmucu № 2 (78), 2019

2. increase the activity of students;

3. to intensify the process of learning and control;

4. increase the motivation of students;

5. create the necessary conditions for independent work;

6. to develop self-esteem among the students;

7. to develop a cognitive interest in learning a foreign language;

8. create a comfortable learning environment. There are several functions that a computer performs in distance learning. Let us briefly discuss the most important of them:

• communicative (carried out by imitating in the electronic textbook the activities of the teacher as a partner in verbal communication in a foreign language, implemented in the form of a student's interactive interaction with a computer);

• organizational-stimulating (realized since the computer acts as technical support for the organization of the educational process in the implementation of distance learning, imitation of the organizational-stimulating function of the teacher is possible);

• informative (it is the ability to store and process large volumes of information presented in the form of information support informational personnel);

• training (there is a unique opportunity to develop strong skills in teaching foreign languages);

• managing (amplified by instant feedback);

• controlling and correcting (carried out in the form of 1) acceptance and recognition of students' answers, 2) analysis and determination of the correctness of the answers received, 3) saving the results obtained, 4) setting the result for performing a specific test).

In fact, performing numerous functions, a computer can play the role of students:

1) the teacher;

2) an expert;

3) activity partner;

4) a tool of activity;

5) the trainee.

It can be stated, that currently there are a variety of special computer programs focused on teaching foreign languages in the form of distance learning. Among them are the three main groups:

1. Programs dedicated to the study of various sections of the language system (the main task of such programs is the introduction and activation of language forms and structures).

2. Programs aimed at learning the types of speech activity.

3. Monitoring programs that provide control over the level of development of speech and language


Using computer programs, it is still difficult to imitate speech communication, although computer programs provide for the introduction of educational material, simulation of communication situations, an organization of game tasks, control, and assessment of knowledge. Recently, multimedia systems, synthesizing sounds, video, and texts, have been actively used in education, which allows the use of all kinds of visualization. For a long time, there were certain difficulties in reproducing the oral dialogue. Recognition and analysis of the verbal response of the test are one of the most difficult problems of computer linguodidactics. However, currently used the following methods of analysis

Test responses:

1. Comparison with an alphanumeric reference;

2. use of data banks of correct answers;

3. error modelling method;

4. grammatical analysis;

5. analysis at the semantic level [7].

The method of comparison with the standard is very well combined with the technique of multiple choice. In this case, the tester only chooses the right answer by pressing a certain key, and the computer compares it with the correct answer option stored in the memory.

When implementing the method of creating a data bank of correct answers, the creators of electronic textbooks face considerable difficulties, since it is almost impossible to foresee all possible errors and all variants of correct answers.

The error modelling method is sometimes used as an additional method for diagnosing erroneous answers that are difficult to determine unambiguously.

Казац мемлекеттж цыздар педагогикалыцуниверситетШц Хабаршысы № 2 (78), 2019

In intelligent tutorials, such methods of analysing answers as universal data banks, grammatical and semantic analysis are used, which makes it possible to move on to freely constructed and arbitrary forms of response [8].

In the electronic textbook discrete tests are mostly used, which testes the degree of proficiency in individual elements of phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary in reading, listening, and speaking in vocational-oriented teaching of English. Such tests are narrowly focused, their main function is diagnostic. Discrete tests contribute to the identification of specific difficulties in the assimilation of linguistic units. With the help of the proposed tests, students could independently identify existing problems in the assimilation of certain linguistic phenomena and get the corresponding explanations in the informational prompts section. In this tutorial, we mainly used the method of comparison with the standard [9].

Test control in the framework of distance education of students in the specialty language in an electronic textbook allows you to:

1. timely control, as the error in the test is corrected at the time of its appearance;

2. objective control since no mistake can be missed due to fatigue, overwork or carelessness of the teacher, i.e. due to exposure to subjective factors or circumstances;

3. friendly control, as the tested not only learns about the existence of a particular error in the test but also sees ways to correct it [7].

The practical experience of using the electronic textbook created by us testifies in favour of the fact that it allows us to optimize the management of education, significantly increase the efficiency and objectivity of the educational process and, of course, save time and strength of a foreign language teacher. This tutorial presents discrete multiple-choice tests, authentic texts with gaps and linguistic games (crossword puzzles). After analysing the test control in the framework of distance learning of students in the specialty language, we concluded that the electronic textbook as a means of distance learning and control meets the modern requirements of the communicative and personality-oriented approaches in the methodology of teaching foreign languages and allows for operational and objective control.


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8. Kunanbaeva S.S. i dr. Metodicheskaya podgotovka studentov v usloviyah informatizacii teorii i metodiki obucheniya inostrannym yazykom.- Almaty, 2000. - 150 s.

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Г.Н. Омарова 1, Л. Квкен 2, М.В. Кноль 3

1 3 гуманитарльщ гылымдар магистр^ 1,2,3 шет тшдер кафедрасыньщ ага окытушысы, 1,2,3 академик Е.А. Бекетов атындагы Караганды мемлекетпк университет^ Караганды, Казахстан, email: [email protected]

Авторлар кашыщтыщтан окытудын маныздын, заманауи бшм берудеп манызы мен онын болашагын аныктайды. Авторлар плдак емес жогары оку орындарынын студенттерше электрондык; окулыктарды К^растыру такырыбын козгайды. Макалада к^рал-жабдык; болып табылытын компьютерлж багдарламаны енпзу такырыбы айтылады. Кашыктыктан окыту курсы талкыланады, онын компоненттерi талданады. Шет тшнщ кашыщтагы курсынын мазм^нын тандау мен к^рылымдау ерекшелегi керсетiлген.

Трек свздер: Кашыцтыцтан оцыту, шетел тiлдерi, компьютерлж оцыту, оцу Yдерiсi, электрондыц оцыту, цашыцтыцтан оцыту технологиялары, ацпараттыц-коммкникациялыц технологиялар, ацпараттыц-бшм беру ортасы

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

К^азац мемлекеттж цыздар педагогикалъщуниверситетШц Хабаршысы № 2 (78), 2019


Г.Н. Омарова 1, Л. Кокен 2, М.В. Кноль 3

1,3 магистр гуманитарных наук, 1,2,3 ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков, 1,2,3 Карагандинский государственный университет им. академика Е.А.Букетова, Караганда, Казахстан

email: [email protected]

Авторы определяют значение дистанционного образования в современном образовании, его перспективы. Обсуждается необходимость создания электронного учебника для студентов неязыковых вузов. В статье раскрывается тема внедрения компьютерных программ, которые служат инструментальным средством. Описывается структура дистанционного курса, анализируются ее компоненты. Показана специфика отбора и структурирования содержания дистанционного курса иностранного языка.

Ключевые слова: дистанционное обучение, иностранные языки, компьютерное обучение, учебный процесс, электронное обучение, дистанционные образовательные технологии, информационно -коммуникационные технологии, информационно-образовательная среда

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