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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Golovachev Vladimir S., Zatsepina Maria B.

Nowadays, the role of educational and cultural institutions in the process of early formation of moral and aesthetic qualities of the child is greatly increasing, which becomes an additional incentive to search for new forms of work with preschoolers in children's libraries and cultural institutions. For effective implementation of such interaction, a universal model of interdepartmental interaction was developed on the basis of the project method using Internet platforms and innovative technologies for constant communication with preschoolers and their parents. The model is based on the creation of a unified cultural and educational space using specific and general approaches to the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children. During the verifying stage of the experiment, children aged 3 to 7 years and their parents took part. 4276 preschoolers took part in the experiment implemented on the basis of Internet platforms. To analyse the effectiveness of the developed model, a survey of parents, library staff, and teachers was conducted, as well as a study of the results of the children's creative activity. Analysis of the results of the initial levels presented in table 4 showed that preschoolers are eager to participate in projects, their parents noted that the creative activity has increased, especially in CG at an average and high level from 50.4% to 69.9% and from 7.7% to 18.8%, respectively. In EG, the low and high levels of indicators increased from 7.7% and 50.4% to 11.3% and 69.9%, respectively. The results of control levels show that the quality of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children in the formative experiment is significantly higher. Integrated project data showed an average absolute increase from -55% to 40%. The materials of the article can be useful for implementation in educational and cultural institutions, for further theoretical research and practical development in the field of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children.

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Перспективы Науки и Образования

Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)

Адрес выпуска: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive20/20-05/ Дата публикации: 31.10.2020 УДК 37.035.6

В. С. Головачев, М. Б. Зацепина

Модель взаимодействия библиотек и учреждений дошкольного образования в нравственно-эстетическом воспитании детей дошкольного возраста

В настоящее время, на фоне кризисных явлений института семьи, значительно возрастает роль учреждений образования и культуры в процессе раннего формирования нравственных и эстетических качеств ребенка, что становится дополнительным стимулом для поиска новых форм работы с дошкольниками в детских библиотеках и учреждениях культуры.

Разработана универсальная модель межведомственного взаимодействия на основе проектного метода с использованием интернет площадок и инновационных технологий по постоянному общению с дошкольниками и их родителями. В основе модели - создание единого культурно-образовательного пространства с использованием специфических и общих подходов к нравственно-эстетическому воспитанию дошкольников в сфере библиотечного дела дошкольного образования.

В ходе констатирующего этапа эксперимента, проводимого с целью изучения уровня нравственно-эстетической воспитанности дошкольников, приняли участие дети в возрасте от 3 до 7 лет и их родители. В эксперименте, реализованном на базе созданных интернет-платформ приняло участие 4276 дошкольников. Для диагностики результативности разработанной модели было проведено анкетирование родителей, сотрудников библиотек и педагогов, изучение продуктов детской творческой деятельности.

Анализ результатов эксперимента показал, что дошкольники с интересом принимают участие в проектах, родители, в ходе анкетирования отметили, что творческая активность детей возросла, особенно в КГ в среднем и высоком уровне с 50,4% до 69,9% и с 7,7% до 18,8% соответственно. В ЭГ в низком и высоком уровнях показатели выросли с 7,7% и 50,4% до 11,3% и 69,9% соответственно.

Результаты контрольных срезов показывают, что качество нравственно-эстетического воспитания у дошкольников в формирующем эксперименте значительно выше. Интегрированные данные по проектам показали средний абсолютный прирост от -55% до 40%.

В ходе реализации эксперимента были выявлены позитивные факторы межведомственного взаимодействия, а также оптимальные формы участия учреждений разной ведомственной принадлежности в реализации интеграционных проектов. Проведенная опытно-экспериментальная работа позволила представить методы ведения проектов для развития нравственно-эстетического воспитания дошкольников, а также сформулировать научно-методические рекомендации по оптимизации работы с дошкольниками.

Ключевые слова: библиотека, детский сад, дошкольное отделение, дошкольники, интеграция, нравственно-эстетическое воспитание, межведомственное взаимодействие, проект, проектный метод

Ссылка для цитирования:

Головачев В. С., Зацепина М. Б. Модель взаимодействия библиотек и учреждений дошкольного образования в нравственно-эстетическом воспитании детей дошкольного возраста // Перспективы науки и образования. 2020. № 5 (47). С. 170-185. сЬк 10.32744/р$е.2020.5.12

Perspectives of Science & Education

International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)

Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive20/20-05/ Accepted: 17 August 2020 Published: 31 October 2020


Model of interaction between libraries and preschool educational institutions in terms of the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children

Nowadays, the role of educational and cultural institutions in the process of early formation of moral and aesthetic qualities of the child is greatly increasing, which becomes an additional incentive to search for new forms of work with preschoolers in children's libraries and cultural institutions.

For effective implementation of such interaction, a universal model of interdepartmental interaction was developed on the basis of the project method using Internet platforms and innovative technologies for constant communication with preschoolers and their parents. The model is based on the creation of a unified cultural and educational space using specific and general approaches to the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children.

During the verifying stage of the experiment, children aged 3 to 7 years and their parents took part. 4276 preschoolers took part in the experiment implemented on the basis of Internet platforms. To analyse the effectiveness of the developed model, a survey of parents, library staff, and teachers was conducted, as well as a study of the results of the children's creative activity.

Analysis of the results of the initial levels presented in table 4 showed that preschoolers are eager to participate in projects, their parents noted that the creative activity has increased, especially in CG at an average and high level from 50.4% to 69.9% and from 7.7% to 18.8%, respectively. In EG, the low and high levels of indicators increased from 7.7% and 50.4% to 11.3% and 69.9%, respectively.

The results of control levels show that the quality of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children in the formative experiment is significantly higher. Integrated project data showed an average absolute increase from -55% to 40%.

The materials of the article can be useful for implementation in educational and cultural institutions, for further theoretical research and practical development in the field of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children.

Keywords: library, kindergarten, preschool department, preschoolers, preschool children, integration, moral and aesthetic education, interdepartmental interaction, project, project method

For Reference:

Golovachev, V. S., & Zatsepina, M. B. (2020). Model of interaction between libraries and preschool educational institutions in terms of the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 47 (5), 170-185. doi: 10.32744/pse.2020.5.12


pedagogical science recognizes moral and aesthetic education as one of the most J important psychological and pedagogical problems and as a purposeful, organized process. There is a growing understanding that every new member of human society must not only be well-educated, creatively thinking, physically prepared, but also be a highly moral person, have a civil position, be able to appreciate, respect, to have compassion, and admire the beautiful in the world around them.

There is no doubt that historically the main and most important guide of a child to the adult world is the family. Family members are transmitters of the most important knowledge for a child about the world around him, its beauty, uniqueness and diversity.

However, the accelerating pace of technological progress, the rapidly growing pace of life and the volume of necessary knowledge, the expansion of global information space contribute to the estrangement in families, obstruction of the "dialogue of generations". It is impossible to deny the negative impact of mass pseudo-culture and other negative factors of transformation of the spiritual and moral foundations of society on the inner "microcosm" of the child.

Against the background of global crisis phenomena concerning the institution of the family, the role of educational and cultural institutions in the process of early formation of the child's moral qualities is increasing. The loss of the custom of family reading and early introduction of children to the world of literature is an additional incentive to expand and search for new forms of work with preschoolers in children's libraries and cultural institutions.

The relevance of the research topic is also confirmed by the social demand. The modern policy of most nations in the sphere of education and culture is aimed at educating a citizen who has formed socially approved personal qualities and value orientations. According to E. Artamonova (Moscow Region State University), the development of such line of work requires new competencies, the introduction of pedagogical innovations, the intensification of academic mobility, a practice-oriented approach to the training of future specialists [1, p. 4]. The importance of the study is dictated by the lack of a systematic approach in the system "family-preschool institution-cultural institution", experimental research, methodological developments and regulatory acts. It is worth recognizing that against the background of existing local positive examples of interaction, scientific works on the subject of the research prove that there is a request from the institutions themselves to strengthen integration and social partnership in the field of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children.

The importance of early child development and the right to equal access to education are stated in such important international documents as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [23] and the Convention on the Rights of the Child [4].

The principles of introducing children to the heritage of world literature are listed in the IFLA Public Library Manifesto [11].

Taking into account that educational institutions and cultural institutions have both similar and specific functions within interaction with preschoolers, their interdepartmental interaction opens up new opportunities and prospects for the development of forms and methods of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children.

The problem of interaction between educational and cultural institutions and the readiness of their specialists for such interaction is important for the training of specialists in the field of education and culture in higher educational institutions, for conducting pedagogical audit and in professional development [7, p. 457-458].

The development of a universal model of interdepartmental interaction between educational institutions and cultural institutions in the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children based on the project method seems to be of current importance for implementation in practical work.

In recent years, science has accumulated significant psychological and pedagogical experience in working with preschoolers in the field of moral and aesthetic education both in educational institutions (W. Teale, N. Veraksa, N. Vetlugina, and others) and in cultural institutions (M.-J. Chou, A. G. Bus, and others). Methods of early introduction of children to reading and using the potential of literature for the formation of a preschooler's personality are presented in the research of I. Balkova and N. Misina [2], B. Daimant-Cohen [5], S. E. Mol [16]. At the same time, the model and the principles of interaction between institutions of different departments in the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children are not sufficiently developed.

Conceptual approaches to such interaction are presented in the works of L. McKechnie, K. Reif, M. Zatsepina, and others.

The study's emphasis on library institutions is due to the smaller theoretical elaboration of this subject in comparison to models of interaction "preschool institution-museum" (researches by Matskevich M. V. [14], Murashko E. A. [17], etc.) and "preschool institution-theatre" (researches by M. Zatsepina [26], G. Zhukova [27], etc.), as well as to global systemic changes in the functional positioning of libraries in recent decades that opened up new opportunities for preschoolers (from book storage and book distribution points to multifunctional cultural and educational centers).

In the course of the research, the author identified two opposite approaches to the process of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children with the help of the potential of world literature. Adherents of the first approach (W. Teale, M.-J. Chou and J.-C. Cheng [3], N. Veraksa [24], N. Vetlugina [25], T. Komarova [12]) believe that it is necessary to maximize the available potential of the educational institution itself (its own library stock, visual aids, virtual resources). The second approach (presented in the works by L. McKechnie [15], K. Reif [20], G. Zhukova [27], M. Zatsepina [26] and others) is based on expanding the socio-cultural space and using the potential of the modern library to enrich the forms and methods of interacting with preschoolers.

Taking into account the changing role of libraries in the modern socio-cultural space, the existing contradictions and the lack of elaboration of the topic became the author's motivation for deep theoretical and practical work on the research topic.

Scientific novelty of research consists in the following:

• specifics of guiding role of the principles of interdepartmental integration are determined and experimentally tested on the basis of unified educational space of preschool institution and cultural institutions with the aim of increasing the level of moral and aesthetic development of preschoolers;

• "socio-pedagogical model of interaction between educational and cultural institutions in the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children" was developed;

• with consideration of the implementation of a socio-pedagogical model of interdepartmental interaction of educational and cultural institutions based on

online technologies and Internet resources, pilot projects for preschool children based on such interaction were developed, justified and implemented (international: "Under the sky of Italy", "What we know about Vietnam", "Stories from the top of the Andes"; on the territory of the Russian Federation: "Colours of Chuvashia", "Land of Kalevala", "Song of Kalmykia");

• the process of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children in the conditions of interaction between educational and cultural institutions is evaluated.

The theoretical significance of the research lies in the development of a universal socio-pedagogical model of interaction between educational and cultural institutions in the field of moral and aesthetic education of children, based on the creation of a unified educational, cultural and leisure space for preschoolers.

The practical significance of the study is as follows:

• on the basis of the developed model of interdepartmental interaction, integrative projects for preschoolers have been successfully implemented, the experience of which can be used in the work of respective institutions, and the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the experiment can become the basis for further research;

• methodological recommendations for the implementation of interaction between educational and cultural institutions in the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children based on the project approach are presented for wide use.

Materials and methods

As the principal methods of this research, the author selected:

• theoretical: study, systematization, classification and analysis of existing philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and learning theory literature;

• empirical: generalization of practical and methodological experience of working with preschoolers in educational and cultural institutions; application of diagnostic methods (questionnaires, interviews of parents of preschoolers, employees of educational and cultural institutions who is working directly with preschool children); pedagogical experiment, including the verifying, forming and control stages.

The reliability and validity of the research results is backed by the existing achievements of the theory, methodology and practice of working with preschoolers, the results of experimental work on the implementation sites and verification of theoretical arguments by practical experiments.

The study was conducted on the basis of educational and cultural institutions of the Republic of Chile (Municipal Library of Arica), the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Public Library of Ho Chi Minh city), the Italian Republic (Library of the Paolo Diacono National Lyceum of Cividale del Friuli), the Kingdom of Spain (Library of the Alexander Pushkin Institute), the Kyrgyz Republic (National Library for Children and Youth n. a. K. Bayalinov), the Russian Federation (Children's Library No. 207 n. a. V. Bianchi, Moscow; Library No. 212 n. a. T. Shevchenko, Moscow; preschool departments of School No. 2101 and School No. 1359. n. a. aircraft designer M. Mill; Library No. 22 of the Centralized Library System of Petrozavodsk; Finno-Ugric Kindergarten of Combined Type No. 20; Central Public Library n. a. V. Mayakovsky; Kindergarten No. 11 "Rucheek" of Cheboksary; Central Library n. a. A. Pushkin; Kindergarten No. 8 "Svetlyachok" of Elista).

The study was carried out in three stages.

The first stage (2017-2018): study and analysis of scientific literature, collection of empirical data on the research topic, analysis of the current state of the research problem. Work on the sites of implementation; preparation and conduct of the verification stage of pilot project;

The second stage (2018-2019): organization of the formative stage of the experiment in order to test the hypothesis of the study and the developed model of interdepartmental interaction; realization of integrative projects for preschoolers developed on the basis of this model.

The third stage (2019-2020): implementation of the control stage of the experiment; processing, analysis and systematization of the obtained qualitative and quantitative indicators; generalization of pedagogical experience, development of methodological recommendations.

The full-time stage of the experiment was conducted within one contingent of preschoolers and their parents. During the verifying stage of the experiment, we relied on the concepts of "generalized creative abilities" and "indicators of moral and aesthetic education". Joint projects for preschoolers have become a form of practical implementation of this model. Each project received its own semantic content, designed for children's interactive acquaintance with new material (it was dedicated to a certain event, phenomenon, or features associated with a geographical region). The project goal, main tasks, its semantic content, and calendar and thematic planning were set jointly by a group of employees of the library and the preschool educational institution. The task of the working group was to fully use the potential of the institutions to achieve a positive result of the project. To conduct the experiment and substantiate the possibility of its scaling and adapting the model to implementation in different regions, the institutions were not only selected by the principle of territorial proximity, but some were also located in different regions and on different continents [9, p. 150-151].

Creative tasks developed for preschool children participating in the projects were adapted according to the characteristics of age groups (table 1).

Table 1

Adaptation of forms of participation in projects in relation to age groups

Age groups

First age group Second age group Third age group

ages 0 to 3 ages 4 to 5 ages 6 to 7

simple creative task provided by a teacher / librarian and carried out with parents group work (a group of 5 people or more) under the guidance of a teacher / librarian independent work on a given topic preceded by a discussion

The purpose of the verifying and forming stages of the study (which themselves were carried out in several stages) was to establish the presence or absence of performance criteria in the process of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children. The verifying stage consisted of studying the interests of the preschoolers, conducting a survey of their parents, and organizing a joint round table with the participation of employees of the project's organizing institutions. The forming stage included the informing of potential participants about the start of the contest, the holding of thematic meetings, inspection

of the illustrative book exhibition, multimedia presentations, creative work in groups, with participation of parents; the final events, awarding of participants and winners of the contest.

To determine the quality of the process of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children, on the basis of methodological developments and approaches to identifying the quality of the educational process I. Gorlova [10], an analysis of the results of control levels on the criteria for the effectiveness of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children was carried out for the following projects: "Under the sky of Italy", "What we know about Vietnam", "Stories from the top of the Andes", "Colours of Chuvashia", "Land of Kalevala", "Song of Kalmykia" (with the interdepartmental integration of programs of educational and cultural institutions on the basis of "Socio-pedagogical model of interaction of educational and cultural institutions in the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children") (the survey data are presented below).

The verification stage of the experiment was conducted at all implementation sites observed in this research. The in-person stage of the experiment (preschool educational institutions and libraries of Moscow) was attended by children aged 3 to 7 years and their parents, among whom a questionnaire was conducted. 4276 preschool children from educational institutions and libraries of the regions of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Chile, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, and the Kyrgyz Republic took part in the remote stage of the experiment implemented using Internet platforms. The survey was conducted among parents, as well as among preschool teachers and librarians.

Due to the fact that electronic platforms have been developed for all four projects since 2018, the final questionnaires of preschoolers' parents for 2018-2019 were processed to evaluate the obtained results.

The experiment was planned as a comparative one, so different groups were allocated: Experimental (EG) and Control (CG) before the experiment (without using the model) and after the experiment (using the model).

The representativeness of the selection is confirmed by the number of selected groups. The experimental groups were different in number: the project "Colours of Chuvashia" -224 people in EG, 168 people in CG; "Land of Kalevala" - 186 people in EG, 122 people in CG; "Song of Kalmykia" - 65 people in EG, 54 people in CG; "Under the sky of Italy" - 228 people in EG, 326 people in CG. The results of the experiment are presented in table 4.

_Description of the model

The proposed "socio-pedagogical model of organizing moral and aesthetic education of preschool children in the conditions of interaction between preschool educational and cultural institutions (children's libraries)" (Fig.1) allows to create a unified space for such interdepartmental collaboration.

An efficient pedagogical condition for the effective existence of such a unified educational space is the use of the project method in psychological and pedagogical practice of working with preschool children as an integrative form of interaction between educational and cultural institutions [8, p.105].

Project with a defined goal and objectives ensuring the realization of goals, set time frame, characteristics (stages, consistency, predictability), leading to achieve a certain result

by the means of in advance prepared tools and resources - that is the optimal form of cooperation of institutions seeking to integrate their potential in enhancing the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children.

Figure 1 Socio-pedagogical model of organizing moral and aesthetic education of preschool children in the conditions of interaction between preschool educational and

cultural institutions (children's libraries)

Based on the study of the existing scientific and pedagogical experience, the approaches to early introduction of children to art and creativity by O. Dybina [6] and I. Kulanina [13], practical work on the implementation sites and diagnostics, a universal socio-pedagogical model of organizing moral and aesthetic education of preschool children in the interaction of educational (preschool stage) and cultural institutions (children's libraries) was developed and further tested in practice. The model includes the following components: a goal, tasks, forms of work (specific and integrational), the result. The developed model became the basis for the development and implementation of author's projects for preschoolers in the system of interaction "preschool institution-children's library". As the leading approaches, based on which the modeling was carried out, the following were identified: system, cultural, personal, and activity-based approaches.

In order to solve the task of testing the developed model through the implementation of integration projects based on interaction in the system "preschool institution-children's

library", calendar and thematic planning and methodological recommendations were developed.

Some forms of work are specific and are based on psychological and pedagogical principles, material and technical equipment of a particular institution, while other forms of work do not differ much and sometimes are completely identical, which allows us to speak about:

a) duplicability of certain topics and forms of work with preschool children, and consequently, emotional, physical and informational overload;

b) the need to combine and consolidate similar forms of work and tasks into a single interdepartmental program;

c) specific forms of work that can be successfully mutually integrated;

d) mutual needs of institutions in integrating pedagogical, methodological, technical and human resources potential.

The purpose of the proposed interdepartmental collaboration is to maximize the effectiveness of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children. The main tasks are considered in educational, formative and pedagogical aspects, namely:

educational: formation of moral concepts, judgments, feelings and beliefs, skills of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world (by means of education and culture);

formative: development of moral and aesthetic, moral and volitional qualities of preschool children;

pedagogical: mutual enrichment of pedagogical and methodological experience of working with preschoolers, mutual improvement of professional competence.

It is the combination of solutions to these important tasks in the process of interaction between a teacher and a cultural institution worker that creates a reliable basis for achieving the goal of the research - a key to the harmonious formation of moral and aesthetic qualities of a preschool child's personality.


The main results of this research are as follows:

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1. Analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature, generalization of existing psychological and pedagogical experience of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children allowed us to identify the specifics of the forming role and principles of interdepartmental integration of interaction between educational and cultural institutions for the development of methods of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children.

2. Development of a universal model of interdepartmental interaction between educational institutions and children's libraries in the field of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children based on the project method.

3. Based on the model of interaction between educational and cultural institutions in the context of the formation of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world and the moral component of personal development of preschool children in the period 20062020, integration projects for preschool children were developed and implemented. All projects have their own Internet platforms and use innovative technologies for constant communication with preschoolers and their parents.

4. The conducted experimental work allowed to present methods of project management for the development of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children, as well as to formulate methodological recommendations for optimizing work with preschoolers.

Based on practical studies of the forms and methods of work of educational and cultural institutions with preschoolers, one may identify the following negative factors that hinder the process of integrating the potential of educational (preschool stage) and cultural institutions:

• insufficient mutual information awareness about methodological, pedagogical, informational, personnel and material and technical potential;

• absence of standard documents regulating interdepartmental cooperation (agreements, cooperation contracts, joint work plans, etc.);

• lack of external (encouragement of legislative and executive authorities, local self-government) and internal (encouragement of employees who take on external work, expand socio-cultural relations of the institution) factors that stimulate cooperation;

• lack of consolidating events for exchange of experience (specialized seminars, interagency meetings, round tables, conferences).

We can also highlight the following positive factors of such interdepartmental collaboration:

• mutual enrichment of the methodological knowledge of the institutions with new forms and methods of work;

• expanding of the knowledge space by attracting new methodological and reference resources;

• motivation of employees and institutions in general to switch to innovative forms of work;

• expansion of socio-cultural relations of institutions, as well as educational segment in the media;

• greater motivation and involvement of preschool children in creative and project activities, intensification of their cognitive activity, expansion of horizons;

• greater involvement of family members of preschool children in co-creation in the process of moral and aesthetic education;

• early introduction of children to the literary material, richness and diversity of world culture;

• increase of the interest of preschool children in educational, formative and leisure activities by changing the setting;

• increase of motivation for creative and cognitive activity by encouraging and exhibiting creative achievements on other platforms.

During the implementation of the experiment, the optimal forms of participation of different institutions in integration projects were identified (table 2):

Table 2

Forms of participation in implementation of integration projects

Distribution of responsibilities in implementation of the project

Educational institution Cultural institution

• selection of the contest participants; • providing the material and technical base for the implementation of the competition; • conducting thematic classes in preschool groups; • organization of work with parents of preschool children participating in the project. • organization of a thematic illustrative book exhibition; • preparation of a visual multimedia presentation; • preparation of a thematic index of methodological literature and visual aids; • conducting thematic meetings with preschoolers.


• development and content management of the project's thematic site;

• organization and holding of a joint round table on project preparation;

• participation in the development of project documentation, criteria and evaluation methods;

• preparation of the final exhibition and the award ceremony;

• organization of a round table on the results of the project implementation;

• generalization of methodological experience of the project implementation, publication of the results in scientific journals.

The quality of the process of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children is also confirmed by the annual interest of thousands of preschoolers and their parents to participate in projects since 2006. A total of 293,528 people from 6 countries participated in the projects during the research period (2006-2020) (table 3).

Table 3

Summary data on the projects "Colours of Chuvashia", "Land of Kalevala", "Song of Kalmykia", "Under the sky of Italy" for the period of implementation of the experiment


Name of the project Start of the project, year Years of implementation Number of participants in 2020 Number of participants over the years of project implementation Online platform since 2018-2019

"Colours of Chuvashia" 2016 5 6 376 26 779 www.kraski-chuvashii.ru

"Land of Kalevala" 2006 15 2 929 41 299 www.kalevala-fest.ru

"Song of Kalmykia" 2018 3 1 200 3 240 https://vk.com/ kalmikia_art

"Under the sky of Italy" 2012 9 27 000 222 210 https://vk.com/ club90108588

Total number of participants 37 505 293528

The statistical results of the experiment are presented in table 4.

Table 4

Summary table of the comparative experiment

Criteria for the effectiveness of moral and aesthetic education Level Before the experiment After the experiment

Experimental group Control group Experimental group Control group

Creative activity low 16,2 16,1 7,7 11,3

medium 68,7 69,1 50,4 69,9

high 15,1 14,8 41,9 18,8

Interest low 43,6 43,4 9,7 39,5

medium 53,3 53,6 69,1 54,7

high 3,1 3,0 21,2 5,8

Understanding of the project's topic low 36,7 35,9 12,7 29,1

medium 53,7 54,4 12,6 52,0

high 9,6 9,7 74,7 18,9

Desire to discuss the topic and content of the project low 25,2 26,0 4,9 21,1

medium 70,2 69,7 64,8 73,8

high 4,6 4,3 30,3 5,1

Emotional development low 45,7 43,2 55,5 58,8

medium 25,2 24,8 66,4 31,8

high 6,2 6,3 28,5 9,4

Firmness of moral principles low 26,2 26,6 7,4 23,1

medium 69,2 68,7 51,3 71

high 4,6 4,7 41,3 5,9

Artistic and imaginative perception low 32,2 23,1 54,1 39,5

medium 53,6 53,3 69,1 75,5

high 3 3,1 21,2 32,6

Parents noted that the creative activity has increased, especially in CG at an average and high level from 50.4% to 69.9% and from 7.7% to 18.8%, respectively. In EG, the low and high levels of indicators increased from 7.7% and 50.4% to 11.3% and 69.9%, respectively.

The results of the "Interest" criterion were significant. If before the project, the experimental and control groups showed almost the same result, then after the experiment, the indicators in the CG increased sharply, especially in the high level (from 3% to 5.8%). The other indicators, having a positive dynamic, also rose by 2-3 %.

A great advance was shown by a high-level EG in the criteria "Understanding of the project topic" from 9.6% to 74.7%, which is an indicator for assessing the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children 3-7 years old and the impact of integrated perception of education and culture.

In the evaluation criterion "Desire to discuss the topic and content of the project", the average level showed high indices for all groups from 64.8% to 73.8%, in the EG there was also a significant dynamic from 4.6% to 30.3%, in the CG there were no such noticeable fluctuations.

The criterion "Firmness of moral principles" showed a high percentage at the average level, though it fell in EG, while in CG it rose to 71%.

The criterion "Artistic and imaginative perception" showed an increase in the EG and CG groups after the projects were realized, and the difference in dynamics, compared to other criteria, was the most significant and reached 25-30%.

The results of the experiment evaluation were processed using regression analysis and the Student's t-test. From the experimental and control groups, we randomly selected the results of a survey of 50 preschoolers for each project. In the compiled samples, the average score, average deviation, squared deviations, and the sum of squared deviations that are necessary for the Student's t-test were calculated.

According to the results of the calculation, the empirical value of the Student's coefficient was t = 2.1. The critical value of the Student's coefficient, set in a table by the reference

score ' '

number, is tcrit = 2.03 for the significance level = 0.05. Since the score value of the criterion is greater than the critical tscore (2.1) > tcrit (2.03), it can be concluded that the reliability of differences in the characteristics of the experimental and control groups is 96%.

Since in this study we made the assumption that the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children in the conditions of interaction between educational and cultural institutions is formed on the basis of cultural institutions, we have determined control levels. The control level revealed the average absolute increase in values between the verifying and forming experiment according to the formula:

Aa = (yn-y0)/(n-1), (1)


Aa is the average absolute increase;

yn is the final level of statistical series - the forming experiment; y0 is the initial level of statistical series - the verifying experiment; n is the number of series.

We present control levels for all projects in table 5.

Control levels for all projects «Colours of Chuvashia» «Land of Kalevala»

Table 5

High Average Low

Verifying experiment 25% 34% 96%

Forming experiment 40% 96% 19%

Average absolute increase 25% 62°% -77%

«Песнь о Калмыкии»

High Average Low

Verifying experiment 10% 13% 37%

Forming experiment 16% 37% 7%

Average absolute increase 6% 24% -30%

High Average Low

Verifying experiment 20% 28% 78%

Forming experiment 33% 78% 15%

Average absolute increase 13% 50% -63%

«Под небом Италии»

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

High Average Low

Verifying experiment 23% 32% 90%

Forming experiment 38% 90% 17%

Average absolute increase 15% 58% -73%

Integrated data on project control levels

Table 6

High Average Low

Verifying experiment 16% 22% 62%

Forming experiment 26% 62% 12%

Average absolute increase 10% 40% -50%

Integrated project data showed an average absolute increase from -55% to 40%.

Discussion of the results

Analysis of the results of the initial levels presented in table 4 showed that preschoolers are eager to participate in projects, their parents noted that the creative activity has increased. The results of control levels show that the quality of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children in the formative experiment is significantly higher.

Thus, given research experimentally tested the developed "Socio-pedagogical model of interaction between educational and cultural institutions in the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children", as well as the methods of said four projects.

It is noteworthy that the model of interdepartmental interaction successfully tested in institutions of the Russian Federation has proved to be in demand and effective for the

cultural and educational systems of other countries. As a result of its implementation, global crisis phenomena of interdepartmental interaction and typical ways to overcome them were discovered. The results of the research were discussed at professional seminars and conferences in the Russian Federation (Moscow Region State University, Moscow Pedagogical State University, I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University, Chuvash State Institute of Culture and the Arts) as well as in the Italian Republic (Paolo Diacono National Lyceum of Cividale del Friuli), the Kingdom of Spain (Alexander Pushkin Institute), the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University n. a. Boris Yeltsin).

The proposed model confirms and continues theoretical and practical developments in the field of training personnel for educational and cultural institutions of G. Petrov (on the cluster approach to the development of education) [19], G. Novikova (on the succession and continuity of the educational process in educational complexes at the present stage) [18], A. Tretyakov (on the need to increase information competence and motivation to build a unified educational space with partner organizations) [22].


The effectiveness of the author's approach was proved by the results of the research, the development and theoretical justification of the optimal model of interaction between educational and cultural institutions and the practical application of the model based on implemented projects for preschoolers. The developed and successfully tested model has shown its effectiveness not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other countries. The model and statistical data can be used for further research in this field. The research results allow to assert that the process of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children will be more effective if:

• a scientifically based model of interaction between educational and cultural institutions will be implemented in the context of the formation of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world and the moral component of personal development of preschool children;

• psychological, pedagogical and socio-cultural conditions will be provided for the organization of moral and aesthetic education of a preschooler with the integration of programs and curricula of educational and cultural institutions;

• common educational space will be built in the format of "family-preschool institution-cultural institution", which implies the interconnection of creative, research, cognitive activity with the perception of artistic and literary images on the basis of available information and technical resources.


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Информация об авторах Головачев Владимир Сергеевич

(Российская Федерация, Москва) Аспирант кафедры педагогики Московский государственный областной университет ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6972-2832 E-mail: vladgolovachev@yandex.ru

Зацепина Мария Борисовна

(Российская Федерация, Москва) Доктор педагогических наук, профессор кафедры начального образования Московский государственный областной университет ORCID ID: 0000-0002-81113333-8614 E-mail: sozidatele@mail.ru

Information about the authors

Vladimir S. Golovachev

(Moscow, Russian Federation) Postgraduate student of the Department of Pedagogy Moscow Region State University ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6972-2832 E-mail: vladgolovachev@yandex.ru

Maria B. Zatsepina

(Moscow, Russian Federation) Doctor of Education, Professor of the Department of Primary Education Moscow Region State University ORCID ID: 0000-0002-81113333-8614 E-mail: sozidatele@mail.ru

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