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Ключевые слова
parental culture / preschool teachers / young families / education / preschool children.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Vakhnyak N.V.

In the article the author analyzes the activities of the preschool institution on the formation of parenting culture in the interaction of the preschool institution with young families; considers the classification of spe-cies of young families in certain areas; presents the results of the diagnostic stage of the study, namely the sur-vey of the teaching staff of preschool education and the survey of parents of preschool children. The article also analyzes some areas of work with parents in preschool education, as well as online resources of preschool institutions that have an impact on the formation of parenting culture of young families.

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UDC: 372.22:372.3/.4

Vakhnyak N. V.

Publishing house "Osvita " DOI: 10.24412/2520-2480-2020-3183-44-46 analysis of the activities of the preschool education institution on the formation of the parental culture in the interaction of the preschool

institution with young families


In the article the author analyzes the activities of the preschool institution on the formation of parenting culture in the interaction of the preschool institution with young families; considers the classification of species of young families in certain areas; presents the results of the diagnostic stage of the study, namely the survey of the teaching staff ofpreschool education and the survey ofparents ofpreschool children. The article also analyzes some areas of work with parents in preschool education, as well as online resources ofpreschool institutions that have an impact on the formation of parenting culture of young families.

Keywords: parental culture, preschool teachers, young families, education, preschool children.

At the present stage of national education, there is a reform of the preschool level, and the basis of this process is the humanization and value orientation of educational activities in the conditions of preschool education. The purpose of preschool education is not the education of a member of society, but the free and harmonious development of the individual. Changes in national policy in the field of education have led to the recognition of the positive role of parenthood in the education and upbringing of preschoolers and the importance of interaction with it. Therefore, it is important to form a culture of parenthood in the interaction of preschool with young families.

It should be noted, that educators of preschool education institutions do not always focus on the importance of forming a culture of parenthood. Thus, educators and parents of preschoolers try to raise and teach children independently of each other, which has no effectiveness and positive impact on the individual [2,32].

In the educational process of preschoolers, the basis is the formation of positive habits, behavioral skills and rational ways of working. All this is possible if all the objects of the educational process will agree on the requirements for it, on the methods of influence, ways of learning.

Modern scientists study the issue of effective interaction between preschool education and preschool families: G. Boryn, T. Zharovtseva, L. Zagyk, A. Zaliznyak, V. Ivanova, O. Kononko, V. Kotyrlo, T. Kulikova, S. Ladyvir, S Mykhalska, V.Nechaeva, L. Ostrovska, E. Panko, T. Ponimanska and others.

In the context of our study, modern young parents are mostly educated and conscious parents, and practice shows that without the timely assistance of preschool teachers in solving certain tasks, it is difficult to form a competent personality, a comprehensively developed preschooler.

It is an indisputable fact that all parents need pedagogical knowledge, but the level of parental culture of young families today needs correction and improvement of young parents [4,126].

We singled out young families according to the following classification criteria:

- total composition - nuclear family - 108, complex family (family of several generations) - 17, single-parent family - 53, maternal family - 62);

- by number of children (one child family - 130, small family - 101, large family - 9); in the presence of non-native children (tutorial family - 4; adopted family - 1);

- by type of family leadership (democratic (partner or egalitarian) family - 144, authoritarian (dominant) family: patriarchal - 36, matriarchal - 19; autonomous (everyone makes decisions independently, autonomously)) - 41;

- by national (ethnic) composition (single-ethnic family - 127, interethnic family - 78, family of citizens of different countries - 22, family of persons of different religions - 13);

- by place of residence (urban family - 173, rural family - 67);

- by the level of material prosperity (low-income family - 144, wealthy family - 60, elite family - 36);

- by professional activity of the spouses (working family - 126, farming family - 6);

- by the nature of leisure (closed - 93, open - 147);

- by social composition (socially homogeneous (homogeneous) families - 165, socially heterogeneous (heterogeneous) families) - 75;

- under special conditions of family life (student family - 12, distant family - 41, illegitimate family -29);

- by choice of place of residence (patrilocal (in the family of the husband's parents) - 33, matrilocal (in the family of the woman's parents) - 47, non-local (separately) - 149, evacuated (with the family of an uncle or aunt) - 5, guest (live separately from each other) - 6;

- on the quality of family relationships - prosperous families - 63, stable families - 26, troubled families - 31; disadvantaged families (families with persistent conflicts in the relationship between spouses, parents and children, families with alcohol or drug addicts, families with low moral and cultural level of parents, families with violence, families with convicts or prisoners, families with serious mistakes and miscalculations in the upbringing of children) - 48, disorganized

«c@yl@qyiym-j©yrmal»#m81),2©2© / pedagogical sciences


families (cult of strength, fear, isolation of family members) - 9, harmonious families - 13, pseudo-solidarity families - 42, destructive families - 8.

At the beginning of the experimental study of the levels of formation in young families parental culture, preschool teachers conducted research work with the teaching staff of preschool institutions (educators, practical psychologists, methodologists, etc.) and parents. The survey of the teaching staff was conducted in order to establish the existence of this problem, to confirm its relevance.

It should be noted, that 88% of respondents to the question "Is there a purposeful work on the formation of the parental culture of young families in preschool education?" gave a negative answer. The last 12% of respondents, most of whom were psychologists working in preschools, answered "partially". However, 76% of educators are convinced of the need and importance of forming a culture of parenthood; 22% consider it difficult or impossible in a preschool setting, the last 2% do not have an unequivocal opinion. Importantly, 60% of educators and psychologists emphasize their readiness for the process of forming a culture of parenting young families, 30% express doubts about the readiness, 8% confirm their "unpreparedness", 2% do not understand what constitutes a readiness to form a culture in young families paternity.

The diagnosis of parents made it possible to identify common and divergent details in views on the problem of forming the parental culture of young families. Thus, 32% of parents consider the problem relevant, 62% do not see the need to form a culture of parenthood, 6% could not answer the urgency of the problem. Unfortunately, only 12% of young families expressed their desire to work on forming a culture of parenthood, 46% of families ignored the opportunity to participate in such work; the last 42% were indifferent to this proposal.

The diagnosis of teachers in relation to their attitude to self-development and ability to self-education in the context of the studied problem indicated a general positive attitude of teachers to innovation, personal and professional growth. However, the results of diagnosing the motivational readiness of teachers for self-education and self-development in terms of relationships with parents indicate a discrepancy between the potential of teachers for self-development (high level -experimental group - 60%, control group - 66.2%) and the desire for creativity (experimental group - 58 % and control group - 69.2% - low level).

According to the diagnostic stage of the study, we found that in the corners for parents and plans for the work of schools with parents, there are almost no special forms of work with young families. Note that in some plans for working with parents, we recorded the planned activities (thematic parent meetings, workshops for parents, a lecture by a psychologist, etc.), the content of which touched on one or another aspect of parenting culture. However, firstly, the measures were to cover all parents, i.e. they did not single out young families, and secondly, their number was insignificant. It can be assumed, that the systematic individual conversations and meetings with parents mentioned in the

work plans can solve part of the research problem, although the content of individual work, its focus and effectiveness require further diagnostic measurement. Participation in some conversations revealed that children, solving organizational issues, discussing regime issues, and so on, aim most of the topics at the process of acquiring certain knowledge and skills. However, issues affecting the various structural components of parental culture are not discussed in individual work. Exceptions were conversations, the content of which was devoted to the problems of adaptation of the child to kindergarten, the issues of interaction with the child during the adaptation, which allows referring these conversations to those aimed at forming the parental culture.

Regarding the analysis of sites, we emphasize that the vast majority of websites do have a separate section dedicated to parents. The content of the section is different, but the content has much in common. For example, the announcement of events held in kindergartens (parent meetings, holidays, medical examinations of children), the rules of admission (registration) of children to kindergarten, a list of materials that must be purchased when entering kindergarten. Especially valuable for us in filling the site was a page of a psychologist or advice to parents. In our opinion, it is there that some useful information of various contents can be presented, which relates to the problem of forming the parental culture in young parents. However, the analysis of this section revealed limited information for young parents.

Thus, the results show that the majority of educators consider themselves able to address the process of forming the parental culture in young families, taking into account the real needs and capabilities of each. It turned out that only 16% of experimental group educators and 13.8% of control group meet the high level; however, the average - experimental group - 56.0%, control group - 55.4%; low - experimental group -28.0%, control group - 30.8%.

The study of the levels of manifestation of parental culture in young parents revealed the need for purposeful work of preschool education in the direction of forming the parental culture of young families.


1. Akgunduz, D., & Akpinar, B. C. (2018). Evaluation of STEM applications based on science education in pre-school education in terms of students, teachers and parents. Educational for Life,32(1), 1-26.

2. Boryn, G.V. (2015). Professional preparation of students for educational and consultative interaction by means of pedagogical practice. Scientific Bulletin of Mukachevo State University. Vol.2. 32-36.

3. Dydnik, N.A. (2014). The family as a microfac-tor in the process of economic socialization of preschool children. "Scientific Bulletin" of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University of K.D. Ushinsky. Special issue "Actual problems of modern preschool and higher education". 120-127.

4. Ivach, S.M. (2013). Features of pedagogization of parents of preschool children. Pedagogy of higher and secondary school: a collection of scientific works. Vol. 37. 125-135.



5. Methodical recommendations on the organization of interaction of preschool education institutions with parents of pupils: letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. (2017). URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxpu4GDXDpc7YW VvcWUtVWJpdEk/view

6. Saxonberg, S. (2014). Gendering family policies in post-communist Europe: A historical-institutional analysis. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

7. Zehetmeier, S., & Krainer, K. (2013). Researching the sustainable impact of professional development programmes on participating teachers' beliefs. In Y. Li & J. N. Moschkovich (Eds.), Proficiency and beliefs in learning and teaching mathematics—Learning from Alan Schoenfeld and Günter Toerner (pp. 139-155). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

УДК 378.145

Дикая Д.И.,

студент Буден Д. А., студент Воробьева Д.И., студент Буден Е.Е. студент

Кубанский государственный аграрный университет имени И. Т. Трубилина

РР!: 10.24412/2520-2480-2020-3183-46-47 актуальные проблемы системы образования в «постпандемийный»


Dikaya D.I..

student Buden D.A., student Vorobyova D.I.,

student Buden E.E.


Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilina

current problems of the education system in the "post-pandemic" period


В статье определены проблемы современного образования в РФ и перспективы его развития в настоящее время.


The article identifies the problems of modern education in the Russian Federation and the prospects for its development at the present time.

Ключевые слова: образование, система образования, проблемы образования, образовательная модель, пандемия, дистанционное обучение.

Keywords: education, education system, educational problems, educational model, pandemic, distance learning.

Сегодня в нашей стране и мире происходит существенная трансформация системы образования. Происходит это по 2-м причинам: [5]

- экономической - люди, пытаются узнать получают ли дети достаточное количество знаний в различных областях, чтобы занять достойное место в жизни и обществе.

- культурная - сохранение культурной самобытности и передача культурного наследия будущим поколениям.

И основная проблема в том, что детей готовят к будущему, но старыми методами, которые уже не соответствуют потребностям общества.

Существующая система образования разрабатывалась для других экономических и культурных

ценностей и в его основе заложено разделение людей на 2 группы - интеллектуальные и нет. Данное не может быть однозначным, поскольку люди все разные и такое деление может подходить одним и совершенно не подходить другим.

Формируя образовательную модель нужно уходить от жесткой регламентации, потому что сегодня всех пытаются запихнуть в единые рамки, занимаясь стандартизацией методов тестирования. А двигаться следует в противоположную сторону, и именно это нужно положить в основу изменения парадигмы.

Данные проблемы не были разрешены и в настоящее время.

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