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Аннотация научной статьи по животноводству и молочному делу, автор научной работы — Kazmiruk L.

The research was conducted on the materials of breeding and accounting on the farm of the breeding plant. It was investigated the productivity of mothers of first calving cows in the milking herd of the Ukrainian black-speckled dairy breed, taking into account the feeding conditions and the level of feed consumption. The productivity of the first calving cows-mothers was determined for 305 days of lactation. The daughters, having had their first lactation in 2016, 2017 and 2018, were chosen among all cows-mothers in 2013, 2014 and 2015. Thus, 10 pairs of mothers-daughters with calving in 2013 and 2016, 2014 and 2017, 2015 and 2018 were formed. In order to increase the impact of feeding conditions on the milk yield of cows-mothers and their daughters, the feed consumption per head was examined. For mothers it was 5120 feed units in 2013, 5248 feed units in 2014 and 5032 feed units in 2015; while for daughters it was 4985 feed units in 2016, 5313 feed units in 2017 and 5428 feed units in 2018. Studies on the prediction of daughters' milk yield and the determination of its effect on heredity were defined, taking into account the mother's yield, as well as the ones of mother's mother and father's mother. The results of the research show that the productivity of mothers of the experimental first calving cows of the Ukrainian black-speckled dairy breed was influenced by the feeding conditions. In 2013 the milk yield was 4128.3 kg at the feed consumption of 5120 feed units for nutrition, while in 2015 it was 3931.4 kg of milk at the feed consumption of 5032 feed units. The efficiency of daughters' heredity was 77.7% in 2016, 81.2% in 2017 and 87.9% in 2018. The feeding conditions had a significant effect on the daughters' predicted milk productivity, where the costs were 4985 feed units in 2016, 5313 feed units in 2017 and 5428 feed units in 2018. It was determined the highest profitability of milk production of 49.2%, while the feed consumption of 21.37% was the lowest.

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участников товародвижения, в том числе в целях получения точных характеристик по отгружаемым партиям товаров, усовершенствовать, изменить функциональные обязанности персонала и повысить его квалификацию.

В ряде случаев имеют значение и условия работы участников ВЭД. В частности имеет значение степень покрытия различных регионов средствами связи, поскольку не все регионы и отдельные их территории одинаково оснащены необходимыми коммуникациями.

Важным моментом является и организация международного информационного взаимодействия. Договор ЕАЭС вводит принципиально новое понятие «трансграничное пространство доверия», означающее совокупность правовых, организационных и технических условий, согласованных государствами-членами с целью обеспечения доверия при межгосударственном обмене данными и электронными документами между уполномоченными органами [2]. Информационные электронные системы российских таможенных органов изначально строились с учетом международного опыта, как с точки зрения формирования таможенной технологии электронной обработки данных деклараций, так и с точки зрения использования международных форматов обмена данными. В связи с этим, представляется, что интегрирование с информа ционными системами, как госуд арств ЕАЭС, так и Европейского союза не имеет непреодолимых техни ческих барьеров.

Существенные изменения в технологии реализации таможенных операций требует совершенствования орган изации таможенного конт роля и информа ционной системы тамож енных органов. Практика разработки программных средств таможенного контроля долгие годы строилась по принципу внесения изменений и наращивания информационной сист емы. В резул ьтате, одной из ощутимых проблем являлась недостаточная интеграция отдельных внутренних сегментов тамож енной информационной сис темы друг с другом. Безусловно, попытки оптимизации сис темы предпринимались и предприн имаются.

Тем не менее, практика внесения достаточно час тых изменений в тамож енное законодательство, тре бует соответствующих коррек тировок и в алго ритмы контроля.

Учитывая кардинальные изменения, осуществляемые в технологии таможенного контроля и иерархии информационной системы, следует постоянно совершенствовать единую автоматизированную информационную систему таможенных органов, как на национальном, так и наднациональном уровне, используя накопленный опыт автоматизации [3, с. 139].

Необходимо также отметить, что внедрение новых технологий неодинаково может отразиться на результатах деятельности различных субъектов, связанных с процессом перемещения товаров через таможенную границу. Так, например, ускорение процесса выпуска товаров может существенным образом сокр атить потребность в скл адах временного хранения. В тоже время, развитие транзитных мультимодальных перевозок на территории ЕАЭС, напр отив, может увел ичить потребность в складировании товаров, находящихся под тамож енным контролем в реги онах, расположенных на лин иях организации мультимодальных транспортных коридоров.

В связи с этим, представляется целесообразным организация проведения мониторинга влияния внедрения новых таможенных технологий на деятельность таможенных органов и других субъектов внешнеэкономической деятельности.

Список литературы:

1. Гурова Е. С., Безуглов Д.А. Категорирова-ние товаров при лицензировании экспортно-импортных операций // Фундаментальные исследования. 2016№ 11-2. С. 373-377.

2. Договор о Евразийском экономическом союзе (Подписан в г. Астане 29.05.2014) (ред. от 15.03.2018), Приложение N 3

3. Тимофеева Е.Ю. Проблемы развития современных таможенных технологий на территории евразийского экономического союза / Сборник научных трудов по итогам международной научно -практической конференции. № 2. Санкт-Петербург, 2017. 339 с.

УДК 636.034:636.2:636.085.3


Kazmiruk L.

Candidate of Agricultural Science, Associate Professor Vinnytsia National Agrarian University




KaîbMÏpyK Л.В.,

кандидат с.-г. наук, доцент Вгнницький нацюнальний аграрний унгверситет



The research was conducted on the materials of breeding and accounting on the farm of the breeding plant. It was investigated the productivity of mothers of first calving cows in the milking herd of the Ukrainian blackspeckled dairy breed, taking into account the feeding conditions and the level of feed consumption.

The productivity of the first calving cows-mothers was determined for 305 days of lactation. The daughters, having had their first lactation in 2016, 2017 and 2018, were chosen among all cows-mothers in 2013, 2014 and 2015. Thus, 10 pairs of mothers-daughters with calving in 2013 and 2016, 2014 and 2017, 2015 and 2018 were formed.

In order to increase the impact of feeding conditions on the milk yield of cows-mothers and their daughters, the feed consumption per head was examined. For mothers it was 5120 feed units in 2013, 5248 feed units in 2014 and 5032 feed units in 2015; while for daughters it was 4985 feed units in 2016, 5313 feed units in 2017 and 5428 feed units in 2018.

Studies on the prediction of daughters' milk yield and the determination of its effect on heredity were defined, taking into account the mother's yield, as well as the ones of mother's mother and father's mother.

The results of the research show that the productivity of mothers of the experimental first calving cows of the Ukrainian black-speckled dairy breed was influenced by the feeding conditions. In 2013 the milk yield was 4128.3 kg at the feed consumption of 5120 feed units for nutrition, while in 2015 it was 3931.4 kg of milk at the feed consumption of 5032 feed units. The efficiency of daughters' heredity was 77.7% in 2016, 81.2% in 2017 and 87.9% in 2018. The feeding conditions had a significant effect on the daughters' predicted milk productivity, where the costs were 4985 feed units in 2016, 5313 feed units in 2017 and 5428 feed units in 2018. It was determined the highest profitability of milk production of 49.2%, while the feed consumption of 21.37% was the lowest.


З метою проведения дослщжень за матерiалами племшного та бухгалтерського облшу у господарст племшного заводу на дшному стащ украшсько! чорно-рябо! молочно! породи було дослщжено продукти-вшсть матерiв та !х дочок корiв-первiсток з врахуванням умов годiвлi та рiвнем витрат кормiв.

Продуктивнють матерiв-первiсток визначена за 305 дтв лактацп i з вах корiв в 2013, 2014 i 2015 рошв зроблений вибiр !х дочок, яш мали за першу лактащю у 2016, 2017 i 2018 роках. Таким чином, було сформовано 10 пар матерiв-дочок з отелами: 2013 i 2016; 2014 i 2017; 2015 i 2018 роках.

З метою тдвищення впливу умов годiвлi на надш матерiв та дочок дослщили витрати кормiв на одну голову: у матерiв затрати складали у 2013 рощ - 5120 корм. од., у 2014 р. - 5248 корм. од., 2015 р. - 5032 корм. од.; у дочок: у 2016 р. - 4985 корм. од., у 2017 р. - 5313 корм. од., у 2018 р. - 5428 корм. од.

Дослвдження прогнозування надою дочок та визначення його ефекту спадковосп визначали врахову-ючи надо! матерц матерьматерц матерi батька.

Результатами дослщжень встановлено, що на продуктивтсть матерiв тддослщних корiв-первiсток украшсько! чорно-рябо! молочно! породи ввдповвдний вплив мали умови годiвлi. Так, у 2013 рощ при ви-тратах кормiв за пожившсть 5120 корм. од. !х надш склав 4128,3кг та у 2015 рощ ввдповщно 5032 корм. од. i 3931,4 кг молока. Ефективнють спадковосп надо!в дочок у 2016 рощ була на рiвнi 77,7%, у 2017 рощ - 81,2%, у 2018 рощ - 87,9%. Суттевий вплив на проявлення прогнозовано! молочно! продуктивносп дочок мали умови годiвлi, де у 2016 рощ витрати кормiв були на рiвнi 4985 корм. од., 2017 рощ - 5313 корм. од., 2018 рощ - 5428 корм. од. Рiвень рентабельносп отримання молока встановлений найвищий 49,2% у по-рiвняннi iз найменшими витратами кормiв на 21,37%.

Keywords: cows-mothers, daughters, first calving cows, feed, efficiency, milk, milk yield

Ключовi слова: матер^ дочки, корови-первютки, корми, ефективнють, молоко, надш

Setting the problem. The dairy productivity of cows is a characteristic that is defined by sex. However, the genes that determine it are in the genotypes of both parents. The dairy productivity depends on many factors: the degree of heredity of characteristics, the animals' breed, genotype and line, the technology of their breeding, keeping and use, the level and quality of feeding, age, exterior and constitution, and others. According to the research of many authors, the results of which have been generalized, the coefficient of heredity (h2) by milk yield is 0.2-0.3; it is 0.4-0.5 by fat milk and 0.30.4 by milk fat production. The selection of cows by their own milk productivity (proband phenotype) is the most accurate. However, this leads to an increase in the generative interval and to a decrease in the selection effect. Therefore, the selection by origin, i.e. by pheno-type and genotype of ancestors is widely used in the practice of dairy farming [11].

Raising the first calving cows of the desired type and level of productivity is essential among the measures that increase the productivity of dairy herds. Different feeding conditions in the rearing of young animals can affect their processes of growth and development, body structure, the nature of metabolism and the formation of future milk productivity. Both intensive and low levels of feeding the repair heifers can affect the milk productivity of reared cows [4].

The genetically programmed productivity of animals can be provided only under favorable conditions of their growing, care and use. It was found that the growth rate of heifers of different genotypes is closely related to the level of milk productivity. Reducing the intensity of rearing heifers in the period from 18 months to the first calving does not allow animals to fully realize their genetic potential and milk productivity [10].

The dairy productivity of cattle belongs to the group of characteristics that are classified quantitatively, which change significantly under the influence of living conditions. Hence, the diversity of phenotypes observing in each herd should be considered as the result of a different response of various genotypes to the environmental conditions in which the animals were developed and used [2].

The genetically programmed productivity of animals can be provided only under favorable conditions of their growing, care and use. It was found that the growth rate of heifers of different genotypes is closely related to the level of milk productivity. Reducing the intensity of heifer breeding in the period up to 18 months does not allow animals to fully realize their hereditary potential for milk productivity [9].

Among genotypic factors, both fathers and mothers have a significant influence on the genetic progress of populations [6].

However, according to many scientists, the daughters' milk productivity by 80-90% depends on the breeding value of fathers, while only by 10-20% on the genetic potential of mothers [10].

Animals need energy to maintain the vital functions of their organism and the formation of products. The only source of energy is feed, or rather the organic matter of feed. Therefore, the energy nutrition of feed can be considered as its ability to meet the animal's need for organic matter as a source of available energy.

The study of the efficiency of conversion of feed nutrients into products in cows of different breeds shows that it is different and depends on the breed, the completeness of feeding, physiological condition and genetic characteristics.

The efficiency of feed conversion into products is primarily related to improving the completeness of feeding. The further progress in dairy farming is impossible without strengthening the feed base, improving the norms, types and modes of feeding, the recipes of compound feed and premixes, as well as the feed preparation technology [7].

Studies have shown that the efficiency of cows' selection in the breeding herd depends on many factors: forms of selection (methodological, mass, of genotype expression, indirect, stabilizing and technological), heredity coefficient, recurrence, correlation of characteristics, regression, genetic parameters and environmental conditions [6].

The obtaining of planned indicators of milk productivity is determined by the need for feed, taking into account the recommended optimal and maximum rates of feed consumption per cow per year [3].

The planning of herd reproduction, taking into account the level of productivity of mothers from whom they get daughters is important in the system of breeding [1].

Analysis of recent research and setting the objective. Many studies have shown that the daughters of Ukrainian black-speckled dairy breed probably exceeded their mothers with milk productivity up to 5,000 kg in milk yield and the amount of milk fat for all lactations, while, on the contrary, they were inferior to

their mothers with milk productivity over 5,000 kg [ 11].

The first calving cows born from mothers with different levels of milk yield differ significantly in quantitative characteristics of milk productivity, namely, milk yield, production of milk fat and protein, as well as the relative milk yield. The descendants of highly productive mothers are characterized by the best parameters [4].

The first calving cows are inferior in most characteristics to the parameters of animals of the desired type. The smallest differences with the desired type are observed in the cows obtained from the best mothers [5].

At the same time, insufficient research has been conducted to assess the mothers' feeding conditions in comparison with the level of daughters' feeding. This is because more than three years pass between the mother's and daughter's first lactation. The information about mothers' and daughters' feeding conditions is not always objective, consistent with the actual data, especially in commercial agricultural enterprises.

Based on this, the aim of the study was to establish the efficiency of using feed by first calving cows-mothers and their daughters.

Material and methods of research. According to the materials of breeding and accounting of Ltd "Agro-firma Batkivshchyna" of Vinnytsia district, the productivity of mothers of the first calving cows was studied on the herd of Ukrainian black-speckled dairy breed taking into account the feeding conditions and the feed consumption levels.

The productivity of first calving mothers was determined for 305 days of lactation. Their daughters, who had the first lactation in 2017, 2018 and 2019, were chosen from all cows in 2014, 2015 and 2016. Thus, 10 pairs of mothers-daughters with calving 2014 and 2017; 2015 and 2018; 2016 and 2019 were determined.

In order to increase the impact of feeding conditions on the mothers' and daughters' milk yields, the feed consumption per head was studied: the mothers' consumption was 5120 feed units in 2014, 5248 feed units in 2015 and 5032 feed units in 2016; while in the daughters it was 4985 feed units in 2017, 5313 feed units in 2018 and 5428 feed units in 2019.

The prediction of milk yield and determination of the effect of heredity by milk yield was studied by the formula: (2M + MM + MF):4, where M is the mother's milk yield; MM is the milk yield of mother's mother; MF is the milk yield of father's mother.

The economic efficiency of the manifestation of mothers' and ancestors' milk productivity in the first calving cows was determined by the following indicators: the amount of milk sold, revenue from milk sales, total milk production costs, profit and the level of profitability.

Research results. The efficiency of feed conversion into products depends first of all on the genetic potential of the organism, and then on subjective factors, the main of which is the complete feeding [7].

According to the breeding cards, the search for the mothers of the first calving cows of Ukrainian black-

speckled dairy breed, having calved in 2014, was made. Their milk yield for 305 days of lactation was determined. Their daughters-heifers were selected, as well as their milk yield for 305 days of the first lactation

(2017) was determined. Similar studies were conducted in 2015 and 2016 with mothers and in 2018 and 2019 with daughters (Table 1).

Table 1

Productivity and use of feeds by first calving cows-mothers, n=10, X xS X_

Indicator Year

2014 2015 2016

Milk yield for 305 days, kg

- of all first calving cows 4145.3 ± 78.1 4598.3 ± 83.2 4018.3 ± 75.3

- experimental cows 4128.5 ± 42.5 4524.3 ± 37.4*** 3931.4 ± 42.3

Milk fat content, % 3.72 ± 0.03 3.60 ± 0.02** 3.81 ± 0.03

Milk fat, kg 153.6 ± 2.41 162.9 ± 3.12* 149.8 ± 2.35

Use of feeds, feed units

- in total 5120 5248 5032

- per 1 kg of milk 1.24 1.16 1.28

Note: *P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001

In 2016, the feed consumption per one first calving cow decreased slightly by 1.7% (5032 feed units), as a result the milk yields also decreased by 4.8%, and the feed consumption per 1 kg of milk increased by 3.2 %.

According to other indicators (increase in milk and milk fat in different years), the feeding conditions also had an impact on the productive characteristics of first calving cows.

The evaluation of daughters from mothers of first calving cows, taking into account the predicted and actual productivity allows establishing the manifestation of hereditary characteristics under the influence of external factors, especially the level of cows' feeding (Table 2).

Table 2

Comparative evaluation of daughters' actual productivity with predicted_

Indicator Productivity of daughters, kg by years

2017 2018 2019

predicted actual predicted actual predicted actual

Milk yield for 305 days, kg 4970.2 3864.6±37.2 5546.9 4502.7±42.8 5417.2 4761.5±87.9

Effect of milk yields manifestation, % - 77.7 - 81.2 - 87.9

Table 1 shows that selected first calving cows-mothers, having calved in 2014, 2015 and 2016, were the closest to the average milk yield of all first calving cows. At the same time, a significant difference in milk yield was determined in 2015 compared to 2014, i.e. the milk productivity increased by 9.6%, with a probable difference of P <0.001, while in 2016, on the contrary, the milk yield decreased by 4.8% (P <0.01).

The main reason for such results is the level of cows' feeding. Thus, in 2014, it was used the feeds with total nutritional value of 5120 feed units per head. The increase of nutritional value of feeds to 5248 feed units or 2.5% had a positive effect on feed consumption per 1 kg of milk; it was less by 6.5% (1.16 feed units).

In 2017, the actual milk yields of first calving cows were 3864.6 kg. The mothers' milk yield for the last lactation was at the level of 4128.5 kg (mother's mother - 5149 kg, father's mother - 6475 kg). Moreover, in theory, the milk yield of first calving cows should be 4970.2 kg. The effect of manifestation on heredity by milk yield is 77.7%.

In 2018, the milk yields of first calving cows-mothers increased on average to 4502.7 kg or by 16.51% with the prediction of 5546.9 kg.

Due to mothers and ancestors (mother's mother -5715 kg and father's mother - 7424 kg) the effect of heredity increased to 81.2%, which is by 3.5% higher compared to the effect of 2017.

In 2019, the actual milk yield of first calving cows continued increasing to 4761.5 kg and it was by 23.2% more with the theoretical daughters' productivity of 5417.2 kg compared to 2016.

Taking into account the milk yields of first calving cows (mother's; mother's mother; father's mother),

where the mother's milk yields were 3931.4 kg; those of mother's mothers were 5874 kg and of father's mothers - 7932 kg, the effect of manifestation by heredity of milk yields from mothers and ancestors of the ancestral lineage was 87.9%.

It is noteworthy that in 2017 at the lowest total feed consumption (4985 feed units) compared to 2018 and 2019, the daughters' milk yields and the manifestation of parents' genetic predispositions were not only lower, but also had the lowest level of profitability of obtained and sold milk (14.54%) in the first calving cows of Ukrainian black-speckled dairy breed (Table 3). At the same time, in 2018 the level of profitability of milk production increased to 24.58%, including due to an increase in the level of heredity - by 1.03%.

Accordingly, in 2019, the achievement of hereditary information in the first calving cows reached 87.9%, which was reflected in the level of profitability of 49.22%, and due to a higher selling price by 27.85%.

Table 3

Economic efficiency of manifestation of mothers' and ancestors' milk productivity (per head) by first calv-_ ing cows_

Indicators Years

2017 2018 2019

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Feed consumption, feed units, in total 4985 5313 5428

- per 1 kg of milk 1.29 1.18 1,14

Sold milk, kg 3169 3612 3904

Revenue from milk sales, UAH 15052.7 18904.0 22799.4

Total milk production costs, UAH 13141.2 15173.8 15278.5

Profit, UAH 1911.5 3730.2 7520.9

Level of profitability, % 14.54 24.58 49.22

Level of profitability by prices of 2017,% 14.54 15.57 21.37

In 2018 the feed consumption in the first calving cows increased by 6.6% and in 2019 - by 8.9%, compared to 2017 that had a positive effect on the increase in the milk yield by 16.5 and 23.2%.

Conclusions: 1. Feeding conditions had a corresponding influence on the productivity of the experimental first calving cows' mothers of Ukrainian blackspeckled dairy breed. Thus, in 2014 their milk yield was 4128.3 kg at the feed consumption with nutritional value of 5120 feed units; and in 2016 it was 3931.4 kg of milk and 5032 feed units, respectively.

2. The efficiency of heredity of daughters' milk yields was at the level of 77.7% in 2017, 81.2% in 2018 and 87.9% in 2019.

3. The feeding conditions had a significant influence on the manifestation of the daughters' predicted milk productivity, where the feed consumption was at the level of 4985 feed units in 2017, 5313 feed units in 2018 and 5428 feed units in 2019.

4. It was determined the highest level of profitability of milk production of 49.2% compared to the lowest feed consumption by 21.37%.


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9. Trotsenko Z. Influence of development rates of repair heifers of Ukrainian black-speckled dairy breed on milk productivity of first-born cows. Bulletin of Poltava State Agrarian Academy. Poltava. № 2. 2010. pp. 79-81.

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Пиль Э.А.

Академик РАЕ, профессор, доктор технических наук, ГУАП, г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия


Pil E.

Academician of the RANH, professor, d.t.s SUAI, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

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