УДК: 378.147.34
assistant of the Faculty of Ecology and Geography of Bukhara State University. Bukhara City of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
ORCID ID 0000-0002-1270-924X MURATOVA GULSARA SAITOVNA assistant of the Faculty of Ecology and Geography of Bukhara State University. Bukhara City of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
ORCID ID 0000-0003-2406-5581 MUSTAFAYEVA SHARGIYA AKHMATOVA assistant of the Department of Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Physical Culture of the Bukhara State Medical Institute. Bukhara City of the Republic of Uzbekistan. ORCID ID 0000-0002-7573-0396 TURSUNBAYEVA MUNISABON TULKIN KIZI student of the 1 course of the Faculty of English of Bukhara State University. Bukhara City of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
ORCID ID 0000-0002-6581-6217 ABSTRACT
This article discusses the effectiveness of teaching "cooperation" of the subject sports medicine in higher education. At the same time, in the process of training, students have the opportunity to jointly acquire knowledge in a team, small group and couple to ensure mutual development.
Key words: practical exercises, sports medicine, interactive teaching method, joint training, the effectiveness of collaborative learning technologies
ассистент факультета экологии и географии Бухарского государственного университета. Город Бухара Республика
Узбекистан. ОРСЮ Ю 0000-0002-1270-924Х МУРАТОВА ГУЛСАРА САИТОВНА ассистент факультета экологии и географии Бухарского государственного университета. Город Бухара Республика
Узбекистан. ОРСЮ Ю 0000-0003-2406-5581 МУСТАФАЕВА ШАРГИЯ АХМАТОВНА ассистент кафедры реабилиталогии, спортивной медицины и физической культуры Бухарского государственного медицинского института. Город Бухара Республики Узбекистан.
ОИСЮ Ю 0000-0002-7573-0396 ТУРСУНБАЕВА МУНИСАБОНУ ТУЛКИН КИЗИ студентка 1 курса факультета английского языка Бухарского государственного университета. Город Бухара Республика Узбекистан. ОРСЮ Ю 0000-0002-6581-6217
В статье рассматривается эффективность преподавания методом "сотрудничество" предмета спортивная медицина в высшей школе В то же время, в процессе обучения студенты имеют возможность совместно приобретать знания в команде, небольшой группе и паре, чтобы обеспечить взаимное развитие.
Ключевые слова: практические занятия, спортивная медицина, интерактивный метод обучения, совместное обучение, эффективность технологий совместного обучения.
экология ва география факультети ассистенти, Бухоро давлат университети, Бухоро ш., Узбекистон Республикаси.
ОРСЮ Ю 0000-0002-1270-924Х МУРАТОВА ГУЛСАРА САИТОВНА экология ва география факультети ассистенти, Бухоро давлат университети, Бухоро ш., Узбекистон Республикаси.
ОИСЮ Ю 0000-0003-2406-5581 МУСТАФАЕВА ШАРГИЯ АХМАТОВНА реабилиталогия, спорт тиббиёти ва жисмоний маданият кафедраси ассистенти, Бухоро давлат тиббиёт институти, Бухоро ш., Узбекистон Республикаси. ОРСЮ Ю 0000-0002-7573-0396 ТУРСУНБАЕВА МУНИСАБОНУ ТУЛКИН КИЗИ инглиз тили кафедраси 1 курс талабаси, Бухоро давлат университети, Бухоро ш., Узбекистон Республикаси.
ОРСЮ Ю 0000-0002-6581-6217 АННОТАЦИЯ
Мацолада спорт тиббиётини таълим муассасаларида цушма усулда дарс бериш цацида маълумот берилган. Шунингдек, талабалар уциш жараёнида жамоа, кичик гуруц еки жуфтлик таркибида билим олишлари мумкин.
Калит сузлар: амалий машгулот, спорт тиббиёти, уцитишнинг интерактив усуллари, цушма уцитиш технология-сининг самарадорлиги
Relevance of the topic: In modern conditions, the education of cooperation, its organization is of particular importance. In addition to the
above ideas, the essence of the method of collaborative learning is the idea of step-by-step (inertia of ideas, separation of important, design rework) and implementation of problem-solving processes based on teamwork - [2, 7, 9]. After all, collaborative learning fosters conscious discipline in the student, sees his or her success as group success, prepares the ground for mastering assignments with peers, partnering with peers, organizing mutual support, and finally engaging in earnest mental work. Collaborative learning is the process by which students learn in groups, small groups, and in pairs.
Mutual development is an education that represents the joint organization of the "teacher-student (s)" relationship, the main idea of which is to perform learning tasks in a team, in small groups or in pairs, in collaboration. The ideas of this type of education were formed in the 80s of the last century on the basis of the views of J.J. Russo, K.D. Ushinsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.S. Makarenko and innovative pedagogues - [1, 3, 17]. The purpose of the topic: Collaborative education in students intellectual, promotes the goal of forming a worldview based on the development of spiritual-moral, physical abilities, interests, motives. This type of education differs from "Cooperative learning" in that it allows students to work in teams through pairs and small groups - [4, 5, 6, 11].
Ensure that they have the skills. This type of education is organized in different areas, including:
- organization of relations based on educational cooperation;
- Individual approach to students based on humanistic ideas;
- Achieving professional and spiritual unity in the educational process
Materials and Methods: In the transition to the science of sports medicine, as in any education, collaborative learning is also based on certain priority principles. These principles serve to highlight the most important foundations of collaborative learning. They are:
1. Mutual unity of pair and small group members. According to him, in the process of learning, learning materials are mastered because of the joint efforts of pairs and small group members. The educator must be able to create the necessary conditions for the effective, thorough mastering of the whole learning material by them in pairs or small groups.
2. In pairs and small groups, each member is responsible for their own and group success. Collaborative education should ensure that learners learn in a reciprocal, collaborative manner, while creating a conducive environment in which each student, in pairs or small groups, can fully realize their inner potential. In addition, because learning is based on collaboration, each student is unique must fight for the interests of the couple and small group to which they belong, and be able to take a responsible approach to success with their spouse and teammates.
3. Organization of collaborative learning activities in pairs and small groups. According to collaborative education, students organize learning activities in pairs and small groups. Collaboration is the same in both theoretical and practical classes provided. Theoretical classes are given to students in pairs or small groups, which are not complicated and can be solved in a short time, while practical classes are given more complex or complex tasks. In both cases students in pairs and small groups focus on the effective completion of learning tasks, thorough mastery of the learning material, concentrating opportunities on a single point.
4. General evaluation of pair and small group work. In
collaborative education, the performance of all students working in pairs and small groups is assessed on the basis of the overall performance of their immediate partner and teammates. This situation serves to further increase the responsibility in students. After all, the activity, approach, activity of each student as a worthy contribution to increasing the efficiency of pair or small group activities.
Important features and components of collaborative learning.
Collaborative education, which serves to determine the interaction between the participants in the educational process, also has certain characteristics.
- pay attention to the personality of the student;
- mastery of ready knowledge and denial of their processing;
- development of independent and critical thinking in students;
- Ensuring a positive attitude towards the teacher and peers;
- Development of cultural communication skills in students;
Creating an environment based on cooperation and mutual equality
will have its own set of components - [8, 10, 11]. These components include:
1. Base material (explanatory pictures, brief summaries, symbols, diagrams, graphs, tables, diagrams).
2. Test (testing knowledge on a test basis).
3. Assessment (assessment of students' mastery)
When using collaborative learning, students learn in the following ways:
1) in the team;
2) in a small group;
3) in pairs
1-variant. Community learning. The team will be aware of each student's achievements as the team is interested in the successful mastery of the learning material by each student. After all, the success of the team depends on each student and his success, the solution of the problem facing the team.
2-variant. Study in a small group. Students are divided into small groups of 4-5 and work on the material provided in blocks. Each student works on the material individually. Students in one group then move on to other groups of 1 person and themselves after informing their peers as an
expert on the material studied, they return to their groups and introduce their team members to the information they have learned from their peers. In doing so, listen carefully to the partners, write down the necessary information in their notebooks required. At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks any student to answer questions on the topic studied.
3-variant. Working in pairs. Students are divided into pairs. Each pair receives a separate assignment on a holistic topic. Based on working together, the members of the couple master the material given to them. He then informs the community about it - [9,11]
The application of cooperation training is in a certain order:
- Achieving cooperation with partners and teammates;
- active work, responsible approach to the task;
- have a positive attitude towards a partner or teammate;
- a sense of responsibility not only for their own success, but also for the success of their partner and team;
- Working in pairs and groups - feeling that it is serious and responsible work
Basic forms- students (4-5 people) work in small groups;
- A single training material for the team is provided;
- Each group finds an answer to a separate question;
- an expert group is formed;
- this group gets acquainted in detail with the work of each group;
- The expert group has the opportunity to assess the performance of each student individually;
- The points earned by students are summarized and the activity of the small group is evaluated;
- The team with the highest score is the winner
Outcomes and their analysis: Collaborative learning technologies - in the learning process, students learn together in a team, small group and in pairs, develop each other, as well as.
It also contributes to the effective and successful acquisition of knowledge of educational significance, which ensures the joint organization of the "teacher-student (s)" relationship.
Scheme, table, base symbol, graphic drawing, base material, material based on logical statement, system-structural approach serve to systematize the training material. The use of basic materials in higher education creates the following opportunities:
- frees students from boring mechanical recording of theoretical information provided by the teacher in lectures;
- allows the teacher to communicate more with students in the classroom;
- Ensures the effective reception of learning materials by students through words, visual and visual;
- Increases the effectiveness of the effective implementation of educational tasks by students in the educational process on the basis of discussion;
- provides an opportunity to control the process and quality of students' acquisition of new knowledge;
- helps students to systematize their knowledge;
- Through the coding of educational information, students are able to thoroughly master the complex sections, concepts and concepts of the subject;
- reduces the time spent on learning the material, allowing students to perform more practical and analytical work;
- Teaches students the practical use of modern educational technologies in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process;
- decides on mutual cooperation between students;
- Students work independently with test assignments
The base material is formed on the basis of the following requirements:
As mentioned above, the basic material prepared by the teacher reveals the essence of the basic concepts, important theories, basic rules and effective methods, as well as illustrative samples, control questions, assignments.
In higher education, students are first introduced to the basic material formed by the teacher, and gradually they are taught to form such basic materials independently - [7,10,12,13]. If in the first lesson students are provided with basic material, in the next lesson the teacher briefly repeats the content of the training material on the basis of it. Then communication with students is organized. This communication is mini dictation, blitz-questioning, individual question-answer, paired questioning, quick repetition
can be done in such forms as.
The base material has the following structural structure:
- Achieving uniform consistency in the description and presentation of educational material;
- figurative unity of concepts and expressions;
- reflection of important places in the educational material;
- use a minimum amount of words, examples, symbols, graphics, formulas;
- Absence of abbreviations and obscure images;
- coding of information;
- The text of the report of the base material and
- to achieve consistency with the material given in the textbook;
- vivid representation, clarity of the image
1. Name of the training module (science).
2. The serial number of the report on the curriculum.
3. The topic of the lecture.
4. The epigraph selected for the lecture (it should be given as much as possible).
5. A list of basic concepts related to the topic.
6. Problem statement.
7. Picture, graphic of the main issues to be discussed
image, table, diagram, picture, etc. a schematic consistent statement of the form.
8. A concise account of the essence of the basic concepts, rules, theories and methods.
9. Test assignments on the topic.
10. Assimilation of new material by students
a blitz survey or mini-test to determine the level.
11. Conclusion.
12. Homework
Work with the base material continues throughout the course and ends with control and correction - [14,15,16].
Conclusion. The application of these innovative methods in the practical training increases the level of involvement of students in the teaching process, creates conditions for students to learn from each other, allows to test their knowledge in science. Innovation in modern education, more precisely, the use of pedagogical and educational innovations is important. Effective, active use of pedagogical or educational methods by teachers of higher education institutions, innovative approach to professional activity, while ensuring the achievement of the intended purpose, helps to improve the quality and efficiency of education, increase cognitive activity in students.
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