Научная статья на тему 'Методика обучения итальянскому фразеологизму'

Методика обучения итальянскому фразеологизму Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
фразеологизмы / аутентичный язык / текст / методика обучения / учебные материалы / культура. / phraseological units / authentic language / text / teaching methods / teaching materials / culture.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Малика Рустамова

Фразеологические единицы считаются одним из основных компонентов любого языка. И это выражает взаимосвязь между языком и культурой. Следовательно, пользователю языка необходимо знать, какие сообщения несут фразеологизмы, чтобы правильно понимать данные единицы. Итальянцы не исключение. В данной статье исследуются лучшие подходы к преподаванию итальянских фразеологизмов.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.47689/2181-1415-vol2-iss4/S-pp166-170
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The methods of teaching italian phraseological units

Phraseological units are considered to be one of the main components of any language. And it expresses the correlation between language and culture. Therefore, the language user needs to know what messages phraseological units carry in order to be able to understand given units properly. The Italian is not an exception. In the following article the best approaches of teaching Italian phraseological units are investigated.

Текст научной работы на тему «Методика обучения итальянскому фразеологизму»

Жамият ва инновациялар -Общество и инновации -Society and innovations

Journal home page: https://inscience.uz/index.php/socinov/index

The methods of teaching italian phraseological units


Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages



Article history:

Received March 2021 Received in revised form 20 March 2021 Accepted 15 April 2021 Available online 20 May 2021


phraseological units, authentic language, text,

teaching methods, teaching materials, culture.

Phraseological units are considered to be one of the main components of any language. And it expresses the correlation between language and culture. Therefore, the language user needs to know what messages phraseological units carry in order to be able to understand given units properly. The Italian is not an exception. In the following article the best approaches of teaching Italian phraseological units are investigated.

2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.

This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)

Italiya frazeologik birliklarini o'qitish metodikasi


Kalit so'zlar:

frazeologik birliklar, haqiqiy til, matn,

o'qitish usullari, o'quv materiallari, madaniyat.

Frazeologik birliklar har qanday tilning asosiy tarkibiy qismlaridan biri hisoblanadi. Va bu til va madaniyat o'rtasidagi munosabatni ifodalaydi. Binobarin, til foydalanuvchisi ushbu birliklarni to'g'ri tushunish uchun qaysi xabarlarda frazeologik birliklar borligini bilishi kerak. Italiyaliklar ham bundan mustasno emas. Ushbu maqola italyancha frazeologik birliklarni o'qitishning eng yaxshi yondashuvlarini yoritib beradi.

1 Lecturer of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

Методика обучения итальянскому фразеологизму


Ключевые слова:

фразеологизмы, аутентичный язык, текст,

методика обучения, учебные материалы, культура.

Фразеологические единицы считаются одним из основных компонентов любого языка. И это выражает взаимосвязь между языком и культурой. Следовательно, пользователю языка необходимо знать, какие сообщения несут фразеологизмы, чтобы правильно понимать данные единицы. Итальянцы не исключение. В данной статье исследуются лучшие подходы к преподаванию итальянских фразеологизмов.

Teaching phraseological units is one of the most challenging tasks and of much importance for the learners of Italian. Phraseological units confuse the learners of a foreign language much. That is mainly because of the fact that meaning changes morphologically. Phraseological units possess literal meaning. There are several methods of teaching Italian phraseological units. A more natural approach perhaps, is to teach phraseological units in a text. Whenever language is used in context and students usually better learn in context. In authentic texts like novel extracts, stories the relationship between the words is often loose. This helps to reducing the changes of confusion over the messages the words bear in contexts. Authentic language use is urgently important to teach phraseological units not only in Italian but also all languages.

As a way to draw the attention of students to very phraseological units, they should underline in a text all the phraseological units which. This enables them to notice easily. Then, in groups, teachers are recommended to ask to guess their meanings judging from their semantic relationship in a context. Trying to define the new word's meaning from context is a key technique in boosting vocabulary stock in Italian. It is identified as the one of three primary strategies to cope with unknown vocabulary. The next step involves moving from recognition to production. Some teachers make role-plays in this stage, others prefer to make up common situations then asking students to make phraseological units their own by producing a text along similar lines to the original. Finding meaningfulness, understanding texts cognitively and tacitly can be formed with the help of this method. This task is called personalization task. Teachers use also a method called concept checking. In this method they first give the phraseological units without contexts and ask them to try to find the meanings based on the syntactic relationships of the components. Students can answer based on their background knowledge. This also can be conducive to successful vocabulary learning. There are a few ways to do this. Presenting and teaching phraseological units is not so hard as they seem for most teachers. The most important aspect is that students are not overwhelmed and intimidated by the methods that teachers apply to present new phraseological units.

• First of all teachers of Italian language should avoid presenting massive lists of phraseological units to students at once. Keeping lists short and simple can bring positive results as Italian phraseological units are a little bit hard to memorize.

• Secondly, using a method called Total Physical Response which involves acting out the phraseological units can be an easy way to instill phraseological units in mind. In this method several students will serve as instructors, the rest should perform the action that the phraseological units mean.

• Thirdly, teachers should try to teach the current units in contexts to build up vivid imagination of how to use in real cases. Teach phraseological units that are related by context and subject. This will better increase the rate of the usage of phrases. That is perhaps due to the fact that even if students learn phraseological units, yet they hardly know when to use appropriately. They are afraid of making mistakes and thus in due course it minimizes the probability of using phraseological units in practice.

The study of any foreign language is impossible to imagine without addressing to phraseology. It represents one of the most challenging part for learning language levels. Collocations, idioms, phrasal verbs can be salient examples of phraseological units. An idiom's meaning has very little to do with the individual words that contains the whole phraseological units. As an example, "Fare ilchilo!" this idiom means "To make the kilo"literally yet it means completely different meaning. Or another example is that "Facciamo ilchilo" means "Let's rest after lunch". We should fully appreciate the meaning and richness of Italian idioms. The true meanings of idioms are inextricably related to the history, beliefs and traditions of the nation. The Italian idiom "Capita a faggiolo" means "happens at the bean", literally. But it refers something to happen at exactly the right moment. They are the manifestations of the idioms which states that teaching Italian idioms requires teachers to have wide knowledge. As we have seen obviously, learning a foreign language deeply means not only pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary but phraseological units. The Italian language is full of phraseological units. The main representatives of phraseological units are idioms, phrases, phrasal verbs and set expressions, aphorisms, maxims, proverbs and sayings. Those who have learned these set expressions well are the treasurers of language. They speak rationally, understandably, in compact manner. Phraseological units y increase our vocabulary y enrich the language y make it more interesting and vibrant y enables learners to speak more fluently and accurately ymakes their speech more understandable yhelps them write or sound more native-like

The importance of phraseological knowledge in Italian language competence is beyond dispute. We have talked about teaching methods above that are of great importance for their guidance in any instructional circumstance. As far as teaching materials are concerned, there are many types that can be used to teach phraseological units in Italian.

>paper-based (textbooks), >electronic (corpus, computer software),

>audio-visual (video, television programs, audio tapes, visual aids) Initially our focus will be on the paper-based instructional materials. Teaching methods and teaching materials are essential to teach the meaning of phraseological units, and to teach how to use them correctly and effectively in due course and due order. Usage of phraseological units is delicate as if the user uses them correctly, he sounds well but if the opposite happens, he sounds like a spoiler of a language. It sounds utopian to expect schoolers to be master at phraseological units as a result of the limited number of lessons. Teaching idioms in spoken form, not written, and explaining to students how they are conversational, rather than formal can be one of the desirable and effective methods of


Ull lv"'" Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations

Special Issue - 4 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

teaching phraseological units. Practicing the phraseological units in dialogue helps them to understand they're used in spoken colloquial Italian. Teaching on thematic basis also is an effective way of teaching phraseological units as it is easier to keep them in mind when they are given idioms thematically. Teaching with pictures is welcome by visual learners and visual learners account for the most percentages of foreign language learners. Using small groups to present dialogues, organizing collaborative activities are recommended to apply as they can interact with peers and share fun in learning. As it is stated in English proverb two heads are better than one. Guessing Games can be effective as in the following. Teacher should write three or four idioms on the board that all touch on one theme, students work in groups to see if they can guess the meaning of the phraseological units. Here pupils or students should use their conceptualization skills based on the morphological, syntactic and semantic features of the relationship of phraseological units. Speaking activities, discussion or pair-work can be challenging. Accordingly, they are hugely motivating, and they bear their fruits in near or far future. It is always peculiar and unusual for foreigners. Phraseology is able to express both the peculiarities of the language and the attitude of its speakers, the peculiarities of their culture and life, mentality. Phraseological units reflect the poetic experience of the people, their stereotypes of the picture of the world. Linguists have conducted many studies of phraseological units and some of their features are highlighted. One of the main features of a phraseological unit is the stability of its lexical composition. Another important factor is that the phraseological unit is only reproduced by the speaker. Different languages reflect the world around them in different ways and represent different perceptions of the world, thus, the linguistic picture of the world all ethnic groups are strikingly different. This fact makes it difficult to understand and adapt to a foreign culture, since people most often try to interpret phraseological units within their usual picture of the world.

Not all phraseological units can be translated on verbatim basis.

An uncomfortable situation may arise here and there when Italian speaker use the following proverbs and the partner hardly knows the meaning of them. Cane non mangiacane- A dog does not eat a dog,

Chi ha paura di ogni foglia non va nel bosco - if you are afraid of wolves, do not go to the forest,

Prendere duepiccioni con una fava- If you chase after two hares, you will not catch a single one.

Another interesting phraseological unit concerns the cat.

Gattoselvaggio, which literally translates as "wild cat" means the person of freedom and independence, as well as unpredictability. If one doesn't know the cross-cultural differences, he or she feels to have been offended after hearing this idiom in Italian language. The internal content of a phraseological unit often reflects different aspects of people's lives, their behavior. You can also find some character traits that representatives of the ethnic group attribute to one or another animal, transferred to the character of a person or for a certain situation. In general, as we have seen above the features are expressed figuratively in phraseological units. Through the study of this aspect of the language, I have tried to show the best modes of teaching phraseological units in Italian language.


Ull lv"'" Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations

Special Issue - 4 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415


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