Научная статья на тему 'TEACHING IDIOMS TO EFL LEARNERS'

TEACHING IDIOMS TO EFL LEARNERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Galina Galina Sergeevna

The paper concentrates on the idea of learning idioms. The aim of the article is to elicit the main methods of teaching idioms to foreign English language learners (nonnative speakers). Much attention is given to understanding the meaning of the term «idiom», the main classifications of idioms and the sequence of learning idioms. It has been found that it is necessary to study idioms comprehensively: pronunciation, reading, meaning, usage, spelling, practice. The findings are of direct practical significance since they can be applied by a teacher in teaching idioms at the English lessons.

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Текст научной работы на тему «TEACHING IDIOMS TO EFL LEARNERS»

Обучение идиомам на уроках английского языка как иностранного Teaching Idioms to EFL Learners

Галина Галина Сергеевна

Студент 4 курса,

Высшая школа психологии, педагогики и физической культуры, Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова,

РФ, Архангельск e-mail: galyagalina13@gmail.com

Galina Galina Sergeevna

4th year student,

Higher School of Psychology, Pedagogy and Physical Education , Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov,

Russia, Arkhangelsk e-mail: galyagalina13@gmail. com

Научный руководитель Зелянина Светлана Николаевна

Старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка, Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова,

РФ, Архангельск e-mail: sv.zelyanina@gmail. com

Scientific advisor Zelyanina Svetlana Nikolaevna

Senior lecturer of the English Language Department, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov,

Russia, Arkhangelsk e-mail: sv.zelyanina@gmail.com


Статья посвящена обучению идиомам. Целью статьи является выявление основных методов обучения идиомам для иностранных носителей английского языка. Основное внимание уделяется раскрытию значения термина «идиома», приведены основные классификации идиом и представлено их поэтапное изучение. Было установлено, что изучение идиом должно быть всесторонне: произношение, чтение, значение, употребление, правописание, практика. Полученные в ходе статьи результаты имеют прямое практическое значение, поскольку могут быть применены преподавателем на уроках английского языка.


The paper concentrates on the idea of learning idioms. The aim of the article is to elicit the main methods of teaching idioms to foreign English language learners (nonnative speakers). Much attention is given to understanding the meaning of the term «idiom», the main classifications of idioms and the sequence of learning idioms. It has been found that it is necessary to study idioms comprehensively: pronunciation, reading, meaning, usage, spelling, practice. The findings are of direct practical significance since they can be applied by a teacher in teaching idioms at the English lessons.

Ключевые слова: идиома, фразеологизмы, классификация В. В. Виноградова, тематическая классификация, методы обучения.

Key words: idiom, phraseological units, Vinogradov's classification, thematic classification, teaching methods.

Idioms in English are difficult for foreigners to understand. They have their own history of origin, imagery and colourfulness, which do not correspond to the basic vocabulary of other languages. Therefore, the method of teaching idioms has its own specifics, which some teachers do not know. At the same time, it is difficult for students to study idioms without the right learning strategy and without knowing their features. This means that learning idioms is an important problem for modern language education. Thus, in this article the subject matter of the study is idioms in the

English language and the scope of the study is learning idioms. The main purpose of the paper is to identify methods of teaching idioms to English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners.

The term "idiom" is used by Western scholars, while Russian ones use the term "phraseological unit", which was introduced by V. V. Vinogradov [1]. Some scientists hold the opinion that these concepts differ, but in this article the above mentioned terms are considered synonyms. The Cambridge Dictionary provides the following definition of the term "idiom": «a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word on its own» [4]. The dictionary of idioms defines the term «idiom» as «a group of words which have a different meaning when used together from the one it would have if the meaning of each word were taken individually» [3, p. 4].

These two definitions reflect the totality of the cardinal features of phraseological units which distinguish them from free word-groups (non-phraseological word-groups). The following features exist:

- Words in idioms cannot be replaced by synonyms, since they have semantic unity, i.e. they have a permanent structure.

- Idioms have a grammatical invariability, i.e. when a person uses phraseological units, the form of the words cannot be changed in most cases.

- The meaning of idioms cannot be considered in their primary meaning, as they have a metaphorical meaning,

as a rule.

If a person does not endeavour to meet these criteria, idioms lose their meaning and become meaningless for a native speaker of English [1]. In teaching, the role of the pedagogue is to explain to learners the subtleties of this theme.

Teachers and learners should use different idioms classifications to learn them. As a result, it can help them to build a new learning style and systematize their knowledge more effectively.

The most famous Russian classification of phraseological units is Vinogradov's classification, which is based on the cohesion degree of the idioms' components. V. V. Vinogradov identified three types of idioms:

- Phraseological fusions. The idiom meaning is not based on the meaning of each single word, e.g., at sixes and sevens. Such idioms used to be figurative expressions, but now native speakers do not understand them.

- Phraseological unities. The idiom meaning is determined by the meaning of each word. The figurative meaning is understood by native speakers, e.g., to play the first fiddle. This type of idiom can have a homonymous word combination, which is used in its primary meaning, e.g., a fat cat.

- Phraseological combinations. In this type of idioms one of the words is used in the primary meaning and the other - in a figurative meaning, e.g., to break a promise [2].

This classification allows the teacher to choose the right methods of teaching idioms. For example, learners face a challenge to learn an idiom white elephant. This idiom refers to phraseological fusions, i.e. its meaning is not understood. In this case, for a better understanding the pedagogue can tell the story of the idiom's origin: the King of Siam presented a white elephant to a courtier, who did not have enough money to take care of the elephant, but he could not get rid of it [8]. So this idiom means «something that has cost a lot of money but has no useful purpose» [7].This method allows learners to form an association between an idiom and its meaning. As a result, the idiom meaning is permanently fixed in their memory.

The traditional principle of classifying phraseological units is a thematic principle [1]. It is most popular among EFL learners, because it divides idioms into thematic groups, e.g., nature, animals, food, etc. It makes it easier to remember the meaning of idioms, and it also allows correlating topics of lessons and thematic groups of idioms. The advantage of this classification is that when a foreigner gets into a certain speech situation, he or she can choose the necessary thematic group and select an idiom, which corresponds to the speech context.

There is a certain sequence of working with idioms:

- Read the idiom meaning and examples of its use in speech.

- Practice using them (write, read and pronounce this idiom).

- Make sentences of your own, using this idiom [6].

This sequence of working is the most effective for remembering idioms. In addition to the above mentioned, the teacher can use the following methods: listening, watching video excerpts from TV shows, learning idioms with pictures, making conversations, explaining the idiom's origin, playing a word association game and searching for the primary meaning [5], using online platforms (IdiomsOnline, The Idioms - Largest Idioms Dictionary, Dave's ESL Cafe), YouTube channels (English Idioms Online, English grammar and idioms, Idioms Explained) and mobile apps (English Idioms, English Idioms and Phrases, Idioms Land: Learn English Idioms with Flashcards).

Further, a more detailed analysis of some mobile applications will be performed. This is done in order to identify current trends in foreign language teaching and the main methods for it.

The first app for analysis is «English Idioms and Phrases», developed by SevenLynx. In this app, idioms are structured in alphabetical order, which makes them more difficult to learn. The app allows the user to learn the meaning of idioms and examples of using them in speech. After self-study, two types of tasks are offered to the learner: completing a sentence and matching the idiom with its meaning. This application certainly contributes to increasing the vocabulary, but it also has disadvantages. The user cannot listen to the pronunciation or view the transcription of the studied idiom, and the app does not help them to practice writing it. In the tasks, the idioms may not be the same as the previously learned ones. Thus, this application is aimed only at memorizing the idiom and its meaning.

The second mobile app for analysis is «Idioms Land: Learn English Idioms with Flashcards», developed by Learzing Company. It allows learning idioms using visual associations, i.e. the app offers idioms and images that explain their meaning. Idioms are also grouped in alphabetical order. The app lets the user listen to the pronunciation of an idiom, learn its meaning and use it in speech. But «Idioms Land» does not give an opportunity to practice the learned idiom, i.e. it does not offer any task system. This is a significant disadvantage since this method of learning does not help to memorize idioms.

The third application for analysis is «English Idioms», developed by Smart learning solutions. This app makes it possible to learn the meanings of idioms, hear their pronunciation, read examples of their usage, match idioms with their meanings and complete sentences. The user can choose idioms depending on language proficiency levels: basic, intermediate, advanced. Idioms are divided into thematic groups: food idioms, weather idioms, musical idioms, etc. In other words, the method of learning idioms presented in this app contributes to the comprehensive acquisition of idioms.

Thus, the teacher can choose a mobile app as the method of teaching idioms, taking into account the learners' individual capabilities and preferences, their psychological characteristics. However, many students do not understand the importance of a comprehensive study of idioms, so they often cram them and their meanings, avoiding following the sequence of working with them. To prove ineffectiveness of such learning idioms, an experiment was conducted. It is described below.

The purpose of this experiment was to compare the use of traditional cramming idioms and the use of a mobile app. Eight students of Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov took part in this experiment. The students were divided into two groups. Group A, consisting of four people, was proposed to cram five idioms and their meanings. Group B, consisting of four people, was proposed to learn five idioms, using the mobile app "English Idioms". Then the students of both groups recited the studied phraseological units from memory. Five hours later, the students were questioned again. The quantitative ratio of the idioms the students remembered is presented in diagram 1.

№1 №2 №3 №4 Ж №6 №7 №К

Group A Group В

■ After the experimen ■ After five hours

Diagram 1. The quantitative ratio of idioms the students remembered

The diagram shows the research results of groups A and B. In group A the number of idioms, the students remember, has decreased markedly, while in group B the result has remained the same or decreased slightly. The data cannot be considered absolute, since the number of participants in the experiment was small. But, as predicted, the data shows that cramming idioms is not an effective way to learn them.

The students of group A commented on the results in the following way: «Idioms are long remembered and quickly forgotten. If associations are used, phraseological units are well learned, but sometimes it is impossible to do so. It is also difficult to imagine their use in speech».

The students of group B also commented on the results: «This way of learning idioms is convenient. It allows learning them at any time and in any place. Explanations of phraseological units, examples of usage and exercises allow better acquisition of idioms for a long time. Using apps is a popular method of learning English as a foreign language among young people».

This scientific paper started with an explanation of the idioms classifications and their use for teaching and ended with listing possible methods for learning idioms. All this means that the problem of teaching English idioms is relevant in the modern educational environment. Summing up, the choice of methods of teaching idioms depends on many factors the teacher should consider. This paper represents general methods of working with idioms, which, if they are used correctly, will help the teacher to deal with the modern challenges successfully.

Список используемой литературы:

1 Антрушина, Г. Б. Лексикология английского языка [Текст]: учеб. пособие для студентов / Г. Б. Антрушина, О. В. Афанасьева, Н. Н. Морозова. - 3-е изд., стереотип. - М. : Дрофа, 2001. - 288 c.

2 Арнольд, И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка [Текст] : учеб. пособие. / И. В. Арнольд. - 2-е изд., перераб. - М. : ФЛИНТА: Наука, 2012. - 376 с.

3 Collins Cobuild Dictionary of idioms [Text]: Helping learners with real English / ed. J. Sinclair, Gw. Fox, R. Moon and other. - Caledonian International Book Manufacturing Ltd, Glasgow, 1997. - 493 p.

4 Idiom [Electronic resource] / Cambridge Dictionary - Make your words meaningful. - Electronic text data. -Cambridge University Press, 2020. - Mode of access : https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/idiom, free access (09.03.2020). - Title from screen.

5 Nash, L. Easy as Pie [Electronic resource]: Everything You've Gotta Know to Teach English Idioms Effectively / L. Nash // Fluent English Educator Blog. - Electronic text data. - FluentFlix Limited, 2020. - Mode of access : https://www.fluentu.com/blog/educator-english/teach-english-idioms/, free access (22.03.2020). - Title from screen.

6 Shelby, M. Learning English Idioms [Electronic resource] / M. Shelby // TeachThis - ESL / EFL Resources. - Electronic text data. -TeachThis Limited, 2020. - 2015. - Mode of access : https://www.teach-this.com/ideas/learning-english-idioms, free access (22.03.2020). - Title from screen.

7 White elephant [Electronic resource] / Cambridge Dictionary - Make your words meaningful. - Electronic text data. - Cambridge University Press, 2020. - Mode of access :

https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/white-elephant, free access (18.02.2020). - Title from screen.

8 White elephant [Electronic resource] / Online etymology dictionary. - Electronic text data. - Douglas Harper, 2001-2020. - Mode of access : https://www.etymonline.com/word/white%20elephant#etymonline_v_38055, free access (18.02.2020). - Title from screen.

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