UDK 621.317.08
Ye. Voronova, Associate Professor, O. Karpenko, magister, KhNAHU
Abstract. The system of prevention of harmful ecological effects on ecosystems includes the development of environment quality criteria and the bioindication of pollution. Bioindication is the main element of biological monitoring of the state of environment.
Key words: highway, environment, bioindicacion, lichens, level of pollution.
Е.М. Воронова, доцент, Е.С. Карпенко, магистрант, ХНАДУ
Аннотация. Система предотвращения неблагоприятных экологических последствий загрязнения включает в себя установление критериев качества среды и биоиндикацию. Биоиндикация является основным элементом биологического мониторинга состояния окружающей среды.
Ключевые слова: автомобильная дорога, окружающая среда, биоиндикация, лишайники, уровень загрязнения.
С.М. Воронова, доцент, О.С. Карпенко, магктрант, ХНАДУ
Анотаця. Система запоб1гання небезпечним еколог1чним насл1дкам забруднення включае в себе встановлення критерИ'в якост1 середовища i б1отдикацт. Б1отдикац1я е основним елеме-нтом бiологiчного момторингу стану навколишнього середовища.
Ключов1 слова: автомобтьна дорога, навколишне середовище, бiоiндикацiя, лишайники, рiвень забруднення.
Under modern conditions one of the important tasks for ecologists is the analysis of the environmental conditions as a result of anthropogenic factors impact. One of the main factors of environmental pollution is the automobilehighway complex that is why the problem of roadside area atmospheric pollution is urgent.
The environmental pollution occurs at carrying out of a great number of technological processes connected with road building as well as con-
struction materials preparation. A highway is an ecological enterprise executing transport work and interacting with the environment.
Analyses of publications
The results of a highway and environment interaction depend on one hand on transport flow's performances and on the other hand on the layout and dimensions of a highway, on its road service qualities and operational system.
A highway is a specific factor of the environment having a negative impact on all constitu-
ents of nature and being the cause of their change [1, 2].
Main sources of the negative impact on the urban-industrial environment in the process of building and operating of highways is pollution by:
- exhaust gases (E. G) emitted into the atmosphere through the exhaust pipe of the vehicle;
- oil sump gases;
- carbohydrates as a result of fuel evaporation from the tank, carburetor and pipelines;
- road dust.
There have been discovered about 1200 components in the exhaust gases of internal combination engines of which less than 200 having been defiled.
The toxicity of exhaust gases is accompanied by presence of harmful substances:
- gases chemical elements (CO, SO2, NO and NOx)
- solid discharges, including carbon black particles [1].
Goals and objectives
Currently, we use the method of biological monitoring for integrated estimation of the level of environmental pollution by toxic substances. One of the concepts of biomonitoring of mutagenicity detecting of the environment is the method of biological indication.
Biondication (gr. bios - life and lat. indico -indicate) is the operational monitoring of the environment on the basis of observation of condition and behavior of biological objects.
At carrying out the biomonitoring for the purpose of environment quality control we use bio-indicators.
Bioindicators present living organizms or communities of organisms, the number of which or peculiarities of their evolution serve as indexes of natural processes, conditions or anthropogenic changes of the environment.
The choice of nonperishable ecotypes exposed to anthropogenic stressors' impact is rather important for bioindications. That is why estimation methods of different types of ecosystems condition a require specific bioindicators.
Thus they use lichen indication for anthropogenic factors impact estimation on the atmospheric environment based on studying the composition and biological peculiarities of lichens.
Lichens (lat. lichenes) present are very interesting from the scientific point of view and is original group of inferior plants which due to its biological features is extremely sensitive to toxic gaseous substances and especially to sulphur dioxide (SO2) [2].
The determination of estimation of pollution level of highway roadside area atmospheric environment by means of bioindication method
Hence the main purpose of the given work was the determination of estimation of pollution level of highway roadside area atmospheric environment by means of bioindication method.
A section of the trunk road M-03 Kyiv-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskyi that runs across the village Nester-enky of Kharkiv district in Kharkiv region was selected as the object of investigation.
The section is standard for the given highway and directly affects both natural objects and socio-economical conditions of the population
The estimation of the highway impact on atmospheric environment condition has been carried out by means of «line intersection method» of lichen indication.
For this purpose there have been chosen 10 ash trees at the altitude of 150 cm above the earth level there was fixed a ribbon a metre in length and going from the south to the north we have calculated the thallus of lichens. The results obtained during the experiment is presented in table 1.
Table 1 Calculation of Projective Lichen Coverage
Type of crustose Lichens - Arctoparmelia
№ of Projective № of Projective
the tree coverage, % the tree coverage, %
1 34,84 6 56,0
2 26,66 7 37,5
3 54,03 8 44,8
4 40,63 9 22,9
5 18,37 10 52,5
Table 2 Level of pollution of urban-industrial environment in dependence on projective coverage and frequency of particular types of lichens occurance
As a result of calculations have been carried out of the general value of lichen projective coverage we have obtained 38,82 % that according to table 2 characterizes the average level of atmospheric environment pollution in the zone of object influence.
From the point of view of bioindication investigations of lichen application as bioindicators it is a reliable method of atmospheric environment pollution. Main advantages of this method are the following, low expenses of their implemen-
tation, the ability to cover vast territories of land, availability of obtaining a reliable integrated index of environmental pollution level.
1. Каншо П. М. Автомобшь та навколишне
середовище / П. М. Каншо, I. С. Бей, О. I. Ровенський. - Харюв : Прапор, 2000. - 304 с.
2. Пчелкин А. В. Использование лишайников
для мониторинга изменений состояния природной среды / А. В. Пчелкин // Научные аспекты экологических проблем России. - СПб. : Гидрометеоиздат, 2001. - С. 85 - 96.
3. Технiко-економiчне обгрунтування розви-
тку автомобшьно! дороги за напрямком Ктв-Харюв-Дебальцево-1зварине (М-03, М-04). Т.6 (книга 3 з 5) / Ощнка впливу на навколишне середовище (Харювська область). - Харюв : Укрдшродор. -2006. - 154 с.
Рецензент: А. В. Гриценко, професор, д. геогр. н., ХНАДУ.
Стаття надшшла до редакци 21 грудня 2009 р.
№ Qualitative level of atmospheric pollution Projective coverage, % Frequency of bridges occurance
1 very high «lichen desert» to 10-15 single thalluses
2 high «zone of opression» to 20-25 frequent
3 average to 50 frequent, dominant
4 low «zone of standard vital activity» to 80 very frequent, dominant