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Khondhodjaeva N.B. , Ismillaeva K.B. , Ruzimbayeva N.T. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: [email protected]
1Khondhodjaeva Nondira Bakhtiyarovna - PhD in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor,
Abstract: this article summarizes the method of bioindication as a way of solving problems of environmental monitoring. So anthropogenic pressure to biocenoses, and also the advantage of using natural bioindicators, serving as indicators of natural processes, conditions or anthropogenic changes in the habitat are described. The article also considers a number of requirements that an ideal biological indicator should correspond to and examples of plants and animals used to assess the state of the environment that surrounds them are presented.
Keywords: bioindication, monitoring, plant, animals, anthropogenic impact, biocenosis, method, organism.
ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО МОНИТОРИНГА Хонходжаева Н.Б.1, Исмиллаева К.Б.2, Рузимбаева Н.Т.3 (Республика Узбекистан)
1Хонходжаева Нодира Бахтияровна - кандидат биологических наук, доцент,
кафедра ботаники; 2Исмиллаева Камила Баходировна - студент;
3Рузимбаева Насиба Темур-кизи - студент, направление: методика преподавания биологии, факультет естественных наук, Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет им. Низами, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в этой статье обобщается метод биоиндикации как способ решения проблем экологического мониторинга. Описано антропогенное давление на биоценозы, а также преимущество использования природных биоиндикаторов, служащих индикаторами природных процессов, условий или антропогенных изменений среды обитания. В статье также рассматривается ряд требований, которые должны соответствовать идеальному биологическому индикатору, и примеры растений и животных, используемые для оценки состояния окружающей их окружающей среды.
Ключевые слова: биоиндекация, мониторинг, растение, животные, антропогенные воздействие, биоценоз, метод, организм.
The bioindication is the detection and determination of ecological significant of natural and anthropogenic loads on the base of reactions to them of living organisms. It is believed that the use of the bioindication method allows solving the tasks of ecological monitoring in those cases, when totality of factors of anthropogenic pressure
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to biocenoses is difficult or inconvenient to measure directly. The role of bioindication is described to the following actions:
a) identification of one or some environmental factors;
b) collection of field and experimental data;
c) a conclusion about the indicator significance of a species [1, p. 21].
Bioindicators are organisms of presence, quantity and characteristics of development,
which serve as indicators of natural processes, conditions or anthropogenic changes in the habitat. It is logical to assume that some factor, if it goes beyond the "comfort zone" for a given organism, it will be stressful. In this case, the organism reacts with a response of varying intensity and duration, the manifestation of which is nothing more than an indicator of its indicator value.
We consider the list of advantages, which living indicators have:
- Elimination of the need to register of chemical and physical parameters, showing the state of the environment;
- A reflection of the state of the environment as a whole, summing up the influence of biologically important influences;
- fixing the speed of the changes;
- Indication of ways and places of accumulations in ecological systems of various kinds of pollution together with possible ingress of these poisons into human food
The ideal biological indicator should correspond on a number of requirements:
- To have a high quantity in the investigated object
- To have a short period of ontogenesis for the possibility of tracing the influence of the factor to subsequent generations;
- To be in conditions, convenient for sampling
- To be in this place for a number of years, for the possibility of tracing the dynamics of pollution;
- To give a possibility to direct analyzes without pre-concentration of samples [1, p. 29].
Bioindicators participates as among plants and animals, a small part of which we will
bring as examples.
In the subzone of northern deserts of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, indicators of gypsum-bearing clays include communities of Echinochloa crus-galli or Anabasis salsa, Atriplex cana, semi-shrub Linolium vulgare, Camphorosma monspeliaca; in interbedded loam, sandy loams and sands - Artemisia vulgaris, Artemisia nitrosa, Echinochloa crus-galli; in ferruginous sand and sandstone - Haloxylon species; in sand and sandy loam -Stipa species are grown.
Very informative bioindicators of the air environment and its changes are the lower plants (Tallobiontha): mosses and lichens, which accumulate in their thallium (thallone) many contaminants (sulfur, fluorine, radioactive substances, heavy metals). Lichens are not very demanding of environmental factors; they settle on bare rocks, poor soil, tree trunks, dead wood, but they need clean air for their normal functioning. They are especially sensitive to sulphurous gas. The smallest pollution of the atmosphere, which does not affect most plants, causes massive loss of sensitive lichen species. They disappear as soon as the concentration of sulfur dioxide reaches to 35 billion, and its average content in the atmosphere of large cities is over 100 billion.The scientific direction of biomonitoring over the state of the air environment with the help of lichens is called lichen indication [2, p. 44].
In contaminated areas the size and proportions of the body of the animals is changed such as in a number of aphids; color in the butterfly of Geometridae, two-dot of Coccinellidae; ugliness - in fishes (curvature of the spine, pigmentation, reduction of fins, pupil); change of shell thickness in birds; falling of fertility - in aphids, gypsy moth; change of the period of life - in the filly, caterpillars, fly larvae; behavior change - in crabs (violation of sexual behavior, that males do not react to females) [2, p. 112].
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Application of the bioindication in epidemiology and sanitation is the ability to assess the threat of infectious diseases. In ecology, its importance belongs to assessing the quality of the habitat and its individual characteristics. It is also applicable to geological researches for soil evaluation; this defines possible locations for useful exploration. At the same time, it is necessary to note the shortage of educational literature on these important issues and undoubtedly a great need for it.
References in English / Список литературы на английском языке
1. Opekunova M.G. Bioindication of Pollution: Textbook. 2-nd ed. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, 2016. 299 p. [in Russian].
2. Turovsev V.D., Krasnov V.S. Bioindication. Tutorial. Tver, 2004. 125 р. [in Russian].
References / Список литературы
1. Опекунова М.Г. Биоиндикация загрязнения: учебник. 2-е изд. Санкт-Петербург: Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, 2016. 299 с.
2. Туровцев В.Д., Краснов В.С. Биоиндикация. Учебное пособие. Тверь, 2004. 125 р.
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