Научная статья на тему 'Methods of discharging the heat from the surface of the heat receiver and improving the efficiency of solar air heater'

Methods of discharging the heat from the surface of the heat receiver and improving the efficiency of solar air heater Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Uzbekov Mirsoli Odiljanovich, Sharipov Muslimbek Salimjon O’g’li

To obtain useful heat, solar air heaters are widely used in air heating and air conditioning systems. The article discusses the path of heat removal from the absorber in a solar air heater.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methods of discharging the heat from the surface of the heat receiver and improving the efficiency of solar air heater»


OF SOLAR AIR HEATER Uzbekov M.O.1, Sharipov M.S.2

1Uzbekov Mirsoli Odiljanovich - assistant;


Abstract: to obtain useful heat, solar air heaters are widely used in air heating and air conditioning systems. The article discusses the path of heat removal from the absorber in a solar air heater.

Keywords: mankind, ecology, energy crisis, alternative energy sources, solar radiation, solar air collectors, efficiency.

The use of energy in various forms has played an important role in global economic progress and industrialization. Solar energy is considered a vital source of energy to meet the ever-increasing energy demand in the process of sustainable development and controlling global climate change, as it is a freely available, endless, environmentally friendly energy resource. [1, p. 9; 2, p. 228; 3, p. 17; 4, p. 32]. Currently, one of the most expensive types of energy generation is thermal energy. This is due to the peculiarities of its production and such factors as constantly increasing prices for fuel, reduced efficiency of heat generating plants caused by multiple conversion of thermal energy of heat exchangers Efficiency, which is about 40 - 70%, in the process of supplying heat to the consumer [5, p. 253]. One of the promising areas of renewable energy is the direct production of environmentally friendly heat for the air conditioning system, the drying of agricultural products with the conversion of solar radiation [6, p. 1]. The easiest way to convert solar radiation into heat energy is to use solar air heaters. Among the various types of solar thermal installations, solar air heaters are widely used due to their lower cost and simplicity of design [7, p. 7]. Solar air collectors are mainly used for air heating buildings and drying agricultural products. In the air heating system, the solar collector is the main component, which, when it receives solar radiation, receives, converts and collects direct and scattered sunlight in the form of heat and transfers thermal energy to the coolant [8, p. 566]. The elements of the simplest solar air heater are (Fig. 1): a case for collecting heat 4, a transparent coating 2 that transmits solar radiation inside the collector and protects the radar absorbing surface (absorber) from the external environment and reduces heat losses from the front side of the collector. Absorber - blackened metal facing the solar side, which converts solar energy into useful heat, which is removed by the coolant is the main element of the solar air heater, and has a different design [9, p. 68].

3 2 5

Fig. 1 Solar air heater

The solar air heaters currently in operation that are in operation differ from one another in the material of the manufactured absorber and in the principle of operation of heat removal from the absorber. The studies reviewed in the previous chapter showed that the nature of the coolant movement and the design of the solar air heater have a strong influence on both the economic and the technical side to increase efficiency. Fig. 2.1 [10, p. 255] shows the main schemes of heat removal by air coolant from the absorber.

From the above considered schematic diagrams, it can be seen that the value is large with an increase in the efficiency of the SAH, the role of an increase in the contact between the heated surface and the coolant plays a role. To achieve this goal, the author used drain metal shavings as an absorber, which transmit solar radiation inside the stove and block the rays reflected from the bottom of the collector. At the same time, the area of contact of the absorber surface with air increases [11, p. 11; 12, p. 17].

The shape of the absorber in the form of metal chips increases the heat transfer coefficient and the thermal efficiency of the installation, and also affects a number of efficiency indicators:

It =

q n




thermal coefficient of SAH, where

qn0n - the flow of the useful energy of the coolant, W / m2; q - the energy flux absorbed by the absorber, W / m2.

a - SAH with the air channel between a translucent coating and an absorber with the location of the absorber at

the bottom of the case over the insulation; b — SAH with the air channel for the movement of the heat carrier between the absorber and the bottom when the absorber is located in the middle of the installation; v - SAH with the air channel between an absorber and a bottom of installation and an absorber and a translucent covering.


\Jnofl a

^ f ^nor/lp «L ——► <}«p-i

/////// 7////


Vi- fr*-S---* tup-f

--^«P-f -—►t«. f

/////// '/////

Fig.2. Schematic diagram of the process of converting solar radiation into useful heat and how to remove useful heatfrom the surface of the absorber with its different location in the solar air heater


„ _ Япол

Чт - (2)


Efficiency of the SAH, where

Ч - CipTHr (3)

Я„ад - flux of solar radiation incident on the installation surface, W / m2.

the coefficient of absorption of the absorber surface.

The thermal efficiency of the SAH is influenced by the size of the body, the angle of inclination to the horizontal surface, the ambient temperature and the absorber, the composition of the transparent coating, hydrometric indicators (sky condition, wind speed), the thickness of the air channel for the coolant to move [13, p. 1160; 14, p. 255].

References / Список литературы

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14. Uzbekov M.O., Abbasov E.S. Theoretical analysis of the characteristics of the air flow when flowing metal shavings in the solar air heaters // European science review. № 1-2, 2018.


Нокеева Р.М.

Нокеева Роза Манаповна - магистрант, кафедра вычислительной техники и программного обеспечения, факультет компьютерных систем и профессионального образования, Казахский агротехнический университет имени С.Сейфуллина, г. Астана, Республика Казахстан

Аннотация: в статье приводится обзор и сравнительный анализ существующих методов для детекции движения в видеопотоке, описание программного обеспечения «Videostream - детектор движения 1.0» с функций детекции движения и записи видеопотока в память.

Ключевые слова: детекторы движения, движущиеся объекты в видеопотоке, видеорегистратор, видеонаблюдение, машинное зрение, запись на носители информации, программное обеспечение.

УДК 004.931, 004.932, 004.432.2


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С ростом производительности персональных компьютеров и ноутбуков, важным направлением развития информационных технологий стали средства мультимедиа. Сначала они служили в основном для украшения компьютерных игр, но со временем нашли много других применений в разных областях техники. Кроме игр сначала появились короткие мультимедийные видеоролики, аудиотреки, затем полнометражные фильмы в цифровых форматах.

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