METHODS OF DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE ABILITIES OF STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Abduazizova V.V., Soliev I.I.

This article presents the relevance of the problem of development of creative abilities of students in their educational activities; shows the relationship of the concepts of "creativity". Conditions of step-by-step development of creative abilities connected with development at students of aspiration to manifestation of own initiative, readiness to work in non-standard situations, to fill with personal meanings of knowledge and abilities are considered.

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y^K 378.147


Abduazizova V. V., Ph.D. associate professor NECI Soliev I.I., Ph.D. head of department economics department

NSU Uzbekistan



Annotation: This article presents the relevance of the problem of development of creative abilities of students in their educational activities; shows the relationship of the concepts of "creativity". Conditions of step-by-step development of creative abilities connected with development at students of aspiration to manifestation of own initiative, readiness to work in non-standard situations, to fill with personal meanings of knowledge and abilities are considered.

Key words: development of creative abilities, pedagogical conditions, creativity, levels of development of creative abilities, practical activity, interest in creativity.

The relevance of the study of creative abilities is associated with the characteristics of the current stage of development of the higher education system, when the main task is to improve the quality of professional training of graduates, ensuring their effectiveness in future work. The problem of search of new approaches to the organization of educational process which promote creative development of the students ready to apply non-standard knowledge, abilities in non-standard situations, to find own, optimum way of the solution of various professional and daily questions is put forward to the fore. We define the relationship between the concepts of "creativity" and "creativity", as well as pedagogical conditions aimed at the development of creative abilities of students.

The problem of creativity reflected in their works Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, John. Bruno, B. Spinoza, I. Kant, S. Rubinstein, G. Wallace, etc. From the point of view of psychology, creativity is purposeful, persistent and intense work. It requires mental activity, intellectual abilities, strong-willed, emotional traits and high performance. D. B. Elkonin argued that creativity is an ability that incorporates a whole system of interrelated abilities of elements: imagination, associativity, fantasy, dreaminess [1]. As the highest form of personal activity, creativity requires a long preparation, erudition and is the basis of human life, the source of all material and spiritual benefits. Creativity in pedagogy is one of the most natural forms of realization of the need to search for true knowledge, which is expressed in the manifestation of human ability to make alternative decisions, generation of non-standard ideas. The ability of a person to integrate their skills into practice is a manifestation of creativity. Scholars (A. V. Zaporozhets, N. A. Vetlugina, T. G. Kazakova and others)

recognize the intuitiveness and originality of creativity, but I believe you need a reasonable influence of the teacher [2-4]. In the first approximation, creativity is the individual qualities of a person related to the successful implementation of any activity, the result of which is a new product that is important either for the subject or for society. The development of creative abilities is associated with the development of the individual's desire to display their own initiative, talent, willingness to act in unusual situations, to fill the personal meanings of knowledge and skills. Development of creative abilities of the student occurs in his interaction with direct participants of pedagogical process constructed as humanitarian practice. The essence of humanitarian practice is the joint movement of "teacher-student" from explaining information to creating situations of understanding, meaningful construction of "living" knowledge at the level of personal attitude to the "become" culture and to oneself [5]. It is the meanings (not so much needs as psychologists believe) that allow you to develop and show high-level creative abilities. Among the meanings of the direct participants of the pedagogical process can be:

• cognitive meanings in the opening of a new, "living" knowledge;

• intellectual challenge: the meaning in the solution of high complexity tasks, a new method of activity, answer yourself the question;

• creative: meanings in the creation of original products, activities, images;

• self-expansion, self-realization: meanings in the development of themselves, their abilities, the desire to be meaningful for themselves and others, to implement their ideas.

The development of creative abilities of the student can be presented in the form of a list of conditions, compliance with which subsequently develops originality of thought, the ability to act outside the box in different situations, generate innovative ideas [7,8].

1. Identification of personal interests of students is the first stage in the system of development of creative abilities, closely related to the further planning and organization of the educational process. Reliance on the life experience of the student and his academic interest in the subject develops initiative, attentiveness, stimulates the presentation of the student's own vision of solving the problem.

2. Free choice of tasks and projects - it is important to create a situation of detection of educational or production tasks, to formulate a question that needs to be addressed. It is necessary to select problem material that correlates with the unique interests and preferences of each student. Despite the fact that due to the limited training time individual approach is not always possible, it can be replaced by group work, which will be indispensable method of free choice, in which it is possible to choose a group with a suitable team and tasks.

3. Creating a creative environment-stage forms the maximum understanding of the subject of study. It is necessary, as far as possible, to immerse students in an environment and a system of relationships that would stimulate his most diverse creative activities.

4. The situation of motivation-this stage is characterized by special conditions under which students form the maximum interest not only to the result, but also to the process of achieving these results. Without interest in their own actions reduced motivation, which can not be replaced by any negative or positive reinforcement. From the choice of

methods and techniques at this stage of development of creative abilities depends on the final result of the plan.

5. The inclusion of students in the creative process - the participants need the maximum effort (the ability to develop the more successful, the more often in their activities a person gets to the "ceiling" of their capabilities and gradually raises the ceiling higher and higher). It is important to create conditions for the integration of personal interests into collective ones. The acquired knowledge in conjunction with the overall initiative is important to implement not only in training activities, but also in real production and everyday life.

6. Demonstration of results-this final stage will serve as a demonstration of the completion of the process, as well as an understanding of the importance of what has been achieved and a keen interest in continuing further creative path.

Implementation of the above conditions for the development of creative abilities of students should occur in stages. Because of the presence of levels of development of creative abilities, steps of which "do not cross", developed this multistage system, each stage of which generates understanding of the subject of study and the opportunity to advance to the next level of development of creative abilities of the individual.

When the theme of common projects is defined, the problem is formulated, a plan of work on the project and the distribution of roles of performers taking into account the interests of the participants is drawn up. The project participant feels like a part of a single mechanism striving to achieve a common goal. The groups had to distribute the roles of each participant, his duties and rights, to elect a leader. During the task, the participants thought about their tasks, paid attention to the reaction of others, showed a clear interest.

Creative environment contributed to the maximum understanding of the subject of study, building effective feedback (teacher-student), full immersion in the process of learning activities, achieving results. The teacher in this case acts as a moderator, uses methods of modeling production processes, includes students in professional activities, which allows the creative level to consolidate the material in practice.

For the development of creative abilities is appropriate and excursions to the production, the invitation of innovators, advanced workers. Students have the opportunity to observe the work of the team, performed in a well-organized rhythm, which contributes to the education of work culture. Direct communication of students with innovators of production, advanced workers awakens the desire to become like professionals. Students begin to realize that the poor performance of one reflects on the results of the whole team.

The next step is to develop maximum interest not only in the outcome, but also in the process of activity. The learning process gradually flow to self-education and self-improvement, the results achieved can be called "perfection". The groups formed teams, there were projects.

At the final stage of development of creative abilities, the needs of project participants in the presentation of their results are realized. This happens in the course of public speaking: presentations, reports, workshops, creative workshops. Students discover the meanings of both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. There is self-observation, self-knowledge, self-awareness, self-evaluation (of what can be called "thinking about thinking"). The tendency to reflection, analysis and introspection of the

activity and further results of creative activity is developed. These processes of personal growth of project participants can rightly be called "reflection of creativity."

Thus, the conditions for the development of creative abilities are a phased set of pedagogical conditions. That each stage of conditions develops creativity to a certain level.

Conclusion. Creativity is the process of human activity that creates qualitatively new material and spiritual values or the result of creating subjectively new. Creativity - is the individual qualities of a person, which are manifested in the ability to apply knowledge and skills in a non-standard situation. Conditions of development of creative abilities which gradually develop creativity of the person are revealed, results of introduction of conditions positively influence any educational processes. Further integration of creative abilities into professional activities of students will significantly increase their competitiveness in the labor market.

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