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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rahmonova Gulchehra Salaydinovna

Today’s educators need to take a creative approach to their work, using effective means to absorb education at the intersection of purposeful individual and group interests in non-standard situations. Of course, this process is based on the demonstration of creative abilities from each educator. This article describes the pedagogical and psychological features of the development of non-standard thinking in students.

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Section 3. Pedagogy


Rahmonova Gulchehra Salaydinovna, Chirchik state pedagogical institute Department of social sciences


Abstract. Today's educators need to take a creative approach to their work, using effective means to absorb education at the intersection of purposeful individual and group interests in non-standard situations. Of course, this process is based on the demonstration of creative abilities from each educator. This article describes the pedagogical and psychological features of the development of nonstandard thinking in students.

Keywords: education, knowledge, thinking, creativity, creative thinking, non-standard thinking, student, development, creativity.

Today, as in any other era, improving the quality approaches to the problem [2, 12]. Indeed, as the cre-

of education, changing the worldview of students is a modern requirement, and one of the priorities is to direct people in society, especially young people, to deep thinking. It should be noted that this process is effective only when it is built on the basis offundamental education, formed on the basis of the family and the educational institution, and combined with the educational process. At the same time, it is necessary to establish a link between the object and the subject of education and upbringing, so that this process is based on a complex approach to pedagogical and psychological factors.

The problem of creativity is one of the most studied issues in pedagogical and psychological sources, the emergence and manifestation of which depends on individual characteristics and real conditions.

The issue of creativity was first studied in 1959 by the American psychologist J. P. Guilford, and he introduced the term creativity into scientific circula-

ative researcher J. P. Guilford points out, while at the same time leading to the emergence of a non-standard approach to an existing problem from different perspectives, its solution provides rationality in the process of thinking operations i.e. analysis and synthesis.

According to the researcher A. G. Asmolov, the implementation of scientific research and design work creates active imagination in students, creating the fantasy of a non-standard approach [5, 107]. Of course, this process leads to the emergence of convergent and divergent components of the nonstandard approach in students. In this regard, the researcher S. A. Mednik drew attention to the fact that the non-standard creative process is associated with cognitive activity, advancing scientific views on the existence of convergent and divergent components.

According to S. A. Mednik, the process will be more creative if the approaches to solving the exist-

tion. In his view, creativity refers to a specific type of ing problem are formed on the basis of several alter-thinking and coordinates the solution of a problem to native options based on scientific and practical hy-a single correct solution, providing several alternative potheses. According to his scientific approach, the

process is determined not by its specificity, but by the final stage of mental synthesis and the breadth of the field of associations [8]. From this point ofview, creativity requires purposeful and effective use of its elements, without excluding convergent thinking.

In our view, creative individuals move towards a new solution and a combination of scientific hypotheses based on divergent thinking, while maintaining the association of the associative process with the reality that occurred earlier in convergent thinking.

If we define the concept of creativity from a psychological point ofview, creativity is a non-standard thinking ability inherent in the individual, a combination of principles based on creativity, as well as the ability to think in accordance with subjective factors in the system of objective perception of reality.

Based on this approach, we can say that the development of non-standard thinking in students is a priority of modern education, where the transformation of knowledge, skills and abilities from teacher to student on the basis of reproductive factors the development of the ability to formulate an algorithm for independently determining educational issues is required.

Asking what tasks are on the agenda of today's education system, it is necessary to focus on the formation of mobile aspects of non-standard creative abilities that the learner must learn and master throughout life, as well as self-formation.

Of course, such a process is interpreted in pedagogy against the background of problematic situations of creativity, the formation of non-standard abilities associated with solving a number of problems in a changing educational environment, formed on the basis of decision-making competence in different situations.

Researcher M. Choshanov's scientific comments in this regard are noteworthy, and in his view, nonstandard creative ability in a person includes the following competencies: first, the ability to express the interests of the person based on the existing needs; second, the ability to find alternative sources of infor-

mation necessary for life and work; third, the ability to make decisions aimed at improving the content of the educational process in different pedagogical situations; fourth, the ability to solve a real problem, find original solutions and adjust the situation to their advantage [6].

Of course, this process reflects the content of education based on the ideas of the development of the student's personality and coordinates its tasks and conditions. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the organization of education, it is desirable that the activities of teacher-student cooperation be carried out within the zone of proximal development. This process certainly shapes the nonstandard thinking ability of students and is a factor in the development of cognitive activity.

While the researcher T. A. Rebecca argues that creativity defines and describes the essence of the non-standard approach [2], according to N. M. Gnat-ko's scientific approach, the process of non-standard thinking in creativity is recognized as the result of subjective factors [1]. From this point of view, the pedagogical and psychological features of the development of non-standard thinking in students are the mechanism of its development and individual ability, considering creativity as a function of the problem situation and as a social phenomenon.

According to the researcher ES Rapatsevich, non-standard in creative thinking is directly related to the personality and activity of man. is recognized as a work of art creation and a new approach. Non-standardization in the pedagogical field is the introduction of new methods, forms, principles, technology and pedagogical mechanisms into the process of education and upbringing [4].

From the above scientific point of view, we think it is appropriate to pay attention to the following when introducing students to non-standard creative thinking: to look at non-standard thinking as a product of creativity and make the educational motivational factors that develop it a key component of the professional activity of every teacher;

recognition of a non-standard approach as a new approach and problem-solving based on creativity, as well as the implementation of psychological support in the framework of psychological technology for the emergence of creative activity; the study of non-standard thinking in creativity as a special feature of the individual and evaluated as a factor of subjective-personal novelty and important scientific and social value.

As the researcher E. Picard admits, non-standard thinking in creativity is a new approach of the subject of activity, a reflection of the processes that are important in the socio-cultural context. This creates a source of new opportunities for individuals and groups, as well as individual and social entities [9].

In the scientific views of the researcher Ya. A. Ponomarev, non-standard thinking is recognized as a factor of an individual's internal resources and creative potential, and emphasizes that it is a holistic mental process [3]. From this point ofview, it is important to observe the organic connection, divergent and convergent thinking process, creative aspects and all the uncertainties and complexities that occur in the manifestation of non-standard thinking in the student's personality. This process requires a comprehensive approach to education and is studied in direct connection with the laws of general creativity. Because a state where thinking about what other people say, not having the courage to express oneself, an inner fear of making a mistake, always feeling the danger of being criticized when expressing a new idea, or a dogmatic and conservative approach that destroys the non-standard creative process and leads

to the disappearance of ideas relevant to the life of society under the influence of a position of uncertainty and abstraction. This increases the rigidity of thinking of young people and develops their intellectual dependence. It will also increase the stagnation of industries that require an innovative approach, while maintaining dependence on imports of new ideas and innovative projects, leading to a further increase in the need for young people with creative abilities for the state and society.

In general, it is possible to recommend a complex order, defining the pedagogical and psychological features of the development of non-standard thinking in students with the following criteria: first, originality in the process of thinking and analysis; second, the continuity of content and logic in the stated opinion; the third is to ensure the transformation of rigidity and dogmatic approach to creativity; fourth, the focus is on overcoming stereotypical factors and traditional constraints; fifth, the balance is ensured and based on a rational approach; Sixth, the dynamics of change of the source material; seventh, to express the expressed non-standard ideas in a concentrated form; eighth, the combination of theoretical and practical elements in new ideas.

In conclusion, in fact, the creative components of the student are not only a criterion for non-standard thinking, but also a criterion that determines the level of fundamental knowledge. Today, in the world community, the knowledge "transferred" to the learner on the basis of a non-standard approach is becoming the only source of sustainable competitive advantage in all areas.


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