METHODS AND PROBLEM’S OF LEARNING FOREIGNS LANGUAGE’S Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
language / methods / problems / English / Chinese / Russian / язык / методы / проблемы / английский язык / китайский язык / русский язык

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — A.E. Padalko

This article examines the problem of the importance of learning foreign languages in the modern world, their impact on the social, economic and cultural life of society. The main problems faced by students are discussed, such as: lack of motivation, fatigue, loss of selfconfidence, lack of resources, difficulties and peculiarities of each language using the example of Chinese, English and Russian. The result of the study is the selection of recommendations and the most effective methods for streamlining the learning process: information collection, regularity, practice, support for emotional and psychological state.

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В данной статье исследуется проблема важности изучения иностранных языков в современном мире, их влияние на социальную, экономическую и культурную жизнь общества. Обсуждаются основные проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются изучающие, такие как: недостаток мотивации, усталость, потеря уверенности в себе, нехватка ресурсов, сложности и особенности каждого языка на примере китайского, английского и русского. Результатом исследования являются подбор рекомендации и наиболее эффективных методов для упорядочивания процесса изучения: сбор информации, регулярность, практика, поддержка эмоционального и психологического состояния.



Changchun University of Science and Technology (China, Changchun)


Abstract. This article examines the problem of the importance of learning foreign languages in the modern world, their impact on the social, economic and cultural life of society. The main problems faced by students are discussed, such as: lack of motivation, fatigue, loss of self-confidence, lack of resources, difficulties and peculiarities of each language using the example of Chinese, English and Russian. The result of the study is the selection of recommendations and the most effective methods for streamlining the learning process: information collection, regularity, practice, support for emotional and psychological state.

Keywords: language, methods, problems, English, Chinese, Russian.

Language is the most complex system of signs, sounds and their compounds, which are the most important part of life of any person and the whole society. It is language that helps people to communicate with each other, to establish friendly, professional, economic and other relations. Knowledge of foreign languages allows to see the world wider, gives an opportunity to communicate with individuals, brought up and formed in a completely different culture, with a different mentality and temperament, which allows to learn about the peculiarities of other peoples, nationalities, to become a more versatile person, to remove internal boundaries and fears, to learn the psychology of other people, to become more tolerant, to borrow useful habits and pass on their own. International cultural exchange is not the only advantage of learning foreign languages. In today's world, language skills 'open doors' to new opportunities, be it career, travel or personal connections. The labour of people who speak languages is highly valued. Such personnel are unlimited in information, because they have the opportunity to find information in foreign sources, and their communication skills are not limited to their compatriots, it opens up the possibility of cooperation with foreign specialists, which is often important for employers. In addition to the above, learning languages is good for developing cognitive abilities. People who learn languages find it much easier to memorize any information, they are distinguished by attentiveness, well-

developed hearing and logic. This knowledge gives freedom and a kind of self-confidence. Some people initially tell themselves that there must be talent to master a language, but is this true? Or is patience and labour the key to success?

Undoubtedly, there are those who find it easy to learn a language, while others need a lot of time and sleepless nights to memorize new words, grammatical constructions and sounds. Who actually finds it easier to learn languages:

- children (especially those under the age of 10)

The brain of children under 10 years old is very well adapted to assimilate new information, most likely you have noticed how children quickly memorize words that seem to have heard 1-2 times. It is also easier for children to learn languages because there is no fear of making mistakes, there is less shyness in children and more free time to fully devote to learning.

In addition, there are bilingual children who from childhood live in an environment where two languages are used (bilingual environment), most often these are children of bi-ethnic parents or emigrants. Such people always show rapid success in learning foreign languages, and many of them later work as translators.

But children are not the only ones who have the opportunity to master a foreign language well. Adult people also have it, but for this it is necessary to make more efforts, to

face a number of problems that will arise in the process of learning, to go through them. Let us highlight the main difficulties of this process:

Psychological aspects:

1. Fatigue. Every language is very vast, there is so much information that one can spend years and tens of years to learn it, of course, the process of learning is very interesting, but many students face the problem of fatigue from the endless flow of information, at some point it seems that it is impossible to achieve success. But, in fact, it is not so. At some point there is bound to come the realization that your level has already reached the basic level and beyond. But, unfortunately, not everyone reaches this point and gives up studying halfway through.

2. Comparing yourself with other people. Loss of confidence in their own abilities. The problem that students face is usually at the moment when they start to make progress in learning, but they cannot praise themselves and be proud of themselves, because in comparison with someone else who is going through the same path and, perhaps, faster and more successfully learns the same language, you seem worse, at this stage the motivation disappears and the person tends to decide to quit learning, telling himself that he does not have the ability to learn languages.

3. lack of motivation. Perhaps you are not making progress in learning a language simply because you do not realize that it is necessary for you. For example, you don't realize how you will work using the language, perhaps you are not interested in the culture of the country you are learning and would never want to visit it.

4. Fear of speaking a foreign language. Often, when learning a language, you are not confident in your knowledge, you are afraid of making a mistake and being ridiculed, thus, because of fears and shyness you lose almost the most important aspect of learning a language - talking to a native speaker.

Of course, it is not only psychological aspects that prevent us from learning a language, as the task itself is not easy, if only because each language has its own difficulties and specifics, it is difficult to say which language is easy to learn, it seems that there is no

such thing, because each language has its own rules, exceptions and moments that are difficult to understand even for native speakers:

1. English.

For example, in English the word order is constantly changing depending on the additional members of sentences, the placement of the subject, object, verb and adjectives. Add to all this tenses and syllables - you get something that will put any beginner in a stupor. And also, who wants to learn English, will meet a large number of synonyms, which are combined into synonymic groups:

- Happy: Cheerful /Joyful / Jocular / Delighted /- Gleeful/ Cheery

- Depressed: Sad / Saddened / Unhappy / Gloomy / Glum / Melancholy / Miserable /Sorrowful

- Excited: Thrilled / Exhilarated / Elevated /Animated / Enlivened /Electrified /Stirred/Exuberant

2. Chinese.

In Chinese, for example, grammar is easier than in Russian and English, but Chinese is one of the top 5 most difficult languages in the world. Firstly, there is no alphabet, but instead there are hieroglyphs, each of which has its own meaning and significance. The characters look unfamiliar to us, and to have at least a basic level of Chinese you must know at least 1200.Chinese language is complicated not only by characters, very many foreigners face a problem with tones, which breaks the head of even the smartest people. After all, we can't imagine that a small difference in our pronunciation can completely change the meaning of what is said. Here is an example of the action of tones, which will confirm the need not only to understand, but also the ability to use them, which is very difficult for foreigners learning the language:

n tt M ^ ^-This group of characters have the same pinyin (pinyin literally means 'pronounced sounds'). but their translations and characters are different.

- tt ma (without tone) is used when saying something obvious; used when the speaker is expressing hope or giving advice; used to pause to get the speaker's attention

- Щ ma (no tone) is used at the end of an interrogative sentence or rhetorical question; used within a sentence to indicate a pause

- Щ ma (1 tone) ma, mother

- Ц ma (3 tone) horse, steed

- Щ mà (4 tone) to scold, scold, condemn

- ft má (2 tone) numb, stiff; (of food) burning, spicy; (of surface) rough, uneven

3. Russian language

The Russian language has a very complex grammar and word formation. There are cases in Russian that are incomprehensible to most foreigners, because it is difficult to understand why and why one word changes several times depending on the context:

- Девочка-девочку-девочке-девочкой-о девочке (they're all forms of the word girl)

- Земля-земле-земли-землю-землей-о земле (all these are forms of the word earth)

Problems, of course, are not only in nouns and adjectives, verbs also have difficulties (conjugations, inflection)

In Russian, for example, in addition to the word 'to do', other words are formed:

- делать-делает-делаем-делаю-делал-делала-сделать-сделаю-сделаем-сделает-сделан-переделать-подделать-делайте-делая-делав

you can do this with almost every verb, and it can be very difficult to understand the meaning and sense of each word.

Well, and of course we should not forget about the problem of systematization of the language learning process, selection of effective methods.

Effective Methods of learning foreign languages:

1. To begin with, it is worth collecting information materials about the language you wish to start learning. In the modern world a lot of useful information is freely available. Buy notebooks, dictionaries, workbooks with tasks for practice, find good websites with open information or find a favourite online school and tutor. Surround yourself with information about the language you are learning from the beginning, so you will find it easier to adapt to it.

2. Try to study every day. As difficult as it may be, try to devote at least 30 minutes a day to learning the language, then you will feel the progress without making much effort in about a month.

3. Try to read texts aloud, and handwrite and translate the texts you encounter. It is by speaking and writing down that you will more easily memorize words, expressions and their translations.

4. Try to meet a native speaker or find a teacher who speaks the language well. It is very important to practise the language. It is especially good if you find the opportunity to visit a country whose citizens speak the language you are learning. It would be very useful to find someone to act out skits, participate in dialogues, this will help you to start speaking and get a better grasp of the words you are learning.

5. Read books, watch films, listen to music in the language you are learning. As my Chinese teachers used to say:

which means watch more, read more, listen more).Initially it may seem like you don't understand anything and it's a silly waste of time, but it's actually how your brain will adapt to the speech. This method will also give you the opportunity to learn more colloquial vocabulary and slang (which is rarely mentioned in manuals and textbooks)

6. Don't give up every time you fail (and when learning a language it will be more than once), you will encounter misunderstandings of native speakers, you will forget words, sometimes your brain will refuse to accept new things, but in this case give yourself time to rest and continue your work.

Language is a skill. Learning a language is a difficult but extremely interesting process. You don't have to be talented to learn a language, you just need to be diligent, persistent and hardworking. People who really want to learn a new language will do it through all the difficulties. And for their efforts they will get new opportunities and recognition.


1. Cognitive Benefits of Learning Language. Duke University. Fall 2007. (June 1, 2010)]. -URL: http://www.actfl.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=4724.

2. Супрунов, В. В. (2016). *Методы обучения иностранным языкам в образовательном процессе. - М.: Просвещение, 2016.

3. Кузнецова, И.А. Психолингвистика: теоретические и практические аспекты изучения языков. - СПб.: Питер, 2018.

4. Cook, V. Second Language Learning and Language Teaching*. London: Routledge, 2016. - URL: https://www.routledge.com/Second-Language-Learning-and-Language-Teaching-4th-Edition/Cook/p/book/9781138915093.

5. Lightbown P.M., Spada N. (2013). How Languages Are Learned. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. - URL: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/how-languages-are-learned-3e-9780194422342.


Чанчунский технологический университет (Китай, г. Чанчунь)

Аннотация. В данной статье исследуется проблема важности изучения иностранных языков в современном мире, их влияние на социальную, экономическую и культурную жизнь общества. Обсуждаются основные проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются изучающие, такие как: недостаток мотивации, усталость, потеря уверенности в себе, нехватка ресурсов, сложности и особенности каждого языка на примере китайского, английского и русского. Результатом исследования являются подбор рекомендации и наиболее эффективных методов для упорядочивания процесса изучения: сбор информации, регулярность, практика, поддержка эмоционального и психологического состояния.

Ключевые слова: язык, методы, проблемы, английский язык, китайский язык, русский язык.

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