INNOVATIVE METHODS OF TEACHING ENGLISH IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
innovation / grammatical structure / lexical unit / phonetic changes / primary education / mixed technique / interesting games / primary classes / modern and innovative methods / pantomime. / новаторство / грамматический строй / лексическая единица / фонетические изменения / начальное образование / смешанная техника / интересные игры / начальные классы / современные и новаторские приемы / пантомима.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Yazdankulova Gulnigor Muzaffarovna

This article discusses innovative approaches to teaching English in secondary schools, modern methods promoted by teachers for students' free thinking, speech depth, responsiveness, enthusiasm for language learning, and active participation in lessons.

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В данной статье рассматриваются инновационные подходы к обучению английскому языку в общеобразовательных школах, современные методы, продвигаемые учителями для свободного мышления учащихся, глубины речи, отзывчивости, энтузиазма в изучении языка и активного участия в уроках.



SCHOOLS Yazdankulova Gulnigor Muzaffarovna

Samarkand State institute of Foreign Languages ABSTRACT

This article discusses innovative approaches to teaching English in secondary schools, modern methods promoted by teachers for students' free thinking, speech depth, responsiveness, enthusiasm for language learning, and active participation in lessons.

Keywords: innovation, grammatical structure, lexical unit, phonetic changes, primary education, mixed technique, interesting games, primary classes, modern and innovative methods, pantomime.


After the independence of our country, the interest of young people in learning foreign languages has increased, and the state creates many opportunities for language learning. As the first President Islam Karimov said: "At present, great importance is attached to the teaching of foreign languages in our country. This, of course, is not in vain.


There is no need to underestimate the importance of perfect knowledge of foreign languages for our country, which today is striving to take its rightful place in the world community, for our people, who are building their great future in cooperation with our foreign partners. " In particular, one of the decisions that led to positive changes in primary education was the decision of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 10, 2012 "On measures to further improve the system of learning foreign languages" PQ-1875 is the numerical resolution. In accordance with this decision, to teach foreign languages, mainly English from primary school, to further increase their interest in teaching foreign languages, a variety of fun games of English lessons from 1st grade in all secondary schools teaching, and at the same time developing students' oral speech, and from the 2nd grade onwards, the transition to modern, innovative methods of teaching the alphabet, reading, and grammar began.

Recently, the number of people of all ages learning English is increasing dramatically. This is because it is becoming increasingly difficult to live without knowing English in the process of life. But language learning also depends on age. In fact, scientists have proven that children learn language faster and easier than adults. The natural tendency of children to learn a language is due to the fact that they have a strong ability to imitate, children spend more time than adults and memorize the information they learn quickly.


As one of the Chinese inventors, Masaru Ibuka, wrote in his famous book, "Too Late After Us," "... a child's brain can have an infinite amount of information ...". It should also be noted that children aged 6-7 years do not understand the meaning of information, but memorize it mechanically. That is why it is important not to start teaching grammar to elementary school students who are learning English. Otherwise, the first step in learning a foreign language can be tiring for the child and weaken his or her interest in learning the language. Because it is difficult to teach a foreign language to primary school students, it is also one of the responsible tasks. Therefore, the following innovative methods can be used to teach English to primary school students in a meaningful and interesting way:

- Visual memory. It is known that young children remember the objects they see more than the information they hear. Therefore, the lesson is taught through a variety of visual aids, posters, visual and commonly used objects, teaching new words by writing on objects and composing sentences with the participation of new words learned . For example, writing a book, a table, a blackboard, a pen, a window, and so on. Because such items, which are often used in daily life, are constantly in sight and in constant use, the child learns these words involuntarily.

- Sing words and songs that are difficult to understand or remember through music. In addition to memorizing new words, the child's oral speech also develops. For example, it can be shown that children's learning of the English alphabet by singing is more effective than just memorizing.

- TO includes most of the games that help you master competitive grammar and vocabulary. In doing so, the children perform a variety of tasks given by the teacher. As a result, there is competition among students and their interest in language learning increases. Indeed, as Chinese thinkers have said, "All human interests are created through competition."

- Mixed technique where we can voluntarily combine different techniques. For example, children can play games, sing songs, draw pictures, and demonstrate new words through a variety of actions. The advantage of the technique is in the variety. In doing so, the reader is not limited to just one thing.

- Teaching through cartoons. It is known that children are interested in watching different cartoons. In the process of watching cartoons in English, he tries to understand the words they use through the actions of the cartoon characters, even though he does not understand the words in the cartoon. This is a fun and effective way for children to learn the language.

- Learning through fun games; The role of teaching through a variety of games in teaching English is invaluable. Playing a variety of games throughout the lesson will further increase the enthusiasm for learning science in the classroom,

encouraging even inactive students to participate better in the lessons. The following games are an example of our word.

- "Merry Riddles" (Merry Riddles) Teaching riddles to students is important in teaching English so that they learn words they are unfamiliar with and find the answer to a riddle.

- "Pantomime" (pantomime). In doing so, the teacher says a word to the students and the student points to it. The rest of the students will have to find the word and say the English name.

- Learning through the senses (tasting vegetables, fruits, food, touching various objects, smelling flowers). Before exploring this new method, one should cite the views of a practicing psychologist: it should even try to involve the sense of smell and taste in the process of remembering. "

The result In fact, language learning through sensory organs is more useful and effective than other methods. For example, in the process of tasting an apple, the student knows what its color, taste, size, smell is, and also says its English name. As a result, when the teacher asks the children the English name of the colors, the children immediately remember when they ate the fruit. Hence, the use of such methods helps the student to store the information in the memory for a long time.


In short, teaching language to primary school students not as an obligation, but rather through the use of fun games and innovative methods, can serve as a foundation for their future knowledge. Therefore, while the education system also has the task of educating a free-thinking, well-rounded, mature person, in the future we, the future teachers, will be able to develop their own ways of effective use of innovative technologies. we can contribute.


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