USING GAMES TO TEACH VOCABULARY EFFECTIVELY TO YOUNG LEARNERS. Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
vocabulary knowledge / teaching vocabulary / games.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Fazliddinova Zulfiya Dilmurod Qizi

It is unrefutable fact that vocabulary knowledge is one of the most essetial skills in learning foreign language. Teaching vocabulary is remaining to be intricate and requires much effort from teachers, learning new words, phrases and expressions are both complex and became mind-numbing activity mainly in young learners. Games are significant learning activities, to teach vocabulary more effectively. This paper aims to provide review of 5 games, namely Banana race game, Charades game, memory challenge, twister and hot potatoes for teachers to utilize in teaching vocabulary, ERIC and Google scholar websites were used to collect the relevant data .

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YOUNG LEARNERS. Fazliddinova Zulfiya Dilmurod qizi

Student of English filology faculty Namangan State University, Namangan region, Uzbekistan.


It is unrefutable fact that vocabulary knowledge is one of the most essetial skills in learning foreign language. Teaching vocabulary is remaining to be intricate and requires much effort from teachers, learning new words, phrases and expressions are both complex and became mind-numbing activity mainly in young learners. Games are significant learning activities, to teach vocabulary more effectively. This paper aims to provide review of 5 games, namely Banana race game, Charades game, memory challenge, twister and hot potatoes for teachers to utilize in teaching vocabulary, ERIC and Google scholar websites were used to collect the relevant data .

Keywords; vocabulary knowledge, teaching vocabulary, games.

I. Introduction

"If you spend the majority of your time studying grammar, you will not see much improvement in your English." If you learn more words and expressions, you will see the largest progress. Grammar allows you to express very little, but with words, you can say practically anything!" (Thornburry, 2002, cited in Bafadal, Humaira, Nurmasitah, 2018). Vocabulary is an important skill to be acquired by students as stated above grammar may teach structures and rules but to use those rules students need to have enough vocabulary. However learning new words became boring for young learners, because of their lack of concentration (Bakhsh,2016). "Language implementation is a crucial requirement for communicating ideas, emotion, temperament, and wishes, and teaching English vocabulary is one of the most difficult tasks" noted Bahang, Bakri, Mentaruk (2021). Teachers are in charge of coming up with fun and engaging ways to teach and inspire their pupils. According to Harmer (2008), instructors of young pupils should devote a significant amount of effort to studying and comprehending how their kids function and think. The use of games to teach vocabulary has become increasingly significant for English language learners because they maintain excitement and interest in learning while also encouraging courageous and innovative use of the language (Bahang, Bakri, Mentaruk, 2021). According to Asrifan (2018) there are several strategies for developing vocabulary, but studies have shown that using a game to increase students' skills in teaching English, particularly with vocabulary, is one of the most effective. There are several benefits and efficacy in learning language in various ways through the game. As a result, the

CENTRAL ASIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES (CARJIS) ilmiy jurnali bilan hamkorlikda. importance of games in vocabulary teaching and acquisition cannot be overstated. There are many games that can improve the vocabulary of students, such as Charades, Babana race, hot potatoes, memory challenge, twister and so on. This review provides with several games to use during EFL lesson by professional teachers, to help their students , to memorize words faster and in a funny way. To collect the relevant data, Google scholars and ERIC websites were utilized.

II. Literature review

The role of vocabulary.

Vocabulary is fundamental and essential skill to obtain. The development of vocabulary is a critical component of mastering the four skills in learning English. The importance of vocabulary in language cannot be overstated. Students will not be able to grasp a language if they do not have a sufficient vocabulary (Asrifan, 2018). According to Ngarofah & Sumarni listening, speaking, reading, and writing are the four abilities in English that need a large amount of vocabulary. Nothing can be passed on without linguistic structure, and nothing can be passed on without vocabulary (2018, cited in Gayanti, Satriani, 2020). However, in most situations, vocabulary is taught through memorization rather than comprehension. It's not simple to create effective and efficient English education as a researcher. Researchers must not only be able to design teaching and learning activities, but they must also be able to convey materials using proper teaching strategies (Bahang, Bakri, Mentaruk, 2021).

Who are young learners?

Children ranging in age from five or six years old in their first year of primary school to twelve years old are considered young learners (Bakhsh,2016). The age of young learners is not necessarily an indicator of how mature they are. Some children develop very fast, and others might need more time. Teachers' decision must be influenced by his or her knowledge of the children's attitudes, interests,and circumstances instead of their physical age.

Teachers need to be aware of the fact that young learners have some problems distinguishing the real world from an imaginary one. Young learners do not like to work alone, but to be accompanied by others especially when playing or working. It is imperative to praise young learners because they become motivated when their teacher supports their enthusiasm (Bakhsh,2016).

Slattery (2001 cited in Bakhsh,2016) emphasized that young learners are learners who are curious, imaginative, and playful. They develop as individuals very quickly and enjoy routines and repetitions. Due to their short attention span, they need variety of activities. Also, they talk about what they did and understand in their mother tongue which helps them learn.

Using games to teach vocabulary.


Teaching young learners is far more difficult than teaching teens or adults because they are easily distracted. Children like having fun and playing, therefore teachers should choose teaching techniques that are appropriate for their age group. Games are one of the ways to keep students from being bored in the classroom. They have a unique function in foreign language instruction. According to Wright in Maulidah (2009, cited in Bahang, Bakri, Mentaruk, 2021) a game is an activity that is interesting and engaging, frequently demanding, and in which learners engage and interact with others. Games are always fun for the learners so they attract their interest unlike the ordinary lessons. Even shy and reluctant children react positively to them (Mei & Yu-Jing, 2000, qouted in Gozcu,Caganaga, 2016) This increases the motivation of the children because they play as an alternative solution. By this way, they reduce the stress of learning another language. When games are implemented in foreign language schools, they provide language teachers with a tremendous deal of educational value. (Gozcu,Caganaga, 2016).

Five games that can be used in teaching young learners.

1. According to Angreini (2016, cited in Bahang, Bakri, Mentaruk, 2021), a banana racing game for the entire class promotes pupils to acquire new language and convey it to other kids. It's a fun approach for kids to improve their English skills while competing. The banana race game is entertaining and may encourage kids to participate in class activities. The following are the techniques for learning and teaching utilizing the banana racing game:

1. Students will be separated into many groups;

2. Students will seat according to their groups;

3. The instructor will announce a word, and the students will attentively listen;

4. One student from each team will rush to the blackboard or whiteboard to write the word uttered by the teacher;

5. They will spell and pronounce the word in front of their peers once they have written it; 6. The instructor will choose the winner by listening to the first one who spells and says the word properly.

7. Finally, the winning student will receive a point for their team.

8. Each team gets a chance to win, and one team emerges victorious.

2. 'Hot Potatoes' is the name of the second game. The class is split into two groups, A and B, who sit on opposing sides of the classrooms. Two chairs will be positioned in the middle of the classroom, with the board behind them and whomever sits on the chair facing her/his team. The instructor then writes a word on the board, but the student in the chair is oblivious to it. Following the start of the game, each side will have one minute to prepare. Other students are permitted to employ verbs in order for their sitting colleague to guess the printed word on the board. They should not repeat exactly what is printed on the board (Bakhsh,2016).


3. Charades, according to Kaduson and Schaefer (2003: 217), is an excellent way to facilitate children's emotional education. It can be used as a preventative measure for children who are experiencing emotional difficulties, or as a corrective measure for children who appear to be falling behind the group. This game is intrinsically motivating since it demands the youngster to be the focus of attention for a few minutes. Another description is that charades is a pantomime game, according to Nau (2000). How to play this game; to keep track of the scores, you'll need a notepad and a pen.Stopwatch to track time Charades phrases, either typed out yourself or using the word list provided below (your phone usually has a built-in timer)

The following are the charades rules: to begin, pick a player. The player comes up with a term that everyone should know. The player then performs the chosen word or phrase in front of the other participants. A point is awarded to the first participant who correctly guesses the word or phrase.

4. Another game that might be used to teach vocabulary to young learners is 'Memory Challenge.' Students must sit in groups of two or create small groups. Each group is given three minutes to write down as many terms from the previous session as they can recall, such as animals. The team with the most words remembered wins the game(Bakhsh,2016).

5. Twister is a classic American board game. It consists of a pointer and a direction board. The board is divided into four sections: left foot, right foot, left hand, and right hand. Each region has four colored circles: green, blue, yellow, and red. The colors are red, yellow, and blue. Six rows of green, red, yellow, and blue circles make up the twister mat, which is rather huge(Gozcu, Caganaga, 2016). Players take a starting position determined by the number of players in the game. The referee spins the wheel and calls out hand or foot and the color that the spinner points to. Each player then attempts to place that part onto an open space for that color. If there are no open spaces then the referee must spin again. 2 players can play twister without a referee by taking turns calling a color and a body part. You may temporarily lift a hand or foot to allow another part to pass through, but you must tell the referee before doing so. If two or more players go for the same spot, then the referee must declare who had reached that spot first.

III. Conclusion

To sum up, vocabulary is an essential skill and without vocabulary young learners cannot acquire the language. Learning vocabulary is considered to be uninteresting for children. To solve this problem, this article provided 5 different games to utilize by teachers in instructing young students. To collect the relevant data Google and ERIC websites were used.


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