HOW TO TEACH ENGLISH WORDS IN BEGINNER CLASSES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Wild animal / subtitles / game / listening / categories / development / knowledge / cartoon / subtitles. / Дикое животное / субтитры / игра / прослушивание / категории / развитие / знания / мультфильм / субтитры.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Yazdankulova Gulnigor

This article is about ways to help beginner learners memorize new words quickly and easily during the lesson. Teacher can engage students in their lessons by using this methods. It is better to memorize a new vocabulary in a playful way, than to repeat it over and over again, depending on the notebook.

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Эта статья о том, как помочь начинающим учащимся быстро и легко запоминать новые слова во время урока. Используя эти методы, учитель может вовлечь учащихся в свои уроки. Лучше запоминать новую лексику в игровой форме, чем повторять ее снова и снова, в зависимости от тетради.



Yazdankulova Gulnigor

Samarkand State institute of Foreign Languages


This article is about ways to help beginner learners memorize new words quickly and easily during the lesson. Teacher can engage students in their lessons by using this methods. It is better to memorize a new vocabulary in a playful way, than to repeat it over and over again, depending on the notebook.

Keywords: Wild animal, subtitles, game, listening, categories, development, knowledge, cartoon, subtitles.

It is essential to students who want to learn a foreign language to know a lot of words. Because it is important that they know the words when they learn grammar and make a sentence in a target language. If vocabulary is low, they found a lot of difficulties. As every student learns the lesson different ways, so they learn words differently. Some students memorize words quickly and forget them quickly. Another one may memorize slowly and remember well, or forget quickly. The teacher is responsible to help students enhance vocabulary and memorizing words and use words correctly. Therefore, the teacher needs to know his students well; some students can remember the words they memorize through pictures, and some through games. Teachers are always on the lookout, and always working on themselves. Firstly, teacher should make friendly and comfortable classroom atmosphere which help students to learn foreign language more easily. Teacher must make the students appeal to the lesson. They should help them to learn new words by comfortable and interesting way. If learner's level is beginning and teacher wants to teach to her students names of wild animals. Teacher should organize it like a game, give every student a handout paper and tell them to draw some wild animal's picture. When students draw a wolf then they will paint it some color after teacher can say "This is a wolf, what colour is the wolf, it is a grey (by showing it in picture) and wolf have a four legs, and long tail, wolf have eyes, ears and mustache. What a wolf eats? Wolf eats a meat". In this game students learn not only name of wolf, they learn a new words like a grey, legs, a trail, a mustache, a meat. Teacher can continue this game and draw another animals. And after repeating it several times in class, first teacher have to say a new words because students must listen correct pronunciation new words then students must repeat it together after teacher.

Creating a conversation with the teacher using new words or create a short story or fairy tale by connecting several new words together. This helps them remember new words. For example: A wolf saw a fox sweeping its trail with its tail in the snow. "When

the wolf asks him why you are doing this" the fox replied that I was looking for a bear because I had taken his book yesterday and I had lost it. In this little and easy story, we can use a few new words: sweep, trail, wolf, fox, bear, tail, and so on.

Watching cartoons and movies with subtitles also good way to student learning new words. If the viewer does not know a word, while watching TV with subtitles, he can stop the TV, review the dictionary, and make a note. Then students should watch this movie or video several times. The second time they listen while watching this movie, and the last time they see a word they don't know, they tell themselves that they remember the meaning of the word for the reason that they saw and remembered the translation of that word from a dictionary. While this period, they understand the meaning of the word and the new word stays well in their memories. Listening audio stories, dialogues also are best method for beginner learners to improve their pronunciation because learners listen pronunciation a new word several times and they know how it spells. It is good if learners write new words and repeat them after listen audio materials again. They should understand what they are listen. Sometimes when many beginner learners listen to audio materials they can't understand it in the first time so they must listen to it several times without looking the text.

Here are a few examples of games that help students memorize and learn new words throughout the lesson:

1. Last Man Standing

This game is fast-paced, but allows students some time to think. It also encourages peer learning, as students will pick up on words they hear others speaking. To play the game, grab a ball and have all the students form a circle. Name a category or theme, such as things found in a kitchen, food, professions, animals and so on. Begin by tossing the ball at a student. That student will shout a word related to the topic and throw the ball to another student. As each person catches the ball, they need to come up with another word that fits the theme. If they repeat a word that has already been said or can't think of a new one within a few seconds, they are out and must sit on the sidelines. Don't worry, they'll still be learning! Take things up a notch with a different version of "Last Man Standing." Instead of naming a theme, each student gives the next student another theme. For example, you might start off with "something red." The first student to catch the ball could say "strawberry" and then choose another topic and throw the ball to the next student. This makes the game much more difficult, since students cannot think of a word until they know what their theme is.(2)

2. Categories

Students will ask to play this game once they get the hang of it! It's a good way to fill up the last few minutes of class, or review of the lesson too. Have students draw six columns on their notebook and write a category at the top of each column. You can choose categories that fit what you've been studying in class or go with some basics.

Popular categories include food, names, cities or countries, furniture, verbs and clothing. Choose a random letter and write it on the blackboard. Give students enough time to write down a word for each category that starts with that letter. You can repeat with new letters as many times as you like. (2)

The development of children's vocabulary

Implications do early years at school have for vocabulary development in children's foreign language learning. The types of words that children find possible ways to learn will shift. Five year olds learning a foreign language need very concrete vocabulary that connects with objects they can handle or see, whereas older learners can cope with words and topics that are more abstract and remote from their experience. Vocabulary development is not just learning more words but is also crucial to expand and deepen word knowledge. Children should meet words again and again, in new contexts that help increase what they know about words. Teaching needs to include the recycling of words. Words and word knowledge can be seen as being linked in networks of meaning and context. Meeting a word will activate the network and thus provide support for understanding and memorizing. Basic level words are likely to be more appropriate for younger children, or when learning vocabulary for new concepts. Older learners can benefit from building up subordinate vocabulary linked to basic level words they already have known. Children change in how they can learn new vocabulary. Whereas, the very young learners will learn words as collections, older children are much more able to make connections between the words they learn and to use the paradigmatic organization of words and concepts as a help in vocabulary learning.

Vocabulary has been seen as a basic resource for language use. Early foreign language learning is important for learners. However, early vocabulary learning may be ineffective if words are not used regularly. Children entering secondary education will have varying amounts of words, some they have mastered very well, some of them only learned and some that they have met once or twice but not remembered. It should not be assumed that children know what they have been taught, for example, the content of their course books or syllabus so teacher should always repeat with them for the reason is that they know what they have learned.(1)


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