Научная статья на тему 'Methodology for the study of coherent dialogical speech in primary school children with intellectual disabilities'

Methodology for the study of coherent dialogical speech in primary school children with intellectual disabilities Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Science and Education
Область наук
Ключевые слова
children of primary school age / dialogic speech / speech disorder / coherent speech

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Laura Mukhtarovna Ilesalieva, Nazira Yusupovna Yusupova

This article analyzes the concept of methodology for the study of coherent dialogical speech in primary school children with intellectual disabilities. After studying the theoretical material on the formation of coherent dialogic speech in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disability, we conducted an ascertaining experiment, the purpose of which was to identify the relationship between the development of coherent dialogic speech and the level of intellectual development of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disability.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methodology for the study of coherent dialogical speech in primary school children with intellectual disabilities»

Methodology for the study of coherent dialogical speech in primary school children with intellectual disabilities

Laura Mukhtarovna Ilesalieva Nazira Yusupovna Yusupova Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami

Abstract: This article analyzes the concept of methodology for the study of coherent dialogical speech in primary school children with intellectual disabilities. After studying the theoretical material on the formation of coherent dialogic speech in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disability, we conducted an ascertaining experiment, the purpose of which was to identify the relationship between the development of coherent dialogic speech and the level of intellectual development of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disability.

Keywords: children of primary school age, dialogic speech, speech disorder, coherent speech

Introduction. In children with intellectual disability, due to the organic nature of the intellectual defect, coherent speech cannot be fully formed without special correctional training. Many researchers were engaged in the peculiarities of the formation of coherent speech of children: V.K.Vorobyova, V.P.Glukhov, N.S.Zhukova, R.E.Levina, E.M.Mastyukova, T.B.Filicheva, M.M.Alekseeva, V.I.Yashina, etc.

All stages of the formation of coherent speech in mentally retarded children in special education correspond to the stages of the formation of coherent speech in children with normal intelligence. But, a mentally retarded child does not develop coherent speech independently, without specially organized training that contributes to the formation of his speech activity [2].

Difficulties in mastering coherent speech are explained by such reasons as:

- lack of formation of mental processes (thinking, perception, imagination);

- lack of life experience, lack of formation of speech development [3].

The specifics of speech disorders in children with intellectual disabilities are determined by the peculiarities of mental development. Children have underdevelopment of higher forms of cognitive activity, concreteness and superficiality of thinking, underdevelopment of speech and its qualitative originality. Therefore, children with mild mental retardation need to create special conditions that promote the development of coherent speech. Constant, purposeful correctional work

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on the development of coherent speech contributes to the development of thought processes and social adaptation of schoolchildren with mild mental retardation. [8]

Our experimental study involved 10 1st grade children aged 8-9 years attending specialized school No. 52 for children with special educational needs of the Yashnabad district of Tashkent city. To diagnose the level of development of dialogic speech, a method was used to identify the level of development of dialogic communication skills by M.I.Lisina using the evaluation criteria of T.A.Fotekova, T.V.Akhutina [1].

Literary review. The works of Russian scientists, such as E.A.Gordienko, N.V.Neighborova, P.M.Pulatov, D.A.Nurkeldiyev, M.P.Khamidov, N.S.Musayev, etc., are devoted to the problem of the development of coherent dialogic speech in children with mental retardation.

In the Commonwealth of Independent States, such researchers as E.Ya.Zitser, I.V.Molchanovskaya, V.G.Petrova, V.K.Vorobyova, S.Y.Ilyina, A.K.Aksenova, S.V.Komarova, V.P.Glukhov and others studied the development of coherent speech.

And also, the issues of improving the quality of innovative IoT technology in pedagogy are considered in the scientific works of foreign scientists such as Kevin Ashton, Jackie Fenn, Neil Gershenfeld, Dave Evans, Michael Barber and others [4].

Research methodology. Before starting work, we formulated the following tasks:

- to study the nature of the manifestations of various structural components of the communicative activity of children with mild and moderate mental retardation during training sessions and to determine the level of development of communicative skills based on the data obtained [1];

- to identify the level of development of coherent dialogic speech: namely, to analyze the problem of the development of coherent dialogic speech in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities in pedagogical and psychological literature,

- to select and adapt methods to identify the level of speech development of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disability,

- to carry out correctional and speech therapy work on the formation of coherent dialogical speech in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disability [5].

All classes with children were conducted in the morning, in class conditions by the method of collective experiment, after establishing psychological contact with children. All schoolchildren participating in the ascertaining experiment are observed by a neuropsychiatrist with a diagnosis of mild mental retardation, they do not have other mental illnesses. Every year in spring and autumn, these children receive medical treatment corresponding to the diagnosis of a neuropsychiatrist [6].

A significant number of schoolchildren live in incomplete or dysfunctional families, where parents suffer from alcoholism and do not pay proper attention to children. In half of the examined children, parents had previously graduated from the eighth type of school with a diagnosis of mild mental retardation [10].

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The method of M.I.Lisina has a complex character and consists of two blocks. In Block I, we have identified a number of diagnostic criteria based on the main structural components of the concept of "communicative activity" developed by M.I.Lisina and adapted by us: the ability to identify a communication partner; the ability to make contact independently; the ability to build communication guided by various motives (signs indicating the presence of a particular motivation for communication); ability to plan actions (act) of communication; the ability to choose and use available (available in the zone of actual development) means of communication (verbal - words, simple phrases and non-verbal - gestures, facial expressions, pantomimics); the ability to evaluate the results of communication. The listed skills together determine the possibility of forming communicative behavior skills based on them [9].

Analysis and results. The most detailed methodological aspects of the development of coherent dialogical speech are covered in the work of M.I.Lisina. Defining the ways of forming coherent speech of students of special schools, M.I.Lisina believes that such work should be based on general principles of speech development: the principle of unity of speech and thinking development, the principle of consistency, the principle of transition from simple to complex. Outlining the general direction of teaching dialogic speech to primary school students, we rely on the path adopted in special pedagogy from developing an understanding of a coherent utterance to mastering a speech pattern and from it to independent contextual speech. As special techniques to ensure the understanding of stories, we recommend: the use of questions aimed at understanding the relationship of events, their temporal sequence; the compilation of stories from deformed sentences, etc.

Conclusions and suggestions. Speech disorders in students with intellectual disabilities are particularly persistent, difficult to correct, persist until the end of training. However, with constant, systematic correctional and speech therapy work, many students have positive dynamics in the development of vocabulary and coherent speech, but the grammatical and semantic levels of speech development never reach the norm. Nevertheless, teaching retelling and storytelling to schoolchildren with mental retardation with the help of mnemonics contributes to the enrichment of vocabulary [7].

Thus, the speech development of children with intellectual disabilities is impossible without special correctional training. The more often and more actively we use retellings and stories in teaching, the more effective the development of coherent speech of children with mental retardation will be.


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