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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Tussupbekova G.A., Nurshabayeva A.K., Rakhmetova A.M., Moldakaryzova A.Zh., Amanbai B.B.

This article examines the current state of the problem of the formation of communicative and speech skills in children with mental retardation based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature. According to the analyzed literature, it was found that in most children with mental retardation, all groups of communicative and speech skills realized in the process of oral textual activity are formed at a low level, which is due, on the one hand, to the peculiarities of the mental development of this category of children, including speech, and on the other hand, difficulties in setting and solving certain communicative tasks. Taking into account the peculiarities of the development of communicative and speech skills, the authors consider some diagnostic methods for determining the levels of development of the communicative side of speech, aimed at identifying the formation of the communicative function of speech in children with mental retardation. It is known that the formed communicative and speech skills provide social competence, dialogic communication skills, productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults. To determine the level of formation of the communicative function of speech in children with mental retardation, diagnostic methods used aimed at identifying: skills of communicative interaction for the diagnosis of communicative, speech skills, and information-content character that provides the content side of the text and expresses the communicative thought as much as possible. Structural and compositional skills that ensure the correct construction of the text. The ability to use not only specific means of expressing one's own thoughts, which ensure the correctness, clarity, richness and stylistic accuracy of speech, but also the ability to use language tools that provide for the finding of means of expressing communicative intent in the most complete and sufficient form.

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УДК 376.356

DOI 10.53065/kaznmu.2021.68.82.053

1 G.A. Tussupbekova, 2 A.K. Nurshabayeva, 2 A.M.Rakhmetova, A.Zh. Moldakaryzovа 1 B.B. Amanbai, 1 N.B. Isayeva, 1 К.А. Seitkadir

¡al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan 2E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, Kazakhstan 3 Asfendiyarov Kazakh national medical university

aijan202@mail. ru +7 701 557 52 23


Resume. This article examines the current state of the problem of the formation of communicative and speech skills in children with mental retardation based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature. According to the analyzed literature, it was found that in most children with mental retardation, all groups of communicative and speech skills realized in the process of oral textual activity are formed at a low level, which is due, on the one hand, to the peculiarities of the mental development of this category of children, including speech, and on the other hand, difficulties in setting and solving certain communicative tasks. Taking into account the peculiarities of the development of communicative and speech skills, the authors consider some diagnostic methods for determining the levels of development of the communicative side of speech, aimed at identifying the formation of the communicative function of speech in children with mental retardation. It is known that the formed communicative and speech skills provide social competence, dialogic communication skills, productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults. To determine the level of formation of the communicative function of speech in children with mental retardation, diagnostic methods used aimed at identifying: skills of communicative interaction for the diagnosis of communicative, speech skills, and informationcontent character that provides the content side of the text and expresses the communicative thought as much as possible. Structural and compositional skills that ensure the correct construction of the text. The ability to use not only specific means of expressing one's own thoughts, which ensure the correctness, clarity, richness and stylistic accuracy of speech, but also the ability to use language tools that provide for the finding of means of expressing communicative intent in the most complete and sufficient form.

Keywords: children with mental retardation, communication and speech skills, verbal communication.

In order to organize work on the formation of communication and speech skills in the course of oral text activities, it is necessary to resort to certain methods and techniques that ensure the effectiveness of the processes of interpretation and production of texts by primary school pupils with mental retardation [1]. The problem of forming oral communication and speech skills of normally developing schoolchildren presented in the works of M. T. Baranov, T. N. Volkova, N. A. Ippolitova, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, M. R. Lvov, M. S. Soloveychik, L. P. Fedorenko and others. In many studies, these skills considered based on two main features of the text: connectedness and integrity. In this case, the identity of the child who perceives or evokes the text little taken into account [2].

The analysis of the research of E. S. Slepovich, L. B. Baryaeva, I. N. Lebedeva, E. A. Lapp, N. Y. Boryakova and others shows that communication skills in primary school pupils with mental retardation are also studied in terms of the content, structure and language design of texts [3]. One of the areas of work with pupils' communicative skills is working with text. The creation of texts (words) by pupils one of the most important types of work on the development of communicative speech. The text allows you to reveal the communicative-speech and creative

abilities of a person. We can say that the text is a material for pupils ' speech and thinking activities, the result of which is a means of forming and developing the skills of analysis and generalization, expressing their thoughts clearly, logically and argumentatively, and drawing conclusions [4].

The concept of «text activity» introduced into the scientific and practical circulation of T. M. Dridze. He formulated and justified a discipline, a conceptual apparatus and a system of methods for directing socio-psychological research aimed at studying the dynamic, structural and functional aspects of such communication systems as «textinterpreter» [5].

Textual activity is an important mechanism for meaningful communication and involves actions to create and interpret texts (messages). These actions performed continuously by subjects during important communication designed to serve the purposes of appropriate social interaction [6].

Textual activity, being communicative and cognitive in nature, is an independent type of activity based on material and practical activity, with internal motives and goals of communicative-cognitive and emotional qualities, the psychological structure of which is completed. The subject of text activity is the communicative intent of the people

involved. As an action, specific acts of understanding and operation considered, using the means of memorization and language. The main concept of text activity is text as a single communicative cognitive unit. Textual activity based on understanding the problem situation, striving to solve it within the framework of important communication [7]. The text and its dialog city as a single, constructive, question-and-answer multidisciplinary ability to interact requires the use of a certain type of activity, called text activity in science, which includes a set of actions aimed at perceiving, understanding, writing, speaking, and changing the text [8, 9, 10].

Text activity is the basis for organizing the educational process in the classroom. Through text activities (through texts), teacher-student interaction occurs in the educational process aimed at mastering the meta-subject and subject results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education [11]. Text activity in modern modern methods understood as various types of work with text, and text activity itself considered as a form of speech activity (oral, written). According to N. S. Bolotnova, textual activity is "a system of actions based on knowledge, skills that allow you to create texts and perceive them, interpret them. Since the text is a work of speech, textual activity is mainly speech, but differs from it in the concreteness of goals, tasks, scope and genre of communication, situational arrangement, individual orientation" [12].

N. S. Bolotnova identifies the following types of text activities: Text creation; text perception; interpretation. Text as a product of speech is a universal form of communication. Thanks to the text service, interaction between participants in the educational process carried out [12, 13].

The text service is carried out through the text, in particular, reading and perceiving texts of various types, styles, genres, analyzing and interpreting texts, and creating your own texts. The text can be a connecting link in communication; it carries out interaction between the author of the text and participants in the educational process - the pupul and the teacher, the teacher and the pupil. Work with a text of any content in the lessons (scientific text of linguistic content for mastering language knowledge, artistic or journalistic text, etc.) should be structured in such a way as to encourage participants in the educational process to form and express different positions based on the personal experience of pupils [13]. Text activities contribute to the organization of effective interaction between teacher and student. Text is a unit of communication, the main form of communication in the classroom. The purpose of the text service is to establish a dialogue between the text and readers (students). The technology of the text service aimed at teaching reading, which consists of the following stages: perception, understanding, interpretation (the first text service); training in the compilation of colloquial words linked because of the read text, on a given topic (the second text service), etc. [14].

Types of text services: content forecasting, text analysis (linguistic, stylistic, textual), perception and understanding of the text, interpretation of the text; retelling, Reconstruction (detailed, concise, selective presentation), creation (work of various types and genres), reconstruction and processing of the text, quality control and self-control of the text, editing and improvement of the text. Content of teaching text activities: mastering text knowledge; mastering various types of text work. Various types of work with the text (reading, perception,

understanding, interpretation, presentation] contribute to the organization of joint prescriptive, analytical, and productive, control-evaluation and editorial activities of the perceived and created text [15]. In children with mental retardation, speech skills slowly formed and fixed, there is no autonomy in speech creativity, there is phonematic and phonetic underdevelopment, and there is a low level of speech communication, which, in turn, limits speech development at the level of the main level of communication-phrase and contact speech. Of course, the above-mentioned language problems interfere with children's effective communication with their peers, as well as with adults, and communication and speech skills. In primary schools, the development of pupils ' communication and speech skills is of great importance, since the success of further education of children depends on how they master their speech. In addition, the study of the peculiarities of communication skills of children with mental retardation is also important for understanding the specifics of the formation of their psyche [16].

To diagnose communication and speech skills in children with mental retardation, the following skills considered [17]:

I. Communication interaction skills. These include:

- Communication skills;

- Ability to navigate in the context of communication;

- Ability to express a certain communicative meaning using language tools.

For the diagnosis of communicative and speech skills (ability to read) in children with mental retardation, the following methods of N. N. Bal, I. A. Zakharchenya were considered [18].

Learning to read phrases and texts

Goal: to evaluate the formation of reading skills.

Materials: tasks with phrases with different syntactic


- Simple construction with direct word order;

- increased word size;

- Complex grammatical structures: attributive, inverted, relative constructions, etc.;

- Tasks with texts. Equipment:

The child offered phrases and instructions: "read sentences" ("read sentences aloud") or "read the sentence I indicated".

During the test, attention drawn to which phrases the child has the most difficulty reading (for example, simple phrases are read correctly, and when increasing the size of words, it becomes impossible to read sentences without errors).

If a child can read individual phrases, they given an extract or a separate text that corresponds to their knowledge, available in volume and content. Texts must meet the software requirements of the class under study to determine the level of reading skills. In case of difficulties with the text provided to the student, by changing the material, the researcher determines the level available to the student.

Instructions:" read aloud; try to read the story as best, you can "("read the text aloud").

The researcher writes down the reading methods used by the student when reading words of different structures in the text, sets the number and quality of errors. The pace of reading also monitored, which is a very important component of the reading technique, an indicator of its automatism.

In addition to assessing the level of assimilation of reading techniques, it is important to determine the state of reading comprehension. This is because the main purpose of reading is to understand by reading the information and meaning written in the text established by the author. In order to determine the understanding of the meaning of what you are reading, the following research methods can used:

- tell a story that has read;

- answer questions about what you read;

- explain the meaning of individual words and phrases;

- The ratio of words to real objects in images or their images; the ratio of phrases read with images depicting relevant events.

II. Skills of an informational and substantive nature that ensure the content side of the text and express the communicative thought as much as possible. This group of skills includes:

- The ability to receive information for speech, to convey thoughts, emotions, feelings;

- identification and disclosure of the topic and main idea of the text, selection of material in accordance with the topic and main idea and disclosure of microtemps of the text.

For the diagnosis of communicative and speech skills (vocabulary, presentation) of children with mental retardation, the following method of Strebeleva E. A. was considered [19].

Study of speech development in children aged 6-7 years The purpose of the tasks is to determine the mastery of the dictionary (accuracy of use, the use of different classes of words).

1. Find out what it is.

The task aimed at determining the assimilation of generalized words.

Research method: an adult offers a child to find answers to puzzles:

He is beaten, but he does not cry, It just jumps higher, higher. (Ball.)

Here are the needles and pins that come out from under the store,

They look at me and want milk. (Hedgehog.) It grows upside down, not in summer, but in winter, In the sun, it matures cries and disappears. (Icicle / icicle.) Registered: the child's ability to use generalized words in active speech; the ability to recognize the subject by describing it.

III. Structural and compositional skills that ensure the correct construction of the text. These include the following skills:

- Separation of parts in the text;

- Ability to compose introductory and final sentences and parts of the text;

- Ability to make plans, consistently present the content;

- Structural and compositional skills that ensure the correct construction of the text.

The purpose of the tasks is to determine the ability to

independently build coherent speech [19, 20].

1. Tell a fairy tale. The task aimed at determining the child's

ability to make coherent statements related to a familiar

literary work (the fairy tale "Baursak").

Method of verification: the child is asked to tell the fairy

tale "Baursak", in case of difficulties, the adult helps the

child and first begins to say: "an old man and an old woman

lived in the past.The old woman knead bread and made

baursaks. Then what happened? »

Fixed: the child's ability to build a storyline while preserving the main content of the fairy tale. 2. Retell. The task aimed at identifying the ability to identify the structural parts of the statement, use various syntactic structures in the preparation of the statement. Research method: the child asked to listen and remember the fairy tale, and then tell it.

Fixed: the child's ability to identify structural parts of a fairy tale (beginning, middle, end); use various syntactic structures, giving a storyline; create content in a link. The following criteria used to evaluate responses: High level - the child correctly performs the task without the help of an adult. There are no comments on the task, and the child will not have any difficulties during the execution.

Average level - the child answers most of the questions and performs tasks independently, without the help of an adult. The child performs all the following tasks with the help of a teacher.

Low level - the child performs less than half of the tasks independently, the rest completed with the help of a teacher or refuses to complete the task.

IV. The possibility of using language tools involves finding not only specific means of expressing one's own thoughts, which ensure the correctness, clarity, richness and stylistic accuracy of speech, but also means of expressing communicative intent in the most complete and sufficient form. These include:

- Ability to use lexical means of the language (correct choice of words, morphological forms, etc.), and use them adequately, taking into account communicative intentions;

- Ability to use grammatical and stylistic tools of the language;

- Ability to use lexical and grammatical tools to link individual sentences of the text.

The possibility of using language tools provides for the discovery of not only specific means of expressing one's own thoughts, which ensure the correctness, clarity, richness and stylistic accuracy of speech, but also means of expressing communicative intent in the most complete and sufficient form. The methodology of I. D. Konenkova [20]. Purpose - during the examination, the child's communication, activity, general speech sound, and general awareness are determined.

1. Preliminary conversation, determination of communication, activity to establish a trusting relationship with the child:

"What's your name?"

* Who is your friend in class? Why?

* What game do you like to play?

* What do you like to talk to your classmates about? "And the teacher?"

2. Game situation (determination of interest in communication, entry into dialogue, correct presentation of your thoughts, activity):

"Imagine that I came to your class. How do you greet me? What are you going to tell me?" First, you know my name. You say, «hello, come in..."(Speech sample provided). "Now the rabbit is coming to visit you. I will be a rabbit. Think about what you are going to tell me, what you are going to ask me. Get ready. (The speech therapist takes a picture or toy with the image of a rabbit. There is a knock on the door, the "rabbit" asks: "Can I come in?) »

3. Dialogue on drawing to determine interest in communication, the ability to ask questions (proposed by

V. I. Yashina, 1998).

Instructions: "I have a great picture. Here it is. Shall I tell you what happened here?" You just have to ask me a

question and ask me what built here. You can ask any questions about the picture. You can ask a lot of questions, and I will try to answer them." Rating:

5 points-the child easily enters into communication, is active in communication, understands speech in full, can listen, answers to questions are given in full, he freely uses lexical means of the language, the choice of words does not cause difficulties, clearly expresses his thoughts, is able to ask questions during the dialogue, is interested in tasks; 4 points-the child is sufficiently connected, but participates in communication on the initiative of others, understands speech in full, can listen, answer questions, but sometimes the answers may be incomplete enough, experiences some difficulties in formulating questions; 3 points-the child is not always in contact, does not fully understand speech, may not have a distance when communicating with adults, he often interrupts the interlocutor's speech, may switch to indirect topics, may repeat one phrase, may not correctly express his thoughts, may experience difficulties in formulating questions, most often "what is it?", limited to the question, requires motivation;

2 points-the child communicates with difficulty, requires significant activation, motivation, since the child is less active and does not speak much, understands speech in an incomplete volume, answers questions with only one word or ignores general questions. The selectivity of the relationship can observed, the question is difficult to formulate;

1 point - does not enter into a relationship, shows selective negativity.

For the formation of communicative and speech skills of children with mental retardation through verbal text activities, the following skills are considered:

I. communication interaction skills.

Games designed to develop children's ability to

understand various complex texts.

Formation of the ability to distinguish the meaning of the


One speech therapist reads the text and offers to show children what said in it (drawing a cat) Noble cat

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Samat had a noble cat. Its fur is thick; its fur is soft and smooth. The tail is fluffy. He has large round eyes that glow in the dark, ears that are pointed, and a long mustache. During the day, the noble lies down and sleeps. The mouse hunts at night. He walks slowly, carefully, when he goes to the prey. Samat loves his cat very much. Two speech therapist reads the text and offers children to determine the content of the text by answering the question "How do you think this story is about". Tit

It was a cold winter. A tit flew to the window. He was furious. Children were standing by the window. They shook their heads. They opened the window. The tit flew into the room. The bird was hungry. He began to scatter breadcrumbs on the table. All winter, Titus lived with people. In the spring, the children released a pinch. Hedgehog

Grandfather gave the vision a hedgehog. All day the Hedgehog sat under the closet. At night, he went out, ate bread and drank milk. Ayan's friends came to see the Hedgehog.

II. Skills of an informational and substantive nature that ensure the content side of the text and express the communicative thought as much as possible.

The methodology of 0. S. Ushakova and E. M. Strunina considered [20].

At the lessons of presentation of literary works, the task of developing harmonious speech solved: children acquire the ability to accurately, consistently convey the content of the text, achieve speech expressiveness. Presentation of the fairy tale of the Fox and the goat Coherent speech: teach children to consolidate their vision of the composition of a fairy tale (beginning, ending), use expressive means of language in its presentation, and correctly convey the dialogues of characters from an intonation point of view.

Vocabulary: formation of children's ability to choose definitions of nouns, teach them to find objects based on the listed features.

The teacher expressively tells the fairy tale, and then asks the children questions about its content "What's the story about?" How does it start and end?

How the Fox described in the fairy tale, why do you think it is cunning?

How the goat described? Why do you think that? What words did you like?

We will listen to the fairy tale again, and then you will tell it. We listen carefully and remember. The teacher evaluates the content, focusing on the quality of transmission, the expressiveness of dialogues, and the use of various words and phrases.

III. Structural and compositional skills that ensure the correct construction of the text.

Presentation of K. Ushinsky's story "Four wishes".

Storytelling based on personal experience

Coherent speech: teach children to convey a literary text

consistently and accurately, without leaving words and

repeating them, and form the ability to build a completed

story based on personal experience.

Vocabulary and grammar: formation of the degree of

comparison of adjectives and adverbs in children,

Development and consolidation of the ability to choose

antonyms for adjectives and verbs.

The teacher reads four wish stories and asks questions

"What did the story say?"

What did Mitya like about winter?

What did he like about spring?

What did you remember in the summer?

What words do they say about autumn?

Why the text called the four wishes?

Four children can invited to the presentation-everyone

talks about a certain time of year. At the end, they tell the

story themselves.

IV. The possibility of using language tools involves finding not only specific means of expressing one's own thoughts, which ensure the correctness, clarity, richness and stylistic accuracy of speech, but also means of expressing communicative intent in the most complete and sufficient form.

Method of presentation based on the image "to school" Coherent speech: develop children's ability to create a story based on a picture using the acquired knowledge of the composition of the story, teach them to come up with stories that precede the plot depicted in the picture without the help of a teacher [21, 22]. Vocabulary: activate the use of words on school and autumn topics in children's speech, teach them to compare and generalize, identify important features, and choose specific words that express a phenomenon. The image "to school" displayed. The teacher asks questions.

What do you call this picture? (Children come up with a horse.) Which name, in your opinion, is more correct, interesting? Why?

Why do you think these children go to school and not to kindergarten? (They have uniforms, bags). What do you have in your school bags? (Pencil case, notebooks, and textbooks) How can you name these things in one word? (School supplies)

"Now let's talk about the picture." First, tell us what happened before the children reached school, and then tell us what you saw in the picture.

If the children are unable to compose the events before they reach school, the teacher gives an example: "on a clear, sunny autumn day, boys and girls began to gather for school. The day before, in the evening, they prepared their bags and textbooks. Askar woke up early because he was afraid to be late. His friend Samat came to him, and they went to school in a familiar way..."(Then the children tell about the events depicted in the picture. The teacher makes sure that the conversation is finished).

With the help of the above methods, children with mental retardation develop communication skills, speech, and children master various types of work with text (reading, perception, understanding, interpretation, and presentation).

Thus, to determine the level of formation of the communicative function of speech in children with mental retardation, diagnostic methods used aimed at identifying:

- Skills of communicative interaction for the diagnosis of communicative and speech skills;

- Information-content character that provides the content side of the text and expresses the communicative thought as much as possible. Structural and compositional skills that ensure the correct construction of the text;

- The ability to use not only specific means of expressing one's own thoughts, which ensure the correctness, clarity, richness and stylistic accuracy of speech, but also the ability to use language tools that provide for the finding of means of expressing communicative intent in the most complete and sufficient form.

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1 Г.А. Tycyn6eK0Ba, 2 Э.Ц. Нуршабаева, 2 А.М. Рахметова, 1-3 А.Ж. Молдакарызова, 1 Б.Б. Аманбай, 1 Н.Б. Исаева, 1 К.А. Сейткадыр

1Эл-Фараби атындагы К,азац ¥лттыцyHueepcumemi 2Е.А. Бекетов атындагы Карагандымемлекеттiкунuверcuтетi 3С.Ж. Асфендияров атындагы К,азац улттыцмедициналыцyHueepcumemi


Тушн. Бул мацалада психологиялыц-педагогикалыц эдебиеmmердi талдау негiзiнде психикалыц дамуы тежелген балаларда коммуникативт^свйлеу дагдыларын цалыптастыру проблемасыныц цазiргi жагдайы царастырылады. Талданган эдебиеттерге сэйкес, психикалыц дамуы тежелген балалардыц квпшшгнде ауызша мэтндк с-эрекет процестде жузеге асырылатын коммуникативт^свйлеу дагдыларынъщ барлыц топтары твмен децгейде цалыптасцандыгы аныцталды, бул бiр жагынан балалардыц осы санатыныц, оныц штде свйлеудщ психикалыц дамуыныц ерекшелктерте, екiншi жагынан белгш бiр коммуникативтiмiндеттердi цою мен шешудегi циындыцтарга байланысты. Коммуникативт^свйлеу дагдыларыныц даму ерекшелктерт ескере отырып, авторлар психикалыц дамуы тежелген балаларда свйлеудщ коммуникативтi функциясыныц цалыптасуын аныцтауга багытталган свйлеудщ коммуникативтi жагыныц даму децгейлерт аныцтайтын кейбiр диагностикалыц эдiстердi царастырды. ^алыптасцан коммуникативт^свйлеу дагдылары элеуметтж цузiреттiлiктi, диалогтыц царым-цатынас

дагдыларын, цурдастарымен жэне ересектермен енiмдi езара эрекеттесу мен ынт^/мацтастыцты цамтамасыз ететн белгш. Психикалыц дамуы тежелген балалардагы сейлеудщ коммyнuкamuвmi функциясыныц цалыптасу децгешн аныцтау ушт диагностикалыц эдктер цолданылады:

коммуникативт^сейлеу дагдыларын диагностикалау ушт коммyнuкamuвmi езара эрекеттесу дагдылары; мэтннщ мазмундыц жагын цамтамасыз ететн жэне коммyнuкamuвmi ойды барынша бiлдipemiн ацпараттыц-мазмундыц сипат; мэтшнщ дурыс цурылысын цамтамасыз ететн цурылымдыц жэне композициялыц дагдылар; сейлеудщ дурыстыгын, аныцтыгын, байлыгын жэне стилистикалыц дэлдтн цамтамасыз ететт ез ойларын бiлдipyдiц нацты цуралдарын гана емес, сонышен цатар коммyнuкamuвmi нuemmi негурлым толыц жэне жemкiлiкmi турде бiлдipy цуралдарын табуды цамтамасыз ететт тлдк цуралдарды цолдана быу. Tyurndi свздер: психикалыц дамуы тежелген балалар, коммуникативтж-сейлеу эрекеттер1 вербалды коммуникация.

1 Г.А. Тусупбекова, 2 А.К. Нуршабаева, 2 А.М. Рахметова, 1-3 А.Ж. Молдакарызова, 1 Б.Б. Аманбай, 1 Н.Б. Исаева, 1 К.А. Сейткадыр

1Казахский Национальный университет имени аль-Фараби 2 Карагандинский государственный университет имени Е.А. Букетова 3Казахский национальный медицинский университет имени С.Д. Асфендиярова



Резюме. В данной статье рассмотрено современное состояние проблемы формирования коммуникативно-речевых умений у детей с задержкой психического развития на основе анализа психолого-педагогической литературы. По данным проанализированной литературы, установлено, что у большинства детей с задержкой психического развития все группы коммуникативно-речевых умений, реализуемых в процессе устной текстовой деятельности, сформированы на низком уровне, что обусловлено, с одной стороны, особенностями психического развития этой категории детей, в том числе и речевого, а с другой стороны трудностями в постановке и решении определённых коммуникативных задач. Учитывая особенности развития коммуникативно-речевых умений, авторами рассмотрены некоторые диагностические методики по определению уровней развития коммуникативной стороны речи, направленные на выявление сформированности коммуникативной функции речи у детей с задержкой психического развития. Известно, что сформированные коммуникативно-речевые умения обеспечивают социальную компетентность, навыки диалогической коммуникации, продуктивное

взаимодействие и сотрудничество со сверстниками и взрослыми. Для определения уровня сформированности коммуникативной функции речи у детей с задержкой психического развития используются диагностические методы,

направленные на выявление: навыки коммуникативного взаимодействия для диагностики коммуникативно-речевых умений; информационно-содержательный характер, обеспечивающий содержательную сторону текста и максимально выражающий коммуникативную мысль; структурно-композиционные умения, обеспечивающие правильное построение текста; умение использовать не только специфические средства выражения собственных мыслей, обеспечивающие правильность, ясность, богатство и стилистическую точность речи, но и умение пользоваться языковыми средствами, обеспечивающими нахождение средств выражения коммуникативного намерения в наиболее полной и достаточной форме.

Ключевые слова: дети с задержкой психического развития, коммуникативно-речевые умения, вербальная коммуникация.

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